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Balur and Improving Quality of Life Jayanti, Gatra Ervi; Subagjo, Saraswati
Journal of Tropical Life Science Vol 6, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Journal of Tropical Life Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.11594/jtls.06.01.07


Balur treatment aimed to leach free radicals overwhelmingly produced in unhealthy body with rubbed over the human body. In Balur used some amino acid and herbal such as Bawang Sabrang (Eleutherine palmifolia (L.) Merr), Kopi Balur (Mixed Coffea arabica L. with Acetosal), Coconut Water (Cocos nucifera L.), Secang (Caesalpinia sappan L.) and “Divine” smoke from cloves (Syzygium aromaticum (L.) Merr. & L. M. Perry) and Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L). This is an observation research of Balur application in volunteers during four years at Rumah Sehat, Malang, Indonesia. The result suggested that Balur can improve quality of life  in male volunteers i.e. 61,54% for Cancer (39 volunteers); 80% for Tumor (20 volunteers); 86,36% for Diabetes mellitus (22 volunteers); 93,33% for Heart (15 volunteers); 92,86% for Autism (28 volunteers); 72,73% for Hepatitis (11 volunteers); 100% neuron disease for (2 volunteers); 93,62% for various of disease (94 volunteers). Moreover imrovement quality of life in female volunteers i.e. 72,31% for Cancer (65 volunteers); 88,57% for Tumor (35 volunteers); 75% for Diabetes mellitus (16 volunteers); 100% for Hemorrhoid (3 volunteers); 100% for stroke (3 volunteers); 40% for Cardiomegaly (5 volunteers); 66,67% for Autism (3 volunteers); 88% for various of disease (50 volunteers) and 100% for healthy (3 volunteers). Keywords: Balur, herb in Balur process, improving quality of life
Uji Kompatibilitas Persilangan Interspesies dan Resiprok Anggrek Dendrobium Reza Priski Dwi Jayanti; Tintrim Rahayu; Gatra Ervi Jayanti
Metamorfosa: Journal of Biological Sciences Vol 9 No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Prodi Magister Ilmu Biologi, Fakultas MIPA, Universitas Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


The compatibility of a cross is indicated by the formation of fruit. The compatibility of an interspecies cross or a cross between different orchid species is used to increase diversity. To compare and determine the power of compatibility, it is necessary to cross back and forth (reciprocal). The purpose of this study was to determine the compatible crosses between interspecies and reciprocals of Dendrobium orchids and to observe the growth of fruit from these crosses. The research procedure was to cross pollen on one orchid flower species to the stigma of another orchid species, then the variables observed were the time of fruit formation (days after pollination / DAP), sepal and petal wilting day (DAP), fruit length and diameter (cm) for two days. months of observation, cross compatibility, and fruit/flower fall. The data obtained were analyzed using quantitative descriptive analysis. The results of this study showed that the sepal and petal wilting days varied from 10-22 days. Formation of fruit from day 7-16. Days of fruit formation vary greatly depending on the species crossed. The shape of the fruit is determined by the female parent, while the size of the fruit depends on the nutrients contained in the plant. The compatibility of this cross is 75% and it can be said that the breeds used are compatible. Keywords: Crosses, Interspecies, Reciproc, Dendrobium, Compatibility.
Peranan BAP dan Air Kelapa pada Medium VW terhadap Organogenesis Dendrobium sp. Nindi Afifa Nisa; Tintrim Rahayu; Gatra Ervi Jayanti
Metamorfosa: Journal of Biological Sciences Vol 8 No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Prodi Magister Ilmu Biologi, Fakultas MIPA, Universitas Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/metamorfosa.2021.v08.i02.p14


