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Edukasi Solusi Permasalahan Transaksi E-Commerce pada UMKM (Desa Kroyo, Kec. Karangmalang, Kab. Sragen – Jateng) Afnan Rosyidi; Nina Dewi Lashwaty; Ina Sholihah Widiati; Siti Rihastuti; Tinuk Agustin
Bubungan Tinggi: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 4, No 4 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/btjpm.v4i4.5770


UMKM di Desa Kroyo sebagian besar memproduksi souvenir, buket dan menjual berbagai aksesoris. Transaksi penjualan dilakukan secara konvensional dengan toko fisik maupun dengan melakukan pemasaran online. Pemasaran online dilakukan baru sebatas mengunggah foto sederhana dari produk pada status WhatsApp dan instagram pribadi. Permasalahan yang dihadapi mitra adalah kurangnya pemahaman tentang e-commerce, kurangnya wawasan terhadap berbagai permasalahan dalam transaksi e-commerce, serta kurangnya pengetahuan tentang solusi berbagai permasalahan dalam transaksi e-commerce. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk melaksanakan salah satu Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi, memberikan perhatian kepada mitra, meningkatkan pemahaman tentang e-commerce kepada mitra, meningkatkan wawasan mitra tentang berbagai permasalahan dalam transaksi e-commerce, dan mengedukasi solusi berbagai permasalahan dalam transaksi e-commerce. Kegiatan dilaksanakan berupa edukasi yang diselenggarakan pada Kamis 16 Juni 2022 di Aula kampus STMIK AMIKOM Surakarta. Acara dihadiri oleh 12 wirausahawan muda penggerak UMKM Desa Kroyo selaku mitra. Edukasi berhasil diselenggarakan sesuai rencana dan mendapatkan antusias yang luar biasa dari peserta. Edukasi memberikan hasil berupa pemahaman yang lebih baik tentang aktivitas e-commerce, wawasan yang lebih luas terkait berbagai permasalahan dalam transaksi e-commerce, serta bertambahnya pengetahuan mitra tentang solusi atas berbagai permasalahan dalam transaksi e-commerce. Dengan edukasi yang telah diselenggarakan ini diharapkan mitra UMKM dapat lebih memanfaatkan e-commerce dan mendapatkan solusi atas segala permasalahan dalam e-commerce. Output lanjutan dari kegiatan ini adalah pendampingan bagi peserta untuk bergabung ke dalam marketplace demi meningkatkan pemasaran.UMKM in Kroyo Village produces souvenirs, bouquets, and various accessories. Sales transactions are carried out conventionally with physical stores or online marketing. Online marketing is only limited to uploading simple photos of products on personal WhatsApp and Instagram statuses. The problems faced by partners are the lack of understanding of e-commerce, lack of insight into various issues in e-commerce transactions, and lack of knowledge about solutions to varied problems in e-commerce transactions. This community service activity aims to implement one of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, pay attention to partners, increase understanding of e-commerce to partners, increase partner insight about various problems in e-commerce transactions, and educate solutions to miscellaneous issues in e-commerce transactions. The education carries out on Thursday, June 16, 2022, in the STMIK AMIKOM Surakarta campus hall. The event was attended by 12 young entrepreneurs driving the Kroyo Village SMEs as partners. The education was successfully carried out as planned and received great enthusiasm from the participants. Education effects result in a better understanding of e-commerce activities, broader insights related to various problems in e-commerce transactions, and increased knowledge about solutions to diverse issues in e-commerce transactions. With this education, it is hoped that UMKM partners can take advantage of e-commerce and get solutions to all problems in e-commerce. The follow-up output of this activity is assistance for participants to join the marketplace to improve marketing. 
Testing a Web-Based Food Ordering System with the Application of Geolocation Satria Perdana Putra Prabowo; Ina Sholihah Widiati; Tinuk Agustin
Formosa Journal of Applied Sciences Vol. 2 No. 6 (2023): June 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/fjas.v2i6.4504


In the modern restaurant industry, there is intense competition to achieve customer satisfaction through Service Excellence or Service Differentiation. One service advantage that restaurants can offer is a Food Ordering System. The Self-Service Food Ordering System is a solution for restaurants to enhance the customer experience by providing the freedom to order food independently. It is crucial for restaurants to protect this system from external misuse, such as fraudulent orders that can cause financial losses. One solution that can be implemented is the utilization of Geolocation. Implementing Geolocation allows restaurants to obtain real-time user location data with the user's consent, thereby providing better protection for the self-service food ordering system. Testing is necessary to ensure the proper functioning of the system, including testing its features, compatibility, and the geolocation component.
Design of Mobile Learning for Mathematics Subjects on Building Volume Materials for Class V Students at SD Negeri 1 Jatikuwung, Karanganyar Niko Wijanarko; Tinuk Agustin; Muhammad Setiyawan
Formosa Journal of Applied Sciences Vol. 2 No. 9 (2023): September 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/fjas.v2i9.5969


