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MORFAI JOURNAL Vol. 2 No. 3 (2022): October

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54443/morfai.v2i3.408


Indonesia is an archipelagic country that is vulnerable to natural and non-natural disasters. The trend of natural disasters that occur in Indonesia itself tends to increase from year to year as well as what happened in Karo Regency. According to BPS data from 2015-2020 there was an increase in natural disasters, especially those caused by the eruption of Mount Sinabung.The problem that occurs is that Sukatendel Village is located in Tiganderket District, Karo Regency which has an altitude of 500 meters above sea level. This certainly increases the risk of disaster. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of implementing the Sukatendel Village Regulation No. 01 of 2019 regarding the Disaster Resilient Village program. With qualitative research methods. The results showed thatImplementation of Village Regulation No. 1 of 2018 concerning the disaster-resilient village program which includes 4 (four) factors, namely: The communication factor has not been carried out properly, due to the irregularity of socialization activities and the limitations of information communication tools to the surrounding community. The human resource factor is adequate in the implementation of DESTANA with the establishment of a village management and DRR Forum, but has limited budget and facilities in disaster management. The disposition factor or commitment owned by the implementor is good in carrying out its responsibilities as the implementer of the policy. The bureaucratic structure factor in the implementation of DESTANA has been directed and clear with the creation of a disaster management mechanism, the division and role of each team, but this is of course with the approval of the Karo Regency Government.
Jurnal Lex Lectio Vol 2, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Hukum Graha Kirana

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AbstractMarriage aims to have children with the hope of becoming family heirs and successors. but in this study, the children to be discussed are out of wedlock based on the case of Machicha bint H. Mochtar who is fighting for the rights of her son Muhammad Iqbal Ramadhan, the child of her marriage (Machicha) with Moerdiono, a marriage that is legalized religiously but not by the state, resulting in the child becoming a child out of wedlock. This research can be a discussion material for the discussion of legal protection of children's rights, especially for children who have the status of extra-marital children in the surrounding environment, and can be used as a reference to protect and protect the rights of every extra-marital child. The research conducted by the author is a type of normative legal research with the method of collecting secondary legal documents in legal research conducted by conducting library research and analytical legal document processing methods. Recognition of children is done by issuing a certificate from the biological father that the child born by a woman is his biological child. Recognition can only be done if the child's biological mother agrees. Legalization of a child out of wedlock is only done if the biological father and biological mother of the child are legally married. In the case of Machica Mochtar representing her son M Iqbal Ramadhan who wants to fight for his rights over his biological father Moerdiono where Machicha Mochtar married Moerdiono on December 20, 1993, which was executed only based on article 2 paragraph 1 Marriage Act, namely based on religious provisions but without registering the marriage, making the marriage valid only in the eyes of religion but void in the eyes of the law because it did not meet the requirements. AbstrakPerkawinan bertujuan untuk memiliki anak dengan harapan menjadi ahli waris keluarga dan penerus keturunan. namun dalam penelitian ini anak yang akan dibahas yaitu ana luar kawin berdasarkan kasus Machicha binti H. Mochtar yang memperjuangkan hak anaknya Muhammad Iqbal Ramadhan, anak hasil perkawinan dirinya (Machicha) dengan Moerdiono, perkawinan yang dilegalkan secara agama tetapi tidak oleh negara, mengakibatkan anak tersebut menjadi anak di luar kawin. penelitian ini dapat menjadi bahan diskusi untuk pembahasan mengenai perlindungan hukum terhadap hak-hak anak terutama bagi anak yang berstatus anak luar kawin yang berada di lingkungan sekitar,dan dapat dijadikan sebagai referensi untuk menjaga dan melindungi hak setiap anak luar kawin. Penelitian yang dilakukan oleh penulis adalah jenis penelitian hukum normatif dengan Metode pengumpulan dokumen hukum sekunder dalam penelitian hukum dilakukan dengan melakukan penelitian kepustakaan dan Metode pengolahan dokumen hukum secara analitis. Pengakuan terhadap anak dilakukan dengan mengeluarkan surat keterangan dari ayah kandung bahwa anak yang dilahirkan oleh seorang perempuan adalah anak kandungnya. Pengakuan hanya dapat dilakukan jika ibu kandung anak tersebut menyetujuinya. Legalisasi anak luar nikah hanya dilakukan jika ayah kandung dan ibu kandung dari anak tersebut menikah secara sah. Dalam kasus Machica Mochtar yang mewakili anaknya M Iqbal Ramadhan yang ingin memperjuangkan haknya atas ayah kandungnya yaitu Moerdiono dimana Machicha Mochtar menikah dengan Moerdiono pada tanggal 20 Desember tahun 1993, yang dieksekusi hanya berdasarkan pasal 2 ayat 1 Perkawinan Perbuatan yaitu berdasarkan ketentuan agama tetapi tanpa mencatatkan perkawinan itu, menjadikan perkawinan itu sah hanya di mata agama tetapi batal di mata hukum karena tidak memenuhi syarat.
Pengawasan Ombudsman Provinsi Sumatera Utara Di Badan Pertanahan Nasional Kota Medan Enrico Mardongan Asina; Neri Arisuma
Jurnal Lex Lectio Vol 1, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Hukum Graha Kirana