Anggrek Dendrobium merupakan genus favorit bagi pecinta anggrek di bandingkan dengan anggrek lainnya, karena kemampuan anggrek Dendrobium yang mudah beradaptasi di berbagai lingkungan. Produksi anggrek di Indonesia sangat lambat, sedangkan peminatnya dari tahun ke tahun semakin meningkat, sehingga perlu di percepat dengan kultur jaringan secara in vitro. Perbanyakan tanaman secara in vitro ini menggunakan media VW sebagai faktor penentu, media VW adalah media yang sering digunakan pada perbanyakan tanaman Dendrobium sp. Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui peranan BAP dan air kelapa pada organonogenesis eksplan Dendrobium sp. Penelitian ini di dilakukan di Laboratorium Kultur Jaringan FMIPA, Universitas Islam Malang, mulai dari bulan September sampai November 2020, menggunakan metode eksperimen dengan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL). Penelitian ini terdiri dari 2 perlakuan dengan 3 ulangan, BAP 0,5 ml, 1 ml dan 1,5 ml dan air kelapa100 ml, 150 ml dan 200 ml. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa organogenesis tertinggi pada perlakuan BAP yaitu konsentrasi 1,5 ml dengan rata-rata 1,3 tunas, 3,86 daun, 0,86 akar dan panjang akar 0,4 cm. Sedangkan perlakuan air kelapa menunjukkan organogenesis tertinggi yaitu konsentrasi 150 ml, dengan rata-rata 0,63 tunas, 3,53 daun, 1 akar dan panjang akar 1,66 cm. Perlakuan air kelapa lebih efektif pada pemanjangan akar dengan jumlah akar 1 dan panjang akar 1,66 cm. Sedangkan perlakuan BAP lebih efektif pada pembentukan tunas dengan jumlah tunas 1,3 dan jumlah daun 3,86. Kata kunci: BAP, Bahan organik, Dendrobium, Organogenesis.
Scavenging activity nano complex compounds of kelor (Moringa oleifera Lamk.) leaves and seeds Rafida Azizah; Tintrim Rahayu; Ari Hayati; Gatra Ervi Jayanti
Publisher : The East Java Biological Society

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (595.361 KB) | DOI: 10.23869/bphjbr.26.1.20205


Moringa oleifera Lamk. is a good source of natural antioxidants because it contains various types of antioxidant compounds such as ascorbic acid, flavonoids, phenolics, and carotenoids. Those antioxidant components forming complex structure have transitional metal as central compound, which have free radical scavenging activity. This study aims to determine the active compounds that act as scavenger in leaves and seeds of M. oleifera. The possible compound found in leaves-seeds is elaborated by in silico analysis, using Dr. Duke's Phytochemical and Ethnobotanical Databases, by mean Pass online, and HitPick software. The results of in silico analysis 3 compounds identified in the leaves that had a high antioxidant role, namely beta-carotene, kaempferol, quercetin, and 2 compounds in seeds that had a high antioxidant role, namely alpha-tocopherol, beta-carotene. The results of this study indicate that the antioxidant activity of the 3 treatments had differences effectiveness of antioxidants. All of these antioxidants has ability to bind transitional metal to form free radical scavenger.
Karakterisasi Bunga Tetua Anggrek Dendrobium dalam Menghasilkan Variasi Fenotipe Baru Melalui Teknik Hibridisasi Muhammad Ni'amul Albab; Tintrim Rahayu; Gatra Ervi Jayanti
Buletin Anatomi dan Fisiologi Volume 6, Nomor 2, Tahun 2021
Publisher : Departemen Biologi Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/baf.6.2.2021.203-211


Peningkatan mutu pada tanaman anggrek juga dapat ditingkatkan pada teknik persilangan dan perbanyakan biji hasil persilangan. Kegiatan persilangan banyak menggunakan varietas-varietas dengan tetua yang sama sehingga menyebabkan variasi genetik pada hibrida yang terbentuk menjadi terbatas. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan karakteristik bunga tetua anggrek Dendrobium yang digunakan sebagai indukan dan menganalisis bunga pada generasi hasil persilangan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan cara mendeskripsikan karakteristik bunga tetua anggrek dengan variasi berbeda serta bunga pada anggrek hibrida hasil persilangan. Analisis dilakukan melalui pendekatan morfologi secara langsung. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah anggrek hibrida hasil persilangan yang telah berbunga memiliki morfologi bunga yang mirip seperti kedua tetua persilangannya seperti ukuran bunga, warna bunga, bentuk dan warna sepal maupun petal, dan warna dari labellum tergantung dari karakteristik bunga yang terdapat pada kedua tetua persilangannya. Kesimpulan yang didapat berupa pemilihan tetua persilangan ditentukan sesuai karakter bunga yang dikehendaki sehingga menghasilkan generasi yang memiliki variasi bunga baru dan bunga dari anggrek hibrida yang dihasilkan dari pemuliaan anggrek memiliki campuran karakteristik bunga dari kedua tetua anggrek yang digunakan sebagai indukan persilangan, tetapi tidak semua karakter bunga dari kedua tetua muncul, ada beberapa karakter bunga yang muncul dari salah satu tetua. Improving the quality of orchid plants can also be improved on the technique of crossing and seed propagation from crosses. Crossing activities use a lot of varieties with the same parents, causing genetic variation in the hybrids formed to be limited. The purpose of this study was to describe the characteristics of the flower of the Dendrobium orchid parent used as a parent and to analyze the flower in the generation of crosses. This study uses a qualitative method by describing the characteristics of the flower of elder orchids with different variations and the flowers on hybrid orchids from crosses. The analysis was carried out through a direct morphological approach. The results obtained are hybrid orchids that have flowered from crosses that have flower morphology that is similar to the two parents of the cross, such as flower size, flower color, shape and color of the sepals and petals, and the color of the labellum depending on the characteristics of the flowers found in the two parents of the cross. The conclusion obtained in the form of the selection of the crossing parent is determined according to the desired flower character to produce a generation that has new flower variations and flowers from hybrid orchids produced from orchid breeding have a mixture of floral characteristics from the two orchid elders used as cross breeders, but not all flower characters. from the two elders who appeared, several flower characters emerged from one of the elders.
Jurnal SAINS ALAMI (Known Nature) Vol 5, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : FMIPA UNISMA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33474/


