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The Anxiety of Lung-TB Patients Consuming Medicine more than 6 Months Yoany Maria V. B. Aty; Maria Agustina Making; Yohana Jesica Daliman Yubilianti; Dominggos Gonsalves; Gadur Blasius
JURNAL KESEHATAN PRIMER Vol 7 No 1 (2022): JKP (Jurnal Kesehatan Primer)
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Kupang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31965/jkp.v7i1.625


Introductions: Treatment for pulmonary TB requires a long period of time, at least six months of taking medication. The impact of this long process results in saturation of pulmonary TB patients to complete their treatment program. This condition increases the patient's anxiety about the timeliness of taking medication regularly. This study aims to describe the level of anxiety of pulmonary TB patients while taking TB drugs for a period of more than 6 months in the working area of the Bakunase Health Center. Methods: This is a descriptive study with a cross sectional design approach. The sampling technique was total sampling with a total of 53 pulmonary TB patients. The research instrument used was the Zung Self-Ratining Anxiety Scale (SAS/SRAS) questionnaire. Descriptive statistical test analysis. Result: The results showed that the characteristics of pulmonary TB patients at the Bakunase Health Center were mostly 26-35 years old as many as 13 people, 28 women, 41 people with 6-12 months of treatment, housewives/not working and self-employed as many as 13 people, and 19 people have high school/high school education. The level of anxiety that occurs in pulmonary TB patients while taking TB drugs for a period of more than 6 months in the work area of the Bakunase Health Center has an average value of 46.83 with the highest value of 69 and the lowest being 27, pulmonary TB patients experience a mild level of anxiety. Conclusion: Characteristics of respondents based on age, gender, length of treatment, education, and occupation of pulmonary TB patients are factors that influence the level of anxiety. keywords: Kecemasan; pengobatan tuberkulosis; tingkat kecemasan; tuberkulosis
The Effect of Humanistic Nursing Practices on Compliance of Taking Medication in Hypertensive Patients in the Working Area of the Public Health Center Trivonia Sri Nurwela; Israfil Israfil; Maria Agustina Making
Indonesian Journal of Global Health Research Vol 3 No 2 (2021): Indonesian Journal of Global Health Research

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (456.023 KB) | DOI: 10.37287/ijghr.v3i2.325


Hypertension is a chronic non-communicable disease that has threatened the health of Indonesian people. Hypertension complications have resulted in various types of disability and death. One of the factors causing complications of hypertension is patients’ non-compliance in taking anti-hypertension drugs. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of humanistic nursing practice on compliance in taking medication for hypertensive patients in the working area of Public Health Center in Sikumana, Kupang City, East Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia. This experimental research method was conducted through a quasi-experimental design. The number of samples were 20 hypertensive patients who were taken by purposive sampling technique. The study sample was divided into two groups, namely the treatment group consisting of 10 patients and the control group consisting of 10 patients with inclusion criteria. The instruments used in the study were nurses worked as a therapist and a checklist to control the medication compliance. Therapy was given using the humanistic nursing practice therapy. The results of the study in the treatment group showed that 40% of the patients never took medication while 60% of the patients took medication occasionally. The reason for not taking medicine was because there were no complaints by 50%, herbal medicine consumption by 30% and running out medicine by 20%. The results of Manwhitney Test analysis of pre and post treatment obtained α = 0.000, z = -4.11. It can be concluded that there was a significant effect of humanistic nursing practice on the compliance in taking medication for hypertensive patients at the Public Health Center in Sikumana. Patients who were given humanistic nursing practice had 4.11 times greater compliance than patients who did not receive humanistic nursing practice services.
Peran Perawat Komunitas dalam Pencegahan Komplikasi Pada Pasien Hipertensi di Puskesmas Sikumana Kota Kupang Israfil Israfil; Maria Agustina Making
Publisher : Research and Community Service Unit, Poltekkes Kemenkes Kupang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (441.509 KB) | DOI: 10.31965/infokes.Vol17.Iss2.320


