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I’jaz Al-Qur’an dan Relevansinya dengan Ilmu Bahasa Nurul Huda Panggabean; M. Iqbal Irham
Jurnal Kewarganegaraan Vol 6 No 3 (2022): October 2022

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (236.638 KB) | DOI: 10.31316/jk.v6i3.3904


AbstrakPenelitin ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis i’jaz Al-Qur‟an dan Relevansinya dengan perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi. Penelitian ini dianalisis dengan metode library research, dengan teknik pegumpulan data berupa dokumentasi. Salah satu pendekatan tersebut adalah pendekatan stilistika. al-Qur’an memilki uslub/gaya bahasa yang tinggi sehingga menjadi salah satu unsur kemu’jizatannya. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa hakikat dari i’jaz Al- Qur‟an adalah ilmu Al-Quran yang mencakup kekuatan dari susunan lafal dan kandungan Al-Quran dengan gaya bahasa yang indah dan halus, serta menggunakan isti’arah, majaz (metafora) dan matsal (perumpamaan). Demikian juga dari sudut pandang stilistika, walaupun hanya dalam beberapa baris saja, namun elemen-elemen stilistika telah dapat didapatkan dengan indahnya. Orang-orang yang menentang al-Qur’an dari golongan musyrikin atau Ahlil Kitab, secara pelan-pelan dapat ditaklukkan oleh keindahan bahasa al-Qur’an. Inilah salah satu metode dakwah Rasulullah Saw. dengan mengedepankan unsur-unsur keindahanKata Kunci: I'jaz Al-Qur‟an, Relevansi, Ilmu Bahasa, Stilistik AbstractThis study aims to analyze the i'jaz of the Qur'an and its relevancy to the development of science and technology. This research are analyzed by library research method, with data collection techniques in the form of documentation. One such approach is the stylistic approach. Al-Qur'an has a high uslub/style of language so that it becomes one of its miraculous elements. The results of the study found that the essence of i'jaz Al-Qur'an is the knowledge of the Al-Quran which includes the strength of the composition of the pronunciation and content of the Al-Quran in a beautiful and subtle style of language, and uses isti'arah, majaz (metaphor) and matsal (parable). Likewise, from a stylistic point of view, although only in a few lines, the stylistic elements can be obtained beautifully. People who oppose the Qur'an from the polytheists or the People of the Book can slowly be conquered by the beauty of the language of the Qur'an. This is one of the methods of preaching the Prophet Muhammad SAW by prioritizing the elements of beauty.Keywords: I'jaz Al-Qur'an, Relevancy, Linguistics, Stylistics.
Muhkam: Nilai Pendidikan Akhlak dalam Alquran Mar’atus Solihah; M. Iqbal Irham
MUKADIMAH: Jurnal Pendidikan, Sejarah, dan Ilmu-ilmu Sosial Vol 6, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Prodi Pendidikan Sejarah Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Islam Sumatera

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30743/mkd.v6i2.5340


The issue of moral education is widely discussed in various books and articles, which makes this issue a trending topic of discussion. Concepts and discussions about this issue also vary, depending on the angle from which this problem is viewed. This study examines the value of moral education in the Qur'an. This study focuses on the verse of Muhkam in the Qur'an surah Al-Isra’ which aims to find out how the value of moral education is contained in the verse of Muhkam. This research is a literature study that uses the Qur'an as primary data. The secondary data were taken from various Quran interpretation books and other supporting books and articles related to the value of moral education. This study uses content analysis and uses a thematic interpretation approach (maudhu'i). The results of this study are the value of moral education which includes how to have morals towards God, morals towards others, and morals towards self.
Sejarah Peradaban Islam di Pulau Madura Alfiandi Zikra; M. Iqbal Irham; Sugeng Wanto
Journal on Education Vol 5 No 2 (2023): Journal on Education: Volume 5 Nomor 2 Tahun 2023
Publisher : Departement of Mathematics Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/joe.v5i2.975


