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Pencampuran dengan Attritor Mill pada Sintesis Mg0,8Zn0,2TiO3 Sefrilita Risqi Adikaning Rani; S Suasmoro
Jurnal Sains dan Seni ITS Vol 5, No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (LPPM), ITS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (275.697 KB) | DOI: 10.12962/j23373520.v5i2.17387


Material Mg0.8Zn0,2TiO3 disintesis menggunakan metode pencampuran attritor dengan variasi waktu milling 2 jam, 4 jam dan 6 jam. Hasil pencampuran dengan attritor menghasilkan  distribusi ukuran serbuk dalam orde submikronik. Keseragaman distribusi ukuran serbuk yang tinggi diperoleh dari serbuk hasil milling selama 6 jam yaitu sebesar 351,6 nm. Kalsinasi pada termperatur 950oC untuk serbuk campuran yang dimilling 6 jam memperlihatkan terbentuknya fasa tunggal dari (Mg/Zn)TiO3. Analisa dilakukan dengan menggunakan software match2.
JFT : Jurnal Fisika dan Terapannya Vol 9 No 1 (2022): JUNI
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24252/jft.v9i1.25470


ZrSiO4 (zircon) material derived from natural sand has been successfully synthesized to produce single crystals. Structural analysis and phase change were studied by X-Ray diffraction. Rietveld analysis was carried out as a method of analyzing X-Ray Diffraction data. Zircon with a tetragonal crystal structure has been successfully synthesized to produce single crystals of ZrSiO4 with space group I41/amd. The results of the Rietveld analysis of single crystal ZrSiO4 samples with a tetragonal structure obtained lattice parameters a= 6.602727 (323) c= 5.978810 (317) with a crystal size distribution of 527.033 (0) nm and macrostrains of 0.001x10-4.
MICRO-ZONATION STUDY OF POTENTIAL SEISMIC HAZARDS BASED ON PEAK GROUND ACCELERATION (PGA) VALUE IN THE NORTH KONAWE OFFICE AREA Prasepvianto Estu Broto; Nidya Lena Fitriah Laksana; Muh. Said L; Hernawati; Sefrilita; Sefrilita Risqi Adikaning Rani Rani
JOURNAL ONLINE OF PHYSICS Vol. 8 No. 1 (2022): JOP (Journal Online of Physics) Vol 8 No 1
Publisher : Prodi Fisika FST UNJA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22437/jop.v8i1.20232


The purpose of this study was to determine the potential for seismic hazard based on the peak ground acceleration value in the North Konawe office area. This study uses the HVSR method to obtain the dominant frequency, amplification factor, dominant period, seismic vulnerability index and Peak Ground Acceleration. The results obtained from the microzonation of the distribution of the dominant frequency value with a high category were found at 5 measurement points, the amplification factor with a low category was found at 1 measurement point, the dominant period with a low category was found at 6 measurement points and the seismic vulnerability index with a low category was found at 5 points. measurement. Overall the research area is included in the level of seismic hazard risk, not high potential but in the low category. While the microzonation of the distribution of PGA values ​​obtained values ​​ranging from 23,2381-23,3231 gal which belong to the low seismic hazard risk level. Where it can be described in this area the earthquake that occurred can be felt by many people but caused damage. The light objects that were hung swayed and the windows shook. So it can be concluded that this research area is included in the category of low seismic hazard level
MICRO-ZONATION STUDY OF POTENTIAL SEISMIC HAZARDS BASED ON PEAK GROUND ACCELERATION (PGA) VALUE IN THE NORTH KONAWE OFFICE AREA Prasepvianto Estu Broto; Nidya Lena Fitriah Laksana; Muh. Said L; Hernawati; Sefrilita; Sefrilita Risqi Adikaning Rani Rani
JOURNAL ONLINE OF PHYSICS Vol. 8 No. 1 (2022): JOP (Journal Online of Physics) Vol 8 No 1
Publisher : Prodi Fisika FST UNJA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22437/jop.v8i1.20232


The purpose of this study was to determine the potential for seismic hazard based on the peak ground acceleration value in the North Konawe office area. This study uses the HVSR method to obtain the dominant frequency, amplification factor, dominant period, seismic vulnerability index and Peak Ground Acceleration. The results obtained from the microzonation of the distribution of the dominant frequency value with a high category were found at 5 measurement points, the amplification factor with a low category was found at 1 measurement point, the dominant period with a low category was found at 6 measurement points and the seismic vulnerability index with a low category was found at 5 points. measurement. Overall the research area is included in the level of seismic hazard risk, not high potential but in the low category. While the microzonation of the distribution of PGA values ​​obtained values ​​ranging from 23,2381-23,3231 gal which belong to the low seismic hazard risk level. Where it can be described in this area the earthquake that occurred can be felt by many people but caused damage. The light objects that were hung swayed and the windows shook. So it can be concluded that this research area is included in the category of low seismic hazard level
Studi Karakterisasi XRD Pada Material CNT Melalui Variasi Tegangan Hot Wire Kurniati Abidin; Rahmaniah Ilham; Hernawati Hernawati; Sefrilita R.A.R; Dirwan Dirwan
JPF (Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika) Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar Vol 11 No 1 (2023): Maret
Publisher : Pendidikan Fisika UIN Alauddin Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24252/jpf.v11i1.35554