Complications of hypertensive patients are expected to continue to increase. Integrated Health Center of Sikumana, Kupang City is one of the major health centers that have a high case of hypertension complications in Kupang City, NTT Province. The objective of this study is to determine the role of community nurses in the prevention of complications in hypertensive patients at the Integrated Health Center of Sikumana, Kupang City. The research method is descriptive with a survey design. The population in research is nurses in the Integrated Health Center of Sikumana, Kupang City comprising 21 people. The sample was taken from the total population with inclusion criteria of PNS (civil servant) and PTT (non-permanent employee) nurses from the government, minimum education of Nursing D-III, and working period ≥ 2 years. The results showed 52.4% of nurses assessed risk factors for complications in hypertensive patients, 81% formulated nursing diagnoses, 76.2% developed intervention plans, 76.2% implemented, 54.5% conducted community empowerment, 85.7% conducted health education, 95.5% conducted referral in prevention complications in hypertensive patients. It can be concluded that the role of community nurses in the prevention of complications in hypertensive patients in Integrated Health Center of Sikumana, Kupang City has largely been conducted well, and it is recommended that nurses at the Integrated Health Center have participated actively in following various training and work on the community nursing process to comply with the latest instructions and regulations.
Analisis Faktor Interdialytic Weight Gains (IDWG) Pasien Hemodialisa Di RSUD Prof.Dr.W.Z Johannes Kota Kupang Maria Agustina Making; Yasinta Betan; Israfil Israfil; Pius Selasa
NURSING UPDATE : Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Keperawatan P-ISSN : 2085-5931 e-ISSN : 2623-2871 Vol 13 No 3 (2022): SEPTEMBER
Publisher : NHM PRESS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36089/nu.v13i3.845


Keadaan yang sering terjadi pada pasien hemodialisis, salah satunya adalah Interdialytic Weight Gain (IDWG). IDWG merupakan salah satu indikator untuk membatasi penambahan berat badan di antara dua sesi hemodialisis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan IDWG di ruangan hemodialisa. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian analisa deskriptif dengan rancangan cross sectional. Total sampel dari penelitian ini adalah 35 pasien yang menjalani hemodialisa yang memiliki kriteria sebagai berikut; 1) kesadaran komposmentis, 2) usia >17 tahun, 3) menjalankan hemodialisa selama dua minggu sekali selama 1 bulan, 4) dapat melakukan timbang berat badan dengan cara berdiri, 5) dapat berkomunikasi secara verbal, dapat membaca dan menulis. Pasien yang mengalami gangguan jiwa dan menjalani hemodialisa karena bukan kasus gagal ginjal kronik tidak diikutsertakan sebagai responden. Pengambilan data dilakukan menggunakan kuesioner. Berdasarkan uji Chi-square, didapatkan bahwa faktor self-efficacy, stress, rasa haus, lama hemodialisa dan dukungan keluarga memiliki hubungan yang siginifikan dengan IDWG pada pasien Gagal Ginjal Kronik (GGK) yang menjalani hemodialisa. Oleh karena itu, tenaga kesehatan terkhususnya perawat perlu memperhatikan ke empat faktor tersebut dalam mengontrol nilai IDWG pada pasien GGK yang menjalani hemodialisa.
JURNAL PENGABDIAN MANDIRI Vol. 1 No. 11: November 2022
Publisher : Bajang Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Penyakit TBC dan covid 19 merupakan penyakit menular yang menyebabkan keparahan pada saluran pernafasan bahkan kematian. Pada era new normal ini pemerintah mengupayakan berbagai cara untuk masyarakat menerapkan kebiasaan baru sehingga mengurangi sumber penularan. Adapun solusi pemecahan masalah adalah pemberian pendidikan kesehatan dan pelatihan batuk efektif bagi masyarakat dan keluarga sehingga mampu deteksi dini gejala TB dan pencegahan penularan penyakit dimasa new normal. Kegiatan ini melibatkan pasien dan keluarga, yang mana penilaian kemampuan masyarakat dengan pemberian pre test dan post test. Khalayak sasaran adalah sebanyak 24 orang. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat mendapatkan data peningkatan pengetahuan dengan nilai post test rata-rata 72,92 dari sebelumnya 46,67. Hasil kegiatan tersebut menunjukkan pentingnya pendidikan kesehatan sebagai sumber informasi untuk meningkatkan kemampuan masyarakat dalam mendukung seluruh program TB sehingga rantai penularan TB dapat terputus dan meningkatnya angka kesembuhan TB tetap dipertahankan.
Analisa Faktor Pengetahuan dan Sikap dengan Perilaku Pencegahan TB Paru pada Kontak Serumah selama Era New Normal Covid 19 Maria Agustina Making; Yulianti Kristiani Banhae; Maria Yoani Vivi Bita Aty; Yohanes Mau Abanit; Pius Selasa; Israfil Israfil
Jurnal Penelitian Perawat Profesional Vol 5 No 1 (2023): Februari 2023, Jurnal Penelitian Perawat Profesional
Publisher : Global Health Science Group