In the book Negarakertagama which was written by Mpu Prapanca when under the rule of King Hayamwuruk from the Majapahit kingdom in 1365 AD, initially Madura was an archipelago with Java. Some argue that the islands of Madura and Java were separated in 929 AD due to a volcanic eruption. Islam entered Madura intensively around the 15th century AD along with the waning influence of the Majapahit kingdom in East Java. In the 16th century Madura was divided into two regions. first, west madura whose area is Arosbaya which later became Bangkalan and Sampang. The two East Madura, namely Sumenep and Pamekasan. The history of the development of Islam in Bangkalan began with the reign of Panembahan Pratanu, who had the title Weak Dhuwur. While the spreaders of Islam in Sumenep include Sunan Padusa. The spread of Islam on the island of Madura was spread through trade, not by war. This is in accordance with the Islamic religious principle of spreading peace. The war that occurs is only to maintain what already exists, not to hold something that doesn't yet exist.
MUTASYABIH : MAKNA ISTAWA DALAM AL-QUR`AN Ahmad Ridwan Nasution; M. Iqbal Irham
MIYAH : Jurnal Studi Islam Vol. 18 No. 2 (2022): AGUSTUS
Publisher : Institut Keislaman Abdullah Faqih Gresik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (280.813 KB) | DOI: 10.33754/miyah.v18i2.455


Abstract: The Ayat Mutasyabih is frequently become interesting materials of discussion among Muslims due to the unclear content of its meaning. Moreover, if the Ayat is related to the name of Allah or monotheism, it can lead to disbelievers. The word that is most often debated by scholars today is the word Istawa, because this word in the Qur'an is directly attributed to Allah. There are various ways by which scholars interpret the ayat, some interpret it as it is without interpreting it to other meanings, and some the other way around. So this is the main object of study in this paper. This paper was written using the literature study method, namely by looking at books related to the title of this paper. From the sources obtained, it can be concluded that the scholars in understanding the word istawa are divided into two groups, namely groups that do not seek other meanings just as they are without questioning, simulating, and assuming anything. The second group is the scholars who are looking for Takwil from the word IstawaKeyword: Mutasyabih, Takwil, Istawa.
Perubahan Sosial dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Metode Ijtihad Imam Malik Rahmad Fauzi Salim; M. Iqbal Irham; Sugeng Wanto
El-Afkar: Jurnal Pemikiran Keislaman dan Tafsir Hadis Vol 12, No 1 (2023): Januari-Juni
Publisher : IAIN Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29300/jpkth.v12i1.9631


Social change can occur due to many things. In general, social change can be caused by an increase in population, expansion of territory, revolution or rebellion in the country, even caused by conflict (social conflict) and others. During the time of Imam Malik, social changes occurred when the territory of Islamic rule expanded to various parts of the world. This situation prompted the Ulama to develop the ijtihad method to respond to new problems that arose in various Islamic jurisdictions. At that time, two streams of religious understanding appeared with different methods of understanding religious texts. Beginning with the emergence of a group of hadith experts or atsar experts who make the holy book and the traditions of the apostles the basis of religious understanding. Then came the ra'yi or ra'yu method expert group. This group uses a legal understanding of the scriptures and hadiths in a textual way, but puts forward the aims and objectives contained in the 'illah-'illah of the law of theorem. The Muslim community in the city of Medina represents a group of hadith experts. Meanwhile, the Islamic community living in Iraq represents the ra'yi expert group. So that the two streams have often debated in matters of religious understanding, especially fiqh, since the tabiin era.
Muhammad Al-Fatih's Conquest of Constantinople: Strategies and Implications Atika Sandra Dewi; M. Iqbal Irham; Sugeng Wanto
Jurnal Sosiologi USK (Media Pemikiran & Aplikasi) Vol 17, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Sociology Department Of Syiah Kuala University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24815/jsu.v17i1.30344


This research focuses on the expansionist policies pursued by Sultan Muhammad Al-Fatih and their impact on the regions surrounding Constantinople. The qualitative study aims to delve deeper into the strategies employed by Al-Fatih and contribute to a deeper understanding of his political expansion. The research methodology involves analyzing historical accounts and relevant literature, conducting a comprehensive review of existing scholarly works, and employing a descriptive analytical approach. The study highlights the military preparation, diplomacy and alliances, siege tactics, technological utilization, and post-conquest rule as key factors in Al-Fatih's expansionist endeavors. The conquest of Constantinople had significant ramifications for both Europe and the Islamic world. In Europe, it altered the political landscape, led to changes in trade routes, and resulted in massive migrations. In the Islamic world, it elevated the status and pride of the Muslim community, inspired other leaders, and influenced art, architecture, and literature.
The Tabot Tradition: Exploring the Spread of Islam and Cultural Interaction in Bengkulu Annisa Sativa; M. Iqbal Irham; Sugeng Wanto
Jurnal Sosiologi USK (Media Pemikiran & Aplikasi) Vol 17, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Sociology Department Of Syiah Kuala University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24815/jsu.v17i1.30343


