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Journal : Jurnal At-Tarbiyat (Jurnal Pendidikan Islam)

PAI Teacher's Personality Competencies In Strengthening Character Shela Fahra Dilla; Asnil Aidah Ritonga
At-Tarbiyat Vol 6 No 2 (2023): Islamic Education In Indonesia (In Press)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam An-Nawawi Purworejo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37758/jat.v6i2.688


This study aims to examine the discipline of Islamic Religious Education (PAI) teachers at SMP Negeri 28 Medan and find out the extent to which the discipline of Islamic Religious Education (PAI) teachers improves student character. The method used is a qualitative descriptive technique, and the type of research is field research. As the main data source, interviews with Islamic Religious Education teachers were used to collect information, followed by observations on PAI teachers' disciplinary practices and student character that could be improved. Data analysis techniques include data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing or validation. The results showed that PAI teachers are quite disciplined, but not all student character development can be improved. By obeying school rules by arriving on time, student discipline can be improved. PAI instructors who carry out their main duties can increase student accountability. Consequently, when a teacher is strict with students, the value of discipline and responsibility of students will increase. This research contributes by providing input to schools on how to establish cooperation between teachers and parents so that character education in children is maximally strengthened.
Co-Authors Abdillah Abdillah Abdul Hafizh Azizi Azizi Ahmad Darlis Al Ashari, Abu Hasan Ansyari, Rija April Lidan Arini Siregar Azhar Azhar Azmatul Kholila Bahri, Al Fajri Br Ginting, Nur Sya'adah Chichi Paramita Harahap Dahlan, Zaini Dermawan Saragih, Muhammad Rizki Dinul Akbar Nasution Dzul Fadhli Sya’bana Erwinsah Putra Faisal Faisal Fatma Ramadani Harahap Ginting, Budi Setiawan Hairil Anwar Hasda Nami Harahap Hendriyal, Hendriyal Hotmasarih Harahap Hutagaol, Abdul Latif Hutasuhut, Sartika Ika Wirdani Ikhsan Akbar Handinata Ilba, Hafridah Ilhamuddin Hasibuan Indah Syafiqah Lubis Indra Jaya Irwansya, Muhammd Ismiatun, Siti Rahma Kartika Sari Putri Khadijah Khadijah Khofifah Indar Rahman Khofifah Indra Maya Khurniawan, Deni Latifatul Hasanh RKT Lubis, Qomaruddin Lubis, Zulfahmi Ma’ruf, Rizqan Manurung, Rafiqah Wardah Mariyati Mariyati Meriyanti Nasution Muammar Muas Muas Muhammad Hidayat Muhammad Isa Nanda Nurul Baiti Nazri, Elfin Nur Aisyah Sitorus Nur, Rizka Nurul Annisa Nurul Farhaini Pringadi, Retno Rahma Safitri Barus Rahmah Fadilah Tanjung Rahman, Mhd Fazlul Rizka Amalia Rahmadhani Rizki Utami, Siti Rianti Sabilla Hidayani Br. Tarigan Said Salim Daulay Salamuddin Salamuddin Saripah Aini Shela Fahra Dilla Siti Masitha Siti Nur Haliza Sri Wahyuni Harahap Sukandi Sukandi Suyatmika, Yulita Syahputra, Agil Syarifuddin Nasution Ulwan, Mishiyyah Nashih Uswatun Hasanah Wahyu Agung Daulay Wahyu Sakban Wahyudin Nur Nasution Yahfizham Yahfizham Yahfizham Yahfizham Yudha Wijaya Lubis Yuliana Yuliana Yusuf Hadijaya Zarkasyi Zarkasyi Zulfahmi Lubis Zulham Lubis