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Kebijakan Tentang Kurikulum Pendidikan Agama Islam Pada Era Reformasi; Penerapannya Pada Sekolah Non Islam di Purworejo Fadhlurrahman
SALIHA: Jurnal Pendidikan & Agama Islam Vol. 3 No. 1 (2020): SALIHA : Jurnal Pendidikan dan Agama Islam
Publisher : STAI Terpadu Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (379.49 KB) | DOI: 10.54396/saliha.v3i1.40


This article examines the Government's Policy on the Islamic Religious Education Curriculum in the Reformation Era, followed by a case study on the application of Islamic Religious Education to Non-Islamic Schools in Purworejo. The author tries to present the study of Islamic Education in the third millennial, the renewal of Islamic education in Indonesia, the era of regional autonomy, problems in the Islamic education system, the curriculum system in the reform era to the case studies in Purworejo. The author uses descriptive analysis method to explain the curriculum of Islamic religious education in the reform era. As for the case study, researchers collected data by interview and then analyzed qualitative data so that accurate data was seen from research sources. Researchers found a picture of the Islamic Religious Education curriculum in the Reformation Era from 1964 to 2013. Strengthened by the application of Islamic Religious Education in non-Islamic schools in Purworejo, which was not yet fully maximized as mandated by PP 55 of 2007. So that it gave rise to ideas and ideas so that their application was in accordance with the rules applicable.
Peran Harun al-Rasyid terhadap Pendidikan Islam di Era Daulah Abbasiah Fadhlurrahman Fadhlurrahman; Abd. Rachman Assega
Kalimah: Jurnal Studi Agama dan Pemikiran Islam Vol 17, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Darussalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/klm.v17i2.3425


This article will examine the thoughts of the caliph Harun al-Rasyid about the concept of Islamic education that he initiated. He succeeded in establishing the “Baitul Hikmah” library which became an icon in the golden age of Islam in the Abbasid Period. In fact, this library is a symbol of civilization and the center of Islamic world enlightenment for Western civilization. Interestingly, this library is also the center of translation and copying of ancient Greek, Persian and other intellectual legacies. This is evidence of the success of Harun al-Rasyid’s ideas in the world of Islamic education. This research uses descriptive analysis method to explain Harun al-Rasyid’s thoughts on Islamic education, then the content analysis method is used to find the basic ideas and concepts of development in the future. After conducting research, the authors conclude that the successful application of his thought to Islamic education cannot be separated from his great attention to science. Even with the advancement of science, the economy of the people at that time became advanced. This research is very important to be learned as through this research can discoverd a very brilliant thought of the great chaliph Harun al-Rasyid.
Kalimah: Jurnal Studi Agama dan Pemikiran Islam Vol 18, No 2 (2020): .
Publisher : Universitas Darussalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/klm.v18i2.4873


The paradigm in determining Islamic law is very important. Because the scheme is a determinant of quality products. The problems of this era are very diverse. Requires a new spirit in ijtihad. Sometimes religious experts are still fixated on classical methodology in solving religious problems. So that various problems that arise can not be solved. This article uses the library research method to explore the fresh ijtihad paradigm in depth from contemporary thinkers. The results of this study are fresh ijtihad to be very important in answering current issues. The paradigm; firstly, there is a relationship between texts (text) and Interpretation of texts, secondly, Humanity's Dignity and Dignity, thirdly, Islam and Modern Science, fourthly, Ijtihad with Contemporary Science, fifthly, Women's Jurisprudence (Fiqh al-Nisa 'al-Mu'asir ), sixth, Inter-cultural and Inter-faith Dialogue (al-Hiwar; al-Ta'ayus al-Silmy), seventh, Jurisprudence and Social Da'wah, eighth, Universal Jurisprudence and Da'wah, ninth, Jurisprudence and Da'wah Citizenship. Applying the 8 paradigms above must indeed be disintegrated-interconnected so that the basis of religion is maintained and able to answer current problems. 
Reconstruction of the Dynamics Thinking and Civilization of Khalifah Umar Bin Khattab in Islamic Education Fadhlurrahman Fadhlurrahman; Afi Parnawi; Anaas Tri Ridlo Dina Yuliana Yuliana; Muh Alif Kurniawan
International Journal on Advanced Science, Education, and Religion Vol 4 No 1 (2021): International Journal on Advanced Science, Education, and Religion
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Al-Furqan, Makassar - Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (875.138 KB) | DOI: 10.33648/ijoaser.v4i1.100


