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PKM PENDAMPINGAN PEMBUATAN PRODUK OLAHAN IKAN PAYUS (BAKSO IKAN PAYUS) DI DESA LINDUK PONTANG SERANG Ihwan Satria Lesmana; Reza Aditya Dermawan; Yuliana Rahayu; Rahmat Hidayat; Diniyatul Jaliyah; Anisa Nurulaini
Batara Wisnu : Indonesian Journal of Community Services Vol. 2 No. 3 (2022): Batara Wisnu | September - Desember 2022
Publisher : Gapenas Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53363/bw.v2i3.122


One of the verified fishery products that can be developed and has the opportunity to add added value is fish balls. The development of various processed fishery products can be used as an alternative to fostering the habit of consuming fish for the people of Indonesia, as well as an effort to increase the nutritional value of the community. One form of processed fish products is fish balls. Meatballs are processed products from meat that are quite popular with the public. In general, meatballs are made from beef but lately many are found in the market meatballs made from fish meat. Almost all types of fish can be used as ingredients for making meatballs including payus fish with proper processing. Payus fish (Elops hawaiensis) is a pest for whitefish in traditional ponds. This fish is famous as a predator of whitefish fry with a characteristic slimmer body shape compared to whitefish, usually called male milkfish. Payus fish is a very important freshwater fishery commodity in the northern waters of Banten Province
SOSIALISASI PENTINGNYA VITAMIN A UNTUK OPTIMALISASI PERTUMBUHAN BALITA Muhatta Muhatta; Fajar Fajar; Romli Gafur; Iwan Setiawan; Syamsul Ma’rip; Tb. Fiki Fahlaifi Musaffa; Rahmat Hidayat; Iwan Gunawan; Angga Sofyan Lutfi; Eva Muti’ah; Basrowi Basrowi
Batara Wisnu : Indonesian Journal of Community Services Vol. 3 No. 2 (2023): Batara Wisnu | Mei - Agustus 2023
Publisher : Gapenas Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53363/bw.v3i2.189


Health is the main thing that needs to be considered in the child's growth and development process. At the age of infants and toddlers, many supplements or vitamins need to be given so that children's growth and development can work optimally. One of them is the provision of vitamin A capsules. Vitamin A is one of the important nutrients for infants and toddlers because vitamin A will protect infants and toddlers from several risks of disease, especially impaired eye function. But this seems to be still common for rural communities, they even still have not gained knowledge about the importance of Vitamin A, for that it is necessary to do socialization.  This community service aims to analyze the effect of socialization activities on the importance of Vitamin A on optimizing growth, development of infants and toddlers. the method used in this PKM is the extension method. Data collection techniques through pre-test and post-test. The results of this Community Service show that there is a significant change in the community regarding knowledge about the importance of vit A, as evidenced by the number of people who want to come to socialization events with village posyandu
Pemanfaatan Teknologi sebagai Leverage Point dalam Rencana Implementasi Perubahan Organisasi Rahmat Hidayat; Bambang Herawan Hayadi; Furtasan Ali Yusuf
YUME : Journal of Management Vol 7, No 2 (2024)
Publisher : Pascasarjana STIE Amkop Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37531/yum.v7i2.6652


Dalam era digital saat ini, teknologi memainkan peran penting sebagai leverage point dalam implementasi perubahan organisasi. Pemanfaatan teknologi dapat mempercepat proses transformasi dan meningkatkan efektivitas perubahan yang diterapkan. penggunaan teknologi dalam rencana perubahan juga menghadirkan tantangan tersendiri. Organisasi harus menghadapi resistensi dari karyawan yang mungkin merasa terancam oleh perubahan teknologi, serta kebutuhan akan pelatihan dan pengembangan keterampilan baru untuk memastikan adopsi teknologi berjalan lancar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis peran teknologi dalam mendukung rencana implementasi perubahan organisasi, dengan fokus pada strategi-strategi yang dapat diadopsi untuk memaksimalkan potensi teknologi. Melalui tinjauan literatur, penelitian ini menemukan bahwa teknologi informasi dan komunikasi (TIK), sistem manajemen digital, dan platform kolaborasi online merupakan komponen kunci yang dapat digunakan untuk mengoptimalkan rencana perubahan. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga mengidentifikasi tantangan yang mungkin dihadapi dalam integrasi teknologi, seperti resistensi terhadap perubahan dan kebutuhan pelatihan. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan panduan praktis bagi manajer dan pemimpin organisasi dalam merancang dan mengimplementasikan perubahan yang efektif melalui pemanfaatan teknologi.Kata kunci: teknologi, leverage point, implementasi perubahan, transformasi organisasi, strategi manajemen.