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Telaah Nilai Pendidikan Karakter dalam Konsep Pendidikan Akhlak (Kajian Pendidikan Akhlak di Madrasah) Marlina, Dina
EL-HIKMAH Vol 6, No 2 (2012): Desember

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Tujuan dari pendidikan Islam secara tersurat sudah memberikan kesan bahwa dalam pendidikan Islam, selain tercapainya keterampilan-keterampilan tertentu, juga yang menjadi fokus dari sebuah proses pendidikan itu sendiri adalah pembentukan karakter yang tercermin dalam perbuatan atau tingkah laku yang baik. Hal tersebut dapat dilihat dari tujuan akhir pendidikan Islam yang disebutkan yakni terwujudnya kepribadian muslim, yaitu kepribadian yang seluruh aspek-aspeknya merealisasikan atau mencerminkan ajaran Islam, yakni dalam sikap, keterampilan, dan perbuatan seseorang. Hal tersebut senada dengan apa yang diharapkan dari pencanangan pendidikan karakter oleh pemerintah. Inti dari pembangunan karakter adalah terwujudnya sikap hidup yang baik dari adanya seperangkat nilai yang diyakini, dan pendidikan Islam pun menghendaki hal serupa dengan tujuan pendidikan karakter tersebut. Berdasarkan pemaparan di atas, maka penulis tertarik untuk mengangkat tema tersebut dengan judul Bagaimana dasar normatif-filosofis pendidikan karakter perspektif Islam? Bagaimana implementasi nilai-nilai pendidikan karakter dalam pendidikan akhlak? Bagaimana implikasi pendidikan karakter terhadap pendidikan akhlak di madrasah?
Five-Year Data of Clinical Characteristics and Laboratory Findings of Hospitalized Hemophilic Patients in Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital Marlina, Dina; Reniarti, Lelani; Veronica, Fifi
Althea Medical Journal Vol 3, No 4 (2016)
Publisher : Althea Medical Journal

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Background: Hemophilia A has the highest incidence, more than 80% of 172.323 cases worldwide in 2012. It is stated that clinical characteristics of hemophilia A is worse than others, so it is required to prove and to know further about the clinical characteristics and severity likelihood in all hemophilic patients in order to prevent re-bleeding and re-injury and also for a better medical response.Methods: A retrospective cross-sectional study was carried out to 43 medical records of hospitalized hemophilic patients from 2009 to 2013 in Dr Hasan Sadikin General Hospital. The inclusion criteria were a complete patient identity (name, age, sex), written chief complaint, complete physical examination (bleeding, edema, hematoma, hemarthrosis, anemic symptoms) and laboratory test results (factor level, hemoglobin, hematocrit, platelet and Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time). The data was collected from August‒October 2014, analyzed and presented using frequency distribution.Results: Most of the patients were 5-10 years old, male and had hemophilia A. The most common complaint was external bleeding, followed by edema. From 43 patients, 38 (88%) cases were classified as severe factor deficiency, had mild to severe anemia, however the platelet count in most of the cases was in normal value. About 91% cases had prolonged Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time in moderate to severe level.Conclusions: Similar with other studies worldwide, most of the hospitalized hemophilic patients have hemophilia A. Most of the patents has moderate to severe bleeding with laboratory test result between moderate to severe level as well. [AMJ.2016;3(4):605–9]
Journal of K6, Education and Management Vol. 2 No. 4 (2019): Volume 2 Issue 4
Publisher : Indonesian Researcher Society for Science Technology and Education (IDREST) Publisher

