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Web-Based Learning Design and its Implementation on TOEIC Reading Skills to Measure the Usability and Learning Outcome A Case Study at Global Institute Siti Maisaroh; Detin Sofia
Publisher : Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Bina Sarana Global

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.38101/sisfotek.v12i2.536


Test of English for International Communication (TOEIC) is a compulsory subject taught to all students regardless their chosen concentration. The subject covering the consecutive two semesters at Institut Bisnis dan Teknologi Bina Sarana Global has been given for the past five years. Nevertheless, the students’ achievement is still considered low, where the average scores for both mid and final semester paper-test based haven’t met the expected target. TOEIC itself tests students’ ability to comprehend reading texts encompassing grammar, sentence structure and vocabulary. This becomes a challenge since the majority of students have below average English competence. In contrast, their access to technology is deemed adequate, thus, its implementation towards learning can be a contributing factor to a better learning outcome by providing engagement with the technology itself. In line with the development of technology and to accommodate students’ learning needs with various motivation and abilities, a scheme for developing learning materials through a web design was proposed. The researchers used SLDC for the design method, focusing on prototyping model through phases from generating users’ needs, designing prototype using figma application, putting into trials and practices to conducting evaluation. As for the application, a PHP programming language with Codeigniter 4, programming MySQL as a database system, Bootsrap for website outlook, Black Box Testing with Equivalence Partitions Technique and Beta Testing through questionnaire become the framework for the proposed design. After the implementation was completed, a good result with a percentage of 71% for the usability of the application was shown and that students achieved better scores in the given practice tests.
Application of IoT for Filling and Monitoring Water Tanks Using NodeMCU ESP8266 and MQTT Protocol M. Ramaddan Julianti; Detin Sofia; Aldian Ridho Kusuma
Publisher : Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Bina Sarana Global

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.38101/sisfotek.v12i2.554


In this research, a system has been designed that aims to prevent water wastage every time you fill a water reservoir. The design of the system is in the form of filling and monitoring automatic water reservoirs that go through 5 stages, namely tool prototype design, prototype making, making a series of tools, measuring and analyzing data. This tool utilizes the HC-SR04 sensor which will detect the water level in the water reservoir if the water level is 1-23 cm then the water reservoir is filled automatically and when the sensor distance from the water is 20 cm then the water reservoir will not be refilled. In designing this system using a NodeMCU ESP8266 microcontroller and the MQTT protocol which will run the control process on the system and process input data from sensors. The output will be displayed on the LCD (Liquid Crystal Display), MQTT Dash and Node-Red Dashboard in the form of the water level in the reservoir. The added relay functions as an automatic switch when turning off and turning on the water flowing in the reservoir. This can reduce the use of water as a medium for ablution that is wasted so that it becomes more effective and efficient.
Sistem Informasi Manajemen Surat Perjanjian Sewa Kendaraan pada PT Mitra Pinasthika Mustika Rent Sutarman Sutarman; Detin Sofia; Imammul Mutaqin
Academic Journal of Computer Science Research Vol 4, No 2 (2022): Academic Journal of Computer Science Research (AJCSR)
Publisher : Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Bina Sarana Global

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.38101/ajcsr.v4i2.532


PT Mitra Pinasthika Mustika Rent merupakan sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang penyewaan kendaraan mobil yang pusat lokasinya ada di kota BSD, Tangerang Selatan. Pada proses bisnis terkait manajemen surat perjanjian sewa kendaraan pada saat ini masih berjalan manual, dalam melakukan proses pembuatan dan monitoring masih menggunakan microsoft word dan microsoft excel. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat proses manajemen surat perjanjian sewa kendaraan menjadi sistematis, dibutuhkan suatu sistem informasi berbasis web yang dapat membantu admin, sales ataupun manager. Penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan metode pengumpulan data (wawancara, observasi dan studi pustaka). Sedangkan untuk metode pengembangan sistemnya menggunakan RAD (Rapid Application development), UML (Unified Modeling Language) sebagail tool-nya, yang menggunakan diagram use case diagram, class diagram, activity diagram dan sequence diagram. PHP dan MySQL digunakan sebagai Bahasa pemograman dan basis datanya..
Penjualan Sembako Berbasis Web pada Toko Metro Snack Nova Teguh Sunggono; Detin Sofia; Abdul Latif
Publisher : Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Bina Sarana Global