Education plays a significant role in enriching people's lives and building a better future. Mathematics has universal characteristics and has an important role in various fields of science. Grade V students at SD Negeri 01 Jatikuwung, Karanganyar. There is still a lack of interest in learning mathematics in the material of geometric volumes. Mobile Learning can help increase students' interest in learning mathematics. In making this mobile learning using the MIT App Inventor software. The design of mobile learning uses the ADDIE research method (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation). This mobile learning design was also tested using Black Box testing, from Black box testing how many functionalities of the 9 tests the results were "valid" and resulted in a comparison of 9/9 x 100% = 100%. The data collection method used a questionnaire with five question indicators that were tested on the principal and homeroom teacher of class V, and this test resulted in a score of 88%, with the "Very Good" criterion.
Web-Based Altamart Store Sales System Design Amara Yulia F.P; Imam Wahyudi; Marini Styawati; Tinuk Agustin
Formosa Journal of Computer and Information Science Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023): August, 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/fjcis.v2i2.5178


Altamart is a grocery store that serves buying and selling transactions for goods for daily needs. Altamart also provides various types of food and drinks such as snacks, bread, instant noodles, syrup, mineral water, and others. Altamart still uses manual tools for transactions in stores. Therefore, to develop technology, a Web-Based Application was designed to improve performance at the Altamart store. Simply using this application consumers can transact remotely, consumers can also find out the total price of goods to be purchased, consumers know the details of goods easily and billing records can be accessed via the internet and also consumers can choose various payment systems offered. In addition, consumers can also choose a home delivery service. So consumers can wait for the goods to be delivered to their destination without having to come to the store. However, it can only deliver within the surrounding area. From this research a WEB-Based Application was created for buying and selling transactions that can make it easier for buyers, also makes it easier for users (Grocery Stores), so that it can help users record incoming and outgoing goods or if you make points, the results obtained are based on trial results are as follows: (1) WEB-Based Application for ordering goods has been successfully created; (2) With the Goods Ordering Application, consumers can find out information on the stock of goods and prices of goods, for users it can make it easier to manage stock of goods; (3) Providing accurate and up-to-date stock information; (4) This application is for ordering goods in the store
Design and Development of Web-Based Information System Order Monitoring System Bayu Prasetyo; Febrianta Surya Nugraha; Tinuk Agustin
Formosa Journal of Computer and Information Science Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023): August, 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/fjcis.v2i2.5412


PT. Sanityasa Anjaya Daniswara is a technology company operating as a software house in Solo. Efficient monitoring of project progress is essential for improving efficiency. Thus, a monitoring system that allocates programmers, details work, and summarizes progress is urgently required. This study applies the RAD (Rapid Application Development) method to design a monitoring system that meets the company's needs. The result is a development progress monitoring system that provides an overview of work status, ensuring credibility of information, and enhancing productivity and success in software development projects
Perancangan Website Penjualan Kebutuhan Aksesoris Game Menggunakan CMS Prestashop Muhammad Ridho; Ina Sholihah Widiati; Tinuk Agustin
Publisher : Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis (ITB) Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54066/jpsi.v1i3.675


With the current development of information technology, it adds new opportunities for actors kIt is activity buy and sell. at the same time the need for apparel gaming also increased with the development of technology. The increasing need for game accessories adds a new market share for online sales, because many consumers are lazy to come directly to physical stores. This makes the store must be able to compete for the market for game accessories through online sales.Design website e-commerce by using (Content Management System) CMS aims to see if the development is feasible to use likee-commerceanother. It takes an application that can be designed easily to be applied and understood as building a new online store.
Sistem Informasi Pemesanan Tiket Bus Online Berbasis Website Pada Po. Haryanto Vita Ariska; Tiara Aulia Nur Fadilla; Tinuk Agustin
Publisher : Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis (ITB) Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54066/jpsi.v1i3.678


The rapid development of technology makes companies flock to compete in using technology. Especially in the field of transportation, the company uses the technology that is currently developing, namely the website. This website can be used as a media campaign and also an application to support the company, especially this bus company. PO. Haryanto is a company engaged in the field of transportation services. In carrying out its activities, this company still uses a manual service system. In this study designing a website-based online bus ticket booking information system, it is hoped that with this information system, it can facilitate online bus ticket booking services for prospective passengers. The method used in this study uses data collection techniques such as observation and literature study methods. This application uses the Java programming language and MySQL as the database. While system design is done using UML (Unified Modeling Language). The results obtained from the system created include being able to order bus tickets online based on a website so that it becomes more efficient and does not require much time.
Pengajuan Pemasangan Layanan Internet Speedy Berbasis Web Pada PT. Telkom Serly Rindayanti; Safarina Binashrillah; Andrian Doni Saputra; Tinuk Agustin
Publisher : Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis (ITB) Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54066/jpsi.v1i3.683


In this research, a web-based speedy service submission system has been designed. Speedy is a high-speed internet access from PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia, which uses Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) access technology. The technology enables data and voice communication simultaneously through one ordinary telephone line, using copper cable access network media. This system was created using the programming language PHP (PHP Hypertext Preprocessor), as a web editor, Apache as a local webserver, MYSQL database and Flowchart as a system design tool. The results of this web-based Speedy service installation application information system can make it easier for customers to apply for Speedy service installation, make it easier to make data reports to leaders and provide information about the fast, controlled and accurate customer submission process.