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ILKOM Jurnal Ilmiah Vol 11, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Univeristas Muslim Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (98.892 KB) | DOI: 10.33096/ilkom.v11i1.413.67-76


If transport continues to increase, plus manufacturers competing to produce interesting transportation on the market, thus allowing the improvement of the transport users. If the increase occurs, it will cause congestion. Congestion was a factor that greatly affect the efficiency of the transport system, where the transportation system is a form of attachment and the interconnected between the passenger, shuttles and infrastructure that interact in order to transfer people or goods, which is covered in an order, either by natural or artificial or engineered. It takes the right planning strategies in addressing conditions congestion such as implementation of reconfiguration of the route network, a program that using dynamical systems in proper design and planning, and the determination of the most appropriate scenario can improve the efficiency of the transportation system. This research uses scenario through reconfiguration of network routes to improve the efficiency of the transportation system. in this study, this scenario is considered to be the most appropriate to increase the efficiency of vehicle travel time by way of the transfer of light vehicle routes that will go towards the Urip Sumoharjo street because it results in a reduction in travel time by 1.2% of travel time before the scenario.
ILKOM Jurnal Ilmiah Vol 11, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Teknik Informatika Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Univeristas Muslim Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33096/ilkom.v11i1.413.67-76


If transport continues to increase, plus manufacturers competing to produce interesting transportation on the market, thus allowing the improvement of the transport users. If the increase occurs, it will cause congestion. Congestion was a factor that greatly affect the efficiency of the transport system, where the transportation system is a form of attachment and the interconnected between the passenger, shuttles and infrastructure that interact in order to transfer people or goods, which is covered in an order, either by natural or artificial or engineered. It takes the right planning strategies in addressing conditions congestion such as implementation of reconfiguration of the route network, a program that using dynamical systems in proper design and planning, and the determination of the most appropriate scenario can improve the efficiency of the transportation system. This research uses scenario through reconfiguration of network routes to improve the efficiency of the transportation system. in this study, this scenario is considered to be the most appropriate to increase the efficiency of vehicle travel time by way of the transfer of light vehicle routes that will go towards the Urip Sumoharjo street because it results in a reduction in travel time by 1.2% of travel time before the scenario.
Pengembangan Solusi Perawatan Kesehatan Terhadap Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Menggunakan Pendekatan Data Analysis Sitti Rahmah Jabir; A. Ulfah Tenripada; Muhammad Arfah Asis; Dewi Widyawati; Amaliah Faradibah
Buletin Sistem Informasi dan Teknologi Islam (BUSITI) Vol 3, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Muslim Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33096/busiti.v3i2.1397


Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) adalah sekelompok kondisi perkembangan saraf. Orang dengan autisme memiliki masalah dengan interaksi sosial. Mereka tidak dapat mengembangkan hubungan dengan orang lain sesuai dengan tingkat perkembangan mereka. Jumlah anak-anak dengan autisme telah tumbuh terus menerus selama beberapa tahun. Mendiagnosis ASD diperlukan pendekatan yang komprehensif, sistematis, dan terstruktur. Untuk mendiagnosis ASD, peneliti memanfaatkan penambangan data untuk menganalisis data terapi perilaku. Data yang didapatkan tidak sepenuhnya data yang bersih, dimana terdapat beberapa data yang hilang. Untuk menangani data yang hilang, pendekatan data pre-processing yang akan digunakan untuk membantu menganalisis dan memperhitungkan nilai yang hilang. Data yang tidak sesuai format akan ditransformasikan terlebih dahulu sebelum divisualisasikan. Sebagian besar kuesioner telah diisi oleh orang tua. Berdasarkan dataset, anak-anak dengan ASD didominasi oleh laki-laki. Dirujuk dari etnis, orang kulit putih-Eropa adalah etnis terbanyak yang terdeteksi memiliki jumlah anak tertinggi dengan ASD. Di dalam etnis, ada berbagai negara. Inggris adalah jumlah terbesar orang yang menderita autisme. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut, bidang kesehatan harus lebih fokus memberikan pengobatan untuk orang kulit putih-Eropa terutama di Inggris. Para peneliti kesehatan harus menghasilkan wawasan yang dapat mengembangkan autisme untuk deteksi dan skrining. Berdasarkan hasil, hal tersebut dapat membantu lebih lanjut yang dapat mengurangi persentase autisme di seluruh dunia. peneliti kesehatan harus menghasilkan wawasan yang dapat mengembangkan autisme untuk deteksi dan skrining.
Bimbingan Teknis Aplikasi Xsia Microservice sebagai Media Pelaporan Nilai Siswa di SDN 133 Pari’risi Kabupaten Takalar Poetri Lestari Lokapitasari Belluano; Amaliah Faradibah; Rahmadani Rahmadani; Aulia Putri Utami; Muh Fachrul Islam; Muh Taufik Rifaat
Ilmu Komputer untuk Masyarakat Vol 3, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Muslim Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33096/ilkomas.v3i2.1554