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.38101/jtbg.v2i2.574


Toko Metro Snack adalah sebuah toko yang khususnya bergerak dalam bidang pangan khususnya sembako dan peralatan meliputi aneka jajanan, makanan, minuman, peralatan kebersihan, peralatan kebutuhan, dan lain sebagainya. Metode pengembangan sistem yang dipakai dalam pengembangan sistem adalah SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle) dengan model waterfall dan pengujian kotak hitam (BlackBox Testing). Alat yang dipakai untuk menggambarkan model sistem adalah UML (Unified Modelling Language). Metode pengumpulan data dengan mengamati langsung di lapangan(Observation), wawancara, dan berbagai studi literatur. Pembuatan dan pengembangan sistem menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP dan MySQL sebagai database. Dengan adanya Sistem ini, diharapkan dapat memudahkan toko Metro Snack untuk melakukan promosi berbagai macam produk yang di tawarkan serta mempermudah melakukan transaksi penjualan secara online sehingga dapat dilakukan kapan saja dan juga aman. Dan dapat juga mempermudah pengolahan data dan pengolahan laporan.
Applying the SCRUM Framework in Managing the Development of Candidate Profiling Project (A Case Study of Bagidata) Trian Afiansyah; Achmad Sidik; Zainul Hakim; Detin Sofia
Publisher : Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Bina Sarana Global

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.38101/sisfotek.v13i1.3503


Bagidata is a people analytics platform that provides various data analysis solutions for Human Resource Management. Bagidata develops and maintains an application for creating candidate profiles using SCRUM and Agile. However, there are still many obstacles in the SCRUM and Agile processes in developing this application, such as all documentation being done manually with Microsoft Excel and separated, the inability to monitor the process, the and lack of an integrated platform for team members to share work and make documentation. Therefore, a system is needed to facilitate application development and become an integrated platform for application work, monitoring, and web-based documentation. This study uses object-oriented methodology or OOAD (Object Oriented Analysis and Design), and the data collection method is through observation, interviews, and literature review. This web-based application uses Javascript programming language, PostgreSQL database, and Visual Studio Code as tools, as well as UML modeling with 4 design diagrams, namely a use case diagram, activity diagram, sequence diagram, and class diagram. The results of this study are expected to enable the product owner and development team to monitor the development process, organize task allocation among team developers, and provide an integrated platform for documentation, thus improving the candidate profiling application development process.
Expert System Prediction of Covid-19 Transmission Vulnerability using Forward Chaining Habinata Habinata; Rachmat Agusli; Detin Sofia
Publisher : Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Bina Sarana Global

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.38101/sisfotek.v13i1.3504


Covid-19 is a pandemic that is currently sweeping the world, where the number of infected victims has reached millions. The sudden outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic has caused unprepared communities to panic and worry, although there are also those who are indifferent or unconcerned about this contagious disease, which is a major factor in the rapid spread of the virus. This study aims to build a system to predict the vulnerability of users to contracting Covid-19 through an expert system application. The expert system method uses forward chaining to determine the user's vulnerability level based on factors used and inputted by the user. The large number of patients who still do not believe in the existence of Covid-19 and the spread of hoax news complicates the handling of Covid-19. With an expert system that predicts vulnerability to contracting the Covid-19 virus as a tool, it can increase awareness among low-awareness communities and reduce the spread of the Covid-19 virus.
Application of the AHP-TOPSIS Method As Best Employee Decision Support System Nunung Nurmaesah; Detin Sofia; Savitri Octavia
Publisher : Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Bina Sarana Global

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.38101/sisfotek.v13i2.9712


In every company, employees are an essential element. To be able to find out whether employees are competent or not, an employee performance appraisal is needed. Employee appraisal is critical, not only because it is a determining factor in employee wage increases and promotions but also because it can evaluate skills. However, the current employee appraisal process still needs to be more objective and accurate, and it takes a long time, and there are many possibilities for human error. This study aims to design a decision support system in determining the best employees using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) methods. The AHP method is used to calculate the weight of each parameter, and TOPSIS is used to perform the ranking process based on the parameter weighting results. The results of this study found that the best employees were employees with the alternative code A3, with a value of 0.74271.
Customer Segmentation Based on RFM Value on the Sale of Electronic Kopmen BMI Using K-Means Clustering Algorithm Zainul Hakim; Detin Sofia; Annida Rosna Fadhilah
Publisher : Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Bina Sarana Global