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37287/jppp.v5i1.1270


Tuberkulosis (TBC) masih merupakan suatu penyakit menular yang angka kejadiannya masih tinggi. adapun penyebabnya adalah bakteri Mycobacterium tuberculosis yang penularannya melalui droplet udara. Upaya pencegahan penyakit TB pada era new normal dipengaruhi oleh perilaku begitu juga pengetahuan dan sikap yang positif yang harus terus dilakukan agar mata rantai penularan dapat diputuskan dan pengendalian infeksi yang baik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan informasi terkait hubungan sikap dan pengetahuan dengan perilaku upaya pencegahan penularan penyakit TBC selama new normal Covid 19. Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian survei analitik dengan rancangan Cross sectional. Untuk sampel digunakan teknik samping purposive sampling sebanyak 60 responden, yang memenuhi kriteri inklusi dan eksulisi. Instrument yang digunakan adalah kuesioner yang dilaksanakan bulan juli-september 2022. Hasil penelitian tentang hubungan pengetahuan, sikap dengan perilaku menunjukkan tidak adanya hubungan. yang mana dibuktikan dengan nilai p value > 0,05. Hasil analisa data bisa disimpulkan bahwa sangat perilaku seseorang dipengaruhi oleh pengetahuan dan sikap. Pengetahuan yang baik berasal dari informasi yang di terima dari sumber yang tepat sehingga semakin banyak menerima informasi maka dari itu sikap seseorang bisa lebih positif merangsang seseorang untuk menunjukkan perilaku yang lebih positif.
Perilaku Pasien Hipertensi dalam Pencegahan COVID-19 Trifonia Sri Nurwela; Maria Agustina Making Agustina Making; Israfil Israfil
Jurnal Penelitian Kesehatan SUARA FORIKES Vol 13, No 4 (2022): Oktober 2022
Publisher : FORIKES

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33846/sf13426


Hypertension is a chronic non-communicable disease which has become a dangerous comorbid disease in COVID-19 infection. The purpose of this study was to determine the behavior of hypertensive patients in preventing COVID-19. This research is a qualitative study with a phenomenological approach. The informants of this study were 15 hypertensive patients. Data collection was carried out using semi-structured interviews. Data were analyzed descriptively including: reduction, data display and conclusions. Three themes and several sub-themes of the behavior of hypertensive patients in preventing COVID-19 were found, namely: implementing health protocols (wearing masks, washing hands, maintaining distance, avoiding crowds and crowds); maintaining physical health (intake of nutritious food according to the hypertension diet, consumption of traditional herbs, exercise, and basking in the morning sun); and maintaining mental health (avoiding stress, positive thinking, and praying). The behavior of hypertensive patients in the prevention of COVID-19 has been well implemented. Health promotion continues to be improved to produce better adaptive behavior of hypertensive patients in preventing infection and the threat of severity of COVID-19 infection.Keywords: COVID-19; hypertensive patients; preventive behavior ABSTRAK Hipertensi merupakan penyakit tidak menular kronis yang telah menjadi penyakit komorbid berbahaya pada infeksi COVID-19. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui perilaku pasien hipertensi dalam pencegahan COVID-19.  Penelitian ini adalah studi kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi. Informan penelitian ini adalah 15 pasien hipertensi. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara semi terstruktur. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif meliputi: reduksi, display data dan kesimpulan. Ditemukan tiga tema dan beberapa subtema perilaku pasien hipertensi dalam pencegahan COVID-19 yaitu: menerapkan protokol kesehatan (memakai masker, mencuci tangan, menjaga jarak, menghindari keramaian dan kerumunan); menjaga kesehatan fisik (asupan makanan bergizi tetap sesuai diet hipertensi, konsumsi ramuan tradisional, olahraga, dan berjemur di matahari pagi); dan menjaga kesehatan psikis (menghindari stres, berfikir positif, dan berdoa). Perilaku pasien hipertensi dalam pencegahan COVID-19 telah dilaksanakan dengan baik. Promosi kesehatan terus ditingkatkan untuk menghasilkan perilaku adaptasi pasien hipertensi yang lebih baik dalam pencegahan infeksi dan ancaman keparahan infeksi COVID-19.Kata kunci: COVID-19; pasien hipertensi; perilaku pencegahan
The Effect of Humanistic Nursing Practices on Compliance of Taking Medication in Hypertensive Patients in the Working Area of the Public Health Center Trivonia Sri Nurwela; Israfil Israfil; Maria Agustina Making
Indonesian Journal of Global Health Research Vol 3 No 2 (2021): Indonesian Journal of Global Health Research