Causes of degenerative diseases are caused by activities and unhealthy lifestyle. unhealthy lifestyle which in turn triggers free radicals. free radicals are moleculs that are not oxidized which cause the formation of new molecules that can damage body cells. free radicals can be overcome by giving natural antioxidants, one of which is form the olive plant (Olea europaea L.).The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of temperature treatment on antioxidant activity in olive leaves based on leaf age by calculating the IC50 value. The method used in this research is the DPPH method. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the temperature of 31.6°c in young leaves according to calculations is categorized as a strong antioxidant because it provides a calculated value of 82.778 ppm and 165.093 ppm on old leaves and classified as moderate antioxidants, while temperature of 44°c give dominant level under 31.6°c with IC50 values 123.78 ppm for young leaves and 165.170 ppm for old leaves and classified as moderate antioxidants according to the theory that compounds that have very strong antioxidant activity values IC50 values are less than 50 ppm, strong if the IC50 are between 50 and 100, moderate antioxidant if the IC50 values are feasible 100-250 ppm, weak if the IC50 value is 250-500 ppm and inactive if the IC50 value is more than 500 ppm. and vice versa related to the selection of leaf age also affects the level of antioxidant activity seen from the comparison of results from the two treatments that young leaves have a higher level of antioxidant activity than old leaves in counteracting free radicals.Keywords : Temperature, Antioxidant, Olive (Olea europaea L.), DPPH.ABSTRAKPenyebab penyakit degeneratif disebabkan karena aktivitas dan pola hidup yang kurang sehat. Pola hidup kurang sehat yang pada akhirnya memicu radikal bebas. Radikal bebas adalah molekul yang tidak teroksidasi yang menyebabkan terbentuk molekul baru yang dapat merusak sel tubuh. Radikal bebas dapat diatasi dengan pemberian antioksidan salah satunya dari tumbuhan zaitun (Olea europaea L.). Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh perlakuan suhu terhadap aktivitas antioksidan pada daun zaitun berdasarkan umur daun melalui perhitungan nilai IC50. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode DPPH. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa perlakuan suhu 31.6°C pada daun muda  menurut perhitungan IC50 dikategorikan sebagai antioksidan kuat karena memberikan nilai hasil perhitungan IC50  sebesar 82.778 ppm dan 165.093 ppm pada daun tua dan tergolong antioksidan sedang, sementara pada perlakuan suhu 44°C memberikan pengaruh lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan perlakuan suhu 31.6°C dengan nilai IC50 sebesar 123.78 ppm untuk daun muda dan 165.170 ppm untuk daun tua dan tergolong antioksidan sedang sesuai teori bahwa senyawa yang memiliki nilai aktivitas antioksidan sangat kuat jika nilai IC50 kurang dari 50 ppm, kuat apabila nilai IC50 bernilai antara 50 sampai 100, antioksidan sedang apabila jika nilai IC50 bernilai 100-250 ppm, lemah jika nilai IC50 bernilai 250-500 ppm dan tidak aktif jika nilai IC50 bernilai lebih dari 500 ppm, begitupun sebaliknya terkait pemilihan umur daun juga berpengaruh terhadap tinggi rendahnya aktivitas antioksidan dilihat dari perbandingan hasil dari kedua perlakuan bahwa daun muda memiliki tingkat aktivitas antioksidan lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan daun tua dalam menangkal radikal bebas.Kata Kunci : Suhu, Antioksidan, Zaitun (Olea europaea L.), DPPH.
Indole-3-butyric acid immediately induced adventitious root of Dendrodium milla nayla x Dendrobium striaenopsis planted on coco-hust and wood charcoal Tintrim Rahayu; Gatra Ervi Jayanti; Dita Agisimanto
Publisher : The East Java Biological Society

