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EFEKTIVITAS BAURAN PROMOSI DALAM MENINGKATKAN KEPUASAN KONSUMEN PADA PERUSAHAAN PT. LAKSANA LIMA-LIMA (studi pada perumahan Laksana Lima-Lima Residence) Leo Abdul Azis; Citra Savitri; Syifa Pramudita Faddila
BUANA ILMU Vol 7 No 1 (2022): Buana Ilmu
Publisher : Universitas Buana Perjuangan Karawang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36805/bi.v7i1.3012


Kehadiran properti industri tidak dapat hanya memberikan kontribusi yang signifikan bagi pembangunan sector perumahan untuk masyarakat huni, tetapi juga berdampak pada pembangunan sector lainnya. Perumahan laksana lima-lima residence merupakan salah satu produk PT. Laksana Lima-Lima yang ada di daerah karawang dengan beralamatkan Jln. Curug-Kosambi, Curug, Kecamatan Klari, Kabupaten Karawang. Selang beberapa lama departemen penjualan atau departemen pemasaran di perumahan laksana limalima melakukan kegiatan promosi dengan metode sebar brosur untuk masyarakat guna untuk mengetahui informasi mengenai perumaha tersebut. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan deskriptif dan teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara observasi, wawancara, dan studi literatur. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pelaksanaan sebar brosur dan penjelasan kepada konsumen beli 1 unit akan mendapatkan hadiah elektronik gratis belum bisa dikatakan efektif karena hasil kegiatan tersebut hanya meninggkat 50 unit penjualan saja dari target 1000 unit rumah yang akan dibangun, dan setelah kegiatan tersebut penjualan kembali menurun drastis. Selain itu, ditemukan factor penyebab turunnya penjualan setelah bauran pemasaran dilakukan dengan metode sebar brosur, penurunan disebabkan oleh permasalahan internal sehinggal kinerja dari setiap departemen tidak efektif dan efisien, dan ada faktor tambahan lainnya yang menjadi hambatan perusahaan untuk terus berjalan. Kata Kunci: Bauran Promosi, efektivitas, Kepuasan Konsumen The presence of industrial property can not only make a significant contribution to the housing development sector for the people to live in, but also have an impact on other development sectors. Housing like the five-five residences is one of the products of PT. Laksana Lima-Lima in the Karawang area with the address Jln. CurugKosambi, Curug, Klari District, Karawang Regency. After a while the sales department or marketing department in the housing carried out five five promotional activities with the method of distributing brochures to the public in order to find out information about the housing. The method used in this research is a descriptive approach and data collection techniques are carried out by means of observation, interviews, and literature studies. The results show that the implementation of distributing brochures and explanations to consumers who buy 1 unit will get a free electronic gift cannot be said to be effective because the results of these activities only increased 50 units of sales from the target of 1000 housing units to be built, and after the activity again sales decreased drastically. . In addition, it was found that the factors causing the decline after sales of the marketing mix were carried out using the brochure distribution method, which were caused by internal problems so that the performance of each department was not effective and efficient, and there were other additional factors that hindered the company from continuing to run. Keywords: Promotion Mix, Efectivity, Consumer Satisfaction.
The effect of sales promotion and hedonic shopping motivation on impulse buying in resso applications Leo Abdul Azis; Citra Savitri; Syifa Pramudita Faddila
International Journal of Applied Finance and Business Studies Vol. 10 No. 2 (2022): September: Applied Finance and Business Studies
Publisher : Trigin Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (391.555 KB) | DOI: 10.35335/ijafibs.v10i2.62


Current buying behavior has changed, where many people make unplanned purchases. This study aims to determine: Partial influence of Sales Promotion on Impulse Buying, Partial influence of Hedonic Shopping Motivation on Impulse Buying. This research was conducted at the University of Buana Perjuangan Karawang for Management students of the 2018-2021 class. The type of research used is quantitative research, using a sample of 100. The sampling technique used was the Lemeshow technique. The data collection method used in this research is to take notes on quantitative research using a questionnaire. Data analysis is SEM (Structural Equation Model) based on PLS (Partial Least Square). The results show that: There is a partially significant effect of Sales Promotion on Impulse Buying with T-Statistics of 2.886, there is a partially significant effect of Hedonic Shopping Motivation on Impulse Buying with T-Statistics of 6.274, both of which are greater than the significance used, namely 1, 96 so that it can be stated that sales promotion and Hedonic Shopping Motivation variables have a positive effect on Impulse Buying. The sales promotion variable on impulse buying shows a positive and significant direct relationship. The hedonic shopping motivation variable on impulse buying shows a positive and significant direct relationship.