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Analysis of the Drop Sensors Accuracy in Central Peristaltic Infusion Monitoring Displayed on PC Based Wireless (TCRT5000 Drop Sensor) Hanna Firdaus; Bambang Guruh Irianto; Sumber; Jing Lu
Journal of Electronics, Electromedical Engineering, and Medical Informatics Vol 4 No 1 (2022): January
Publisher : Department of Electromedical Engineering, POLTEKKES KEMENKES SURABAYA and IKATEMI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35882/jeeemi.v4i1.5


In some hospitals the infusion is still done manually, medical staff observes fluid drip directly and then controls its rate using a mechanical resistor (clamp), this method is certainly far from the level of accuracy. Infusion pump is a medical aid that has functions to control and ensure the correct dose of infusion fluid that is given to patients under treatment. The purpose of this study is to analyze the accuracy of the TCRT5000 as a drop sensor, based on readings of the infusion pump monitoring system. This module consists of a TCRT5000 drop sensor module, comparator circuit, monostable circuit, stepper motor, L298N motor driver, and ATmega328 microcontroller. The droplets are detected by the TCRT 5000 sensor, then amplified by a comparator and monostable circuit, then the flow rate and remaining volume readings are generated by the ATmega328 microcontroller. Furthermore, this data is sent to the Personal Computer (PC) via wireless HC-11. The results of the flow rate module measurement show that the highest error value is 4% at the 30 ml/hour setting, and the lowest error value is 1% at the 60 ml/hour setting. While the results of the flow rate measurement using an Infuse Device Analyzer, the highest error value is 2,2% at the 30 ml/hour setting, and the lowest error value is 0,58% at the 100 ml/hour setting. This infusion pump monitoring is designed centrally to facilitate the nurse's task in monitoring the infusion dose accurately that is given to the patient.
Pemantauan Infus Pump Secara Wireless Menggunakan Modul RF HC-11 Decoriza Kurnia Abadi; Abd. Kholiq; Sumber Sumber; Sari Luthfiyah
Jurnal Teknokes Vol 12 No 2 (2019): September
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Elektromedik, POLTEKKES KEMENKES Surabaya, Indonesia

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Infuse pump suatu peralatan kedoteran dengankategori life support yang berfungsi untuk memasukan cairan atau obat yang dibutuhkan oleh pasien dengan flow rate ( ml/h) yang terkontrol.Modul ini menggunakan driver motor L298N sebagai pengendali motor stepper. Pemilihan setting infuse pump yaitu setting volume dari pemilihan 100 ml sampai 500 ml dan setting kecepatan dari pemilihan 30 ml/jam, 60 ml/jam, dan 90 ml/jam. Penulis menggunakan mikrokontrollerAtmega 328 sebagai pengontrol tetesan per menit, volume, dan kecepatan Alat ini juga dilengkapi monitoring volume, tpm dan kecepatan pada PC berbasis wireless menggunakan HC-11 sebagai pengiriman dari modul ke PC .Alat ini dilengkapi dengan Lock door.Pengolahan data lajualiranpada IDA dari infus di dapatkan hasil error terendah pada setting 30 ml/jam yaitusebesar -5,97%. Hasil error untuk perhitunganmodul yang tertinggi pada setting 30 ml/jam yaitu sebesar 32% dan manual pada setting 60 yaitu 23%.
Perancangan Stetoskop Elektronik Portable Gadang Hendra Prabowo; Muhammad Ridha Mak’ruf; Sumber Sumber; Liliek Soetjiatie; Bedjo Utomo
Jurnal Teknokes Vol 12 No 1 (2019): April
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Elektromedik, POLTEKKES KEMENKES Surabaya, Indonesia

