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Problem of Isis’s Qur’anic Interpretations and Claim of The Implementation of Sharia Law Qaem Aulassyahied
IJISH (International Journal of Islamic Studies and Humanities) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26555/ijish.v1i2.555


This paper discusses the problem of ISIS’s Qur’anic interpretations regarding the implementation of sharia law and the concept of jihad. It is essential to address this topic because the self-proclaimed Caliphate have claimed that their barbaric actions such as indiscriminate killing of civilians, plundering, and declaring other Muslims as apostates are based on Qur’anic verses. They also consider these actions as part of the jihad to uphold sharia law. This paper argues that there are two main problems in ISIS’s Qur’anic interpretations, namely (1) cherry picking Qur’anic verses that support their causes. According to the principles of Qur’anic exegesis (ushul al-tafsīr), this method of interpretation is certainly not justified because it will lead to the partial understanding of the message of the Qur’an; (2) attempting to enforce the sharia law without proper understanding of the law. As a result, ISIS’s implementation of sharia goes against the ultimate purposes of the sharia (maqāsid al-sharī’ah).
Studi Kritis Konsep Sunnah Muhammad Syahrur Qaem Aulassyahied
Kalimah: Jurnal Studi Agama dan Pemikiran Islam Vol 13, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Universitas Darussalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/klm.v13i1.282


Sunna is one of Islamic legislation sources, more precisely it is positioned on the second position as a source of law. It’s also served as explanatory of the verses of the Qur’an. With this position, the existence of sunnah is very important in Islam. Unfortunately the movement to reject the truth of sunnah (ingkar sunnah) never fade. One figure who aggressively towards reconstruction concept of sunnah is Muhammad Syahrur. He proposed the concept of reading the text in accordance with the existence of the times, or also called by a contemporary readings text model. The problem is this concept results confusion in understanding religious texts. So if explored more deeply, the proposed concept by Syahrur is not appropriate when applied to understanding Islamic scientific literatures. This simple writing is trying to reveal in details of the confusion in Syahrur thought. The discussion will cite the arguments that are used by Syahrur in order to support the concept. The author tried to explain that Syahrur understanding toward arguments is not appropriate. Besides, the author also cites some of the opinions of scholars who criticize the concept of Syahrur. So that at the end of the discussion the confusion and discrepancy reading of the concept proposed by Syahrur will be revealed clearly.
Meninjau Kembali Gugatan Feminisme Terhadap Institusi Rumah Tangga dan Dalil Bias Gender dari Perspektif Islam Qaem Aulasyahied
Tasfiyah: Jurnal Pemikiran Islam Vol 3, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Darussalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (401.883 KB) | DOI: 10.21111/tasfiyah.v3i1.2983


This paper discusses the Feminism lawsuit against Household institutions. Feminism from various schools, liberal feminism, radical feminism, and also socialist or Marxist feminism criticized the household which they considered as a form of discrimination against women from the smallest unit. Islam as a religion that advises its adherents to get married and have family, also does not escape the criticism of feminists. At least, there are two aspectsthat are criticized. First, the traditions of Muslim communities in various parts of the world reflecting discriminatory families. Secondly, the creation of the tradition was because some religious propositions became a source of patriarchy views. Islam itself highly upholds justice between men and women. Nor does it deny the existence of differences between the two butthe difference is not to show the superiority of men over women. As for the arguments that are considered gender bias, this is due to understanding the proposition without scientific tools and comprehensive insight. Because if it is well understood, the seemingly misogynistic argument actually contains elements of justice and glorification of women.
Muwazah Vol 8 No 2 (2016)
Publisher : UIN K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28918/muwazah.v8i2.754


