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Pengaruh Pakan Kompilasi yang Mengandung Kelor dan Bakteri Asam Laktat (BAL) Terhadap Gambaran Trombosit Ayam Broiler Nancy Foeh; Aska Fanmira; Nemay Ndaong; Annytha Detha; Frans Umbu Datta
JURNAL KAJIAN VETERINER Vol 10 No 2 (2022): Jurnal Kajian Veteriner

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35508/jkv.v10i2.8701


The aim of this study was to examine the effect of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and Moringa in the compilation of feed for broiler chickens. This research was conducted from June to November 2021, in the Nekamese chicken coop, Kupang district. The study used a completely randomized design using 4 treatment designs. Chickens are fed approximately 3 kg a day 2 times in the morning and evening, with drinking water given at libitum. The test results showed that for each treatment group, the feed containing Moringa and lactic acid bacteria isolates from palm sap on broiler chickens did not show a significant effect. However, if viewed descriptively, it shows the difference from the average difference in treatment. The average platelet value in the treatment group was higher than the control group. Further research is needed with a larger sample size related to Moringa as broiler chicken feed.
Service per Conception (S/C) dan Conception Rate (CR) Sapi Crossbreed (Persilangan Bos sondaicus dan Bos taurus) di Kecamatan Kupang Timur Tarsisius Considus Tophianong; Frans Umbu Datta; Tri Utami; Nancy Foeh; Cynthia Gaina; Yohanes Simarmata; Putri Pandarangga; Yeremia Y. Sitompul; Herlina Umbu Deta
JURNAL KAJIAN VETERINER Vol 11 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Kajian Veteriner

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35508/jkv.v11i1.10287


Conception Rate (CR) and Service Conception (S/C) are two parameters for assessing the reproductive performance of cattle. This research was conducted to determine the value of S/C and CR in crossbreeding cattle in the working area of ​​the Public Health Center. The material used in this study was 72 crossbreed cattle aged 3-10 years. Semi-intensive rearing system with AI mating. The results the S/C in this study was 3.9 higher than the ideal standard of 1.6–2. The CR in this study was 58.6%. CR numbers are still relatively low from the ideal, namely 65 -75%.
Tinjauan: Implikasi Parasit Cacing pada Komposisi Tubuh Ternak Ruminansia Frans Umbu Datta; Nancy Foeh; Nemay Ndaong; Annytha Detha
JURNAL KAJIAN VETERINER Vol 11 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Kajian Veteriner

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35508/jkv.v11i1.10406


The effects of gastrointestinal parasties on feed intake and growth is well-established. The emphasis here is on raising awareness that parasites do have effects on body compositon and meat quality atrributes. Body composition refers to the acceptable balance of lean to fat ratio when animals were parasitised or when they were free of parasites. Rejection of carcases due to parasitism is also covered. It was concluded that parasitic infections at subclinical level lead to reduced quantity and impaired quality of meat indirectly by in protein and energy intake as well as through altering and diverting of protein availability for both body maintenance in the forms of establishing resilience to infection as well as repairing of tissues damaged by parasites at sites of predilection. Ineficiency in meat production and alterations to body composition due to nematode parasitism is very much associated with alterations in nutrient absorption and utilisation.
Pengaruh Penambahan Tepung Maggot Black Soldier Fly terhadap Performa dan Profil Darah Putih Broiler Viniesa Pandie; Frans Umbu Datta; Yohanes Timbun Raja Mangihut Ronael Simarmata
Buletin Veteriner Udayana Vol. 15 No. 5 October 2023
Publisher : The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/bulvet.2023.v15.i05.p21