Problems in the world of education are always in the spotlight. Because with education there will be many suitable and quality leaders. But education is not yet fully capable of forming a leader who is reliable and tough. This manuscript seeks to examine the social history of society more deeply at the time of the Caliph Umar bin Khattab and how the next generation should follow steps. He succeeded in making regulations in the world of education and issues at that time and had thoughts on problems in the world of government. This illustrates the magnitude of Caliph Umar bin Khattab's view and role in solving problems at that time. This research uses a descriptive analysis method to explain Umar bin Khattab's thoughts in Islamic education, and then the content analysis method is used to find basic ideas, development, and renewal as well as serving as caliph. For example, in education, the author found that Umar bin Khattab had thoughts about God. The discussion about God is the basis of Islamic education. They were then developed with his ideas and understanding of the cosmos (universe) to the fields of economics, law, and government so that this thought and civilization deserves to be reconstructed in the present. Keywords: Reconstruction of Civilization Islamic Education, Umar bin Khattab in Islamic Education
Reconstruction of the Dynamics Thinking and Civilization of Khalifah Umar Bin Khattab in Islamic Education Fadhlurrahman Fadhlurrahman; Afi Parnawi; Anaas Tri Ridlo Dina Yuliana Yuliana; Muh Alif Kurniawan
International Journal on Advanced Science, Education, and Religion Vol 4 No 1 (2021): International Journal on Advanced Science, Education, and Religion
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Al-Furqan, Makassar - Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (875.138 KB) | DOI: 10.33648/ijoaser.v4i1.100


Problems in the world of education are always in the spotlight. Because with education there will be many suitable and quality leaders. But education is not yet fully capable of forming a leader who is reliable and tough. This manuscript seeks to examine the social history of society more deeply at the time of the Caliph Umar bin Khattab and how the next generation should follow steps. He succeeded in making regulations in the world of education and issues at that time and had thoughts on problems in the world of government. This illustrates the magnitude of Caliph Umar bin Khattab's view and role in solving problems at that time. This research uses a descriptive analysis method to explain Umar bin Khattab's thoughts in Islamic education, and then the content analysis method is used to find basic ideas, development, and renewal as well as serving as caliph. For example, in education, the author found that Umar bin Khattab had thoughts about God. The discussion about God is the basis of Islamic education. They were then developed with his ideas and understanding of the cosmos (universe) to the fields of economics, law, and government so that this thought and civilization deserves to be reconstructed in the present. Keywords: Reconstruction of Civilization Islamic Education, Umar bin Khattab in Islamic Education
Reconstruction of the Dynamics Thinking and Civilization of Khalifah Umar Bin Khattab in Islamic Education Fadhlurrahman Fadhlurrahman; Afi Parnawi; Anaas Tri Ridlo Dina Yuliana Yuliana; Muh Alif Kurniawan
International Journal on Advanced Science, Education, and Religion Vol 4 No 1 (2021): International Journal on Advanced Science, Education, and Religion
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Al-Furqan, Makassar - Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33648/ijoaser.v4i1.100


Problems in the world of education are always in the spotlight. Because with education there will be many suitable and quality leaders. But education is not yet fully capable of forming a leader who is reliable and tough. This manuscript seeks to examine the social history of society more deeply at the time of the Caliph Umar bin Khattab and how the next generation should follow steps. He succeeded in making regulations in the world of education and issues at that time and had thoughts on problems in the world of government. This illustrates the magnitude of Caliph Umar bin Khattab's view and role in solving problems at that time. This research uses a descriptive analysis method to explain Umar bin Khattab's thoughts in Islamic education, and then the content analysis method is used to find basic ideas, development, and renewal as well as serving as caliph. For example, in education, the author found that Umar bin Khattab had thoughts about God. The discussion about God is the basis of Islamic education. They were then developed with his ideas and understanding of the cosmos (universe) to the fields of economics, law, and government so that this thought and civilization deserves to be reconstructed in the present. Keywords: Reconstruction of Civilization Islamic Education, Umar bin Khattab in Islamic Education
Internalisasi Nilai Religius Pada Peserta Didik; Kajian Atas Pemikiran al-Ghazali dan Relevansinya Dalam Pendidikan Islam Fadhlurrahman Fadhlurrahman; Hardi Mahardika; Munaya Ulil Ilmi
Journal of Research and Thought on Islamic Education Vol 3, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : IAIN Pontianak

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (45.983 KB) | DOI: 10.24260/jrtie.v3i1.1580


Artikel ini mengkaji pemikiran al-Ghazali dalam menanamkan nilai religius kepada peserta didik. Metode ini bisa menjadi rol model untuk diimplementasikan dalam dunia pendidikan di Indonesia. Peserta didik harus menjadi fokus utama dalam perubahan bangsa ke depan. Merekalah yang akan meneruskan perjuangan para pendahulu dalam memajukan Indonesia. Internalisasi nilai religius menjadi salah satu solusi dalam menyiapkan generasi milenial ke depan. Metode yang digunakan dalam artikel ini adalah library research yang difokuskan mencari metode apa saja yang bisa diterapkan untuk internalisasi nilai religius kepada peserta didik. Hasilnya ada beberapa metode yang bisa diimplementasikan kepada peserta didik guna internalisasi nilai religius; Pertama, langkah perencanaan penanaman nilai-nilai religius pada pesera didik. Kedua, pelaksanaan internalisasi nilai-nilai religius pada pesera didik. Ketiga, melalui kegiatan Intrakurikuler disesuaikan dengan visi, misi dan tujuan lembaga pendidikan. Keempat, melalui kegiatan ekstrakurikuler. Kelima, menanamkan nilai kejujuran. Keenam, menanamkan nilai toleransi. Ketujuh, menanamkan nilai kedisiplinan. Kedelapan, menanamankan nilai peduli lingkungan. Kesembilan, menanamkan nilai peduli sosial. Kesepuluh, penanaman nilai tanggungjawab.
Entrepreneurship education from the perspective of law and Islam Fadhlurrahman Fadhlurrahman; Yazida Ichsan
ATTARBIYAH: Journal of Islamic Culture and Education Vol 7, No 1 (2022): Attarbiyah: Journal of Islamic Culture and Education
Publisher : IAIN Salatiga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18326/attarbiyah.v7i1.45-61