CORN HAIR EXTRACT AS CORROSION INHIBITOR FOR ST37 STEEL IN 3% HCL MEDIA Sefrilita Risqi Adikaning Rani; Rahmaniah Rahmaniah; Hernawati Hernawati; Nurhidayah Nurhidayah; Fira Yurdanianti
Jurnal Neutrino:Jurnal Fisika dan Aplikasinya Vol 15, No 2 (2023): APRIL
Publisher : Department of Physics, Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic University of Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18860/neu.v15i2.17279


The research aims to analyze the impact of the concentration of the extracted corn hair inhibitor and the immersion time in reducing the formation of pitting corrosion with or without cracks of ST37 steel. The mass loss method and SEM analysis were applied used in this study to provide a reliable and accurate measurement of the inhibitor's effectiveness due to the corrosion formation. The results indicated that both concentrations of the inhibitor and the immersion time significantly impacted the morphological characteristics of the ST37 steel through the reduction of various types of corrosion. It indicated that the immersion time and the corrosion inhibitor concentration were related to the corrosion rate. The longer the sample was immersed, the greater the mass loss that occurred because the more Fe(OH)2 layers were formed. While the higher the concentration of inhibitor used, the lower the corrosion rate by hindering the diffusion of corrosion media to the surface of the sample. The results also indicated that the test of morphological characteristics of ST37 steel shows four types of corrosion formed such as stress, uniform, pitting, and pitting corrosions. Overall, this research demonstrates the potential use of corn hair extracted from waste material as an effective inhibitor for reducing the corrosion rate of ST37 steel. The findings of the research could have important implications in developing new sustainable corrosion inhibitors for the future manufacture of corn hair inhibitors in reducing the corrosion rate of ST37 steel.
PENGARUH PENAMBAHAN INHIBITOR ALAMI EKSTRAK LIMBAH KULIT JAGUNG TERHADAP LAJU KOROSI MATERIAL BAJA ST 37 DALAM MEDIUM NaCl 3% Rahmaniah Rahmaniah; Sefrilita Risqi Adikaning Rani; Kurniati Abidin; Fitriyanti Fitriyanti; Ratih Ratih
Teknosains Vol 17 No 1 (2023): Januari-April
Publisher : Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24252/teknosains.v17i1.35191


Korosi merupakan reaksi antara logam dengan lingkungan di sekitarnya yang mengakibatkan mutu dari logam mengalami penurunan. Salah satu cara untuk menghambat terjadinya korosi pada logam adalah dengan cara membuat permukaan logam tersebut terlindungi oleh suatu inhibitor sehingga tidak terjadi kontak langsung antara logam dengan media korosif. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh variasi konsentrasi inhibitor terhadap laju korosi, efisiensi inhibitor ekstrak limbah kulit jagung pada baja ST 37 dan untuk mengetahui karakteristik morfologi dan unsur penyusun baja ST 37 tanpa dan dengan inhibitor dengan menggunakan SEM-EDx. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah metode kehilangan massa (Mass Loss). Medium korosif yang digunakan adalah NaCl 3%, dengan suhu medium sebesar 40̊C, waktu ekspos spesimen dilakukan selama 240 jam dengan dengan empat variasi konsentrasi inhibitor yaitu 0 ppm, 400 ppm, 500 ppm dan 600 ppm. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan laju korosi terbesar pada konsentrasi 0 ppm (tanpa inhibitor) yaitu sebesar 88,08 mpy, sementara laju korosi terendah yaitu pada konsentrasi 600 ppm yaitu sebesar 0 mpy. Efisiensi inhibitor korosi yang paling besar terjadi pada konsentrasi 600 ppm sebesar 100%. Karakterisasi Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) memperlihatkan agglomeration (gumpulan) tidak merata dengan ukuran kecil, lubang (hole) dan retakan (crack) juga lebih sedikit pada spesimen dengan inhibitor 500 ppm. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa spesimen telah mengalami korosi dengan jenis retak tegang. Hasil Uji EDX menunjukkan adanya kandungan unsur oksigen yang cukup tinggi dan unsur Fe yang paling rendah pada specimen (a) sebesar 31,03% dan 46,48%, hal ini menunjukan bahwa Fe banyak yang teroksidasi oleh unsur O, sehingga memiliki laju korosi paling tinggi.
K0.5Na0.5VO3-SiO2 Co-sintering Agent of Ceramic Mg0.8Ti0.2O3 as Dielectric Material Candidate Sefrilita Risqi Adikaning Rani; Ika Widya Wahyuningsih; Cindi Regita Cahyani
KONSTAN - JURNAL FISIKA DAN PENDIDIKAN FISIKA Vol 8 No 01 (2023): KONSTAN (Jurnal Fisika dan Pendidikan Fisika)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20414/konstan.v8i01.251


