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Hubungan antara Umur dengan Ekspresi MIF (Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor) pada Penderita Limfadenitis Tuberkulosis Nimas Resti; Fathul Djannah; Philip Habib
Unram Medical Journal Vol 11 No 4 (2022): volume 11 no 4
Publisher : Faculty of Medicine Universitas Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jku.v11i4.803


Abstrak Latar belakang: Prevalensi TB ekstra paru pada tahun 2019 dilaporkan mencapai sekitar 16% dari 7,1 juta kasus kejadian TB di dunia. Di Indonesia dengan insidensi tinggi tuberkulosis, limfadenitis tuberkulosis merupakan kasus tersering dari TB ekstra paru. MIF (Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor) merupakan salah satu sitokin yang berperan dalam mempengaruhi ketahanan tubuh pasien limfadenitis TB. Kadar MIF pada setiap tingkatan umur berbeda-beda, mulai dari lahir hingga dewasa. Terdapat perbedaan hasil dari penelitian-penelitian sebelumnya terkait hubungan antara umur dengan ekspresi MIF, beberapa menyatakan keduanya memiliki hubungan, sedangkan yang lainnya menyatakan sebaliknya. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara umur dengan ekspresi MIF (Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor) pada penderita limfadenitis tuberkulosis. Metode: Desain penelitian menggunakan rancangan penelitian deskriptif analitik dengan pendekatan cross-sectional. Pemilihan sampel menggunakan consecutive sampling, yang diperoleh dari data rekam medis penderita limfadenitis tuberkulosis di Nusa Tenggara Barat berupa sampel blok parafin. Besar sampel penelitian berjumlah 100 orang dengan analisis statistik menggunakan uji korelasi rank spearman. Hasil: Total subjek penelitian berjumlah 100 orang, 54 sampel perempuan dan 46 sampel laki-laki. Penelitian ini didominasi oleh responden dengan rentang umur 20-60 tahun (74,0%), lalu diikuti oleh rentang umur 11-19 tahun (16,0%). Immunoreactive score yang dominan dalam penelitian ini yaitu IRS 1 (43,0%). Hasil dari uji korelasi spearman didapatkan nilai p= 0.567 dan (r didapat) < r minimal (0,4). Kesimpulan: Tidak terdapat hubungan antara umur dengan ekspresi MIF (Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor) pada penderita limfadenitis tuberkulosis. Kata kunci: MIF (Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor), umur, limfadenitis tuberkulosis, immunoreactive score, pewarnaan IHC.
Well-organized Granuloma Lymphadenitis Tuberculosis Expressed Lower Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor (MIF) Score Compared to the Poorly-organized Granuloma Hamsu Kadriyan; Fathul Djannah; Philip Habib; Triana Diah Cahyawati; Nurhidayati Siddik
The Indonesian Biomedical Journal Vol 15, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : The Prodia Education and Research Institute (PERI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18585/inabj.v15i1.2070


BACKGROUND: The case of extra-pulmonary tuberculosis (EPTB) is common and the most type of extra-pulmonary tuberculosis found is lymphadenitis TB (LnTB). Macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) is correlated with TB, and low level of MIF was correlated to Mycobacterium TB bacteremia. Deficiency of MIF macrophage is known to be correlated to the increased of a lung pathology; however, its role on pathogenesis LnTB remains unclear. Hence, this study was conducted to analyze the correlation of MIF in several type of granuloma organization in LnTB.METHODS: Block paraffin of the lymphoid tissue infected with M. Tuberculosis were analyzed with immunohistochemistry (IHC) to assess the MIF expression, by counting the immunoreactivity score (IRS) according to the intensity of stained cells and the level of staining. The histopathology type of LnTB was divided into well-organized granuloma (WOG) and poorly-organized granuloma (POG) based on the granuloma characteristics.RESULTS: Among 100 tissues samples that fulfilled the study criteria, WOG was found in 51% cases. MIF was expressed mild positive in 21% samples, on the other hand, 79% was not expressed. There was a significant difference of MIF negative, as was found in 98% of WOG group while only 59% was found in POG group (p<0.001).CONCLUSION: There is a significant correlation between MIF expression with the type of granuloma organization in LnTB. The expression of MIF in WOG group is mostly negative, as well as a half of the POG group. This results may suggests that MIF plays a role in the pathogenesis of granuloma formation in LnTB.KEYWORDS: MIF, lymphadenitis TB, WOG, POG, immunohistochemistry
Survei Demam Secara Massal Berhasil Mengendalikan Wabah Malaria Di Pulau Bungin Kabupaten Sumbawa Nusa Tenggara Barat : Pelajaran Tentang Pentingnya Deteksi Agresif Di Salah Satu Pulau Terpenting Di Dunia: The Mass Fever Survey Was A Success In Controling Outbreak Malaria In Bungin Island, Sumbawa District, West Nusa Tenggara : Lesson In The Importance Of Aggressive Detection On One Of The Most Populous Islands In The Worlds Philip Habib; Ahmad Taufik S; Adnanto Wiweko; Didit Yudhanto; Mohammad Rizki; Lalu Hamri Fikri; Mulyanto Mulyanto
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jstl.v9i1.427


