Eriansyah Saputra Hasibuan
Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Indonesia

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Pelatihan Mesin Cnc Laser Dalam Meningkatkan Jiwa Wirausaha Bagi Generasi Muda Eriansyah Saputra Hasibuan; Nurmahendra Harahap; Mutiara Widasari Sitopu; Indah Vusvita Sari
Jurdimas (Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat) Royal Vol 5, No 3 (2022): September 2022
Publisher : STMIK Royal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33330/jurdimas.v5i3.1605


Abstract: In today's increasingly advanced era, but with limited funds, it requires the community to carry out various innovations that can develop an entrepreneurial spirit in order to improve the economy. In the implementation of service activities carried out for 2 days. Where the first day contains an explanation of the use of CNC machines and the basics of CNC implementation, while on the second day the process of printing the artwork that has been designed by the previous participants is carried out directly, because the printing process takes a long time ranging from 4 to 5 hours in printing one design. , depending on the level of difficulty of the design you want to print. The activity was carried out from 9-10 December 2021 at the Aviation Vocational School with a total of 40 students. By holding this service, it is hoped that students will grow an entrepreneurial spirit, so they are able to do entrepreneurship, especially in the field of acrylic art. With the dedication that has been carried out, enthusiastically the young generation in this case the aviation vocational school students can open entrepreneurs in the field of carving by utilizing acrylic and CNC machines which have economic value among society in general and young people in particular so as to improve the family economy.         Keywords: entrepreneur; innovation; acrylic  Abstrak: Pada zaman yang semakin maju saat ini, namun dengan keterbatasan dana, menuntut masyarakat untuk melakukan berbagai inovasi yang dapat mengembangkan jiwa wirasusaha guna meningkatkan ekonomi. Dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian dilakukan selama 2 hari. Dimana hari pertama berisi tentang penjelasan penggunaan mesin CNC dan dasar-dasar penerapan CNC sedangkan pada hari kedua dilakukan langsung proses pencetakan karya seni yang telah di desain oleh peserta sebelumnya, dikarenakan proses pencetakan dibutuhkan waktu yang cukup lama berkisar 4 sampai 5 jam dalam pencetakkan satu desain, tergantung tingkat kesulitan desain yang ingin dicetak. Kegiatan dilakukan mulai tanggal 9-10 Desember 2021 di sekolah SMK Penerbangan dengan jumlah peserta 40 siswa. Dengan diadakan pengabdian ini diharapakan kepada siswa untuk menumbuhkan jiwa kewirausahaan, sehingga mampu melakukan wirausaha khususnya dibidang seni akrilik. Dengan adanya pengabdian yang telah dilakukan, membuat antusias generasi muda dalam hal ini siswa SMK penerbangan dapat membuka wirausaha dibidang seni ukir dengan memanfaatkan akrilik dan mesin CNC yang memiliki nilai ekonomis dikalangan masyarakat pada umumnya dan kalangan muda pada khususnya sehingga dapat meningkatkan ekonomi keluarga. Kata kunci: wirusaha; inovasi; akrilik
Sistem Kendali Penerangan Gedung Berdasarkan Waktu dan Pengaturan Intensitas Cahaya Terintegrasi Internet Of Things Rizky Adha; Angga Pradana; Muhammad Rizky Fajar; Wan Saddam Hasan; Roberto Kaban; Eriansyah Saputra Hasibuan; Tri Indah Prasasti
Publisher : Prodi Teknik Informatika (S1) Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


IoT (Internet of Things) is a concept that aims to expand the benefits of continuously connected internet connectivity. IoT (Internet of Things) can be used in buildings to control electronic equipment such as room lights that can be operated remotely via a computer network. The research was carried out by building a remote control device that utilizes TCP/IP to carry out control processes in the local network through a web server embedded in the remote control device. There are two control features, namely one lamp control that is used to turn on one lamp and the overall lamp control feature and turns on all the lights at once.