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23869/bphjbr.28.1.20226


Orchids are one of the most favorite cut flowers, flowering potted plants, and have developed into a highly profitable industry. The development of acclimatization method is a necessity for the high survival rate of plantlets. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of low indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) concentration on faster root formation of Dendrobium hybrid planted on coco- husk and charcoal in a short time. Plantlets derived from the seed culture of Dendrodium milla nayla x Dendrobium striaenopsis were harvested and pre-acclimated, planted on charcoal or coco-husk, and regularly sprayed with 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, and 1.0 mg/L IBA twice a week for one month. The results showed that IBA at 0.50 mg/L provided the most appropriate concentration for immediate root induction and growth of Dendrobium hybrid planted on coco-husk. Root number (1.75) and root length (0.28 cm) showed the highest and the most important indicator of adventitious root induction
Pengaruh Suhu terhadap Aktivitas Antioksidan dalam Daun Zaitun (Olea europaea L.) dengan Metode DPPH Ulfi Abdul Rahman Oey; Tintrim Rahayu; Gatra Ervi Jayanti
Jurnal SAINS ALAMI (Known Nature) Vol. 5 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : FMIPA UNISMA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33474/


Causes of degenerative diseases are caused by activities and unhealthy lifestyle. unhealthy lifestyle which in turn triggers free radicals. free radicals are moleculs that are not oxidized which cause the formation of new molecules that can damage body cells. free radicals can be overcome by giving natural antioxidants, one of which is form the olive plant (Olea europaea L.).The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of temperature treatment on antioxidant activity in olive leaves based on leaf age by calculating the IC50 value. The method used in this research is the DPPH method. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the temperature of 31.6°c in young leaves according to calculations is categorized as a strong antioxidant because it provides a calculated value of 82.778 ppm and 165.093 ppm on old leaves and classified as moderate antioxidants, while temperature of 44°c give dominant level under 31.6°c with IC50 values 123.78 ppm for young leaves and 165.170 ppm for old leaves and classified as moderate antioxidants according to the theory that compounds that have very strong antioxidant activity values IC50 values are less than 50 ppm, strong if the IC50 are between 50 and 100, moderate antioxidant if the IC50 values are feasible 100-250 ppm, weak if the IC50 value is 250-500 ppm and inactive if the IC50 value is more than 500 ppm. and vice versa related to the selection of leaf age also affects the level of antioxidant activity seen from the comparison of results from the two treatments that young leaves have a higher level of antioxidant activity than old leaves in counteracting free radicals.Keywords : Temperature, Antioxidant, Olive (Olea europaea L.), DPPH.ABSTRAKPenyebab penyakit degeneratif disebabkan karena aktivitas dan pola hidup yang kurang sehat. Pola hidup kurang sehat yang pada akhirnya memicu radikal bebas. Radikal bebas adalah molekul yang tidak teroksidasi yang menyebabkan terbentuk molekul baru yang dapat merusak sel tubuh. Radikal bebas dapat diatasi dengan pemberian antioksidan salah satunya dari tumbuhan zaitun (Olea europaea L.). Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh perlakuan suhu terhadap aktivitas antioksidan pada daun zaitun berdasarkan umur daun melalui perhitungan nilai IC50. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode DPPH. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa perlakuan suhu 31.6°C pada daun muda  menurut perhitungan IC50 dikategorikan sebagai antioksidan kuat karena memberikan nilai hasil perhitungan IC50  sebesar 82.778 ppm dan 165.093 ppm pada daun tua dan tergolong antioksidan sedang, sementara pada perlakuan suhu 44°C memberikan pengaruh lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan perlakuan suhu 31.6°C dengan nilai IC50 sebesar 123.78 ppm untuk daun muda dan 165.170 ppm untuk daun tua dan tergolong antioksidan sedang sesuai teori bahwa senyawa yang memiliki nilai aktivitas antioksidan sangat kuat jika nilai IC50 kurang dari 50 ppm, kuat apabila nilai IC50 bernilai antara 50 sampai 100, antioksidan sedang apabila jika nilai IC50 bernilai 100-250 ppm, lemah jika nilai IC50 bernilai 250-500 ppm dan tidak aktif jika nilai IC50 bernilai lebih dari 500 ppm, begitupun sebaliknya terkait pemilihan umur daun juga berpengaruh terhadap tinggi rendahnya aktivitas antioksidan dilihat dari perbandingan hasil dari kedua perlakuan bahwa daun muda memiliki tingkat aktivitas antioksidan lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan daun tua dalam menangkal radikal bebas.Kata Kunci : Suhu, Antioksidan, Zaitun (Olea europaea L.), DPPH.
Pengaruh Suhu terhadap Aktivitas Antioksidan dalam Daun Zaitun (Olea europaea L.) dengan Metode DPPH Ulfi Abdul Rahman Oey; Tintrim Rahayu; Gatra Ervi Jayanti
Jurnal SAINS ALAMI (Known Nature) Vol. 5 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : FMIPA UNISMA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33474/