Entrepreneurship education is a concept that must be socialized on a large scale. This is stated in Presidential Regulation 5 of 2010 concerning the National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN). The study in this article covers the concept of entrepreneurship education in general, and the practices carried out by the famous Islamic figure, the Prophet Muhammad, and his companions. It will guide entrepreneurs to stick to the values of previous Muslim entrepreneurs. This article aims to explain the concept of entrepreneurship education and what has been done by the Prophet Muhammad and his companions. The methodology used in this research is library research. The approach used is historical and content analysis toproduce a broad and contextual picture. The stages of this method are collecting primary sources that are thematic and then reinforced with secondary sources and contextualizing. The findings in this paper about the values of entrepreneurship education in general at the Ministry of National Education are Independent, Creative, Dare to Take Risks, Action Oriented, Leadership, Hard Work, Honesty, Discipline, Innovativeness, Responsibility, Cooperation, Never Giving Up, tenacious, Commitment, Realistic, Curiosity, Communicative, Strong motivation to succeed. The Quraysh had practiced the spirit of entrepreneurship education, as did Hasyim bin 'Abdul Manaf, which the Prophet then practiced from an early age to adulthood, and his closest friends who became successful entrepreneurs, such as Abdurrahman bin Auf.   
Concept of Islamic Character Education According to The Thoughts of Khalid Bin Hamid Al-Hazami And Hasyim Ali Al-Ahdal Fadhlurrahman Fadhlurrahman; Tri Yaumil Falikah; Zalik Nuryana; Reza Amin Nur Ihsan; Asih Kartika Putri; Roihanah Roihanah
At-Ta'dib Vol 17, No 2 (2022): Islamic Education and Its Methods
Publisher : Fakultas Tarbiyah, Universitas Darussalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/at-tadib.v17i2.8808


The development and refinement of the concept of character education between characters continue to interact and reinforce each other. This study aims to describe the idea of character education between Khalid Bin Hamid Al-Hazami and Hasyim Ali Al-Ahdal. They are both Muslim leaders and developed the concept of Islamic character education. The research methodology was carried out by taking primary data from books written by the two figures, then translating and interpreting by strengthening the thoughts of various other figures. The findings of this study are several factors that influence the formation of Islamic character, the purpose of forming Islamic character to the values contained in Islamic character. There are three stages in the cultivation of Islamic character education. First, instill in the students' hearts the burden of law from God. Second, students must be enthusiastic about undergoing God's punishment. Third, the emergence of students' strong desire to get a great reward from Allah. In addition, Khalid bin Hamid al-Hazami explained that the cultivation of character education is not hereditary but is instilled through education. If students make mistakes during the character education process, there are five stages of punishment—implementation of this concept in formal and non-formal educational institutions. The implications of this research will be a new color for the idea of character education that has existed so far.
Concept of Islamic Character Education According to The Thoughts of Khalid Bin Hamid Al-Hazami And Hasyim Ali Al-Ahdal Fadhlurrahman Fadhlurrahman; Tri Yaumil Falikah; Zalik Nuryana; Reza Amin Nur Ihsan; Asih Kartika Putri; Roihanah Roihanah
At-Ta'dib Vol. 17 No. 2 (2022): Islamic Education and Its Methods
Publisher : Fakultas Tarbiyah, Universitas Darussalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/at-tadib.v17i2.8808


The development and refinement of the concept of character education between characters continue to interact and reinforce each other. This study aims to describe the idea of character education between Khalid Bin Hamid Al-Hazami and Hasyim Ali Al-Ahdal. They are both Muslim leaders and developed the concept of Islamic character education. The research methodology was carried out by taking primary data from books written by the two figures, then translating and interpreting by strengthening the thoughts of various other figures. The findings of this study are several factors that influence the formation of Islamic character, the purpose of forming Islamic character to the values contained in Islamic character. There are three stages in the cultivation of Islamic character education. First, instill in the students' hearts the burden of law from God. Second, students must be enthusiastic about undergoing God's punishment. Third, the emergence of students' strong desire to get a great reward from Allah. In addition, Khalid bin Hamid al-Hazami explained that the cultivation of character education is not hereditary but is instilled through education. If students make mistakes during the character education process, there are five stages of punishment—implementation of this concept in formal and non-formal educational institutions. The implications of this research will be a new color for the idea of character education that has existed so far.