Setioningsih, Endang Dian
Department Of Electromedical Engieenering, Poltekkes Kemenkes Surabaya

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Calculation Of Fetal Weight Estimation Displayed With TFT LCD Nadhia Regitasari; M. Ridha Mak'ruf; Endang Dian Setioningsih
Journal of Electronics, Electromedical Engineering, and Medical Informatics Vol 2 No 1 (2020): January
Publisher : Department of Electromedical Engineering, POLTEKKES KEMENKES SURABAYA and IKATEMI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35882/jeeemi.v2i1.4


Fetal weight estimation during pregnancy is one of the beneficial ways to solve morbidity and death during labor problem. Manually, the fundal height is measured from the edge of the pubic symphysis to the top of the uterine fundus by following the arch of the uterus, using a measuring tape. The purpose of this study is to develop an easy way to count fetal weight estimation so midwives don’t have to count manually. The calculation of fetal weight estimation tool uses a variable resistor (potentiometer) as a sensor to measure the fundal height. Then it will be processed in microcontroller. The measurement results are fundal height and estimation fetal weight that will be displayed on the TFT LCD. Based on the results of measuring the fundus uterine height as much as 6 times against the measuring tool (ruler), there is no error in the device so it can be concluded that this tool can be used according to its function. This calculation of fetal weight estimation tool is portable and easy to use to help midwives count the fetal weight estimation quickly.
Design of Respiration Rate Meter Using Flexible Sensor Sarah Aghnia Miyagi; Muhammad Ridha Mak’ruf; Endang Dian Setioningsih; Tark Das
Journal of Electronics, Electromedical Engineering, and Medical Informatics Vol 2 No 1 (2020): January
Publisher : Department of Electromedical Engineering, POLTEKKES KEMENKES SURABAYA and IKATEMI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35882/jeeemi.v2i1.3


Respiration rate is an important physiological parameter that helps to provide important information about the patient's health status, especially from the human respiratory system. So it is necessary to measure the human respiratory rate by calculating the number of respiratory frequencies within 1 minute. The respiratory rate meter is a tool used to calculate the respiratory rate by counting the number of breaths for 1 minute. The author makes a tool to detect human respiratory rate by using a sensor that detects the ascend and descend of the chest cavity based on a microcontroller so that the operator can measure the breathing rate more practically and accurately. Component tool contains analog signal conditioning circuit and microcontroller circuit accompanied by display in the form of LCD TFT. The results of measurement data on 10 respondents obtained an average error value, namely the position of the right chest cavity 6.6%, middle chest cavity 7.92%, and left chest cavity 6.85%. This value is still below the error tolerance limit of 10%. It can be concluded that to obtain the best measurement results, the sensor is placed in the position of the right chest cavity.
Water-Bath Calibration Device with Data Storage Using Six Thermocouple Sensor Yanti Kusumawardani; Endang Dian Setioningsih; Dyah Titisari
Journal of Electronics, Electromedical Engineering, and Medical Informatics Vol 2 No 2 (2020): July
Publisher : Department of Electromedical Engineering, POLTEKKES KEMENKES SURABAYA and IKATEMI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35882/jeeemi.v2i2.2


Uneven temperature distribution in the water-bath chamber can cause the temperature conditions in the chamber are not the same. Temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure, and dust particles are the main factors that adversely affect the accuracy of the water bath's temperature. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to design a calibration device for water-bath with six-channel temperature sensors. In this study, the system able to detect temperatures at each point. The K-type thermocouple sensor is used to detect the temperature at each chamber point with the help of the MAX6675 module as a signal conditioning amplifier. The sensor readings will be displayed on a personal computer using a USB cable, and the sensor readings can be stored on a personal computer in the TXT format so that the data can be reprocessed using Microsoft Excel for further calibration purposes. This study aims to facilitate the calibration process and the processing of calibration data. Based on the obtained measurements, a temperature error for 40 ° C channel one 1.4 %, channel two 1.8%, channel three 0.4%, channel four 0.2%, channel five 0.2% and channel 6 0.2%. Furthermore, the accuracy for temperature setting of 50 ° C for channel one 2.25%, channel two 2.26%, channel three 2.00%, channel four 2.44%, channel five 2% and channel six 1.6%. Moreover, the accuracy for setting temperature 60 ° C for channel one is 0.3%, channel two 0.6%, channel three 0.5%, channel four 1.5%, channel five 2% and channel six 1.8%. Based on the test results, this design has the lowest error of 0.2% and the highest error of 2.44%. The results of this research can be implemented as a water bath calibrator device to maintain the temperature stability of the instrument.
Oximeter and BPM on Smartwatch Device Using Mit-App Android with Abnormality Alarm Bedjo Utomo; Syaifudin Syaifudin; Endang Dian Setioningsih; Torib Hamzah; Parameswaran Parameswaran
Journal of Electronics, Electromedical Engineering, and Medical Informatics Vol 3 No 2 (2021): July
Publisher : Department of Electromedical Engineering, POLTEKKES KEMENKES SURABAYA and IKATEMI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35882/jeeemi.v3i2.4


