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Karakteristik Lingkungan dan Kondisi Fauna Makrobentik Di Kawasan Reboisasi Mangrove Pulau Pramuka, Panggang, dan Karya, Kepulauan Seribu, Indonesia [Environmental Characteristics and Conditions of Macrobentic Fauna in the Mangrove Reforestation Area of Pramuka, Panggang, and Karya Island, Seribu Islands, Indonesia] Syahrial Syahrial; Neneng Purwanti; Herlina Adelina Meria Uli Sagala; Nur Atikah; Yulina Sari; Bayu Oktavian; Novhitasari Simbolon
Jurnal Ilmiah Perikanan dan Kelautan Vol. 11 No. 1 (2019): JURNAL ILMIAH PERIKANAN DAN KELAUTAN
Publisher : Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1505.564 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/jipk.v11i1.10770


AbstrakKajian karakteristik lingkungan dan kondisi fauna makrobentik di kawasan reboisasi mangrove Pulau Pramuka, Panggang dan Karya, Kabupaten Kepulauan Seribu telah dilakukan pada bulan April 2014. Kajian ini bertujuan sebagai data dasar dalam pengelolaan mangrove di Indonesia khsususnya pasca penanaman mangrove. Pengukuran karakteristik lingkungan dilakukan dengan cara insitu, sedangkan pengumpulan fauna makrobentik dengan membuat transek garis dan plot yang ditarik dari titik acuan (tegakan mangrove terluar) dan tegak lurus garis pantai sampai ke daratan. Hasil kajian memperlihatkan bahwa karakteristik lingkungan yang diukur tidak begitu berbeda antar stasiun dan juga tidak melebihi baku mutu untuk kehidupan biota laut. Sebanyak 6 spesies fauna makrobentik telah ditemukan dengan kepadatan yang bervariasi. Kepadatan tertingginya berada di Stasiun 3 (05.00 ind/m2) dan terendahnya di Stasiun 1 (02.00 ind/m2). Selain itu, fauna makrobentik Atilia (Columbella) scripta, Metopograpsus latifrons, Littoraria scabra, Saccostrea cucculata dan Cardisoma carnifex berasosiasi atau berkaitan erat dengan stasiun yang bersubstrat lanau maupun pasir. Selanjutnya parameter kualitas air yang paling menentukan distribusi dan kepadatan fauna makrobentik di kawasan reboisasi mangrove Pulau Pramuka, Panggang, dan Karya, Kabupaten Kepulauan Seribu adalah pH. AbstractThe study of the environmental characteristics and conditions of macrobenthic fauna in the mangrove reforestation area of Pramuka, Panggang, Karya, and the Seribu Islands was carried out in April 2014. This study aims at the basic data in mangrove management in Indonesia, especially after mangrove planting. Measurement of environmental characteristics is carried out by in-situ methods while collecting macrobenthic fauna by making line transects and plots drawn from the reference point (outermost mangrove stands) and perpendicular to the coastline to the mainland. The results of the study show that the measured environmental characteristics are not very different between stations and also do not exceed the quality standards for marine life. A total of 6 macrobenthic fauna species have been found with varying densities. The highest density is at Station 3 (05.00 ind/m2) and the lowest is at Station 1 (02.00 ind/m2). In addition, the macrobenthic fauna Atilic (Columbella) scripta, Metopograpsus latifrons, Littoraria scabra, Saccostrea cucculata and Cardisoma carnifex are associated or closely related to silt or sand substrates. Furthermore, the water quality parameters that most determine the distribution and density of macrobenthic fauna in the mangrove reforestation area of Pulau Pramuka, Panggang and Karya Seribu Islands District are pH.
Pemodelan Pasang Surut dengan Menggunakan Metode Flexible Mesh untuk Mengetahui Genangan Rob di Pesisir Karawang Herlina Adelina Sagala; Roberto Patar Pasaribu; Fafthia Karimatul Ulya
PELAGICUS Volume 2 Nomor 3 Tahun 2021
Publisher : Politeknik Kelautan dan Perikanan Karawang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15578/plgc.v2i3.10341


