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Strategi Pemasaran Usaha Kecil Menengah Kerajinan Bambu Dan Rotan Di Kabupaten Sambas Olivia Syafa Husna; Dewi Kurniati; Josua Parulian Hutajulu
Jurnal Ekonomi Pertanian dan Agribisnis Vol 6, No 4 (2022)
Publisher : Department of Agricultural Social Economics, Faculty of Agriculture, Brawijaya University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jepa.2022.006.04.17


Kerajinan dari bambu dan rotan adalah produk andalan daerah Desa Parit Raja Kecamatan Sejangkung. Aksesibilitas bahan mentah adalah salah satu alasan spesialisasi kerajinan tangan masih berlangsung. Usaha kerajinan masih dihadapkan pada persoalan mendasar, khususnya dalam memasarkan produk kerajinan. Sampai saat ini, para pekerja terampil mengandalkan pengecer dalam memasarkan produk yang siap jual. Tujuan dari penelitian yaitu dapat menentukan pilihan strategi pemasaran dengan tepat. Untuk menentukan alternatif strategi, penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan analisis SWOT. Terdapat 29 orang responden yang mana 8 orang dari mereka merupakan informan kunci, dan 21 lainnya merupakan informan biasa. Analisis SWOT yang dilakukan menunjukkan hasil yang mengarah kepada strategi SO (Strengths – Opportunity) dan memiliki 4 alternatif strategi, yaitu  meningkatkan kualitas barang dengan cara berinovasi untuk menciptakan produk baru,  pemanfaatan fasilitas pemerintah, memanfaatkan digital marketing dan  memperluas jaringan kerjasama.
Perkebunan dan Lahan Tropika Vol 12, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Tanjungpura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26418/plt.v12i1.60020


Palm oil is one of the commodities that is seeded in Indonesia. It can be seen from the vast oil palm plantations has increased and the production of crude palm oil (CPO) is also increasing, to meet the demand for food and non-food industries. At home, in a span of 14 years from 1990 to 2003 the consumption of palm oil has increased every year, in 1990 the new consumption of 1.2 million tons, in 2003 increased to 3.2 million. The purpose of this study was to determine the Plasma Farmers Satisfaction of Service Partnership in PTPN XIII PIR V Ngabang. The method used daam this study is a survey method of research that is conducted to obtain the factors of the symptoms and seek information from a group or area. The questionnaire uses primary data with respondents numbering 50 people, the variables studied were Smallholders Satisfaction, Reliability (reliability), Tangible (Embodiment / physical evidence), Responsiveness (Seize Power), Assurance (Assurance), Empathy (Empathy). The results of the study are presented in tabular form and are described in the narrative, the result obtained is of 50 respondents regarding the services and materials in the guidance states Unsatisfied 27 respondents (54%), the quality of the means of production is satisfied by 32 respondents (64%), the service factory in TBS less able to accommodate as many as 25 respondents (50%), the core enterprise assistance in tackling pests and diseases of oil palm plantations is satisfied by 25 respondents (50%). Regarding the company's core discipline in obeying the agreement is satisfied by 28 respondents (56%), the core of the company's attitude towards the welfare of farmers not satisfied by 23 respondents (43.40%). Suggestions in this study to provide satisfaction to farmers is expected to the company must provide it in accordance with the wishes of farmers such as providing roads for village farmers routinely provide fertilizer to farmers to increase the production of oil palm fruits.