The Tabot tradition is an important part of the Bengkulu cultural and religious heritage, which shows a close interaction between traditional customs and Islamic beliefs. The study aims to describe the Tabot tradition in Bengkulu and its relationship with the process of Islam’s entry into the country using a literature study approach. This study showed The process of Islamization in Bengkulu involved the economic activities of Muslim traders, intermarriage, Sufi teachings, and the development of the arts. Islam reached Bengkulu in the 15th or 16th century, primarily through contacts with Minangkabau and Palembang. The introduction of Islam to Bengkulu resulted in the formation of small kingdoms and the establishment of Islamic burial sites and manuscripts. The Tabot tradition, an annual ceremony commemorating the death of Imam Husayn, was brought to Bengkulu by Indian Bengalis and later blended with local traditions. This tradition demonstrates the close interaction between traditional customs and the Islamic faith in Bengkulu.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51226/assalam.v11i1.500


This study aims to contribute in handling cases of violence against children that are worrying in terms of the application of the caning punishment contained in the Aceh Qanun and this case continues to increase every year and is designated as an extraordinary crime. data and the law as the main source From the analysis obtained, it turns out that punishment for perpetrators of sexual violence against children does not have a significant effect, then the Aceh Qanun has the capacity to provide effective punishment coupled with other punishments with the Ta'zir concept. It is hoped that the Aceh Qanun will become the main reference in the formation of laws, even though the hierarchical status is only in Regional Regulations that are adapted to the conditions of the times that do not violate the established procedures.
Intellectual Triumph in The Islamic Scientific Exploration of Andalusia Zaldi Zaldi; M. Iqbal Irham; Sugeng Wanto
Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Malikussaleh (JSPM) Vol 4, No 2 (2023)
Publisher : FISIP Universitas Malikussaleh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29103/jspm.v4i2.10132


This article delves into the period of Islamic magnificence in Andalusia, spanning from 913 to 961 CE, under the rule of Khalifah Abdurrahman An-Nashir. It sheds light on the epoch's remarkable strides in scientific exploration, notably through the prominence of influential scholars and scientists like Ibn Rushd and Ibn Athiyyah, whose enduring contributions continue to resonate within the Islamic world. Methodologically, this research adopts a historical approach, meticulously examining pertinent books and journals to unearth the narrative of this transformative era. This study showed that central to this era's intellectual ascendance was the establishment of comprehensive educational institutions, ranging from foundational to advanced levels. A striking exemplar is the University of Cordoba, a revered seat of learning that exemplifies an integrated educational approach. Additionally, the era's scientific vitality found material expression in the creation of opulent libraries, housing collections exceeding a million scholarly volumes. The outcome of this exploration underscores the palpable intellectual dynamism that characterized the Islamic golden age in Andalusia under Khalifah Abdurrahman An-Nashir's leadership.
Management of Waqf Land in Tanjung Morawa District According to Law Number 41 of 2004 (Analysis of Nazir Performance in Productive Waqf Development) Muhammad Nur Iqbal; Faisar Ananda Arfa; M. Iqbal Irham
JURNAL AKTA Vol 11, No 2 (2024): June 2024
Publisher : Program Magister (S2) Kenotariatan, Fakultas Hukum, Universitas Islam Sultan Agung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30659/akta.v11i2.38048


The purpose of the research is to find out how the performance of Nazhir in the management of waqf land in Tanjung Morawa Subdistrict, to find out what are the steps taken by Nazhir in Tanjung Morawa Subdistrict in productive waqf management, and to find out what are the inhibiting factors for productive waqf management in Tanjung Morawa Subdistrict. The research conducted is social research. The research method used in this discussion is qualitative research method. The approach that the author uses in discussing this research is an empirical or sociological approach. The method of data collection carried out by the author is by means of field observation and examining the data sources that the author mentions, namely primary, secondary, and tertiary. The management of waqf land carried out by Nazhir in Tanjung Morawa District has not led to productive waqf, only limited to maintenance and utilization, In general, the management of waqf land in Tanjung Morawa District is still in the traditional and consumptive period, which is only effective in terms of social religion. The steps taken by Nazhir in developing waqf productively in Tanjung Morawa District are: The making of the baitul Mall box carried out by the Nazhir of the Shalatul falah mosque and the management of rice fields as a baitul mall carried out by Mr. Masduki in Punden Rejo Village, where the proceeds from the rice fields are used as a source of KAS income for the mosque and are also distributed to underprivileged people. factors that hinder the development of productive waqf in Tanjung Morawa District, including: The strength of the old understanding of Muslims regarding waqf management, Lack of socialization to Nazir and Nazirs who are not professional in carrying out productive waqf management.