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Stetoskop merupakan alat medis akustik sederhana yang berfungsi untuk mendiagnosa suara dalam tubuh manusia. Tenaga medis sering menggunakan stetoskop akuistik ini untuk memeriksa suara jantung. Hasil pendengaran suara juga sangat subyektif, sehingga masing-masing orang bisa mengartikan berbeda. Dalam penelitian ini dibangun sebuah stetoskop elektronik untuk auskultasi jantung dengan tampilan TFT serta di rancang secara portable sehingga dapat mempermudah penggunaan alat. Stetoskop ini mampu mengambil data suara jantung pasien serta menampilkan data plot hasil pemeriksaan. Hasil data akan ditampilkan pada TFT serta ditampilkan juga nilai BPM dari pasien tersebut. Berdasarkan dari penelitian yang telah penulis lakukan, maka dapat diperoleh data plot suara jantung dengan menggunakan filter pada frekuensi cut off 56,679 Hz – 88,646 Hz dan diperoleh nilai BPM dengan error terbesar ±0,72%. Nilai error alat masih dalam batas toleransi yaitu <1% berdasar ketetapan Balai Pengaman Fasilitas Kesehatan (BPFK). Desain Stetoskop Elektronik ini bersifat portable sehingga tidak memerlukan pc saat melihat tampilan plot sinyal jantung dan nilai bpm.
Portable Electrocardiograph Dengan Sadapan Pada Telapak Tangan Dan Kaki Muhammad Syifaul Linnas; Sumber Sumber; Prastawa Assalim Tetra Putra
Jurnal Teknokes Vol 13 No 2 (2020): September
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Elektromedik, POLTEKKES KEMENKES Surabaya, Indonesia

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Electrocardiograph (ECG) secara rutin dilakukan oleh operator terampil yang terbiasa dengan penempatan masing-masing elektroda pada pasien. Posisi elektroda yang salah dapat menyebabkan kesalahan kritis dalam diagnosis dan perawatan penyakit jantung. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mendesain sebuah Portable Electrocardiograph dengan Sadapan Pada Telapak Tangan dan Kaki. Kontribusi dari penelitian ini adalah memudahkan orang awam dalam bidang kesehatan dalam hal penggunaan Electrocardiograph. Penelitian ini juga bertujuan mendesain Electrocardiograph yang cukup terjangkau bagi puskesmas/pusat-pusat pelayanan medis di daerah. Agar desain ini dapat memudahkan dalam metode penggunaan alat, maka dibuatlah alat Electrocardiograph (ECG) dengan elektroda pad yang akan diletakkan pada telapak tangan dan telapak kaki yang telah di berikan tanda pada elektroda tersebut. Electrocardiograph (ECG) menggunakan desain High Pass Filter (Pasif 20dB ditambah Non Inverting Amplifier, Low Pass Filter (LPF) 40dB, dan notch filter yang akan ditampilkan pada layar monitor Personal Computer (PC). Dari hasil sadapan beberapa responden, terlihat hasil tampilan yang menyerupai/mendekati sinyal Electrocardiograph (ECG) sebenarnya. Kekurangan dari modul ini jika tidak adanya grounding yang baik dari power suply maka akan terjadi noise pada hasil sinyal yang akan ditampilkan. Hasil penelitian ini dapat di implementasikan pada Electrocardiograph (ECG) konvensional untuk meningkatkan kemudahan dalam hal penggunaan alat.
Rancang Bangun Stetoscope Elektronik Berbasis Mikrokontroller Atmega328 Sumber Sumber; Endang Dian S.
Jurnal Teknokes Vol 12 No 2 (2019): September
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Elektromedik, POLTEKKES KEMENKES Surabaya, Indonesia