This paper focuses on the characteristics of K0.5Na0.5VO3 (KNV) and SiO2 when added to Mg0.8Zn0.2TiO3 (MZT) material to reduce the sintering temperature. Initially, a single phase of Mg0.8Zn0.2TiO3 (MZT) was synthesized using the conventional solid-state reaction method at 850°C for 4 hours. Subsequently, (K0.5Na0.5)VO3 was formed as a single phase at a temperature of 500°C for 2 hours. The reduction of MZT sintering temperature was then carried out by adding K0.5Na0.5VO3 and SiO2 and sintering at 950°C for 4 hours. Adding K0.5Na0.5VO3 and SiO2 resulted in a maximum density value of 2.76 g/cc and an average grain size of 3 µm based on scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis. The optimal composition was found to be 0.7MZT-0.25KNV-0.05SiO2. X-ray diffraction (XRD) characterization using the Rietveld method revealed the presence of three phases: (Mg/Zn)TiO3, (K/Na)VO3, and MgTi2O5. Based on the results, it can be concluded that the (K/Na)VO3-SiO2 material can be effectively utilized as a sintering agent for (Mg/Zn)TiO3, reducing the sintering temperature of the material.
Composite of Hemp Fiber and Lead Acetate Epoxy Resin as an Alternative X-Ray Radiation Shielding Material Nurlinda Jusli; Sri Zelviani; Sefrilita Risqi Adikaning Rani; Hernawati Hernawati; Asriani Asriani; Sulaiman Yahirah Muhammad; Dwi Febri Isradati
KONSTAN - JURNAL FISIKA DAN PENDIDIKAN FISIKA Vol 8 No 01 (2023): KONSTAN (Jurnal Fisika dan Pendidikan Fisika)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20414/konstan.v8i01.252


Research on hemp fiber composites with epoxy resin matrix and lead acetate as an alternative material for X-ray radiation shielding has been conducted to determine the optimal composition of radiation shielding samples made from hemp fiber, epoxy resin, and lead acetate. The method used to make composite samples with six different designs, namely using a ratio of 4 gams, eight gams, and 12 gams of hemp fiber to 80 gams and 160 gams of resin. The lead acetate used in each composition is 2.5 gams. This study carried out three measurement processes: density, attenuation, and absorption. Density measurements were carried out by measuring the volume and mass of the sample. In contrast, attenuation and absorption measurements were carried out using a mobile X-ray aircraft with a Piranha multi-X-ray meter detector. In the three measures, the highest value was obtained in composition VI, namely with 12 gams of hemp fiber, 160 gams of epoxy resin, 80 gams of catalyst, and 2.5 gams of lead astate. The density value obtained was 1.120 g/cm3. The sample with this composition can absorb 71.22% (1.24580 cm-1) of radiation at 40 kV, absorb 66.91% (1.10621 cm-1) at 60 kV and 60.22% (0.92191 cm-1) of radiation absorbed at 81 kV voltage. Therefore, it can be concluded that the higher resin and hemp used, the more excellent density value obtained—the geater density of the sample, the geater value of attenuation and absorption.
PERTUMBUHAN TANAMAN KEDELAI (GLYCINE MAX L.) HASIL RADIASI SINAR GAMMA CESIUM-137 Nuraeni Nuraeni; Hernawati Hernawati; Sefrilita Risqi Adikaning Rani; M. Said L; Ananda Anindia Putri
JOURNAL ONLINE OF PHYSICS Vol. 8 No. 3 (2023): JOP (Journal Online of Physics) Vol 8 No 3
Publisher : Prodi Fisika FST UNJA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22437/jop.v8i3.23715


The study of the Effect of Cesium-137 Gamma Ray Radiation on the Growth of Soybean Plants (Glycine max L.) aims to determine the quality of growth of soybean plants (Glycine max L.). The Cesium-137 source was used as a source of irradiation in the study, with a constant distance (x) of irradiation of 100 cm from the wall, with dose variations of 0 Control, 25 mGy, 50 mGy, 75 mGy, 100 mGy and 120 mGy. The method used in this research is descriptive statistical analysis. The samples used in this research are soybean seeds from the Langkowa Soybean plantation, Tonasa Village, Tombolopao Subdistrict and packaged soybeans taken from the packaging seeds of Flower Seed Shop Jl. Veteran Selatan No.395. The results of this study showed that the sprout growth time with a dose treatment of B5 (75 mGy) took 9 days to grow, the percentage of stem height (cm) at a dose of B5 (75 mGy) the average stem height was 3.7 cm, the percentage of leaf width (cm) at a dose of B4 (100 mGy) the average leaf width was 2.9 cm, the percentage of the number of leaves (sheets) at a dose of B3 (75 mGy) the average number of leaves was 4 sheets. The use of Cesium-137 and Cobalt-60 Gamma radiation in plant breeding can be utilised on various types of plants to increase plant cultivation and better production results.