Monitoring is an activity that is carried out continuously. Healthy condition is a parameter that is needed in life, one of the important parameters is the measurement of oxygen saturation in the blood and heart rate. The purpose of this research is to develop a Smartwatch SpO2 device and BPM sensor that is connected to WIFI using the Android Platform instead of using an LCD for parameter reading. This module design method uses the MAX30100 sensor to display the SpO2 and BPM values ​​displayed on the OLED. Data processing is carried out using ATMEGA 328P programming and then displayed in the Android-based Mit-app application. The results show the average error for the SPO2 value is 0.868 % and the standard deviation is 0.170 %, while the BPM value has an average error of 0.56 % and a standard deviation of 0.30%. From the results of the comparison data analysis, the largest error was 1.03% and the smallest was 0.62% for Spo2 ml/hour with an accuracy of 0.05 (0.57%) with a precision value of 0.08 at the selection speed of 50 ml/hour. From the results above, it can be concluded that the data can be displayed on OLED using the Mit-app Android application with an error rate accuracy of 0.57%. From the results of this research design, it is hoped that it can facilitate the diagnosis of the condition of patients and health nurses
Light Curing Portable dengan 3 Mode Penyinaran Riska Dwi Rahma Anggaraini; Endang Dian Setioningsih; Abd. Kholiq; Liliek Soetjiatie
Jurnal Teknokes Vol 12 No 2 (2019): September
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Elektromedik, POLTEKKES KEMENKES Surabaya, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (528.815 KB)


Light Curing merupakan alat kedokteran gigi yang menghasilkan cahaya tampak dengan panjang gelombang 400-500 nm. Light Curing sendiri digunakan untuk mengeraskan bahan tambal gigi. Penambalan pada gigi tersebut dilakukan karena terjadinya kerusakan pada struktur gigi (Karies). Salah satu bahan tambal gigi untuk mengganti struktur gigi yang hilang yang digunakan saat ini adalah resin komposit. Alat ini akan menyinari resin komposit dengan waktu yang telah ditentukan, Penulis menggunakan Arduino NANO sebagai pengatur waktu pada alat. Proses penyinaram pada alat ini dilengkapi dengan 3 Mode Penyinaran (Stepped, Ramped, Dan Pulse-Delayed) dan juga pengaturan intensitas cahaya untuk mode konvensional. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian dan pengambilan data dengan mengukur kekerasan resin komposit dengan alat Hardness Tester, resin komposit yang di berikan penyinaran dengan waktu 20 detik, 40 detik dan 60 detik dengan ketebalan resin komposit 2mm. Pada alat dengan tambahan 3 mode dan tambahan pemilihan intensitas penyinaran dengan waktu 20 detik belum dapat memenuhi, namun pada penyinaran dengan waktu 40, dan 60 detik sudah dapat memenuhi tingkat kekuatan kunyah manusia yang mampu menahan sebesar 47 Ba. Pada hasil penyinaran 20 detik belum dapat memenuhi, hal ini dapat dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor diantaranya spesifikasi LED yang digunakan berbeda, kondisi lingkungan saat pemberian penyinaran pada resin komposit, kurangnya ketelitian saat menyiapkan sample yaitu kurang ratanya permukaan sample, dan ketelitian pembacaan saat pengujian.
Photoplethysmograph Portable Titoriski Romadhoni; Endang Dian Setioningsih; M. Prastawa Assalim T. Putra
Jurnal Teknokes Vol 12 No 1 (2019): April
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Elektromedik, POLTEKKES KEMENKES Surabaya, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (655.867 KB)