Bungin Island is a very small island where population density is high, with a total population of 3,287 in a 2 kilometer-square area. The Annual Parasite Index (API) on Bungin Island in 2006 was 16,0 per thousand people. Outbreaks of malaria in Bungin Island are correlated with several controllable factors. The goal of this study is to aggressively detect and treat malaria, as well as to identify the factors that contribute to malaria outbreaks. Data was collected from the resident of Bungin Island who came to Sub-Primary Health Center Bungin Island in October 1, 2007. The data collection when outbreak malaria occurs, consisted of anamnesis, physical examination and test for type of malaria. A finger prick blood sample was collected and tested with rapid diagnostic test (RDT) for type of plasmodium. Treatment base on standard treatment for malaria from Indonesian Health Department was given to the subjects were malaria positive. The total 201 subjects was tested by RDT, in which 93 positive malaria (46,27%). Most of them were infected by Plasmodium vivax (97.85%) and only 2 subjects were infected by Plasmodium falciparum (2.15%). There were 23 subjects (24.27%) showed malaria positive without clinical symptoms. The subjects positive malaria with clinical symptoms, 8.57% were found to have spleenomegaly and 7.14% were found to have hepatomegaly. Incidence of malaria decrease siginifantly in few week after aggresive detection and appropriate treatment. A few years later, malaria incidence was disappeared. The incidence of malaria in Bungin Island was high when an outbreak occured. Aggressive detection with mass blood survey could find asymptomatic malaria in the population and appropriate treatment would decrease positive malaria until it disappeared.
Cholangiocarcinoma: Risk Factors, Diagnostic Tools, and Current Treatment Options Adli Putra Nugraha; Baiq Ghassani Kayla; Febbi Anggy; Ni Made Utami Wulandari; Wina Arsylia Fakar; Philip Habib
Jurnal Biologi Tropis Vol. 23 No. 4 (2023): October - December
Publisher : Biology Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Mataram, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jbt.v23i4.5741


Cholangiocarcinoma is a disease caused by the differentiation of cells in the bile epithelium or liver parenchyma into malignant cells called cholangiocytes. This literature review presents the current risk factors, diagnostic tools, and treatment choices of cholangiocarcinoma. Publication about the current risk factors, diagnostic tools, and treatment choices of cholangiocarcinoma were collected from the Pubmed database until August 25, 2022. The keywords of the research were “cholangiocarcinoma”, “risk factor”, “diagnostic”, and “treatment”. Cholangiocarcinoma has many risk factors, from choledochal cysts, and primary sclerosing cholangitis, to asbestos exposure. The diagnosis of cholangiocarcinoma is difficult and requires the combined interpretation of different diagnostic modalities. Examinations that can be done for the diagnosis and staging of cholangiocarcinoma are MRI and CT. However, if the diagnosis remains uncertain, endoscopic examination and tissue sampling may be performed. After the diagnosis, there are several treatments, namely surgical therapy (surgical excision of bile duct tumors), endoscopic therapy (endoscopic biliary dilatation), radiological therapy (percutaneous transhepatic palliative biliary dilatation), chemotherapy and radiotherapy, and photodynamic therapy. Cholangiocarcinoma is a malignancy of cells in the biliary epithelium or liver parenchyma (cholangiocytes) that has many risk factors. The diagnosis of cholangiocarcinoma is difficult and requires a combined interpretation of the different diagnostic modalities, including MRI, CT, endoscopy, and tissue sampling. After the diagnosis, there are several treatments, namely surgical therapy, endoscopy, radiology therapy, chemotherapy and radiotherapy, and photodynamic therapy.
Gallbladder Empyema: A Dreadly Complication of Acute Cholecystitis Dinda Puspita Sari; Elvienna Shaffiranisa; Amrullah Muliawan Hamdin; Clara Nadila; Philip Habib
Jurnal Biologi Tropis Vol. 23 No. 1 (2023): Special Issue
Publisher : Biology Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Mataram, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jbt.v23i1.5783


Gallbladder empyema is a severe form of acute cholecystitis with additional suppuration with an incidence rate of 6.3%-26.6% and a mortality rate 3%. If not treated promptly, gallbladder empyema can cause complications. Therefore, in this literature review we will discuss gallbladder empyema in more depth and the immediate treatment that must be carried out to avoid complications in patients. In this literature review Schoolar, we conducted a search on the PubMed and Sciencedirect database    using    the search keyword “gallbladder empyema”, “empyema”, and “gallbladder”. Gallbladder empyema can occur due to bile that cannot be excreted from the gallbladder will cause infection from microorganisms so that the gallbladder becomes full of exudative material in the form of pus, causing acute inflammation. Diagnosis of gallbladder empyema can be done using Ultrasonography and Computed Tomography Scan (CT Scan). Percutaneous transhepatic gallbladder drainage (PTGBD) is a procedure for the initial management of gallbladder empyema before laparoscopic cholecystectomy. If gallbladder empyema is treated immediately, the prognosis is good. If not treated promptly, gallbladder empyema can lead to peritonitis, and bacteremia leading to a rapid systemic inflammatory response, shock, and sepsis.