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MICRO-ZONATION STUDY OF POTENTIAL SEISMIC HAZARDS BASED ON PEAK GROUND ACCELERATION (PGA) VALUE IN THE NORTH KONAWE OFFICE AREA Prasepvianto Estu Broto; Nidya Lena Fitriah Laksana; Muh. Said L; Hernawati; Sefrilita; Sefrilita Risqi Adikaning Rani Rani
JOURNAL ONLINE OF PHYSICS Vol. 8 No. 1 (2022): JOP (Journal Online of Physics) Vol 8 No 1
Publisher : Prodi Fisika FST UNJA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22437/jop.v8i1.20232


The purpose of this study was to determine the potential for seismic hazard based on the peak ground acceleration value in the North Konawe office area. This study uses the HVSR method to obtain the dominant frequency, amplification factor, dominant period, seismic vulnerability index and Peak Ground Acceleration. The results obtained from the microzonation of the distribution of the dominant frequency value with a high category were found at 5 measurement points, the amplification factor with a low category was found at 1 measurement point, the dominant period with a low category was found at 6 measurement points and the seismic vulnerability index with a low category was found at 5 points. measurement. Overall the research area is included in the level of seismic hazard risk, not high potential but in the low category. While the microzonation of the distribution of PGA values ​​obtained values ​​ranging from 23,2381-23,3231 gal which belong to the low seismic hazard risk level. Where it can be described in this area the earthquake that occurred can be felt by many people but caused damage. The light objects that were hung swayed and the windows shook. So it can be concluded that this research area is included in the category of low seismic hazard level
MICRO-ZONATION STUDY OF POTENTIAL SEISMIC HAZARDS BASED ON PEAK GROUND ACCELERATION (PGA) VALUE IN THE NORTH KONAWE OFFICE AREA Prasepvianto Estu Broto; Nidya Lena Fitriah Laksana; Muh. Said L; Hernawati; Sefrilita; Sefrilita Risqi Adikaning Rani Rani
JOURNAL ONLINE OF PHYSICS Vol. 8 No. 1 (2022): JOP (Journal Online of Physics) Vol 8 No 1
Publisher : Prodi Fisika FST UNJA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22437/jop.v8i1.20232


The purpose of this study was to determine the potential for seismic hazard based on the peak ground acceleration value in the North Konawe office area. This study uses the HVSR method to obtain the dominant frequency, amplification factor, dominant period, seismic vulnerability index and Peak Ground Acceleration. The results obtained from the microzonation of the distribution of the dominant frequency value with a high category were found at 5 measurement points, the amplification factor with a low category was found at 1 measurement point, the dominant period with a low category was found at 6 measurement points and the seismic vulnerability index with a low category was found at 5 points. measurement. Overall the research area is included in the level of seismic hazard risk, not high potential but in the low category. While the microzonation of the distribution of PGA values ​​obtained values ​​ranging from 23,2381-23,3231 gal which belong to the low seismic hazard risk level. Where it can be described in this area the earthquake that occurred can be felt by many people but caused damage. The light objects that were hung swayed and the windows shook. So it can be concluded that this research area is included in the category of low seismic hazard level
PERTUMBUHAN TANAMAN KEDELAI (GLYCINE MAX L.) HASIL RADIASI SINAR GAMMA CESIUM-137 Nuraeni Nuraeni; Hernawati Hernawati; Sefrilita Risqi Adikaning Rani; M. Said L; Ananda Anindia Putri
JOURNAL ONLINE OF PHYSICS Vol. 8 No. 3 (2023): JOP (Journal Online of Physics) Vol 8 No 3
Publisher : Prodi Fisika FST UNJA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22437/jop.v8i3.23715


The study of the Effect of Cesium-137 Gamma Ray Radiation on the Growth of Soybean Plants (Glycine max L.) aims to determine the quality of growth of soybean plants (Glycine max L.). The Cesium-137 source was used as a source of irradiation in the study, with a constant distance (x) of irradiation of 100 cm from the wall, with dose variations of 0 Control, 25 mGy, 50 mGy, 75 mGy, 100 mGy and 120 mGy. The method used in this research is descriptive statistical analysis. The samples used in this research are soybean seeds from the Langkowa Soybean plantation, Tonasa Village, Tombolopao Subdistrict and packaged soybeans taken from the packaging seeds of Flower Seed Shop Jl. Veteran Selatan No.395. The results of this study showed that the sprout growth time with a dose treatment of B5 (75 mGy) took 9 days to grow, the percentage of stem height (cm) at a dose of B5 (75 mGy) the average stem height was 3.7 cm, the percentage of leaf width (cm) at a dose of B4 (100 mGy) the average leaf width was 2.9 cm, the percentage of the number of leaves (sheets) at a dose of B3 (75 mGy) the average number of leaves was 4 sheets. The use of Cesium-137 and Cobalt-60 Gamma radiation in plant breeding can be utilised on various types of plants to increase plant cultivation and better production results.
JOURNAL ONLINE OF PHYSICS Vol. 8 No. 3 (2023): JOP (Journal Online of Physics) Vol 8 No 3
Publisher : Prodi Fisika FST UNJA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22437/jop.v8i3.25215


Telah dilakukan penelitian yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui efisiensi ekstrak daun kelor dalam menghambat laju korosi pada besi hollow (baja galvalum) dengan menggunakan metode kehilanagn massa (Mass Loss), untuk mengetahui pengaruh variasi konsentrasi inhibitor ekstrak daun kelor terhadap laju korosi, mengetahui pengaruh waktu perendaman terhadap laju korosi dan untuk mengetahui waktu perendaman terhadap efisiensi inhibisi, metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah metode kehilangan massa (Mass Loss). Adapun hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan, ekstrak daun kelor sebagai penghambat laju korosiyang digunakan sebagai inhibitor pada besi hollow (baja galvalum) dengan menggunakan medium air hujan dengan waktu perendaman 5,15 dan 25 hari dengan variasi konsentrasi 400 ppm dan 600 ppm. Hasil yang didapatkan pada sampel tanpa inhibitor pada waktu perendaman 5,15 dan 25 hari berturut turut 153,773 mpy, 11,539 mpy dan 0,483 mpy, Hasil nilai laju korosi pada penambahan inhibitor konsentrasi 400 ppm pada waktu perendaman 5,15 dan 25 hari berturut turut 135, 256 mpy, 9,929 mpy dan 0,161 mpy, Hasil nilai laju korosi pada penambahan inhibitor konsentrasi 400 ppm pada waktu perendaman 5,15 dan 25 hari berturut turut 133,646 mpy, 2,415 mpy dan 0,161 mpy. Hasil nilai efisiesnsi inhibisi pada sampel tanpa penambahan inhibitor berturut turut 12 % dan 12,8 %, hasil nilai efisiesnsi inhibisi pada sampel penambahan inhibitor konsentrasi 400 ppm berturut turut 91 % dan 98 %, %, hasil nilai efisiesnsi inhibisi pada sampel penambahan inhibitor konsentrasi 600 ppm sebesar 99 %. Kata Kunci : Korosi, Inhibitor, Laju Korosi, Konsentrasi, Waktu Perendaman