Broiler chickens are superior breeds resulting from crossbreeding and genetic engineering that have high productivity, especially meat production, and can be harvested at the age of 5 weeks. Broiler chicken productivity can be seen from the performance and white blood cell profile through the feed consumed. One of them is BSF maggot flour. The purpose of this study was to see whether the addition of BSF maggot flour affected ration consumption, feed conversion, body weight gain, and white blood cell profile in starter phase broiler chickens. The method used is an experimental method, using a completely randomized design (CRD). 100 chickens used were divided into 4 treatments (P0, P1, P2, P3) with 25 in each treatment. Analysis of the data used is the Analysis of Variance with the results of the analysis presented in the form of tables and curves. Based on the results obtained statistically that BSF (Black Soldier Fly) maggot flour had no significant effect on body weight gain, ration consumption and feed conversion. From the results of blood tests, BSF maggot flour (Black Soldier Fly) has an effect on the differential of white blood cells, but it has no significant effect because the results of the examination obtained various results influenced by various things such as environmental conditions, weather and climate, and nutrition. Suggestions for further research are to determine the digestibility of the feed added to BSF (Black Soldier Fly) maggot flour and to perform a proximate analysis on the BSF (Black Soldier Fly) maggot flour to be used.
Diagnosa Penyakit Hewan dengan Teknik Polymerase Chain Reaction di Lingkungan Universitas Nusa Cendana Maria Aega Gelolodo; Putri Pandarangga; Yohanes T. R. M. R. Simarmata; Tri Utami; Tarsisius Considus Tophianong; Frans Umbu Datta; Yeremia Y. Sitompul; Cynthia Dewi Gaina; Nancy Diana F. K. Foeh; Herlina Umbu Deta
International Journal of Community Service Learning Vol. 7 No. 2 (2023): May 2023
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/ijcsl.v7i2.55140


Penyakit infeksius dapat menyebabkan kerugian ekonomi dan dampak sosial budaya di masyarakat. Diagnosa dan deteksi dini terhadap agen patogen penyebab penyakit infeksius merupakan langkah penting dalam mencegah efek yang lebih besar dari penyakit infeksius. Semakin cepat suatu agen penyakit terdeteksi maka makin cepat pula usaha pencegahan maupun kontrol yang dilakukan untuk mencegah penyebaran lebih lanjut dari penyakit tersebut. Salah satu teknik deteksi laboratorik yang paling banyak digunakan saat ini adalah teknik molekuler PCR. Teknik ini memiliki sensitivitas dan spesifitas yang tinggi dan dapat dilaksanakan dalam waktu yang relatif singkat. Terlepas dari keunggulan serta keuntungan teknik PCR ini, namun pada kenyataannya masih ada stakeholders di tingkat universitas yang belum sepenuhnya mengenal maupun memahami dengan baik teknik ini. Oleh karena itulah maka pelatihan PCR pada para dosen maupun tenaga laboran di lingkungan Universitas Nusa Cendana, Kupang menjadi penting dilakukan dalam rangka peningkatan kapasitas deteksi laboratorik terhadap penyakit infeksius. Kegiatan yang diikuti oleh 14 orang peserta ini selain melengkapi para peserta dengan pengetahuan mengenai prinsip dasar PCR dan aplikasinya juga melatih kemampuan peserta dalam melaksanakan PCR di laboratorium.
Jurnal Media Tropika Vol 1 No 2 (2021): Jurnal Media Tropika
Publisher : Universitas Nusa Cendana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35508/mediatropika.v1i2.5466


Community service activities in Nggorang Village, Komodo District in the form of training on making bokashi fertilizer aim to train groups of farmers to know how to make bokashi fertilizer by utilizing organic waste to be beneficial for plants, and the environment. Utilization of organic waste such as waste from livestock (feces), straw, husks, leftover forage waste, and white flower bush (Cromolena odorata). The target in PKM in Nggorang Village is to create and utilize various wastes into entrepreneurial opportunities that have an impact on increasing income for farmer-breeding families who participate in this activity. The training method is carried out by education such as lectures, discussions, and training or practice with remote methods using the zoom application and guided by instructors equipped with guide books. The implementation time is tentative and adjusted to the free time of the farmer group to study. The Results of the training in making bokashi were applied to plants.
Deskripsi Parameter Fisiologis Normal Ternak Sapi Bali (Bos Sondaicus) di Desa Pukdale Kecamatan Kupang Timur Kabupaten Kupang Hendrik J. C. Frans; Frans Umbu Datta; Yohanes T. R. M. R Simarmata
Jurnal Veteriner Nusantara Vol 3 No 2 (2020): Agustus 2020
Publisher : Program Studi Kedokteran Hewan, Universitas Nusa Cendana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35508/jvn.v3i2.3416


