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Adsorbent-based Biogas Quality Analysis through Purification Process Lathifa Putri Afisna; V Daniel Verdia; Muhammad Syaukani; Aprizal Saputra
Jurnal Pendidikan Teknologi Kejuruan Vol 5 No 3 (2022): Regular Issue
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/jptk.v5i3.27623


Biogas is a raw material utilized to produced biogas. Biogas is renewable energy source produced by the anaerobic activity of organic matter through the fermentation process. Quality of biogas is determined by its main composition, such as methane (CH4). In addition, the composition of biogas also contains impurities such as unburnt carbon dioxide (CO2) so that it reduces the heating value, hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and water vapor (H2O) which are corrosive as well as Nitrogen (N2). Adsorption method on the impurity compositions can be used to improve biogas quality. This research used a column purifier containing four adsorbents in the form of calcium hydroxide Ca(OH)2, iron gram (Fe2(O3)), zeolite and activated carbon with three volume variations 600 cm3, 900 cm3 and 1200 cm3. The results of biogas testing using gas chromatography showed that the best quality obtained from the 1200 cm3 volume of adsorbent. Methane content was increased up to 17.985% and the impurity gases were decreased, such as carbon dioxide in as much as 18.15%, hydrogen sulfide and water vapor in as much as 0.182%. The heat produced by unpurified biogas was 1518.312 kJ/m3 and the highest heating value after purification was 2108.22 kJ/m3. The biogas combustion resulted in a dominant blue flame color.The most optimum effectiveness of the technology resulted in an increase of the methane content up to 64.275%. Based on this research, the utilization of column purifier with the adsorption method was able to improve the quality of biogas
Karakteristik Sisa Slurry pada Produksi Biogas Berbahan Kotoran Sapi Harmiansyah Harmiansyah; Ruly Davisca Pratama; Lathifa Putri Afisna; Muhammad Syaukani; Rustam Efendi
JMPM (Jurnal Material dan Proses Manufaktur) Vol 6, No 2 (2022): Desember
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/jmpm.v6i2.16175


Jumlah masyarakat Indonesia setiap tahun mengalami peningkatan, peningkatan jumlah masyarakat akan mengakibatkan meningkatnya kebutuhan konsumsi energi seperti bahan bakar untuk memasak sehingga dibutuhkan energi alternatif yang berkelanjutan yang mampu memenuhi kebutuhan konsumsi energi. Energi alternatif yang dapat digunakan oleh masyarakat sebagai bahan bakar pengganti bahan bakar konvensional untuk memasak adalah biogas. Biogas merupakan energi alternatif berfasa gas yang dihasilkan dari kotoran hewan sehingga dapat diperbarui (renewable) secara berkelanjutan, biogas termasuk energi yang ramah lingkungan dan tidak beracun. Produksi biogas memiliki sisa slurry yang dapat mencemari lingkungan, diperlukan mengkarakterisasi sisa slurry pada produksi biogas berbahan kotoran sapi. Penelitian ini menggunakan perbandingan campuran air dan kotoran sapi sebesar 1: dengan menggunakan jenis reaktor tangki 1000 liter, pada saat produksi biogas dilakukan pengukuran tekanan biogas, volume slurry, pengukuran temperatur, dan pengukuran pH. Data yang didapatkan akan dilakukan analisis karakteristik sisa slurry pada biogas. Pada hasil penelitian ini didapatkan volume slurry selama produksi yaitu 900-980 liter dengan nilai pH rata-rata 6-7, hasil unsur hara sisa slurry cair pada penelitian ini belum dapat langsung digunakan sebagai pupuk cair organik perlu ditambahkan substrat lainnya agar dapat menaikkan unsur hara N, P, dan K yang terkandung pada sisa slurry cair tetapi untuk sisa slurry padat dapat digunakan sebagai pupuk kompos karena telah memenuhi standar kualitas pupuk kompos. The number of Indonesian people is increasing every year, and an increase in the number of people will increase the need for energy consumption such as fuel for cooking so sustainable alternative energy is needed that can meet energy consumption needs. The alternative energy that can be used by the community as a substitute for conventional fuel for cooking is biogas. Biogas is alternative energy in the gas phase produced from animal waste so that it can be renewed sustainably, biogas is environmentally friendly and non-toxic energy. Biogas production has residual slurry that can pollute the environment, it is necessary to characterize the remaining slurry in biogas production made from cow dung. This study uses a mixture of water and cow dung ratio of 1: using a 1000 liter tank reactor type, at the time of biogas production, biogas pressure, slurry volume, temperature measurement, and pH measurements are measured. The data obtained will be analyzed for the characteristics of the residual slurry in biogas. In the results of this study, the volume of slurry during production was 900-980 liters with an average pH value of 6-7, the results of the remaining nutrients from the liquid slurry in this study could not be directly used as organic liquid fertilizer, it was necessary to add other substrates to increase the nutrients. N, P, and K are contained in the remaining liquid slurry but the remaining solid slurry can be used as compost because it meets the quality standards of compost fertilizer.
Implementasi Teknologi Microbubble Generator pada Pengolahan Limbah Cair Kotoran Sapi Devia Gahana Cindi Alfian; Lathifa Putri Afisna; Muhammad Syaukani; Ilham Dwi Arirohman; Harmiansyah Harmiansyah
AMMA : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 1 No. 09 (2022): AMMA : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
Publisher : CV. Multi Kreasi Media