ABSTRAKPasang surut air laut merupakan salah satu gejala alam yang tampak di laut, yakni gerakan naik turunnya muka air laut. Gerakan tersebut disebabkan oleh pengaruh gaya tarik menarik antara bumi, bulan dan matahari. Data pasang surut dapat memberikan gambaran hidrodinamika di daerah pesisir dan dapat digunakan untuk perencanaan pembangunan dan mitigasi bencana di wilayah pesisir. Untuk mengetahui pasang surut dapat dilakukan dengan pengukuran langsung di lapangan atau dapat dilakukan dengan pemodelan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat pemodelan pasang surut pantai Karawang dan dimanfaatkan untuk mengetahui genangan rob yang sering terjadi di pesisir Karawang. Metode yang digunakan dalam pemodelan pasang surut ini adalah Metode Flexible Mesh Simulasi yang terdapat pada Software Mike 2 dengan mengunakan data batimetri, garis pantai dan topografi. Hasil pemodelan pasang surut di perairan Karawang diketahui tipe pasang surut adalah tipe campuran condong harian tunggal dengan nilai Fomzhal adalah 2.854. Pasang tertinggi terjadi pada 8 Maret 2021 dengan interval waktu selama 2 jam dan elevasi berkisar 0.20-0.42m. Prediksi genangan banjir rob tertingi terjadi pada pada 13 Maret 2021 dengan interval waktu selama 3 jam dan nilai elevasi berkisar 0.11-0.15 m berada pada pesisir Kecamatan Pedes dengan dengan luasan genangan 38,69 km2.ABSTRACTThe tides are one of the natural phenomena that appear in the sea, namely the movement of rising and falling sea levels. The movement is caused by the influence of the attractive forces between the earth, moon and sun. Tidal data can provide an overview of hydrodynamics in coastal areas and can be used for development planning and disaster mitigation in coastal areas. To find out the tides can be done by direct measurements in the field or can be done by modeling. This study aims to model the tides of the Karawang coast and is used to determine the tidal inundation that often occurs on the coast of Karawang. The method used in this tidal modeling is the Flexible Mesh Simulation Method found in Mike 2 Software using bathymetry, coastline and topography data. From the results of tidal modeling in the Karawang Waters, it is known that the tidal type is a mixed type with a single daily slope and the Fomzhal value is 2.85. The highest tide will occur on March 8, 2021 with an interval of 2 hours and an elevation of 0.20-0.42m. Prediction of the highest tidal flood inundation will occur on March 13, 2021 with an interval of 3 hours and an elevation value ranging from 0.11-0.15 m on the coast of Pedes District with an inundation area of 38.69 km2.
Identifikasi Spesies Mangrove dengan Menggunakan Sistem Pesawat Udara Kecil Tanpa Awak di Kawasan Ekosistem Mangrove Sedari, Kabupaten Karawang, Jawa Barat Roni Sewiko; Herlina Adelina Meria Uli Sagala; Yulandhita Yulandhita; Chrisoetanto P. Pattirane
Nekton Vol 2 No 2 (2022): October
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat (PPPM) Politeknik Negeri Sambas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1888.493 KB) | DOI: 10.47767/nekton.v2i2.397


Remote sensing is one of the effective methods of monitoring mangrove ecosystems. One of the challenges in implementing this method is image resolution. Access to large-resolution imagery as a basic material for spatial analysis is not cheap. Unmanned small aircraft systems (SPUKTA) or drones are able to answer these challenges. Orthophotos obtained from the acquisition of drones are capable of producing large-resolution imagery. This method is then implemented in conservation areas, to facilitate the process of identifying mangrove species in the area. The drone was flown at an altitude of 150 m with a pavement value of 85% for 4 flying missions. The result of processing 1614 aerial photos into orthophotos produced images with a GSD resolution of 4.75 cm/pix. These images are then analyzed with on-screen digitization techniques and visual interpretation. From the total area of the study area of 46.48 ha obtained the digitization results of Rhizophora sp. with a total area of 24.68 ha, Avicennia sp. 7.64 ha, dead mangroves 0.19 ha, and non-vegetation 13.97 ha.
GROWTH RATE OF Nannochloropsis sp ACCORDING TO ADDITING CONCENTRATION OF ZINC (ZN) AND COOPER (CU) Herlina Adelina Meria Uli Sagala; Chrisoetanto P Pattirane; Roni Sewiko; Ully Wulandari; Beta Indi Sulistyowati
Asian Journal of Aquatic Sciences Vol 5 No 3 (2022): December
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31258/ajoas.5.3.315-321


Zinc and copper are micronutrients that are the factors that support microalgae growth rate besides macronutrients, CO2, temperature, salinity, and pH. Growth of Nannochlopsis sp was observed to determine the influence of the addition of Zn and Cu concentration. Microalgae cultivation was located outdoors on the semi-mass scale using 800 L medium on mesophilic condition in 3 treatments with the addition of 1 ppm, 3 ppm, and 5 ppm concentrations of Zn and Cu metals. Cell density was calculated using a hemocytometer, assays the absorbed metal content was measured by AAS. The study aimed to test the growth response of Nannochloropsis sp cells to Zn and Cu metals. The growth rate of microalgae was observed for the addition of Zn and Cu concentration in the cultivation medium. The result showed the highest Nannochloropsis sp growth rate for Zn addition was 0.053/day and for Cu addition was 0.279/day. Between Zn and Cu addition, the highest growth rate was observed in the addition of 1 ppm Cu metal (Cu1) which was equal to 0.279/day. This shows that adding micronutrients are not automatically will increase the growth rate of microalgae as well.
Asian Journal of Aquatic Sciences Vol 5 No 3 (2022): December
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31258/ajoas.5.3.322-329


