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Implementasi Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Sebagai Sistem dengan Metode Kickpatrick di MTs Lab. Uinsu Makmur Syukri; Nisa Miranda; Melani Ramdika; Ayunda Khairunnisa; Husni Mubarak
Al Iman: Jurnal Keislaman dan Kemasyarakatan Vol. 6 No. 2 (2022): Al-Iman Jurnal Keislaman dan Kemasyarakatan
Publisher : STID Raudlatul Iman Sumenep

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The evaluation of this training program is in the form of a questionnaire that has been filled out by the training participants. As a determination of the passing of the participants will be conducted an evaluation test / exam. Assessment of the final results of the exam/test in the form of participant answer sheets will be given in the form of a different code that is useful for educators to provide effective and objective scores. After the results of the exam come out, a meeting will be held for a graduation meeting which will later determine which training participants deserve a score from the participant's activeness, attendance and final result scores. Researchers conducted and succeeded in collecting the results of the questionnaire obtained from the form of training and education carried out for several days. The results of this study use the Kickpatrick evaluation method which greatly facilitates researchers in conducting research. Evaluasi daripada program pelatihan ini berupa hasil angket yang telah diisi oleh peserta pelatihan. Sebagai penentuan lulusnya peserta akan dilakukannya tes evaluasi/ ujian. Penilaian hasil akhir ujian/ tes yang berupa lembar jawaban peserta akan diberikan berupa kode yang berbeda yang berguna untuk pendidik agar memberikan nilai yang efektif dan obyektif. Setelah hasil dari ujian tersebut keluar akan dilakukan pertemuan untuk rapat kelulusan yang nantinya untuk menentukan peserta diklat tersebut pantas mendapat nilai dari keaktifan peserta, presensi dan nilai hasil akhir. Peneliti melakukan dan berhasil mengumpulkan hasil angket yang didapat dari bentuk pelatihan dan pendidikan yang dilakukan selama beberapa hari. Hasil penelitian ini menggunakan metode evaluasi Kickpatrick yang sangat memudahkan peneliti dalam melakukan penelitian.
Kebijakan Pengelolaan Lingkungan Pendidikan Pada Pembelajaran di Mts Al – Jumhuriyah Nisa Miranda; Hanna Sholiha Mashar; Ayyu Purnama; Aldi Nasution; Wasiyem Wasiyem
Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Pendidikan Vol 9 No 3 (2023): Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Pendidikan
Publisher :

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (144.46 KB) | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7627231


The policies applied by management in the learning environment are the most important thing in the learning process. Management of the learning environment itself is an activity related to facilities and infrastructure that connects student activities with the surrounding environment. Where students can carry out various activities, explore and be creative. Learning activities other than in class are very important, apart from not making children's mindset narrow, students must also be given learning in the form of an understanding of the wider environment. For example, in this study, the policy adopted by the teachers was to limit children's creative patterns by only doing learning in the classroom. However, when given the policy to carry out experiments outside the classroom, children understand learning more quickly
JGK (Jurnal Guru Kita) Vol 6, No 3: Juni 2022
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (276.544 KB) | DOI: 10.24114/jgk.v6i3.36377


Abstract : Training is seen as the primary method for dealing with different social issues in many countries, and for certain issues, public government assistance rests on the shoulders of schools and colleges. The implementation of the instructive program must be seen from a different perspective. This point of view combines public authorities as strategy creators, clients and regions as teachers in proportion to program continuity. The evaluation, called program assessment, is expected to be able to decide the outcome of the instructive program being run. This is often referred to as an educational program assessment, basically because it assesses an educational program. Ranking empowers students to effectively take part in long-term learning, educators to work more on the nature of the educational experience, and schools to work more on the tools and nature of board schools. However, relying solely on student implementation and educational evaluation to assess the progress of a learning program is not enough. Evaluation is a movement to collect valuable data for an independent direction and is used as a proportion of the extent to which a goal can be achieved. Program assessment is a technique for deciding project implementation by comparing the program and the specific measures or objectives achieved and the results achieved.Keywords: Program Evaluation, Instrument, EducationAbstrak : Pelatihan dipandang sebagai metode utama untuk menangani isu-isu sosial yang berbeda di banyak negara, dan untuk isu-isu tertentu, bantuan pemerintah publik berada di pundak sekolah dan perguruan tinggi. Pelaksanaan program instruktif harus terlihat menurut perspektif yang berbeda. Sudut pandang ini menggabungkan otoritas publik sebagai pencipta strategi, klien dan daerah sebagai guru sebanding dengan kelangsungan program. Evaluasi yang disebut penilaian program diharapkan dapat memutuskan hasil dari program instruktif yang dijalankan. Hal ini sering disebut sebagai penilaian program edukatif, pada dasarnya karena menilai sebuah program edukatif. Peringkat memberdayakan siswa untuk secara efektif mengambil bagian dalam pembelajaran jangka panjang, pendidik untuk lebih bekerja pada sifat pengalaman pendidikan, dan sekolah untuk lebih bekerja pada peralatan dan sifat sekolah dewan. Namun, hanya bergantung pada pelaksanaan siswa dan evaluasi pendidikan untuk menilai kemajuan program pembelajaran tidak cukup. Evaluasi adalah gerakan untuk mengumpulkan data yang berharga untuk arah independen dan digunakan sebagai proporsi sejauh mana suatu tujuan dapat dicapai. Penilaian program adalah teknik untuk memutuskan pelaksanaan proyek dengan membandingkan program dan ukuran atau tujuan tertentu yang dicapai dan hasil yang dicapai.Kata Kunci : Evaluasi Program, Instrumen, Pendidikan