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.38101/sisfotek.v13i2.9693


At present, the development of information technology is increasing rapidly. The need for information and data processing in various aspects of human life is critical, as well as customer data processing in BMI Consumer Cooperatives. This situation can impact information providers in an organization or company that requires fast, precise, and accurate data processing. The customer segmentation clustering system at the BMI Consumer Cooperative has yet to be implemented. A K-means clustering system is needed to increase customer loyalty, which can simplify the process of grouping customer segmentation. In this thesis, researchers use a descriptive method as a research methodology, which is used to get an overview and explanation of the state of the research object based on facts. As for the data collection method, researchers used interviews, observation, and literature study. In developing the system, researchers use prototyping. The customer segmentation information system application prototype describes the implementation of Astah's UML (Unified Modeling Language) and program planning used by Python. The conclusion of this prototype application can make it easier for managers to get information about customer segmentation data.
Implementasi Network Attached Storage Berbasis Raspberry Pi Untuk Manajemen Data Pada PT Farrasindo Perkasa Herman Santoso; William Chicho Ferdinan; M. Iqbal Dzulhaq; Detin Sofia
Publisher : Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Bina Sarana Global

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.38101/jtopikglobal.v2i2.10711


Kebutuhan akan penyimpanan data saat ini semakin dibutuhkan seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi, demikian juga kebutuhan akan penyimpanan data terpusat atau disebut juga data center. Saat ini proses pertukaran data atau file pekerjaan user di cabang PT Farrasindo Perkasa masih menggunakan sharing file pada masing-masing komputer dan media flashdisk untuk pertukaran data. Namun, itu masih belum optimal karena data tidak realtime, dapat terurai dan tidak terpusat penyimpanannya, di mana user masih harus plug and play flashidsk dan mencari-cari data dengan sulit. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk merancang dan membangun server Network Attached Storage (NAS) atau media penyimpanan data terpusat berbasis Raspberry Pi yang dapat memudahkan user mulai dari pencarian data, data yang realtime, akses data dari luar kantor menggunakan jaringan internet, hingga pengelompokan data berdasarkan tipe file. Dalam penelitian ini penulis menggunakan metode Research and Development (R and D) dan metode pengembangan Network Development Life Cycle (NDLC) dari tahapan analysis, design, simulation prototyping, implementation, monitoring dan management, pengumpulan data menggunakan metodologi research dan studi literatur. Hasil yang dicapai dari pengembangan dan metodologi tersebut adalah berupa sebuah server mini data center, yang berfungsi sebagai penyimpanan data terpusat, sehingga user dapat mengakses data lebih cepat dan mudah dari sebelumnya.
Implementasi Private Cloud Computing Menggunakan Sistem Proxmox Studi Kasus Di PT. Pasarro Indonesia Makmur Ardiansyah Jamil; Muhammad Haromaen; Moh Sofjan; Detin Sofia
Publisher : Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Bina Sarana Global

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.38101/jtopikglobal.v2i2.10764


Saat ini teknologi informasi di segala bidang industri bisnis semakin berkembang, termasuk infrastruktur teknologi informasi yang menunjang dalam meningkatkan layanan e-commerce untuk segmen korporasi atau business to business. Namun dalam penerapannya, investasi infrastruktur teknologi informasi membutuhkan biaya yang tinggi, oleh karena itu dibutuhkan suatu cara agar biaya investasi infrastruktur teknologi informasi tidak terlalu memakan biaya yg begitu besar. Cloud computing semakin berkembang dan menjadi suatu tren yang banyak digunakan saat ini. Pada e-commerce, teknologi ini menjadi sesuatu yang dibutuhkan untuk mengatasi masalah ketersediaan sumber daya serta dapat meningkatkan efisiensi dan efektifitas proses bisnis, hingga dapat memperkuat posisi kompetitif dalam pasar yang cepat berubah. Tentu saja Teknologi Cloud computing dapat dijadikan sebagai solusi dalam menurunkan biaya investasi infrastruktur teknologi informasi, dengan mengusung konsep Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah Linear Sequential Model. karena Cloud Computing yang dibangun merupakan sistem yang memiliki kompleksitas yang tinggi dan membutuhkan waktu yang lama. Hasil penelitian ini adalah sistem layanan private cloud computing berbasis IaaS di data center PT. Pasarro Indonesia Makmur, dapat diterapkan menggunakan metode hypervisor native bare metal dan aplikasi proxmox. Proxmox dapat menyederhanakan pemanfaatan sumber daya perangkat keras dengan cara virtualisasi. Hasil pengujian menyatakan bahwa data center berbasis IaaS secara sumber daya dapat menghemat, mengoptimalkan, dan pengelolaan sumberdaya dari kebutuhan layanan sistem infomasi yang harus di sediakan PT. Pasarro Indonesia Makmur. Berdasarkan uji usability menunjukkan aplikasi proxmox telah sesuai dengan kebutuhan manajemen yang ada pada administrator PT. Pasarro Indonesia Makmur, yang memenuhi aspek Learnability, Efficiency, Memorability, Errors, dan Satisfaction.