Operational limitations are the main problem in monitoring 3.31 million hectares of mangrove forest areas throughout Indonesia. However, with the disruption of technology, there are currently many approaches and methods that can be adapted to answer these problems. One of them is drone technology. This technology can be utilized in high-resolution rapid mapping for limited areas. The output from the data acquired by the drone can be analyzed for various purposes, including assessing the health condition of the vegetation. In this study, the results of the acquisition of unmanned aircraft on mangrove vegetation are used to determine the health level of vegetation in mangrove conservation areas. The research was conducted on 46 hectares of the mangrove conservation area. The acquisition process was divided into four flying missions with a flight height of 150 m, 80% patching, and using the Hasselblad L1D-20c camera with a 1-inch sensor. The acquisition results are processed using the online photogrammetry method through the cloud-based photogrammetry service from DroneDeploy. Processing uses standard mode, where this mode is designed to produce good image quality with a relatively fast processing time. The acquisition results of 1614 photos were 100% successfully aligned, with 3.50 cm/px GSD resolution. Based on the application of the VARI algorithm to the resulting orthophoto, it is known that 30.2692% of the AOI is an area and/or dead or non-vegetated vegetation. Then 59.3887% is vegetation in an unhealthy condition, 10.3405% is considered as vegetation in a healthy condition, and 0.0015% is vegetation in a very healthy condition
Laju Pertumbuhan dan Kandungan Lemak Nannocloropsis sp. dengan Penambahan Mangnesium (Mg) dan Besi (Fe) Herlina Adelina Meria Uli Sagala; Setya Indra Padma Putri; Welmar Olfan Basten Barat
Jurnal Laot Ilmu Kelautan Vol 4, No 2 (2022): Jurnal Laot Ilmu Kelautan
Publisher : Universitas Teuku Umar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35308/jlik.v4i2.6040


Nutrien seperti magnesium dan besi dan kondisi lingkungan optimum berperan untuk pertumbuhan dan lemak yang dihasilkan oleh Nannochloropsis sp. Laju pertumbuhan dan lemak Nannochloropsis sp diamati untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan konsentrasi magnesium dan besi dalam media kultivasi. Kultivasi Nannochloropsis sp menggunakan skala semi massal secara outdoor dengan 3 perlakuan yaitu kontrol, magnesium dan besi. Magnesium dan besi ditambahkan dalam media dengan 3 tingkat konsentrasi yaitu 1x, 3x dan 5x dan. Laju pertumbuhan Nannochloropsis sp diamati setiap hari dan kandungan lemak diuji dengan metode Mojonnier. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan laju pertumbuhan Nannochloropsis sp dengan penambahan magnesium 0.319/hari dan penambahan besi 0.256/hari lebih tinggi dibandingkan kontrol. Sehingga lemak yang dihasilkan menjadi lebih tinggi sebesar 4.16% dan 2.27%. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa penambahan konsentrasi magnesium dan besi pada kultivasi Nannochloropsis sp meningkatkan laju pertumbuhan sehingga lemak yang dihasilkan menjadi  lebih tinggi.  
Sosialisasi Teknologi Desalinasi Sederhana di Pesisir Kabupaten Karawang Roni Sewiko; Herlina Adelina Meria Uli Sagala; Aris Kabul; Roberto Patar Pasaribu
JILPI : Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian dan Inovasi Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): Desember
Publisher : Insan Kreasi Media

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2684.288 KB)


Provision of clean water for the community is still a big problem in Indonesia. To overcome this, it is necessary to make an alternative efforts to obtain water that is suitable for use. This community service activity aims to introduce a simple technology to obtain useable water by applying simple desalination technology. This activity was carried out by the Department of Marine Engineering, Karawang Marine and Fisheries Polytechnic. This program has been carried out in Tambak Sari Village, Tirtajaya District, Karawang Regency, West Java. The method is carried out by counseling and direct demonstrations in the field. The community service program planned by the lecturers of the Marine Engineering Study Program, KP Karawang Polytechnic can be carried out well. This happened because of good cooperation and supported by the Director of Polytechnic, the Head of Tambak Sari Village and the surrounding stakeholders and Community Groups.