This paper explores the Fatima Mernissi of Hermeneutics with Feminism paradigm. According to him, one of the sources of discrimination against women is the interpretation the clerics of the some hadith that are full of with a view of masculinity. Fatima Mernissi does not hesitate to mention the narrators on Thabaqat companions, like Abu Hurariah which has narrated some hadith recognition of the Prophet, however full of with interests that lead to hatred against women. Skepticism and excessive criticism, of Fatima Mernissi was found when there is no recognition that false hadiths, can occur because of a mistake narrators without the element of intent. The attitude of skepticism Fatima Mernissi also found when, citing the data source from the book of scholars by adding a few words which caused it means to be biased, and also a negative view of the narrations that are considered misogynistic.Tulisan ini mengeksplorasi Hermeneutika Fatima Mernissi dengan paradigma Feminisme. Menurutnya, salah satu sumber diskriminasi terhadap perempuan adalah tafsiran para ulama terhadap beberapa hadis yang sarat dengan pandangan maskulinitas. Fatima Mernissi tidak segan menyebutkan perawi pada Thabaqat sahabat, seperti Abu Hurariah yang telah meriwayatkan beberapa hadis yang diakuinya dari Rasulullah namun sarat kepentingan dan tendensius yang mengarah kepada “anti perempuan”. Sikap skeptis dan kritik berlebihan yang dilakukan oleh Fatima Mernissi ditemukan ketika tidak ada pengakuan bahwa hadis palsu dapat terjadi karena kekeliruan perawi tanpa adanya unsur kesengajaan. Sikap skeptisisme Fatima Mernissi juga ditemukan ketika mengutip sumber data dari kitab ulama dengan menyusupkan beberapa kata yang menyebabkan maknanya menjadi bias dan memandang negatifriwayat-riwayat yang dianggap misoginis.
Understanding Ecological Hadiths With Interconnective Approaches in Responding to Ecological Problems Nur Kholis; Qaem Aulassyahied
IJISH (International Journal of Islamic Studies and Humanities) Vol. 5 No. 1 (2022): April
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26555/ijish.v5i1.5853


One of the global crises experienced by the world is the ecological crisis. Various kinds of natural disasters cannot be separated from the environmental damage that occurs cumulatively and collectively. Excessive use of technology and development that does not care about the environment can damage nature; as mentioned in Islam, preserving nature is one of the tasks of human beings. Scholars have written a lot regarding the concept of maintaining nature based on the Qur'an. However, this effort has not been thoroughly carried out on the hadith. This is evidenced in the discussion of the hadiths in classical fiqh books, which are more focused on the 'ubūdiyyah syar'iyyah aspect, such as the problem of tahārah. These hadiths have the potential to be understood more contextually and ecologically. Based on this, this paper tries to answer academic questions, how is the understanding of hadiths that can respond to the global ecological crisis? The author attempts to understand these traditions by the interconnective method to broaden the scope of meaning.  The data used are the main books of hadith, books of hadith that explain from the fiqh perspective and some factual data regarding the ecological crisis. This paper aims to produce contextual meanings that respond positively to various environmental problems globally and locally.
Jurnal Pendidikan Dasar dan Sosial Humaniora Vol. 1 No. 6: April 2022
Publisher : Bajang Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (457.392 KB)