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This research describes the transformational leadership behavior, work motivation, teacher performance, and work discipline. It also considers the effect of transformational leadership behavior on work motivation; on work discipline; and teacher performance; effect of work motivation on teacher performance; the effect of work discipline on teacher performance; the effect of transformational leadership on teacher performance through work motivation; as well as the effect of transformational leadership on teacher performance through work discipline. The research uses a quantitative approach with descriptive methods involving a research sample of 105 people. The questionnaire was used as a data collection instrument, while hypotheses were tested using path analysis. Based on the results of the research, there is; a direct effect of transformational leadership on work motivation, work discipline, and teacher performance; a direct effect of work motivation on teacher performance; an indirect effect of transformational leadership on teacher performance through work motivation; as well as an indirect effect of transformational leadership on teacher performance through work discipline. Recommendations are made for teachers to improve performance during the teaching and learning processes, while there is a need for principals to optimize their coaching methods of teachers through improved transformational leadership.
VEGETABLE CULTIVATION TRAINING IN SUPPORTING ECONOMIC AND FOOD SECURITY IN COVID 19 PANDEMIC ERA Hayati, Nur; Nurhayati, Tati; Sodikin, Muhammad Ali; Cahyana, Nana; Marlina, Dina; Yulyana, Ade
Indonesian Journal of Devotion and Empowerment Vol 2 No 1 (2020): June 2020
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/ijde.v2i1.42284


This training is a training on the cultivation of vegetable crops for the local community to stabilize the economy of the community during the covid-19 pandemic. The training held in Rt.05, Sindangheula Village, Banjarharjo District, Brebes Regency involved the participation of citizens while prioritizing health protocols. The purpose of this training is to improve economic conditions amid pandemic conditions that slightly disrupt the economic condition of Sindangheula villagers and educate healthy lifestyles by consuming organic vegetables of their own crops. In addition, this training is also one of the working programs of KKN BMC UNNES Year 2020. This research uses a qualitative approach. The focus in this study is how people use vegetable cultivation to anticipate food and economic problems during the Covid-19 pandemic. This research data source is obtained through primary and secondary data sources. Primary data is obtained by the authors through subject and research informants. The immediate benefit of this training activity is in addition to information and skills how to cultivate vegetables in the yard of the house and can ultimately improve economic and health conditions by producing organic vegetables from the yard of their own home. The target audience of this training activity is mothers and teenagers in Rt.05 Sindangheula Village and the trainees are 4 people. The result of this activity is that the training goes well according to the original plan and the trainees are very enthusiastic about this training and they understand how to cultivate good vegetables. Pelatihan ini adalah pelatihan budidaya tanaman sayuran bagi masyarakat setempat guna menstabilkan ekonomi masyarakat selama pandemic covid-19. Pelatihan yang di laksanakan di Rt.05, Desa Sindangheula, Kecamatan Banjarharjo, Kabupaten Brebes ini melibatkan partisipasi warga dengan tetap mengutamakan protokoler kesehatan. Tujuan pelatihan ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kondisi ekonomi di tengah kondisi pandemic yang sedikit banyak mengganggu kondisi ekonomi warga desa Sindangheula dan mengedukasi pola hidup sehat dengan mengkonsumsi sayuran organic hasil panen sendiri. Selain itu pelatihan ini juga merupakan salah satu program kerja KKN BMC UNNES Tahun 2020. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Fokus dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana masyarakat memanfaatkan budidaya sayuran untuk mengantisipasi masalah pangan dan ekonomi di masa pandemic Covid-19. Sumber data penelitian ini diperoleh melalui sumber data primer dan sekunder. Data primer diperoleh penulis melalui subjek dan informan penelitian. Manfaat langsung dari kegiatan pelatihan ini ialah sebagai tambahan informasi dan keterampilan cara membudidayakan sayuran di pekarangan rumah dan pada akhirnya dapat menyejahterakan kondisi ekonomi dan kesehatan dengan menghasilkan sayuran organic dari pekarangan rumah sendiri. Khalayak sasaran dari kegiatan pelatihan ini adalah ibu-ibu dan remaja di Rt.05 Desa Sindangheula dan peserta pelatihan berjumlah 4 orang. Hasil dari kegiatan ini adalah pelatihan berjalan dengan baik sesuai rencana awal dan peserta pelatihan sangat antusias dengan adanya pelatihan ini dan mereka memahami bagaimana cara membudidayakan sayuran yang baik.