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Jurnal Bisnis dan Manajemen Vol 7, No 2 (2020): Jurnal Bisnis dan Manajemen Volume 7 Nomor 2 Tahun 2020
Publisher : University of Merdeka Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26905/jbm.v7i2.4076


This paper aims to analyze the effect of shared leadership on employee performance with organizational commitment and employee creativity as a mediating variable. This study uses a population of all employees of PT. Pos Indonesia Solo area, with a total sample of 130 respondents. The sampling technique uses random sampling. Data were analyzed using path analysis with SPSS version 23. The results showed that shared leadership had a positive and significant effect on employee performance. The results also show that shared leadership has a positive and significant effect on organizational commitment and also on employee creativity. Organizational commitment and work creativity also show as a good antecedent in improving employee performance. The results of this study have proven that organizational commitment and employee creativity can mediate the influence of shared leadership on employee performance  
Widya Genitri : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan, Agama dan Kebudayaan Hindu Vol 12 No 2 (2021): Widya Genitri: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan, Agama dan Kebudayaan Hindu
Publisher : STAH Dharma Sentana Sulawesi Tengah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36417/widyagenitri.v12i2.431


Selama pandemi covid-19 proses pembelajaran diseluruh lembaga pendidikan dilakukan secara daring. Oleh sebagian siswa perubahan sistem ini membutuhkan kemampuan adaptasi dan kegigihan yang tinggi, selama proses pembelajaran tersebut siswa menjadi tidak semangat, merasa malas, bosan serta motivasi belajar siswa mengalami penurunan sehingga berdampak pada prestasi siswa yang ikut menurun. Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk mengetahui urgensi growth mindset untuk meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa di masa pandemi covid-19. Metode yang digunakan adalah studi literatur (telaah hasil riset). Growth mindset atau pola pikir berkembang merupakan sebuah pola pikir yang meyakini bahwa kercerdasan, bakat dan kualitas-kualitas dalam diri individu dapat berkembang melalui usaha dan kerja keras meskipun harus menghadapi berbagai tantangan dan kesulitan untuk meraihnya. Sehingga growth mindset memiliki peranan sangat penting untuk membangun pribadi siswa yang tangguh selama proses pembelajaran di masa pandemi covid-19. Oleh karena itu, dengan growth mindset siswa akan memiliki motivasi, semangat belajar dan tidak akan mudah menyerah dalam menghadapi tantangan-tantangan maupun kesulitan-kesulitan selama proses pembelajaran tersebut. Dari kajian ini dihasilkan bahwa growth mindset dapat meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa terutama di masa pandemi covid-19.
Journal of Management and Islamic Finance Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): Journal of Management and Islamic Finance
Publisher : IAIN Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (344.52 KB) | DOI: 10.22515/jmif.v1i1.3571


This study aims to analyze the influence of Human Resource Management (HRM) practices and job involvement on the employee performance of the public service sectors mediated by affective commitment. The sample in this study was 105 employees who work in the public sector. This study used path analysis employing the IBM SPSS 22 software. The results of this study indicate that there is a positive and significant influence of HRM practices in the public service sectors on employee performance and there is a positive and significant influence of job involvement on employee performance as well as the positive and significant influence of affective commitment to employee performance. The results also show that affective commitment does not mediate either partially or fully the influence of HRM practices on the performance of employees in the public service sectors. In addition, affective commitment also does not mediate either partially or fully the effect of job involvement on the performance of employees in the public service sectors. The best strategy proposed in this study is how to encourage the role of job involvement in the form of increased participation, work flexibility, empowerment, and wider responsibility to increase affective commitment and employee performance.
Paradigma Kepemimpinan Transformatif Menuju Madrasah Unggulan Indah Nurrohmah; Fitri Wulandari
Ascarya: Journal of Islamic Science, Culture, and Social Studies Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021)
Publisher : Perkumpulan Alumni dan Santri Mahyajatul Qurro'

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53754/iscs.v1i2.15


The concept of leadership is still developing from time to time. Leadership theory also continues to evolve to find the most effective form of leadership in organizational management. In the 1980s, transformative leadership was born and is often referred to as an effective leadership model. In its preparation, this leadership concept uses a leader-follower perspective. Transformative leadership is claimed to be the most effective leadership pattern, which can achieve the main goals. Using a descriptive qualitative approach with library research methods, and analyzed using the theory of "paradigm" by Thomas Kuhn. This research is basically to reveal: 1. What is the transformative leadership paradigm? 2. How is the application of transformative leadership in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah? This study aimed to analyze the transformative leadership paradigm using the theory of Thomas Kuhn and initiating the application of transformative leadership in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah and resulting in the following conclusions: 1. Transformative leadership paradigm in terms of exemplar aspects, subject matter, theory, and method. 2. Madrasah Ibtidaiyah, which uses a transformative leadership management paradigm, always develops idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individual consideration. Transformative leadership is very relevant to be applied in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah to create Effective and Excellent Madrasahs.
Strategi Brand Affect Terhadap Brand Loyalty yang dipengaruhi Social Media Marketing dan Trust pada Bank BNI Syariah Cabang Surakarta Aris Tri Haryanto; Fitri Wulandari
ProBank Vol 7, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : STIE AUB Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36587/probank.v1i1.1171