Tulisan ini mencoba untuk berkontribusi terhadap kajian ayat-ayat akhlak dengan melakukan komparasi tafsir antara al-Maraghi dan Tahir bin Asyur dengan berfokus pada ayat ke 90 surat al-Nahl. Dipilihnya ayat tersebut karena memang mayoritas kitab tafsir menganggapnya sebagai salah satu ayat yang merangkum seluruh konsep nilai baik dan nilai buruk dalam al-Quran. Dipilihnya al-Maraghi dan Tahir dengan metode komparatif karena penulis melihat metodologi tafsir keduanya layak untuk dikomparasikan karena memiliki ciri manhaj yang berbeda. Dengan menggunakan metode komparatif tulisan ini memberikan hasil di antaranya,Al-Maraghi lebih dikenal dengan tafsir corak al-adabi al-ijtima’i sementara Tahir bin Asyur lebih menggunakan pendekatan maqashidi.Al-Maraghi menganggap bahwa asas akhlak baik itu tiga yaitu adil, ihsan dan peduli kepada karib kerabat dan asas akhlak buruk itu fahsya, munkar dan kelaliman, berbeda dengan itu, Ibn Asyur menilai asas akhlak baik adalah adil dan ihsan, adapun berbuat baik kepada karib kerabat adalah ejawantah dari nilai adil dan ihsan yang harus diperhatikan sebab pada umumnya manusia justru lupa untuk memenuhi tanggung jawab berbuat adil dan baik kepada keluarga dekatnya. Begitu pula, asas akhlak buruk adalah faḥsyā’ dan munkar. Adapun kelaliman adalah bentuk keduanya yang harus sedemikian rupa dicegah sebab ketidakadilan tersebut bisa terjadi dalam berbagai bentuk
Pemanfaatan Google Data Studio dalam Visualisasi Biografi Periwayat Hadis Qaem Aulassyahied; Asep Rahmat Fauzi; Yaumil Falihah
Masyarakat Berdaya dan Inovasi Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): Oktober
Publisher : Research and Social Study Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33292/mayadani.v3i2.105


Among the challenges in the development of hadith scholarship is the lack of use of technology to display scientific information related to hadith and its surroundings. For example, data regarding the biographies of hadith narrators is still in the form of classical descriptions contained in traditional books. In fact, looking at the technology that has developed to this day, these historical data can be better visualized so that they are easy to access, understand and measure. The purpose of this paper is to utilize digital technology -in this case Google data studio- to visualize historical information on hadith narrators or better known as Tārīkh ar-Ruwwāh science. The use of Google Data Studio was taught to students of Darussalam Notoprajan Islamic Boarding School, Yogyakarta in the following stages: First, conducting an assessment to determine the participants' level of understanding of the science of Tarikh ar-Ruwwah and Google Data Studio. Second, based on the first data, a workshop will be held. The first material covers understanding related to the science of the Ar-Ruwwat Date. The second material is an introduction to Google Data Studio and its functions and advantages. Third, Conduct practical guidance on using Google Data Studio to visualize historical information on hadith narrators contained in classical books. Visualization of historical data of hadith narrators with Google Data Studio makes it easier for students to see the hadith transmission journey that occurs for each narrator because the visualization of the location between one narrator and another narrator is clearly illustrated by the visualization of the location. Apart from that, Google Data Studio also increases respect and appreciation for the efforts of hadith narrators in compiling hadiths in books, because the students can also estimate how far the locations traveled by these narrators
Penguatan Faham Fikih Ibadah Menurut Tarjih Muhammadiyah kepada Jamaah Masjid An-Nashir Pimpinan Ranting Muhammadiyah Nitikan Niki Alma Febriana Fauzi; Qaem Aulassyahied; Muhammad Hasnan Nahar
Masyarakat Berdaya dan Inovasi Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023): April
Publisher : Research and Social Study Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33292/mayadani.v4i1.131


Issues related to the practice of worship are issues that are always closely related to Muslim society. Islam makes worship a manifestation of one's faith, so If mapped, there are at least two problems that are often found in community, namely (1) the problem of authenticity and originality of the practice of worship itself, whether taught by the Prophet or not; and (2) the problem of the lack of literacy in the fiqh of worship of a community towards authoritative sources of religious teachings. Therefore, this service aims to strengthen understanding of the fiqh of worship according to Tarjih Muhammadiyah. From the above background, concerning the research and service road map of the study programme, we see that several solutions can be done, namely: (1) providing religious insights according to Muhammadiyah tarjih, as well as explaining the characteristics of Muhammadiyah fiqh to the congregation of An-Nashir Mosque; (2) providing material on fiqh of worship according to Muhammadiyah tarjih to the congregation of An-Nashir Mosque as a medium to strengthen their religious understanding. Referring to the service road map of the hadith department in UAD, this service is in the realm of Muhammadiyah Studies by taking two parts at once, namely institutional studies (in this case empowering branches and twigs) and tarjih product studies (in this context, fatwas and tarjih decisions). The two parts are combined simultaneously to strengthen the understanding of fiqh worship according to Muhammadiyah tarjih to the congregation of the An-Nashir Mosque. The hope is that this strengthening programme can realise the congregation of the An-Nashir mosque who understand the fiqh of worship according to Muhammadiyah tarjih. This service will be carried out offline or offline while still implementing health protocols.
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro

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MA Alam Muhammadiyah 5 Sidoharjo, Pulung, Ponorogo merupakan satu-satunya lembaga pendidikan yangberbasis alam di Pulung, Ponorogo hingga saat ini. Beberapa guru dan tenaga kependidikan berasal dari daerahsetempat. Mayoritas dari bapak ibu guru selain mengajar juga berprofesi sebagai petani, berkebun dan peternaksehingga waktu mereka sudah habis dan tidak banyak berfokus kepada perkembangan artificial intelligence.Padahal masa sekarang kemajuan digital dan literasi harus terus digalakkan hingga pelosok negeri. Maka kamihadir berusaha membantu bapak ibu guru untuk memahami secara utuh artificial intelligence sehingga gurumampu mengontrol kelebihan dan kelemahan artificial intelligence dan bisa lebih akrab dengan duniapendidikan digital yang terus berkembang. Artificial intelligence ini sebenarnya sangat mudah untuk dipelajari,dengan syarat harus lebih sering berinteraksi dengan artificial intelligence yang ada. Solusi bagi bapak ibu guruadalah dengan pelatihan peluang dan tantangan artificial intelligence yang bersifat intensif. Metodepelaksanaannya dengan diawali assessment guna mengukur tingkat pemahaman awal guru tentang artificialintelligence. Kedua, penyuluhan dan pelatihan. Pada tahap ini guru diberikan penjelasan secara umum tentangartificial intelligence dan penggunaannya. Ketiga, proses pendampingan. Tim pakar mendampingi secaramendalam setiap guru untuk memahami dan mempraktekkan artificial intelligence. Keempat, workshoppembuatan media pembelajaran menggunakan artificial intelligence di setiap mata pelajaran yang diampumasing-masing guru di sekolah. Rencana kegiatan sudah kami mulai dengan menghubungi mitra, dan mitrasudah menyatakan kesiapannya. Kemudian akan kami mulai program pengabdian ini setelah penandatangankontrak. Kami sudah mendapatkan dukungan dari Pimpinan Cabang Aisyiah Pulung dalam kegiatan pengabdiankepada masyarakat ini. Mitra akan membantu mengumpulkan guru-guru baik internal maupun eksternallembaga. Sedangkan PCA membantu mensosialisasikan adanya program pengabdian masyarakat ini. Programpengabdian kepada masyarakat (PKM) ini mempunyai dua target yaitu mitra PKM dapat meningkatkanpelayanan sekolah khususnya bagi proses dan kreatifitas pembelajaran serta bagi pelaksana yaitu artikelproceeding ISBN dari seminar nasinal pengabdian masyarakat UAD, video Ringkasan proposal pengabdiandibuat 3 alenia tidak lebih dari 500 kata yang berisi: (a) alenia pertama memuat permasalahan dan tujuanpengabdian, (b) alenia kedua memuat solusi, metode pelaksanaan, rencana kegiatan, dengan menyertakanbentuk keterlibatan dan peran serta AUM dan (c) alenia ketiga memuat target luaran yang akan dicapai sesuaidengan skema PkM dan mengintegrasikan nilai AIK. Ringkasan juga memuat uraian secara cermat dan singkatrencana kegiatan yang diusulkan, ditulis dengan jarak satu spasi. saat pelatihan yang diupload di YouTubeLPPM UAD, dan pemberitaan di media massa Kedaulatan Rakyat. Program pengabdian kepada masyarakat(PKM) ini mengintegrasikan dengan nilai AIK 4; Islam dan Ilmu Pengetahuan.