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (456.023 KB) | DOI: 10.37287/ijghr.v3i2.325


Hypertension is a chronic non-communicable disease that has threatened the health of Indonesian people. Hypertension complications have resulted in various types of disability and death. One of the factors causing complications of hypertension is patients’ non-compliance in taking anti-hypertension drugs. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of humanistic nursing practice on compliance in taking medication for hypertensive patients in the working area of Public Health Center in Sikumana, Kupang City, East Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia. This experimental research method was conducted through a quasi-experimental design. The number of samples were 20 hypertensive patients who were taken by purposive sampling technique. The study sample was divided into two groups, namely the treatment group consisting of 10 patients and the control group consisting of 10 patients with inclusion criteria. The instruments used in the study were nurses worked as a therapist and a checklist to control the medication compliance. Therapy was given using the humanistic nursing practice therapy. The results of the study in the treatment group showed that 40% of the patients never took medication while 60% of the patients took medication occasionally. The reason for not taking medicine was because there were no complaints by 50%, herbal medicine consumption by 30% and running out medicine by 20%. The results of Manwhitney Test analysis of pre and post treatment obtained α = 0.000, z = -4.11. It can be concluded that there was a significant effect of humanistic nursing practice on the compliance in taking medication for hypertensive patients at the Public Health Center in Sikumana. Patients who were given humanistic nursing practice had 4.11 times greater compliance than patients who did not receive humanistic nursing practice services.
Hubungan Pengetahuan dan Tindakan Perawat Melakukan Triage Pasien COVID-19 di Instalasi Gawat Darurat Yoany Maria V.B. Aty; Reni Anggita Handa; Febtian Cendradevi Nugroho; Maria Agustina Making; Muhtar Muhtar
Bima Nursing Journal Vol 4, No 2 (2023): Mei
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32807/bnj.v4i2.1169


Latar Belakang: Pasien suspect COVID-19masuk Rumah Sakit melalui Instalasi Gawat Darurat (IGD). Di sana dilakukan triage pasien dengan tujuan untuk memisahkan pelayanan yang akan diberikan dan juga untuk mengetahui apakah seorang pasien memiliki probabilitas tinggi COVID-19. Dampak yang terjadi jika penerapan triase yang dilakukan tidak sesuai dengan protokol kesehatan COVID-19akan menyebabkan transmisi patogen di Rumah Sakit, sehingga terjadinya penyebaran COVID-19 yang meluas. Tujuan: Mengetahui hubungan pengetahuan dengan pengalaman perawat melakukan triage pasien COVID-19di instalasi gawat darurat (IGD) RSUD Prof. Dr. W. Z. Johannes Kupang. Metode: Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan design penelitian cross sectional. Populasi adalah perawat yang bekerja di Instalasi Gawat Darurat (IGD) RSUD Prof. Dr. W. Z. Johannes Kupang, sampel yang digunakan sebanyak 30 responden, pengambilan data menggunakan kuesioner. Hasil: Tingkat pengetahuan paling banyak kategori baik sebanyak 28 responden (93.3%), sedangkan pada pengalaman menunjukkan bahwa mayoritas responden mempunyai pengalaman dalam kategori cukup sebanyak 22 responden (73.3%). Hasil uji statistik menggunakan korelasi spearman rho didapatkan hasil tidak signifikan 0.003  05 yang menyatakan bahwa ada hubungan yang signifikan antara pengetahuan dengan tindakan perawat melakukan triage pasien COVID-19di Instalasi gawat darurat (IGD) RSUD prof. Dr. W. Z. Johannes Kupang
Penerapan New Normal Dipandemic Covid-19 pada Kelompok Pasien dan Keluarga Penderita Hipertensi di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Sikumana, Kelurahan Sikumana, Kecamatan Maulafa, Kota Kupang Trifonia S Nurwela; Maria Agustina Making; Israfil Israfil
Jurnal Kreativitas Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM) Vol 6, No 8 (2023): Volume 6 No 8 2023
Publisher : Universitas Malahayati Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33024/jkpm.v6i8.10258


