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Jurnal Suluh Pendidikan Vol 10 No 2 (2022): September
Publisher : Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas HKBP Nom- mensen

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36655/jsp.v10i2.782


attitudes, feelings, words, and actions based on the principles of religion, law, manners, culture, and customs. Character must be owned by every human being, because character is an identity within a person and a differentiator from one person to another. Apart from being an identity, the character in a person is used as a guide in living life. The purpose of this study is to explain the implementation of the tradition of Islamic boarding schools in shaping the character of students at MIS NU Al-Utsmani Pekalongan. This research method uses descriptive qualitative, data collection through observation, interviews and documentation. The results of the study explain that the traditional values ​​of Islamic boarding schools in shaping character, these traditions are reflected through the learning carried out. MIS NU Al-Utsmani in his learning took several subjects in Islamic boarding schools such as the science of recitation, the book of Alala, and the book of Taklim Muta'alim. In addition, it is also reflected in activities such as praying, reading Asmaul Husna, praying Duha in congregation, and shaking hands with teachers. And the distinctive voices that exist in the Islamic boarding school every day continue to echo such as reading nadhoman alala books, tasrifan, imriti and Jurumiyah. The traditional values ​​of the Islamic boarding school can shape characters such as cognitive in students, discipline and most importantly religious character.
Learning Financial Literacy Through Savings Activities in Islamic Elementary Schools: Empirical Evidence at Islamic Elementary School Hendri Hermawan Adinugraha; Irham Baihaqi Thoha; Haryanto Kanthi Widodo; Moh. Hamdi; Razie Bin Nasarruddin
Journal of Elementary Educational Research Vol 2 No 2 (2022): 2022 Volume 2 No 2
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Keguruan IAIN Manado

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30984/jeer.v2i2.317


Understanding and saving habits from an early age is the most important practice in the financial literacy of the Indonesian people, especially for children who are currently attending elementary school, including students of MI Al-Ustmani. The researcher used descriptive qualitative research. The research subjects used were students of MI Al-Ustmani. Data collection techniques in this study are interviews, observation, and documentation. Data analysis used in this research is data organization, data reading, describing data into code, classifying coding into themes, interpreting data, and presenting data. Researchers found empirical evidence that financial literacy learning at MI Al-Ustmani has been carried out through saving activities that are practiced by students every day. MI Al-Ustmani has included financial literacy both intra-curriculum and extra-extra-curriculum as well as direct practicum in the classroom. Learning financial literacy education through saving activities for MI Al-Ustmani students requires cooperation and synergy from various parties so that financial education is truly internalized in the mindset and can be manifested in the daily behavior of MI Al-Ustmani students.
Program 11 Clean in an Effort to Habituate Caring for the School Environment to Strengthen P5 in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Agung Widodo; Fatchurohman Fatchurohman; Azmi Tsani Hasona; Muhammad Maskur Musa; Razie Bin Nasarruddin
Journal of Elementary Educational Research Vol 3 No 1 (2023): 2023 Volume 3 No 1
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Keguruan IAIN Manado

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30984/jeer.v3i1.437


The educational process is, of course, influenced by various parties, one of which is the environment. The relationship between the two cannot be separated. Today, it is often found that there are many environmental problems. This happens because of human activity itself; most people nowadays tend to be more concerned with their own needs without thinking about the impact on other people or the environment. The purpose of this study is to explain the Clean 11 program in an effort to cultivate a caring attitude towards the school environment and strengthen P5 at MIS NU Al-Utsmani. This type of research was conducted using field research methods with a qualitative, descriptive approach. The data collection technique uses observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of this study show that the "11 Clean" program at MIS NU Al-Utsmani is a routine habituation activity in the implementation of environmental care character education, namely through routine pickets. This activity is carried out by teachers and students, especially those in grades IV, V, and VI. This activity is carried out every day at 11 o’clock in the afternoon before they leave school so that they can understand that when they come into a clean environment, when they want to leave, they also have to return it to its original condition, which is clean again. This program is carried out every day on a scheduled basis, taking turns according to an agreed schedule.