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Berdasarkan data yang dikeluarkan oleh Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia (WHO) pada April 2011, kematian yang disebabkan oleh penyakit jantung koroner yang tidak menular telah mencapai 37% dari total jumlah kematian di Indonesia. Selain itu, dalam laporan WHO lain menyatakan bahwa pada tahun 2020, diperkirakan bahwa penyakit jantung koroner akan menjadi penyakit pembunuh utama di negara-negara di seluruh Asia-Pasifik. Tujuan dari penelitian adalah merancang deteksi sinyal jantung menggunakan stetoskop elektronik dengan sensor mic condensor untuk membandingkan nilai S1 (suara lub), S2 (suara dub), suara S3 yang disebabkan oleh osilasi darah antara dinding aorta dan ventrikular serta S4 yang disebabkan oleh turbulensi injeksi darah. Rancang bangun utama terdiri dari rangkaian pre-amp, filter jantung, mikrokontroller atmega 328p yang ditampilkan pada pc menggunakan delphi. Responden terdiri dari 5 laki-laki dan 5 perempuan, rentan usia berkisar antara 20 hingga 25 tahun, sedangkan untuk berat badan responden antara 50 hingga 76 Kg. Posisi perekaman suara jantung yang digunakan berbeda-beda untuk setiap respondennya, pada responden laki-laki didapatkan nilai amplitudo S1 dan S2 maksimal pada posisi perekaman Right Ventricel (RM), sedangkan untuk responden perempuan nilai amplitudo S1 dan S2 maksimal pada posisi perekaman Aortic (AO) dan Pulmonary Artery (PM). Untuk responden laki-laki maupun perempuan Ada banyak faktor yang mempengaruhi amplitudo S1 dan S2 setiap pasien sedangkan untuk nilai S3 dan S4 tidak terlihat dengan jelas. Jika berat badan responden diatas berat badan idealnya maka amplitudo S1 dan S2 akan cenderung lebih kecil dan sebaliknya, jika berat badan responden kurang dari berat badan idealnya maka amplitudo S1 dan S2 akan cenderung lebih besar. Selain itu juga, seberapa kuat stetoskop ditekan ketika melakukan perekaman juga dapat mempengaruhi amplitudo S1 dan S2. Terdapat kendala pada proses pengambilan data dimana responden perempuan cenderung lebih sulit untuk menemukan titik rekaman suara jantung di bandingkan laki-laki dan hanya pada titl-titik sadapan tertentu yang dapat terlihat nilai S1 dan S2 dengan jelas. Hal tersebut dapat diakibatkan oleh frekuensi cut off yang lebar, berkisar antara 10 – 1000Hz sehingga terdapat noise terutama suara paru-paru.
Suction Pump Thoracic Wahyu Ramadhan Putra; Sumber Sumber; Lamidi Lamidi
Indonesian Journal of Electronics, Electromedical Engineering, and Medical Informatics Vol 2 No 1 (2020): February
Publisher : Department of electromedical engineering, Health Polytechnic of Surabaya, Ministry of Health Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35882/ijeeemi.v2i1.8


Thoracic Suction Pump is a medical device used in the medical world to carry out the action of sucking fluid in the thorax cavity, then the liquid that has been sucked will be accommodated in a vacuum tube. Thoracic Suction Pump this model uses a DC voltage motor that is controlled by a motor driver by giving Pulse width modulation that comes from a minimum system circuit. In the use of this tool, the compiler uses 4 pressure selection modes, namely -5, -10, -15, and -20 kPa which is done by pressing the Push button Up and Down for selection of pressure. After the pressure is selected, the pressure value will appear on the 2 x 16 LCD display. This study used a pre-experimental type with One group post test design research design. After measurements and calculations are obtained the results of the pressure values ​​are read by the MPXV4115V sensor which is obtained the biggest error at maximum pressure with the setting of -10 obtained an average value of 2.78% error, in the -5 setting obtained an error value of 2.70%, in the settings -20 obtained an error value of 1.59%, and the smallest error in the setting of -15 obtained an error value of 1.09%.For the minimum pressure error the biggest error value with the setting of -10 is 0.33% error, the setting of -15 is 0.20%, the error-setting is 0.19%, and the smallest error is set - 20 obtained an error value of 0.18%.
4 Channel Sterilizer Calibrator Syafiq Naufal Syayakti; Endang Dian Setioningsih; Sumber Sumber
Indonesian Journal of Electronics, Electromedical Engineering, and Medical Informatics Vol 1 No 2 (2019): November
Publisher : Department of electromedical engineering, Health Polytechnic of Surabaya, Ministry of Health Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35882/ijeeemi.v1i2.4


Thermocouple (Thermocouple) is a type of temperature sensor used to detect or measure temperature through two types of metal conductors, whose working principle is that each end of a metal conductor is combined to create a "Thermoelectric" effect. One type of metal conductor contained in a thermocouple will serve as a reference with a constant temperature (fixed), while a metal conductor functions as a metal conductor that detects hot temperatures. Sterilisator is a device used to sterilize medical instruments to avoid the bacteria that attach to the remainder of the use of medical instruments. The temperature of the sterilizer varies but generally for dry sterilizers ranges from 175 ° Celsius. From the above problems, the author wants to develop a "4 Channel Sterilizer Calibrator", Using the Arduino Nano Atmega328 as a minimum system, K type thermocouple and MAX6675 module as a sensor. Measurements were made by comparing modules with standard measuring instruments, obtained the smallest error 0.2% at T3 and T4 when measuring 100 ° C, and the largest 4.4% at T2 when measuring 150 ° C.
Monitoring Infusion Pump Via Wireless (Occlusion part) Nisa'ul Sholihah; Abd Kholiq; Sumber Sumber
Indonesian Journal of Electronics, Electromedical Engineering, and Medical Informatics Vol 2 No 1 (2020): February
Publisher : Department of electromedical engineering, Health Polytechnic of Surabaya, Ministry of Health Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35882/ijeeemi.v2i1.7