Sistem Informasi Akademik (xSIA) menggunakan teknologi microservice adalah sistem yang memiliki salah satu fungsi untuk mengelola data penilaian akhir siswa sehingga memberikan kemudahan kepada Guru sebagai pengguna utama dalam aktivitas merekam nilai akhir hasil belajar siswa setiap semester dengan luaran berupa nilai Angka Komulatif. Model Pelatihan yang diterapkan kepada mitra SDN 133 Inpres Paririsi Takalar menggunakan model latihan Preceptorship dan Partisipatif. sedangkan Tahap perancangan aplikasi digunakan model Prototyping untuk merepresentasikan secara grafis alur kerja sistem. Target luaran penelitian ini yakni: 1) Adanya aplikasi xSIA untuk pelaporan penilaian siswa agar guru secara mandiri melaksakan pelaporan secara otomatis dan memiliki dokumentasi nilai dengan baik. 2) Keluaran berupa Jurnal Nasional terakreditasi. Serta 3) pengayaan bahan ajar dalam mata kuliah Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak.
Ilmu Komputer untuk Masyarakat Vol 4, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Muslim Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33096/ilkomas.v4i1.1507


Pengelolaan buku administrasi desa memegang peranan penting bagi jalannya suatu organisasi, yaitu sebagai sumber informasi dan sebagai pusat ingatan organisasi sebagai dasar pengambilan keputusan. Masalah yang muncul pada Lembang Marinding Kecamatan Mengkendek Kab. Tana Toraja yaitu masih mengelola data administasi desa secara manual, sehingga muncul masalah jika berkas administrasi dibutuhkan tidak ditemukan atau hilang. Selain itu belum tersedianya fasilitas atau media yang mengatur data administrasi secara digital, sehingga pelayanan kepada masyarakat belum maksimal. Staf lembang juga belum mahir dalam menerapkan teknologi informasi dalam manajemen administrasi. Hasil yang diperoleh dari kegiatan pengabdian yaitu dapat meningkatkan pemahaman dan kemampuan serta keterampilan perangkat desa Lembang Marinding dalam mengelola administrasi persuratan secara digital sehingga kegiatan administrasi menjadi lebih baik. Selain itu pelayanan kepada masyarakat lebih baik sehingga membuat kinerja staf  Lembang Marinding juga meningkat. Sebagai penunjang dalam kegiatan tersebut, staf yang  mengikuti kegiatan pelatihan diberikan modul sebagai panduan penggunaan sistem. Pada kegiatan ini menghasilkan sebuah sistem informasi berupa buku administrasi  berbasis web yang akan dikelola langsung oleh staf lembang. Luaran akhir berupa publikasi di media massa dan artikel yang akan dipublikasikan pada Jurnal Ilkomas
Comparison Analysis of Random Forest Classifier, Support Vector Machine, and Artificial Neural Network Performance in Multiclass Brain Tumor Classification Amaliah Faradibah; Dewi Widyawati; A Ulfah Tenripada Syahar; Sitti Rahmah Jabir; Poetri Lestari Lokapitasari Belluano
Indonesian Journal of Data and Science Vol. 4 No. 2 (2023): Indonesian Journal of Data and Science
Publisher : yocto brain

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56705/ijodas.v4i2.73


This study aims to analyze and compare the performance of three main classification models, namely Random Forest Classifier, Support Vector Machine, and Artificial Neural Network, in classifying Multiclass brain tumors based on MRI images. The research method includes exploratory data analysis (EDA), dataset preprocessing with image segmentation using the Canny method, and feature extraction using the Humoment method. The performance of the classification models is evaluated based on accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score. The analysis results show variations in the performance of the three classification models, with Random Forest Classifier having an accuracy of 0.7, weighted precision of 0.55, weighted recall of 0.7, and weighted F1 score of 0.59; Support Vector Machine having an accuracy of 0.71, weighted precision of 0.5, weighted recall of 0.71, and weighted F1 score of 0.59; and Artificial Neural Network having an accuracy of 0.62, weighted precision of 0.6, weighted recall of 0.62, and weighted F1 score of 0.61. Visualization using box plots also reveals outliers in the performance of the three models. These findings indicate variations and outliers in the performance of the classification models for Multiclass brain tumor classification. Further analysis is needed to understand the factors that influence performance differences and identify ways to improve the classification model performance for brain tumor diagnosis based on MRI images
Comparison Analysis of Classification Model Performance in Lung Cancer Prediction Using Decision Tree, Naive Bayes, and Support Vector Machine Dewi Widyawati; Amaliah Faradibah; Putri Lestari Lokapitasari Belluano
Indonesian Journal of Data and Science Vol. 4 No. 2 (2023): Indonesian Journal of Data and Science
Publisher : yocto brain

