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PENERAPAN 12 PRINSIP ERGONOMI PADA RUANG SERVER (STUDI KASUS RUANG SERVER UNIVERSITAS GADJAH MADA) Siboro, Benedikta Anna Haulian; Suroso, Suroso; Suhendrianto, Suhendrianto; Esmijati, Esmijati

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Ruang server adalah ruang khusus untuk menyimpan server  dan peralatan kelengkapannya. Server sendiri adalah suatu sistem komputer menyediakan jenis layanan tertentu dalam sebuah komputer. Pada ruang server banyak terdapat peralatan-peralatan khusus yang diperlukan untuk menunjang koneksi jaringan internet.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisa keergonomisan ruang server berdasarkan konsep 12 prinsip ergonomi. Metode yang dilakukan adalah melakukan pengukuran terhadap ukuran ruangan, intensitas cahaya, lay out ruangan dan membandingkan terhadap 12 prinsip ergonomi.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tata letaknya membuat pekerja tidak optimal beraktivitas, kondisi lingkungan yang mempersempit ruang gerak pekerja dan kurangnya peralatan yang memadai untuk sebuah ruang server.Ketiga aspek permasalahan pada ruang server tidak memenuhi beberapa  prinsip ergonomi diantaranya bekerja pada Posisi normal, mudah dijangkau,mengurangi gerakan yang berlebih, mengurangi kelelahan dan beban statis dan membuat lebih leluasa bergerakKata kunci : ruang server, 12 prinsip ergonomi, lay out, kondisi lingkungan, peralatan
Analisis Pencahayaan Ruang Kerja: Studi Kasus Pada Usaha Kecil Mikro dan Menengah (UMKM) Batik Tulis di Yogyakarta Dwi Handayani; Lina D. Fathimahhayati; Suhendrianto Suhendrianto; Selly Pinangki; I.G.B. Budi Dharma
Dinamika Rekayasa Vol 9, No 2 (2013): Jurnal Ilmiah Dinamika Rekayasa - Agustus 2013
Publisher : Jenderal Soedirman University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20884/1.dr.2013.9.2.69


A good workspace significantly affects on work productivity. Therefore, in designing a workspace, it is necessary to put much concern on lighting condition. A good condition on it can make workers comfortable during their activities and further increase productivity.This research shows data taken from real-lighting condition in small-medium handmade Batik industry,namely Batik Sogan which is located in Yogyakarta. The object of this research is a workspace with some working activities for example sewing, over edge sewing, and buttons attachment. With Dialux 4.8 software, the research is conducted to compare between direct measurement and lighting simulation result, as well as giving recommendation to improve lighting condition which fits in standards. The result shows that the lighting condition in Sewing-room in Batik Sogan is below standard, i.e., 91 – 125 lux. Therefore, sewing-room condition must be improved, so that the lighting condition may meet the standardized lighting for working conditions which is 500-1000 lux. Simple and cheap improvement to it are to replace the type of the lamp into Philips 4MX091 TL as many as 4 items and to change the colour of the rooms and the desks into white, so it can achieve the maximum lighting 693 lux, which has met the minimum standards for rather- soft working lighting.
Konsep desain dan perbaikan produk Ankle Foot Orthosis menggunakan metode kansei engineering Suhendrianto Suhendrianto; Sarika Zuhri; Hafidzah Andra Nalimaruscha Tarigan; Asbar Asbar
Jurnal POLIMESIN Vol 19, No 2 (2021): Agustus
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Lhokseumawe

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (439.02 KB) | DOI: 10.30811/jpl.v19i2.2149


