Aulia Fitri
Institut Agama Islam Pariaman

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ظاهرة الترادف في تفسير الكشاف: THE PHENOMENON OF SYNONYM IN AL-KASSYAF INTERPRETATION Aulia Fitri; Zulpina
El-Jaudah : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Arab Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021): El-Jaudah: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Arab
Publisher : Department of Arabic Education of State Collage for Islamic Studies of Mandailing Natal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56874/faf.v2i2.638


Abstract : penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan fenomena taraduf dalam al-Quran dan menganalsis makna-makna ayat- ayat taraduf dalam al Quran menurut az-Zamaksyari, Adapun metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini yaitu metode penelitian kualitatif yang berkaitan dengan kalimat dan kosakata, untuk pengumpulan datanya menggunakan metode library research (kajian perpustakaan) dan kajian penelitian ini menganalisis kata sinonim dalam tafsir al-kasyaf karangan zamaksyari.Hasil penelitian maka ditemukan beberapa kata taraduf yang arti sama tetapi penggunaan berbeda, diantaranya farra dan haraba, ataa dan jaa, ataa dan atho, bada, jismi dan jasad, bithanah dan waliijah, khudua dan khusuk, kamaal dan tamaam, khauf dan khosyah, thilawah dan qiraah.مستخلص البحث: يهدف هذا البحث للكشف عن ظاهرة الترادف في القرآن الكريم و تحليل معانى الآيات المترادفات في القرآن عند الزمخشرى في تفسير الكشاف .أما الطرق المستعملة في هذا البحث هي طريقة البحث الكيفي لأنه يتعلق بجملة والمفردات. وطريقة جمع البيانات هي طريقة البحث المكتبي والبحث التحليلي عن الترادف في تفسبر الكشاف. أما نتيحة البحث هي تحليل الترادف سواء معاني و إختلاف المستخدمة منها: فرّ وهرب , أتى و جاء، أتى و أعطى, بدن و جسد وجسم، بطانة ووليجة, الخضوع والخشوع، (الكمال والتمام, الخوف والخشية, التلاوة والقراءةالكلمات المفتاحية: ظاهرة و الترادف و تفسير الكشاف
Peran Ganda Guru Pendidikan Agama Islam dalam Membimbing Siswa Bermasalah di SD Islam Al-Rasyid Pekanbaru Aulia Fitri; Wismanto Wismanto; Mukh Nursikin; Mashuri Mashuri; Khairul Amin
Journal on Education Vol 5 No 3 (2023): Journal on Education: Volume 5 Nomor 3 Tahun 2023 In Press
Publisher : Departement of Mathematics Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


This study aims to find out the dual role played by PAI teachers in guiding students with problems, knowing the concrete efforts of activity programs carried out by PAI teachers in dealing with problematic students, knowing the cooperation between PAI teachers and homeroom teachers in helping students with problems because there are no BP teachers in this school. and to find out the supporting and inhibiting factors in dealing with troubled students at SD Islam al-Rasyid Pekanbaru. The research which was conducted for 3 months (October-December) used qualitative methods and data collection techniques in the form of observation, interviews, and documentation at SD Islam al-Rasyid Pekanbaru. The subjects of this study were school principals, PAI teachers, homeroom teachers, and students at SD Islam al-Rasyid Pekanbaru. The results of this study place the role of the PAI teacher as a religious teacher who should be admired and emulated and the role of the PAI teacher as a counseling teacher in providing guidance to problem students at SD Islam al-Rasyid Pekanbaru by implementing exemplary, habituation and advice methods. In addition, the factors that support Islamic Religious Education teachers in dealing with problem students are due to spiritual activities, while the inhibiting factor is the limited time that Islamic Religious Education teachers have in carrying out their duties to overcome student problems.