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Along with the development of the cattle farming industry in Indonesia, many problems arise in terms of waste management. Cow dung waste processing becomes a challenge for the cattle farm industries, especially in handling the liquid waste. Liquid waste produced by cattle farming may pose a negative impact on the health of the people living around the cattle farm if it is not managed properly. One of the efforts to reduce environmental damage due to liquid waste from the farm is by utilizing microbubble generator (MBG) technology to decompose cow dung liquid waste into environmentally friendly waste. The aeration process that occurs in cow dung liquid waste helps aerobic microorganisms to better decompose liquid waste through the addition of dissolved oxygen produced by the microbubble generator in the water. As one of our community service programs, our team came up with an initiative to transfer the know-how of the MBG-based wastewater processing system to a local cattle farm, CV Sanjaya Farm. The program implementation method is by providing training and assistance in the application of MBG technology in the processing of cow dung liquid waste. With an active participation of both our team and partner sides, the MBG technology has been installed at our partner’s locations. As a result of the training and mentoring that we delivered at the partner farm, we observed an increase in the knowledge and skills of both leadership and staff of the partner farm in overcoming the problem of liquid waste management. In addition, a tangible solution has also been built for handling liquid waste to be disposed of into the surrounding environment in a safe and non-polluting manner.
Experimental Investigation of The Heat Transfer Characteristics of Hybrid Nanofluid Al₂O₃CuO-Distilled Water with The Variation of Concentration Ratios Devia Gahana Cindi Alfian; Nicholas Binsar Pandapotan; Muhammad Syaukani; Dicky J. Silitonga; Devy Setiorini Sa’adiyah; Taurista Perdana Syawitri
Jurnal Tekno Insentif Vol 17 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Tekno Insentif
Publisher : Lembaga Layanan Pendidikan Tinggi Wilayah IV

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36787/jti.v17i1.940


Abstrak Panas berlebih yang terjadi pada CPU (Central Processing Unit) komputer dapat menyebabkan penurunan kinerja komputer. Penggunaan fluida pendingin yang diaplikasikan pada perangkat waterblock dapat membantu penurunan temperatur panas berlebih. Salah satu fluida pendingin yang dapat digunakan pada waterblok adalah fluida pendingin jenis nanofluida. Nanofluida merupakan fluida kerja yang mengandung nanopartikel dan fluida dasar untuk dialirkan pada perangkat pengujian. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui karakteristik perpindahan panas dari perangkat uji waterblock dengan menggunakan variasi perbandingan konsentrasi 25% Al2O3: 75% CuO, 50% Al2O3: 50% CuO, 75% Al2O3: 25% CuO dan fraksi volume 0,3% dengan komposisi yang terdiri dari nanofluida Al2O3-CuO/Air Distilasi. Metode pembuatan nanofluida dilakukan dengan proses sonikasi selama 4 jam. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan penurunan temperatur heater paling signifikan ditunjukkan pada hybrida nanofluida dengan perbandingan 75% Al2O3 : 25% CuO sebesar 24,1oC dengan debit 1 liter/menit, sedangkan pada air distilasi penurunan temperatur heater tertinggi ditunjukkan oleh flowrate 1,9 liter/menit 3,4oC. Besarnya nilai koefisien perpindahan panas tertinggi ditunjukkan pada variasi 75% Al2O3 : 25% CuO pada rentang Bilangan Reynolds 41,9-113,7 dengan nilai tertinggi sebesar 345.798 W/m2ᵒC. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan hibrida nanofluida dapat mengurangi temperatur lebih baik daripada air distilasi. Abstract Excessive heat that occurs in the computer's CPU (Central Processing Unit) can cause a decrease in computer performance. Cooling fluid applied to the waterblock device can help reduce overheating temperatures. One of the cooling fluids used in waterblocks is the cooling fluid of the nanofluid type. Nanofluid is a working fluid that contains nanoparticles and base fluid to flow on the testing device. This research was conducted to determine the heat transfer characteristics of the waterblock test device using variations in the concentration ratio of 25% Al2O3 : 75% CuO, 50% Al2O3 : 50% CuO, 75% Al2O3 : 25% CuO and a volume fraction of 0.3% with the same composition. consists of nanofluid Al2O3-CuO/Distilled Water. The method of making nanofluids is done by sonication process for 4 hours. Based on the study's results, the most significant decrease in heater temperature was shown in nanofluid hybrids with a ratio of 75% Al2O3 : 25% CuO of 24.1oC with a discharge of 1 liter/minute. In contrast, the highest decrease in heater temperature in distilled water was shown by a flow rate of 1.9 liters/minute 3.4oC. The highest value of the heat transfer coefficient is shown in the variation of 75% Al2O3 : 25% CuO in the Reynolds number range of 41.9-113.7 with the highest value of 345,798 W/m2ᵒC. The test results show that nanofluid hybrids can reduce temperature better than distilled water.