ABSTRAK Pandemi covid 19 memberikan dampak ke semua sektor, terutama adalah sektor kesehatan. Salah satu usaha yang sudah dilakukan adalah memutus rantai penularan covid dengan membatasi aktivitas diluar rumah dan karantina mandiri. Tatanan kehidupan baru atau disebut new normal menjadi alternatif pemerintah untuk mengatasi permasalahan yang kompleks tersebut. Masyarakat diharapkan menerapkan protokol kesehatan pada era new normal sebagai bentuk upaya pencegahan penularan COVID-19. Untuk mewujudkan tujuan tersebut peran serta tenaga kesehatan sangat diharapkan. Peran edukasi menjadi hal utama yang harus dilakukan mengingat banyaknya masyarakat yang tidak tau, tidak memahami tentang new normal dan protokol kesehatan apa saja yang harus dilakukan pada era new normal. Kunci keberhasilan upaya pencegahan penularan covid 19 adalah jika Pemerintah, Tenaga Kesehatan dan seluruh lapisan masyarakat bekerjasama dalam mematuhi protokol kesehatan dengan baik. Untuk itu tim tenaga kesehatan Jurusan Keperawtaan poltekkes kemenkes kupang ikut berpartisipasi dalam upaya mewujudkan program pemerintah melalui pemberian edukasi protokol kesehatan dan bimbingan psikologi untuk mengontrol tekanan darah pasien hipertensi dalam era new normal. Dalam kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini dari 23 peserta kegiatan menunjukkan perilaku masyarakat setelah diberikan pelatihan adalah kategori baik sebanyak 21 orang (91,30%). Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa kegiatan tersebut memberikan keyakinan  dan  menyadarkan bahwa  kesehatan  merupakan  suatu  kebutuhan  personal setiap orang sehingga mendorong masyarakat  secara  kognitif  untuk  menangkap  apa  yang  di sampaikan  dari  educator. Kata Kunci: New Normal Pandemic Covid 19, Hipertensi  ABSTRACT The Covid 19 pandemic has had an impact on all sectors, especially the health sector. One of the efforts that have been made is to break the chain of transmission of Covid by limiting activities outside the home and self-quarantine. The new order of life or what is called the new normal is an alternative for the government to overcome these complex problems. The community is expected to implement health protocols in the new normal era as a form of effort to prevent transmission of COVID-19. To achieve this goal, the participation of health workers is highly expected. The role of education is the main thing that must be done considering that many people do not know, do not understand about the new normal and what health protocols must be carried out in the new normal era. The key to success in efforts to prevent the transmission of Covid-19 is if the Government, Health Workers and all levels of society work together in complying with health protocols properly. For this reason, a team of health workers from the Nursing Department of the Kupang Health Polytechnic participated in an effort to realize the government's program by providing education on health protocols and psychological guidance to control blood pressure in hypertensive patients in the new normal era. In this community service activity, of the 23 activity participants, 21 people (91.30%) showed that community behavior after being given training was in the good category. This shows that this activity gives confidence and makes people aware that health is a personal need for everyone so that it encourages people cognitively to understand what is conveyed by the educator.  Keywords: New Normal, Covid 19, Hypertension