Infuse pump is a medical equipment which is design to control and regulate the administration of intravenous fluids in the treatment.. This module uses the L298N motor driver as a stepper motor controller. The choice of the infuse pump setting is the volume setting from 100 ml to 500 ml and the speed setting of 30 ml / hour, 60 ml / hour, and 90 ml / hour. The author uses the Atmega 328 microcontroller as a droplet controller per minute, volume and speed. Occlusion in this device is in the detector of the droplets that are alerted in the presence of a sound buzzer. This tool is also equipped with monitoring volume, tpm and speed on a wireless-based PC using HC-11 as a transmission from module to PC. This tool is equipped with oclusion. The flow rate data processing in IDA from infusion got the highest error result at the setting of 30 ml / hour which was equal to 5.97%. the highest error for the calculation of droplets in the module is the setting of 30 ml / hour which is equal to 32% and manually at setting 60 which is 23%.
Automatic Blood Collection and Mixer in a Blood Transfusion System Equipped with Barrier Indicators Chandra Bimantara Putra; Her Gumiwang Ariswati; Sumber Sumber; Muzni Zahar
Indonesian Journal of Electronics, Electromedical Engineering, and Medical Informatics Vol 2 No 2 (2020): August
Publisher : Department of electromedical engineering, Health Polytechnic of Surabaya, Ministry of Health Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35882/ijeeemi.v2i2.1


A blood collection monitor is a device used to measure and shake the blood bag during a blood transfusion so that the blood in the bag does not clot and is mixed with anticoagulant fluid in the bag properly. This study aims to design an automatic blood collection and mixer for the transfusion blood system. The advantage of the proposed design is accompanied by a safety system in the form of a barrier indicator that is connected to an alarm. The alarm served to give a warning to blood donors if there is an obstacle or there is no increase in volume as much as 20ml for 1 minute as recommended by the world blood bank association. This device can work with three different sizes of blood bags. In this study, a loadcell sensor is used to detect the amount of blood fluid that enters the bag. Furthermore, then it is converted into milliliter volume. In order to collect the blood, a shaker is drove using a motor controlled by Arduino microcontroller. From the measurement, for the entire size of the blood bag, we found that the deviation is 0, UA is 0, and the average error is 0. Thus, it can be concluded that this device can be used properly. In the future, it can be developed a blood infusion with the flowrate measurement to determine the speed of blood during donation
Design of Two Channel Infusion Pump Analyzer Using Photo Diode Detector Syaifudin Syaifudin; Muhammad Ridha Mak’ruf; Sari Luthfiyah; Sumber Sumber
Indonesian Journal of Electronics, Electromedical Engineering, and Medical Informatics Vol 3 No 2 (2021): May
Publisher : Department of electromedical engineering, Health Polytechnic of Surabaya, Ministry of Health Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35882/ijeeemi.v3i2.5


In the medical world, patient safety is a top priority. The large number of workloads and the frequency of using the devices in the long run will affect the accuracy and accuracy of the tool. If the flow rate and volume of the syringe pump or infusion pump given to the patient are not controlled (overdose or the fluid flow rate is too high) it can cause hypertension, heart failure or pulmonary edema. Therefore, it is necessary to have a calibration, which is an application activity to determine the correctness of the designation of the measuring instrument or measuring material. The purpose of this research is to make a two channel infusion device analyzer using a photodiode sensor. The contribution of this research is that the system can display three calibration results in one measurement at the same setting and can calibrate 2 tools simultaneously. The design of the module is in the form of an infrared photodiode sensor for reading the flowrate value. This study uses an infrared photodiode sensor for channels 1 and 2 installed in the chamber. This study uses a flow rate formula that is applied to the water level system to obtain 3 calibration results. Infrared photodiode sensor will detect the presence of water flowing in the chamber from an infusion or syringe pump. Then the sensor output will be processed by STM32 and 3 calibration results will be displayed on the 20x4 LCD. This tool has an average error value on channel 1 of 3.50% and on channel 2 of 3.39%. It can be concluded that the whole system can work well, the placement and distance between the infrared photodiodes also affects the sensor readings