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis secara empiris pengaruh Social media marketing dan trust terhadap brand affect dan brand loyalty Bank BNI Syariah Cabang Surakarta. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan mengambil lokasi penelitian pada Bank BNI Syariah Cabang Surakarta di Kabupaten Karanganyar. Dalam penelitian ini yang menjadi objek penelitian ini adalah nasabah Asuransi BNI Life pada Bank BNI Syariah Cabang Surakarta. Variabel independen terdiri dari Social media marketing dan trust sedangkan variabel intervening adalah Brand affect dan variabel dependen adalah brand loyalty. Hasil analisis menunjukkan: Social media marketing berpengaruh positif dan tidak signifikan terhadap Brand affect di Bank BNI Syariah Cabang Surakarta. Trust berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Brand affect di Bank BNI Syariah Cabang Surakarta. Social media marketing berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Brand loyalty di Bank BNI Syariah Cabang Surakarta. Trust berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Brand loyalty di Bank BNI Syariah Cabang Surakarta. Brand affect berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Brand loyalty di Bank BNI Syariah Cabang Surakarta. Hasil uji secara serempak (Uji F) pada persamaan kedua diketahui besarnya nilai F = 40,282 signifikansi 0,000<0,05, sehingga dapat disimpulkan secara bersama-sama bahwa Social media marketing, trust dan brand affect berpengaruh signifikan terhadap Brand loyalty di Bank BNI Syariah Cabang Surakarta. Hasil R2 total varianel dependen Brand loyalty di Bank BNI Syariah Cabang Surakarta dijelaskan oleh variabel Social media marketing, trust, dan Brand affect sebesar 80,8% dan sisanya 19,2% dijelaskan variabel lain diluar model penelitian yaitu lokasi, brand image, dan sebagainya. Hasil analisis jalur menunjukkan bahwa: Pengaruh langsung Social media marketing terhadap brand loyalty lebih besar dari pengaruh tidak langsung, sehingga untuk meningkatkan brand loyalty lebih efektif melalui jalur langsung. Pengaruh langsung trust terhadap brand loyalty lebih besar dari pada pengaruh tidak langsung, sehingga untuk meningkatkan brand loyalty lebih efektif melalui jalur langsung.
International Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting Research (IJEBAR) Vol 5, No 2 (2021): IJEBAR, VOL. 05 ISSUE 02, JUNE 2021
Publisher : LPPM ITB AAS INDONESIA (d.h STIE AAS Surakarta)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29040/ijebar.v5i2.2458


This study was intended to analyze the role of the cooperative psychological climate in improving public service performance mediated by harmonious passion and organizational commitment. Using probability sampling, cluster sampling was used to select the samples of 165 employees who work in the public sectors. The results of the path analysis employing software IBM SPSS statistics 23 show a significant positive effect of cooperative psychological climate on harmonious passion and organizational commitment. However, there is no significant effect of the cooperative psychological climate on public service performance. The results also describe that harmonious passion has no significant effect on public service performance. Organizational commitment has a significant negative effect on public service performance. Organizational commitment fully mediate the effect of the cooperative psychological climate on public service performance. However, that is not the case for harmonious passion, which does not mediate the effect. The upshot of this study is that organizations are expected to continue to finalize the concepts of workplace competence, autonomy, and engagement in creating a cooperative climate in the workplace to increase organizational commitment and harmonious passion.
The Role Of Entrepreneurial Motivation And Social Network Relationship On Business Performance Of Herbal Medicine Sellers Dwi Hastuti; Fitri Wulandari
Relevance: Journal of Management and Business Vol. 4 No. 2 (2021)
Publisher : UIN Raden Mas Said Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (717.549 KB)


The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of entrepreneurial motivation and social network relationship on the business performance of herbal medicine sellers. The object of this research was the sellers of herbal drink/the peddler of biopharmaca/herbal medicine store in Banyu Urip Surabaya and surrounding areas. The sampling technique used purposive sampling technique with a total sample of 91 respondents. The data analysis method applied regression analysis with the help of IBM SPSS software version 21. The results indicate that there is a positive and significant influence of entrepreneurial motivation on the business performance of herbal medicine sellers. However, social network relationships have a positive and insignificant effect on improving the business performance of herbal medicine sellers. This research provides the strong motivation for entrepreneurs to improve their business performance becoming autonomy and independence. This means that the desire to work independently, to develop their own business, and to have financial independence are the strongest impetus for them to be successful in business indicated by better financial performance.
Jurnal Manajemen dan Pemasaran Jasa Vol. 12 No. 2 (2019): September
Publisher : Lembaga Penerbit Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (4588.033 KB) | DOI: 10.25105/jmpj.v12i2.3760