Photoplethysmograph (PPG) merupakan metode yang digunakan untuk mengetahui kondisi sistem kardiovaskular dengan mengukur perubahan volume darah pada jaringan kulit. Dalam penerapannya, metode ini menggunakan sensor optik untuk menangkap sinyal elektrik yang berasal dari sumber cahaya yang lewat atau dipantulkan. Penelitian terakhir monitoring photoplethysmography yang memiliki kemampuan mengirim melalui Bluetooth HC-05 tetapi penelitian tersebut terpisah antara alat dan display sehingga kurang praktis. Maka dari itu dibuatlah perancangan ini, yang dapat menampilkan sinyal PPG disertai dengan nilai SpO2 (saturasi oksigen kapiler perifer) dan BPM (Beat per Minutes) ditampilkan pada LCD TFT agar dapat mempermudah dalam memonitoring sinyal PPG tersebut.Pengujian alat ini dilakukan dengan membandingkan modul dengan alat ukur oximeter yang menghasilkan rata-rata %error pengukuran SpO2 sebesar 0,486 % dengan toleransi maksimum yang diizinkan ± 1%, sedangkan pada parameter BPM didapatkan rata-rata %error sebesar 0,683 % dengan toleransi maksimum yang diizinkan ± 5%.
Rancang Bangun Stetoscope Elektronik Berbasis Mikrokontroller Atmega328 Sumber Sumber; Endang Dian S.
Jurnal Teknokes Vol 12 No 2 (2019): September
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Elektromedik, POLTEKKES KEMENKES Surabaya, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Berdasarkan data yang dikeluarkan oleh Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia (WHO) pada April 2011, kematian yang disebabkan oleh penyakit jantung koroner yang tidak menular telah mencapai 37% dari total jumlah kematian di Indonesia. Selain itu, dalam laporan WHO lain menyatakan bahwa pada tahun 2020, diperkirakan bahwa penyakit jantung koroner akan menjadi penyakit pembunuh utama di negara-negara di seluruh Asia-Pasifik. Tujuan dari penelitian adalah merancang deteksi sinyal jantung menggunakan stetoskop elektronik dengan sensor mic condensor untuk membandingkan nilai S1 (suara lub), S2 (suara dub), suara S3 yang disebabkan oleh osilasi darah antara dinding aorta dan ventrikular serta S4 yang disebabkan oleh turbulensi injeksi darah. Rancang bangun utama terdiri dari rangkaian pre-amp, filter jantung, mikrokontroller atmega 328p yang ditampilkan pada pc menggunakan delphi. Responden terdiri dari 5 laki-laki dan 5 perempuan, rentan usia berkisar antara 20 hingga 25 tahun, sedangkan untuk berat badan responden antara 50 hingga 76 Kg. Posisi perekaman suara jantung yang digunakan berbeda-beda untuk setiap respondennya, pada responden laki-laki didapatkan nilai amplitudo S1 dan S2 maksimal pada posisi perekaman Right Ventricel (RM), sedangkan untuk responden perempuan nilai amplitudo S1 dan S2 maksimal pada posisi perekaman Aortic (AO) dan Pulmonary Artery (PM). Untuk responden laki-laki maupun perempuan Ada banyak faktor yang mempengaruhi amplitudo S1 dan S2 setiap pasien sedangkan untuk nilai S3 dan S4 tidak terlihat dengan jelas. Jika berat badan responden diatas berat badan idealnya maka amplitudo S1 dan S2 akan cenderung lebih kecil dan sebaliknya, jika berat badan responden kurang dari berat badan idealnya maka amplitudo S1 dan S2 akan cenderung lebih besar. Selain itu juga, seberapa kuat stetoskop ditekan ketika melakukan perekaman juga dapat mempengaruhi amplitudo S1 dan S2. Terdapat kendala pada proses pengambilan data dimana responden perempuan cenderung lebih sulit untuk menemukan titik rekaman suara jantung di bandingkan laki-laki dan hanya pada titl-titik sadapan tertentu yang dapat terlihat nilai S1 dan S2 dengan jelas. Hal tersebut dapat diakibatkan oleh frekuensi cut off yang lebar, berkisar antara 10 – 1000Hz sehingga terdapat noise terutama suara paru-paru.
4 Channel Sterilizer Calibrator Syafiq Naufal Syayakti; Endang Dian Setioningsih; Sumber Sumber
Indonesian Journal of Electronics, Electromedical Engineering, and Medical Informatics Vol 1 No 2 (2019): November
Publisher : Department of electromedical engineering, Health Polytechnic of Surabaya, Ministry of Health Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35882/ijeeemi.v1i2.4


