Nurjoko Nurjoko
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Prosiding International conference on Information Technology and Business (ICITB) 2016: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND BUSINESS (ICITB) 2
Publisher : Proceeding International Conference on Information Technology and Business

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Public Universitiesand Private Universities are recently contesting each other to improve their qualities and facilities in order to attract new students to come in. The high quality and the number of facilities belonging to universities are not a guarantee to get prospective students as they are targeting. This phenomenon occurs due to many factors. One of the factors causing the matter is that the way in delivering information to the prospective students and their parents is not right and not compatible with their needs so that the prospective students and their parents do not know the quality, the educational programs, the facilities, and another information which belong to the universities. It also occurs in IBI Darmajaya, one of the top private universities in Lampung. According to the obtaineddata of this research, the number of the new students who joinedgenerally decline compared with the previous year; while, the number of students who did not finish theirstudy was high enough. One of the solutions to overcome these problems was by providing information through the exact media which provided the needs of the prospective students and their parents. By using this way, it was expected to convince the prospective students to join and to finish their study.In order to provide the information which was compatible with the needs of the prospective students and their parents, the E-CRM system equipped by the data mining was developed. The database which was provided in IBI Darmajaya was processed by the data mining in order to be used as an input for the E-CRM system. This system providedthe information for the relevant unit about what the informational media which had to be used were and what information which should be given to the prospective students and their parents was. To find out the successfulness of the implementation of this system, the Critical Success Factor (CSF) was carried out. The result of the CSF was used for the improvement of the system and the expansion of the system of the E-CRM.Key Words:E-CRM, Zachman, CSFTHE DEVELOPMENT OF E-CRM FOR THE SERVICE IMPROVEMENT AT THE UNIVERSITIES
Internet of Things (IoT) Application in Smart Farming to Optimize Tomato Growth Dodi Yudo Setyawan; Rahmalia Syahputri; Nurfiana Nurfiana; Nurjoko Nurjoko
Prosiding International conference on Information Technology and Business (ICITB) 2022: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND BUSINESS (ICITB) 8
Publisher : Proceeding International Conference on Information Technology and Business

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Food is a vital need in human life and has become a significant commodity. In this sector, FAO Food and Agriculture Organization predicted in 2050 it will meet the food needs of 9.6 billion people. In addition, the reduction of agricultural land and climate change also contribute to the list of challenges in this sector. These challenges may trigger, for instance, a decline in the volume of agriculture yield, an increase in disease, and shifting cultivation periods. Therefore, it is a concern for all countries whose population growth rates keep increasing, including Indonesia. The fundamental thing in the Indonesian agricultural sector is the need for mass production of agricultural products to improve food security for its 275 million people. We can take advantage of cutting-edge Information and Communication Technology in the form of IoT to manage agricultural land and equip farmers in planning, monitoring, and managing agricultural land.   This research aimed to compare the production of tomatoes that plant integrated by the IoT system with convention in a greenhouse situated in Cibodas, Lembang, West Java. The IoT system applied to smart farming uses the Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) protocol. We found the productivity of integrated tomatoes increased by about 19% compared to conventional plants. Moreover, the Grade A-B of tomatoes increased by 9,8% while off-grade decreased by 9,6 %.  Thus, IoT can optimize the yield of limited plant media.Keyword—Food; Agriculture; IoT; Greenhouse; Tomatoes