Causes of degenerative diseases are caused by activities and unhealthy lifestyle. unhealthy lifestyle which in turn triggers free radicals. free radicals are moleculs that are not oxidized which cause the formation of new molecules that can damage body cells. free radicals can be overcome by giving natural antioxidants, one of which is form the olive plant (Olea europaea L.).The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of temperature treatment on antioxidant activity in olive leaves based on leaf age by calculating the IC50 value. The method used in this research is the DPPH method. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the temperature of 31.6°c in young leaves according to calculations is categorized as a strong antioxidant because it provides a calculated value of 82.778 ppm and 165.093 ppm on old leaves and classified as moderate antioxidants, while temperature of 44°c give dominant level under 31.6°c with IC50 values 123.78 ppm for young leaves and 165.170 ppm for old leaves and classified as moderate antioxidants according to the theory that compounds that have very strong antioxidant activity values IC50 values are less than 50 ppm, strong if the IC50 are between 50 and 100, moderate antioxidant if the IC50 values are feasible 100-250 ppm, weak if the IC50 value is 250-500 ppm and inactive if the IC50 value is more than 500 ppm. and vice versa related to the selection of leaf age also affects the level of antioxidant activity seen from the comparison of results from the two treatments that young leaves have a higher level of antioxidant activity than old leaves in counteracting free radicals.Keywords : Temperature, Antioxidant, Olive (Olea europaea L.), DPPH.ABSTRAKPenyebab penyakit degeneratif disebabkan karena aktivitas dan pola hidup yang kurang sehat. Pola hidup kurang sehat yang pada akhirnya memicu radikal bebas. Radikal bebas adalah molekul yang tidak teroksidasi yang menyebabkan terbentuk molekul baru yang dapat merusak sel tubuh. Radikal bebas dapat diatasi dengan pemberian antioksidan salah satunya dari tumbuhan zaitun (Olea europaea L.). Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh perlakuan suhu terhadap aktivitas antioksidan pada daun zaitun berdasarkan umur daun melalui perhitungan nilai IC50. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode DPPH. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa perlakuan suhu 31.6°C pada daun muda  menurut perhitungan IC50 dikategorikan sebagai antioksidan kuat karena memberikan nilai hasil perhitungan IC50  sebesar 82.778 ppm dan 165.093 ppm pada daun tua dan tergolong antioksidan sedang, sementara pada perlakuan suhu 44°C memberikan pengaruh lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan perlakuan suhu 31.6°C dengan nilai IC50 sebesar 123.78 ppm untuk daun muda dan 165.170 ppm untuk daun tua dan tergolong antioksidan sedang sesuai teori bahwa senyawa yang memiliki nilai aktivitas antioksidan sangat kuat jika nilai IC50 kurang dari 50 ppm, kuat apabila nilai IC50 bernilai antara 50 sampai 100, antioksidan sedang apabila jika nilai IC50 bernilai 100-250 ppm, lemah jika nilai IC50 bernilai 250-500 ppm dan tidak aktif jika nilai IC50 bernilai lebih dari 500 ppm, begitupun sebaliknya terkait pemilihan umur daun juga berpengaruh terhadap tinggi rendahnya aktivitas antioksidan dilihat dari perbandingan hasil dari kedua perlakuan bahwa daun muda memiliki tingkat aktivitas antioksidan lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan daun tua dalam menangkal radikal bebas.Kata Kunci : Suhu, Antioksidan, Zaitun (Olea europaea L.), DPPH.