Thermocouple (Thermocouple) is a type of temperature sensor used to detect or measure temperature through two types of metal conductors, whose working principle is that each end of a metal conductor is combined to create a "Thermoelectric" effect. One type of metal conductor contained in a thermocouple will serve as a reference with a constant temperature (fixed), while a metal conductor functions as a metal conductor that detects hot temperatures. Sterilisator is a device used to sterilize medical instruments to avoid the bacteria that attach to the remainder of the use of medical instruments. The temperature of the sterilizer varies but generally for dry sterilizers ranges from 175 ° Celsius. From the above problems, the author wants to develop a "4 Channel Sterilizer Calibrator", Using the Arduino Nano Atmega328 as a minimum system, K type thermocouple and MAX6675 module as a sensor. Measurements were made by comparing modules with standard measuring instruments, obtained the smallest error 0.2% at T3 and T4 when measuring 100 ° C, and the largest 4.4% at T2 when measuring 150 ° C.
The Impact of Using Digital Filter and Analog Filter on Surface Electromyography Signal Endang Dian Setioningsih
International Journal of Advanced Health Science and Technology Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): December
Publisher : Forum Ilmiah Teknologi dan Ilmu Kesehatan (FORITIKES)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (3333.169 KB) | DOI: 10.35882/ijahst.v1i2.6


Many accident cases result in humans having to going a surgery to save them, then performing muscle therapy to help the patient’s recovery after going through the post-surgery. The purpose of this therapy is the patient’s body to its normal state. Exoskeleton is an additonal clothing-like tool that aims to both protect and increase the wearer's abilities. Meanwhile electromyography (EMG) is a technique to evaluate and record the electrical activity produced by skeletal muscles. The purpose of this study was to analyze the differences in using of analog and digital filters on EMG, as well as the effect on the exoskeleton simulation. The method used in the main design consists of the myoware module, notch circuit, low pass filter, arduino uno, DAC module, teraterm software, and matlab. The intercepted signal was taken from the biceps using a disposable electrode (AG/AGCL.). The EMG signal tapped by the myoware module then is continued to another circuit, then was recorded on the Teraterm software, and analyzed in MATLAB. The voltage value on the analog filter is 1.541 Volt during relaxation and 2.086 Volt during contraction, while the digital filter that has passed through the DAC has a value of 41.8 mVolt during relaxation and 269.1 mVolt during contraction. The results of this study obtained that digital and analog filter values ​​have an average difference of 5 to 30. The conclusion of this research is that the tool can detect changes in the use of analog and digital filters. Therefore, in the future research, development can be made to compare other  types of digital filters along with replacement to wireless systems. The benefit or purpose of this research is as a simulation of exoskeleton skeletal motion and to see the difference between the use of digital and analog filters.
Comparative Analysis of PID and Fuzzy Temperature Control System on Infant Warmer Abdul Majid; Endang Dian Setioningsih; Abd Kholiq; Singgih Yudha Setiawan; Anilkumar Suthar
Journal of Electronics, Electromedical Engineering, and Medical Informatics Vol 4 No 4 (2022): October
Publisher : Department of Electromedical Engineering, POLTEKKES KEMENKES SURABAYA and IKATEMI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35882/jeeemi.v4i4.257


Infant Warmer is a life support equipment that is used to provide heat relief for normal and premature babies who are unable to maintain their own body temperature when in a new environment. The purpose of this research is to design an infant warmer using the DS18B20 sensor to analyze the efficiency and effectiveness between PID and fuzzy temperature control. This study used temperature settings of 34 °C, 35 °C, and 36 °C. The tool used for reference from standard measurements uses a standard infant warmer. When using the PID control used in the microcontroller detects the set temperature difference value with the actual temperature, the difference in value will be input to the PID control. The error value becomes PWM input on the PID control, the PID control will process the error value and determine the output value for the heater, the temperature sensor will read the actual temperature value which will be compared again with the temperature setting, the PID control will continue to process the error value and determine the PWM output value. until the actual temperature is equal to the setting temperature or the error value is zero