Specifically, the purpose of this study is to analyze the essence of both the direct or indirect role of alumni’s satisfaction with their alma mater. The higher alumni’s satisfaction will further encourage alumni’s involvement,and alumni’s engagementindicatesthat it will influence citizenship behavior,and its influence in increasing financial and social giving behavior. The samplesof this study arewere alumni of the Faculty of Economics and Business in Surakarta, with samplesof 161 alumni. Sample technique used in this study is anon-probability samplingbecause of the representation of large samples that need attention and the sample used is different for each level. Based on the research model built, the data are analysed by using the Structure Equation Model (SEM) and the opened questions are strengthen withinterviews with alumni. The results of the study explain that alumni’s satisfaction influence alumni’s involvement and alumni’s engagement. The results of the study also show that there is aninfluence of alumni’s involvement and alumni’s engagement towards citizenship behavior, and a influence citizenship behavior towards financial and social behavior.The result of this study supports the theory of discretionary collaborative behavior, where the effect of alumni satisfaction on alumni involvement is proven. This is indicated by path coefficients showing the strongest results. The results also showthat the effect of citizenship behavior on social giving behavior is greater than that of citizenship behavior on financial giving behavior.
Social Influence, Religiosity, and Salesperson Service on Saving Intention in Islamic Banks: The Mediating Role of Perceived Ease of Use of Technology Aris Tri Haryanto; Fitri Wulandari
Shirkah: Journal of Economics and Business Vol 7, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : IAIN Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22515/shirkah.v7i2.506


Research on the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) in the context of Islamic banks management has been conducted for years. However, studies investigating the mediating role of perceived ease of use of technology on saving intention in Islamic banks by considering social influence, religiosity, and salesperson service still require more paucity of evidence. This study adopted the TPB and Perceived Behavior Control (PBC). Purposive sampling was used to select 250 respondents who were customers of Islamic banks in Surakarta municipality, Indonesia. The data were analyzed by using the Structural Equation Model (SEM) with SPSS AMOS 22.  The results indicate that social influence, religiosity, and salesperson service have a positive and significant impact on saving intentions in Islamic banks. With partial mediating results, perceived ease of use of technology mediates the effect of social influences on saving intention in Islamic banks.  Meanwhile, the role of perceived ease of use of technology in mediating social influence on saving intentions is ineffective. Salesperson service has the biggest effect on saving intentions since they are directly interacting with customers. The results contribute to providing fruitful insights to sharia banks that sales person service and religiosity are two crucial factors determining the consumers’ satisfaction.
Pengaruh Motivasi Siswa Menjadi Hafidz dan Pendampingan Orang Tua terhadap Hasil Tahfizul Qur’an Siswa di SD Muhammadiyah Program Khusus Pracimantoro Wonogiri Tahun 2022 Rina Istirahayu; Fitri Wulandari
Jurnal Pendidikan dan Konseling (JPDK) Vol. 5 No. 1 (2023): Jurnal Pendidikan dan Konseling
Publisher : Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/jpdk.v5i1.10929


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui (1) pengaruh motivasi siswa menjadi hafidz terhadap hasil tahfidzul qur’an siswa, (2) pengaruh pendampingan orang tua terhadap hasil tahfidzul qur’an siswa, (3) pengaruh motivasi siswa menjadi hafidz dan pendampingan orang tua siswa terhadap hasil tahfidzul qur’an siswa di SD Muhammadiyah Program Khusus Pracimantoro. Penelitian dilakukan pada tahun ajaran 2022/2023. Populasi adalah siswa kelas I sampai VI SD Program Khusus Pracimantoro Wonogiri. Sampel ditarik secara ramdom daro populasi menggunakan Teknik sampling acak berstrata. Penelitian menggunakan metode kuantitatif. Data dianalisis menggunakan analisis regresi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan : (1) ada pengaruh positif dan signifikan antara Motivasi Siswa Menjadi Hafidz terhadap Hasil Tahfidzul Qur’an Siswa. Artinya, Semakin tinggi motifasi miswa menjadi hafidz , maka semakin meningkatkan hasil tahfidzul qur’an siswa, (2) ada pengaruh positif dan signifikan antara pendampingan orang tua terhadap hasil tahfidzul qur’an siswa. Artinya, Semakin intensif pendampingan orang tua , maka semakin meningkatkan hasil tahfidzul Qur’an Siswa.