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Development Of LKPD Based On Contextual Teaching And Learning To Improve The Learning Result Of Class V SDN Karawaci 1 Imam Nur Rahman; Sofwatillah Amin; Henny Setiani
Cendikia : Media Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Vol 13 No 2 (2022): November: Education Science
Publisher : Institute of Computer Science (IOCS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35335/cendikia.v13i2.3148


Student Activity Sheets are teaching materials as a guide for students used to conduct investigations or problem-solving. The science worksheets used in class V are currently only focused on material texts and questions and do not develop student activities related to the student environment, so it is necessary to develop contextual learning-based worksheets on hot material science learning and its changes through Research and Development (R&D). to determine the feasibility of the content, the feasibility of presenting the assessment of contextual learning and the feasibility of graphics. Student and teacher responses after using LKPD classically 90.9% (very interesting) content feasibility, presentation feasibility, contextual learning assessment, and graphic feasibility from each validator, namely validator 1 of 86.96% (very feasible), validator 2 of 84 .78 (very decent), and the teacher's assessment of 89.15% (very decent). Based on the analysis of experts, media, and materials, LKPD meets the criteria to be used as teaching materials in science subjects
Kesulitan Guru Sekolah Dasar Dalam Mengambangkan Desain Pembelajaran Berbasis Online di Kota Serang Henny Setiani; Achmad Hufad; Maman Fathurrohman; Ika Evitasari Aris; Sofwatillah Amin
Literasi : Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Vol 14, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Alma Ata

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21927/literasi.2023.14(1).33-39


Salah satu yang dihadapi oleh kesusahan dalam melakukan proses belajar berlandas online pada guru. Kesenjangan sering timbul dalam merancang penerimaan yang serupa dengan keinginan proses belajar dengan metode online. Tingkat kesulitan mempengaruhi pada kurang maksimalnya penerapan proses belajar. Riset ini bermaksud menggali kesulitan-kesulitan itu. Riset ini mengenakan prosedur kuntitatif dengan konsep riset survey. Bersumber pada hasil riset membuktikan pada penanda pemakaian program dalam proses belajar, 53, 95% guru hadapi kesusahan yang besar, 64, 47% guru sekolah bawah cuma mengenali program whatsapp. Sebesar 50% guru tengah hadapi sulitnya dalam memanfaatkan teknologi. Sedangkan, pada penanda mutu proses pembelajaran, 46, 15% guru merasa penerapan pada proses pembelajaran berorientasi online amat menjenuhkan. Sebesar 64, 47% guru pula merasa tidak efektif dalam membimbing Kala online. Pada penanda konsep proses pembelajaran, 65, 79% guru sekolah bawah terletak dalam tingkatan kebimbangan dalam membuat konsep dalam proses belajar. Oleh sebab itu, guru diharapkan bisa menjajaki proses belajar training mengonsep pelatihan dengan metode online supaya proses belajar yang dilaksanakan bisa lebih efisien serta berdaya guna
Analisis Dampak Penerapan E-Procurement Pada Pemerintah Provinsi Banten Endang Kusnadi; Haerofiatna Haerofiatna; Syaechurodji Syaechurodji; Henny Setiani
Jurnal Ilmiah Sains dan Teknologi Vol 7 No 2 (2023): Jurnal Ilmiah Sains dan Teknologi
Publisher : Teknik Informatika Fakultas Ilmu Komputer

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47080/saintek.v7i2.2874


Presidential Regulation no. 54 of 2010 concerning government procurement of goods/services,namely to increase transparency and accountability, increase market access and healthy businesscompetition, improve the level of efficiency of the procurement process, support the monitoringand audit process, and meet the need for real-time access to information. This is the main goal ofthe government, especially Banten Province, in implementing e-procurement in the process ofprocuring goods and services. However, it is not yet known which impact of this achievement hasthe highest weight of success in increasing the transparency and performance of the BantenProvincial Government, making it easier for leaders to carry out evaluations. This is the mainfactor in researching the impact of e-procurement using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP)method so that we can find out the level of success of e-procurement that is most dominantly feltby the Banten Provincial Government by the presidential decree.