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Relationship of Interfaith in Tunisia (Critical Study of Ibn ‘Ashur Tafsir W.1973) Amiur Nuruddin; Ahmad Qarib; Azwani Lubis; Muhammad Faisal Hamdani
Budapest International Research and Critics Institute (BIRCI-Journal): Humanities and Social Sciences Vol 2, No 1 (2019): Budapest International Research and Critics Institute February
Publisher : Budapest International Research and Critics University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33258/birci.v2i1.208


Relations between Muslims and non-Muslims will often experience disruption / friction if not addressed wisely, especially in terms of social politics, the order of social life. In Islam, Religion and Politics two things are difficult to separate. This often becomes a polemic to produce many interpretations and frictions in various regions and majority Muslim countries. Interpretation of the Qur'anic verses relating to religious and political relations also has a variety of colors and patterns which in the end can also produce identity theory in the practice of life. This paper aims to look at the opinion of Ibn Atsur in terms of the relationship / relationship between Islam and non-Islam, in what way and practice how Muslims and non-Muslims can work together and coexist and in terms of what and how they should be separated. Writing that uses this character qualitative method tries to look at the data based on Ibn Atsur's interpretation in his book "al-Tahr r wa al-Tanwir" and is combined with his political attitude described in his books and scientific books which tell him about him in facing the political situation in Tunisia. In interpreting the verses relating to interfaith relations, Ibn Atsur looks more broadly giving freedom to non-Muslims. For example in interpreting Qs. Al-Mumtahanah verse 8-9 he said the reason for the prohibition of doing good to non-Muslims was hostility and in conditions of war "Religion" not other than that. Reasons other than religion cannot be justified in not doing good to non-Muslims and may do good to non-Muslims in all forms of goodness that are related to muamalah and relations between people. Even in terms of this flexibility politics also caused Ibn Atsur to face mass slander by being considered a supporter of the invaders for supporting dual citizenship in Tunisia and not at all suspicious of the French-Catholic colonialism when he appointed him Shaykh al-Isla Christian development in Tunisa. In other cases, Ibn ‘Ashur also displays a different attitude with other interpreters. In an interpretation of QS. Al-Maidah: [54], he said that it was not permissible to appoint Christian and Jewish leaders because of their religious differences. He added that making Jews and Christians as leaders could cause someone to get out of Islam (apostasy). Even in his political stance, Ibn Atsur once said that non-Muslims should not be made members of Shura or Majilis (Parliament, a type of DPR-MPR) on the grounds that they would never think of the religious interests of Muslims. Thus Ibn Atsur has an ambiguous attitude and changes in interpretation and progressive attitude by some scientists call him seeing the situation and the condition of the people he faces (dialectic).
Al-Usrah : Jurnal Al Ahwal As Syakhsiyah Vol 9, No 2 (2021): Juli-Desember 2021
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30821/al-usrah.v9i2.12500


Setiap orang pasti memiliki alasan tersendiri dalam menggunakan produk kosmetika. Namun, sangat disayangkan dilapangan dalam praktek pemilihan produk kosmetik. khususnya dikalangan Mahasiswi FSH UINSU asal dalam memilih produk kosmetika, mereka lupa bahwa Fatwa MUI Nomor 26 Tahun 2013 telah mengatur tentang standart kehalalan produk kosmetika dan menggunaannya. Studi ini diarahkan pada metode penelitian hukum empiris, dan jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian lapangan (Field Research), data diperoleh dari hasil wawancara, pengumpulan data dan dokumentasi. Dari penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa Mahasiswi dikalangan FSH dalam praktek pemilihan produk kosmetika belum memiliki kesadaran hukum yang cukup dalam memilih produk kosmetika halal, bahkan banyak dari mereka yang belum mengatahui bahwa ada Fatwa MUI yang mengatur tentang hal ini. Selain itu, beberapa tokoh MUI  Kota Medan sepakat mengatakan dalam praktek pemilihan produk kosmetika harus memperhatikan komposisi dan  bahan yang terkandung didalamnya, dan menjadikan produk yang bersertifikasi halal sebagai acuan dalam memilih produk kosmetika agar terhindar dari kemudharatan dan sesuai dengan syariat islam dan merasa lebih aman.Untuk itu perlulah untuk melakukan edukasi agar setiap masyarakat khususnya dikalangan mahasiswi fakultas Syariah dan hukum bisa sadar dan dengan keinginan dirinya sendiri untuk menggunakan produk kosmetika yang sudah bersertifikasi halal.
Jurnal Akademika Kajian Ilmu-Ilmu Sosial, Humaniora Dan Agama Vol 4 No 3 (2023): Jurnal Akademika: Kajian Ilmu-Ilmu Sosial, Humaniora dan Agama
Publisher : Wahdatul Ulum Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.3122/jak.v4i3.89


The Islamic religion regulates human relationships with Allah, human relationships with humans, human relationships with objects and the natural surroundings. One thing that is regulated in human relations with humans is the issue of marriage. The marriage which was hoped to form an eternal family, sakinah, mawaddah, warahmah apparently had to fail in the middle of the road. Household conditions that experience quarrels, disagreements, so that they cannot be reconciled, Islam provides a solution of divorce or divorce. According to the Four Schools, divorce itself has the numbers one, two and three, as is the opinion of the Salafi community in Nibung Hangus District, Batu Bara Regency. However, the case is different in calculating three talaqs at once, the Four Schools agree that the imposition of three talaqs at once is counted as triple talaq, while the Salafi Community is of the opinion that three talaqs at once are counted as one talaq. Therefore, this thesis is entitled about the Law of Triple Talaq at Once in the Salafi Community (Case Study of Nibung Hangus District, Batu Bara Regency. The most important thing in this thesis is that triple talaq at once in the Salafi Community is counted as one talaq. The Salafi Community gives the reason that in this era Prophet Muhammad SAW was a friend of Rukanah, he divorced his wife with three divorces at once. However, he regretted it and then he met Rasulullah SAW and said "The truth is, Rasulullah, I have divorced my wife with a divorce." Rasulullah answered "Indeed, I already know, go back to your wife". Condemnation Divorce like this is still ongoing to this day. The research method is field research to get a clear and concrete picture of things related to the problem being researched using a social approach. Data sources were obtained by means of interviews and observation. Keywords: Marriage, Divorce, Triple Talaq At Once