This research was conducted to know the normal physiological value of Bali cattle (Bos sondaicus) at Pukdale Village, Kupang Timur Subdistrict, Kupang Regency, in the form of body temperature, respiration frequency and pulsus frequency. Thisresearch used purposive sampling that is the method used toselect some samples that are assessed according to the purpose or problem of research in a population. The sample used is 36 bali cows, which are divided into groups of <1 year, 1-2 years and> 2 years of age group will be subdivided into sex category is males and females so that the number of samples each Group of 6 cows. Measurements will be done twice, in the morning at06:00 to 08:00 wita and in the afternoon at 16:00 to 18:00 wita. Measurements are made three times each time of sampling, then the value of the result of three times the measurement is averaged. The results showed that the normal body temperature of Balinese cattle in Pukdale Village, Kupang Timur Subdistrict of Kupang Regency is 38.1 ° C-39.3 ° C, the normal respiration frequency is 21-33 times / min and the normal pulsus frequency is 73-102 times / minute.
Parameter Kuda Sandelwood Di Kecamatan Katikutana, Kabupaten Sumba Tengah Hilarius Langobelen; Frans Umbu Datta; Maxs U E Sanam
Jurnal Veteriner Nusantara Vol 4 No 1 (2021): Februari 2021
Publisher : Program Studi Kedokteran Hewan, Universitas Nusa Cendana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35508/jvn/vol4iss1pp7


Horses are one of farm anima that play an important role in human life because it can help alleviate work and as a tool to satisfy human life. The important role of horses is greatly felt by people in Sumba Island. Horses are also be an economic source for most people in Sumba Island. Horses that win the horse race event have a high selling point. The local horse in Sumba Island that used for horse race event is called as the Sandelwood horse. Therefore, the physiological conditions of Sandelwood horse must be maintained. The physiological condition can indicate the health of horse. Basic physiological conditions include the frequency of respiration, heart rate frequency, and body temperature. This study aims to determine the physiological parameters of Sandelwood horses and to determine the relationship between temperature and chest circumference with the physiological condition of Sandelwood horses. This experiment use purposive sampling method. The use of this method is related to the environmental condition and cultural conditions of the Sumbaneses. The results are the enviroment temperature and chest circumference are closely related to the horse activity before measurement and stress levels experienced by the horse at the time of measurement.
EDUKASI MEMBUAT PAKAN SILASE KELOMPOK TANI TERNAK SANGGABETES, DESA HOLOAMA, KECAMATAN LOBALAIN, ROTE NDAO Nancy Foeh; Nemay Anggadewi Ndaong; Frans Umbu Datta; Annytha Ina Rohi Detha; Yohanes Timbun Raja Mangiut Ronael Simarmata; Putri Pandarangga
Jurnal Media Tropika Vol 3 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Media Tropika
Publisher : Universitas Nusa Cendana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35508/mediatropika.v3i1.10297


The use of forages such as odot grass in making silage during the dry season can be increased to improve the quality of animal feed. Anaerobic storage techniques can be carried out so that cooling can run perfectly. This training was carried out with the aim of equipping and increasing the understanding and abilities and skills of the Sanggabetes Livestock Farmers Group, Holoama Village, Lobalain District, Rote Ndao in increasing the nutritional value of forage feed. The stages of community service activities begin with socialization followed by hands-on training and end with monitoring and evaluation activities. The results of this service activity indicate that there was interaction and discussion between the resource person and the participants during the climb. The trainees and the Rote Ndao Animal Husbandry Service hope to continue the collaboration that has been established with mentoring activities for the Sanggabetes Livestock Farmer Group, Holoama Village, Lobalain District, Rote Ndao and other farmer groups in Rote Ndao in the utilization of forage and rice straw for cattle and other rumenance.