Stroke is a non-infections disease that can cause death. The impact of stroke is leg muscles getting weaken so leg cannot be used normally. This condition occurs due to leg muscles are not frequently used and the experience a decrease in muscle mass as a result of the stroke condition. Foot that cannot be used normally can be treated by doing therapy and wearing an ankle foot orthosis (AFO). AFO is an orthopedic aid that is attached to the foot. The benefits of AFO are to improve the structure of the legs and help users to return to walking normally. This research was conducted to redesign AFO by identifying customer need and emotions towards AFO products through the Kansei Engineering method. The study was conducted by distributing 12 pairs of Kansei questionnaires up to 20 respondents through a quota sampling technique. The results were analyzed using multivariate statistics. The data processing used to compile the design element questionnaire. This questionnaire combines two categories for each design item. Respondents can choose which the best design combination. The selected design parts are open design with webbing tight type, the selected material is combination of plastic and steel, and the unobtrusive color. The design result is used as a reference for AFO design and manufacture.
PENERAPAN 12 PRINSIP ERGONOMI PADA RUANG SERVER (STUDI KASUS RUANG SERVER UNIVERSITAS GADJAH MADA) Benedikta Anna Haulian Siboro; Suroso Suroso; Suhendrianto Suhendrianto; Esmijati Esmijati
PROFISIENSI : Jurnal Program Studi Teknik Industri Vol 1, No 1 (2013): PROFISIENSI JOURNAL
Publisher : Universitas Riau Kepulauan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1192.868 KB) | DOI: 10.33373/profis.v1i1.212


Ruang server adalah ruang khusus untuk menyimpan server  dan peralatan kelengkapannya. Server sendiri adalah suatu sistem komputer menyediakan jenis layanan tertentu dalam sebuah komputer. Pada ruang server banyak terdapat peralatan-peralatan khusus yang diperlukan untuk menunjang koneksi jaringan internet.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisa keergonomisan ruang server berdasarkan konsep 12 prinsip ergonomi. Metode yang dilakukan adalah melakukan pengukuran terhadap ukuran ruangan, intensitas cahaya, lay out ruangan dan membandingkan terhadap 12 prinsip ergonomi.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tata letaknya membuat pekerja tidak optimal beraktivitas, kondisi lingkungan yang mempersempit ruang gerak pekerja dan kurangnya peralatan yang memadai untuk sebuah ruang server.Ketiga aspek permasalahan pada ruang server tidak memenuhi beberapa  prinsip ergonomi diantaranya bekerja pada Posisi normal, mudah dijangkau,mengurangi gerakan yang berlebih, mengurangi kelelahan dan beban statis dan membuat lebih leluasa bergerakKata kunci : ruang server, 12 prinsip ergonomi, lay out, kondisi lingkungan, peralatan
Literature review on shipyard productivity in Indonesia Thaib Rizwan; Ayana Rizki; Umiralaska Salsabila; Muhammad Muhammad; Riyan Maulana; Makwiyah A Chaliluddin; Junaidi M Affan; Razali Thaib; Suhendrianto Suhendrianto; Yusrizal Muchlis
Depik Vol 10, No 1 (2021): April 2021
Publisher : Faculty of Marine and Fisheries, Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (286.001 KB) | DOI: 10.13170/depik.10.1.18712


The shipyard industry plays an important role in supporting fishing activities and efforts to fulfill animal protein for humans. It is an industry that has an orientation to produce a product in the form of a ship. There are two types of shipyards, which are offshore buildings and floating buildings - both are used to build new ships and repair old ships. Based on the level of technology used by the shipyard industry, it is divided into modern, traditional, and semi-modern shipyards. Its productivity can see the advantages and disadvantages of a shipyard to ensure this industry remains to exist. Several factors need to be taken into account to increase the shipyard productivity, including land or location, human resources, technology, and materials.Keywords:ProductivityShipyardTechnology
Literature review on shipyard productivity in Indonesia Thaib Rizwan; Ayana Rizki; Umiralaska Salsabila; Muhammad Muhammad; Riyan Maulana; Makwiyah A Chaliluddin; Junaidi M Affan; Razali Thaib; Suhendrianto Suhendrianto; Yusrizal Muchlis
Depik Vol 10, No 1 (2021): April 2021
Publisher : Faculty of Marine and Fisheries, Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.13170/depik.10.1.18712


The shipyard industry plays an important role in supporting fishing activities and efforts to fulfill animal protein for humans. It is an industry that has an orientation to produce a product in the form of a ship. There are two types of shipyards, which are offshore buildings and floating buildings - both are used to build new ships and repair old ships. Based on the level of technology used by the shipyard industry, it is divided into modern, traditional, and semi-modern shipyards. Its productivity can see the advantages and disadvantages of a shipyard to ensure this industry remains to exist. Several factors need to be taken into account to increase the shipyard productivity, including land or location, human resources, technology, and materials.Keywords:ProductivityShipyardTechnology