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AbstractThe Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia has a role in conducting a survey of public service standards at the Medan City National Land Office and providing space for the public to submit problems and complaints about land services that are not optimal. This research is descriptive qualitative in nature. This study aims to determine the oversight of the Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia representing North Sumatra Province in supervising public service reports at the Medan City National Land Agency. , Reporting Service Response Action Mechanism and Institutional Public Service Oversight Mechanism in Government Public Service Agencies/Agencies.Abstrak Ombudsman Republik Indonesia berperan melakukan survey standar pelayanan publik di Kantor Pertanahan Nasional Kota Medan dan memberikan ruang kepada masyarakat untuk menyampaikan permasalahan maupun keluhan terhadap pelayanan pertanahan yang tidak optimal. Penelitian ini bersifat kualitatif deskriptif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengawasan Ombudsman Republik Indonesia perwakilan Provinsi Sumatera Utara dalam pengawasan laporan pelayanan publik pada Badan Pertanahan Nasional Kota Medan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengawasan Ombudsman Republik Indonesia Perwakilan Sumatera Utara pada Badan Pertanahan Nasional Kota Medan mempunyai mekanisme kerja, yaitu Mekanisme Pelaporan Pengaduan Masyarakat, Mekanisme Tindakan Respon Pelayanan Pelaporan dan Mekanisme Pengawasan Pelayanan Publik secara Kelembagaan pada Lembaga/Badan Pelayanan Publik Pemerintah.
Resilience of Natural Disaster Victims Based on Social Capital Community Recovery Strategy for Flash Floods in Ladang Rimba Riri Rezeki Hariani; Neri Arisuma; Arifin Saleh
Jurnal Penelitian Medan Agama MEDAN AGAMA, VOL. 15, NO. 1, JUNE 2024
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58836/jpma.v15i1.20518


Flooding is a natural phenomenon caused in areas where many rivers flow. This research intends to describe, analyze and reveal the flash flood disaster in Ladang Rimba in 2023. In its development, this method uses environmental history by utilizing sources obtained, both written and oral, which are related to the topic of discussion. The results of this research show that after the 2023 Ladang Rimba flash flood disaster, it was a sad story for all the people living in the flood area. Severe damage due to flash floods in Gampong Ladang Rimba in Central Trumon District still leaves mud sediment with a thickness of up to 120 cm. still covering residential areas, residents' houses and various infrastructure. The impacts of flash floods in Ladang Rimba include: experiencing levels of damage to infrastructure, including housing, roads, bridges and utilities, loss of livelihoods, business closures, and impacts on local industry, social and psychological impacts on individuals and communities, including trauma, problems mental health, and community cohesion, the level of community involvement in the recovery process and empowerment of local residents. For this reason, a comprehensive review is needed that involves collaboration between various stakeholders, including government agencies, non-government organizations, community representatives and academic researchers.