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56705/ijodas.v4i2.76


This research aims to analyze the performance of three classification models, namely Decision Tree Classifier, Support Vector Machine, and Naive Bayes Classifier, in predicting lung cancer using the "Lung Cancer Prediction" dataset. The performance evaluation metrics used include accuracy, precision weighted, recall weighted, and F1 weighted. As a preliminary step, exploratory data analysis (EDA) and dataset preprocessing, including feature selection, data cleaning, and data transformation, were conducted. The test data results showed that the Decision Tree Classifier and Naive Bayes Classifier had similar performances with high accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 values. Meanwhile, the Support Vector Machine also exhibited competitive performance, although its precision weighted value was slightly lower. Additionally, an outlier analysis was conducted using box plots, revealing that the Decision Tree Classifier had 2 outlier values, while the Support Vector Machine had 4 outlier values, and Naive Bayes had no outlier values. In conclusion, all three classification models demonstrated good potential in lung cancer prediction. However, selecting the best model requires consideration of relevant evaluation metrics for the application and accommodating the limitations of each model. Further evaluation and in-depth analysis are needed to ensure the reliability of the models in predicting lung cancer cases more accurately and consistently.
Pemanfaatan Microservice dengan GraphQL Federation Concept untuk Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Akademik (xSIA) Poetri Lestari Lokapitasari Belluano; Benny Leonard Enrico P; Purnawansyah Purnawansyah; Amaliah Faradibah; Rahmadani Rahmadani
Jurnal Inovasi Teknologi dan Edukasi Teknik Vol. 3 No. 1 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Ngeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17977/um068v3i12023p12–23


Academic Information System (xSIA) is an application built to manage academic value transaction modules that make it easy for users to manage grades in online academic administration activities. The need for reconstruction of the xSIA microservice architecture from the previously built domain driven design model using the json (javascript object notation) data format, REST (Representational State Transfer and an architectural style for distributed hypermedia systems) communication protocol, authorization and authentication processes occur in each microservice , there is a pooling of data that is charged to the client which has caused the client to make many requests to the various available microservices, as well as making documentation if there are additional microservices. The xSIA system reconstruction was developed by changing the xSIA microservice architecture so that the concept of responsibility authorization and authentication can be carried out according to service needs. The approach to reconstructing the microservice architecture in the xSIA application uses a new concept with the single gateway microservice model and is built using the GraphQL Federation to facilitate data communication between the backend and frontend of the application and can be implemented in various programming languages to minimize downtime when modification process occurs. The results of this study are the xSIA application on the study plan transaction module (krs) using the GraphQL Federation Concept with the single gateway microservice model so that authorization and authentication responsibilities can be carried out according to service requirements with a realtime average of 373.15 milliseconds. Sistem Informasi Akademik (xSIA) adalah aplikasi yang dibangun untuk mengelola modul transaksi nilai akademik yang memberikan kemudahan kepada pengguna mengelola nilai dalam kegiatan administrasi akademik secara online. Kebutuhan rekonstruksi arsitektur microservice xSIA dari model domain driven design yang dibangun sebelumnya menggunakan format data json (javascript object notation), protokol komunikasi REST (Representational State Transfer and an architectural style for distributed hypermedia systems), terjadi proses otorisasi dan otentikasi yang ada di setiap microservice, terdapat penyatuan data yang dibebankan kepada client telah menyebabkan client harus melakukan banyak request ke berbagai microservice yang tersedia, serta pembuatan dokumentasi jika ada penambahan microservice. Rekonstruksi sistem xSIA dikembangkan dengan mengubah arsitektur microservice xSIA sehingga konsep responsibility autorisasi dan autentifikasi dapat dilakukan sesuai dengan kebutuhan service. Pendekatan dalam melakukan rekontruksi arsitektur microservice pada aplikasi xSIA menggunakan konsep baru dengan model single gateway microservice (layanan satu gerbang) dan dibangun menggunakan GraphQL Federation untuk mempermudah komunikasi data antara backend dan frontend dari aplikasi, serta dapat diimplementasikan di berbagai Bahasa pemrograman sehingga meminimaliasir terjadinya downtime saat proses modifikasi terjadi. Hasil penelitian ini berupa aplikasi xSIA pada modul transaksi rencana studi (KRS) menggunakan GraphQL Federation Concept dengan model single gateway microservice sehingga responsibility autorisasi dan autentifikasi dapat dilakukan sesuai dengan kebutuhan service dengan rerata realtime 373.15 millisecond.