Jamaluddin Jamaluddin
UIN Prof. K.H. Saifuddin Zuhri Purwokerto

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Pangadereng : Jurnal Hasil Penelitian Ilmu Sosial dan Humaniora Vol 4, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (899.322 KB) | DOI: 10.36869/pjhpish.v4i2.59


Makalah ini mengkaji peran kultural yang dimainkan oleh Kitab Jawan, khususnya yang diterbitkan oleh Penerbit Menara Kudus, dalam melestarikan Bahasa Jawa di periode kedua abad ke-20. Kitab Jawan merupakan kitab-kitab terjemahan maupun saduran dari kitab-kitab yang digunakan di pesantren, berbahasa Jawa dengan huruf Arab, atau yang dikenal dengan istilah pegon. Jenis kitab ini banyak diterbitkan oleh Penerbit Menara Kudus yang lahir pada 1952. Kitab Jawan yang diterbitkan tidak semata-mata memiliki kepentingan ekonomi, tetapi ia juga memiliki kepentingan keagamaan dan juga kepentingan kultural. Kepentingan terakhir ini mewujud dari keberadaannya sebagai media pelestari bahasa Jawa. Peran Kultural Kitab Jawan ini lah yang dikaji dalam makalah ini. Metode sejarah digunakan dalam kajian ini, dengan mendasarkan pada arsip perusahaan, terbitanterbitan Menara Kudus, dan sumber-sumber pendukung lainnya dalam merekonstruksi peran kultural Kitab Jawan terbitan Menara Kudus dalam melestarikan bahasa Jawa di periode kedua abad ke-20. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Kitab Jawan terbitan Penerbit Menara Kudus memiliki peran kultural dalam menjaga dan melestarikan bahasa Jawa melalui 4 jenis terbitannya, yaitu Kitab Pegon, Kitab Makna Gandul Jawan, Kitab Syair, dan Kamus Bahasa Arab-Jawa.
Arab Pegon dalam Khazanah Manuskrip Islam di Jawa Jamaluddin Jahuri; Sidik Fauji
Jurnal Penelitian Agama Vol. 23 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : IAIN Purwokerto

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This article attempts to reveal the existence of Arabic pegon and its development in the Islamic manuscript treasures in Java. The script, which was born to accompany the process of islamization in Java, plays an important role in the preservation of Islamic ideas, teachings and traditions in Java, in addition to the hanacaraka script that already existed. By using the paleographic-historical method, this article reveals that Arabic pegon was born from the process of vernacularization of Arabic writing adapted to the Javanese phonological system. Arab pegon was born as an intermediary medium to understand Islamic teachings transmitted in Arabic script, which reached Javanese Muslims who did not have proficiency in Arabic. Not only that, in its development this script was also used for the benefit of the profane Javanese community. Given the wide use of pegon, it is only natural that it became a large part of the Islamic manuscripts in Java from its mere form as a word meaning of a matan at the beginning of its birth, after the XV century, until it became the main text in the XVIII and XIX centuries.
PENULIS KITAB PEGON DI JAWA ABAD XX: BIOGRAFI KIAI ASRORI AHMAD DAN KARYA-KARYANYA Jamaluddin Jamaluddin; Rahman Latif Alfian; Affaf Mujahidah; Kurnia Sari Wiwaha
Al-Tsaqafa : Jurnal Ilmiah Peradaban Islam Vol 19, No 2 (2022): Al-Tsaqafa : Jurnal Ilmiah Peradaban Islam
Publisher : Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15575/al-tsaqafa.v19i2.20787


This article attempts to describe the biography of the prolific kiai writer and translator of the kitab Pegon, Kiai Asrori Ahmad who lived Wonosari, Magelang, Central Java in the twentieth century. The kiai, who was born in 1923, is widely known as a writer of numerous written books of Pegon, both in the form of translations and original ones. His work remarkably scattered in various Islamic disciplines, such as fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence), tawhid (monotheism), hadith, akhlaq-tasawwuf and sirah (history). In order to describe the biography of kiai Asrori comprehensively, this article uses the historical-codicological method by basing it on primary sources, such as interviews with kiai Asrori Ahmad's family and examining his works, as well as other supporting sources. Based on historical analysis. The result revealed that kiai Asrori Ahmad is a product of Islamic boarding school education who had the expertise of kitab kuning (yellow book). This special expertise was later developed by Kiai Asrori by improving it in within the tradition of the pesantren library, the book of pegon, under the guidance of Kiai Bisri Mustofa Rembang, one of the foremost preaching kiai and author of the twentieth century book of Pegon. Under the direction of his teacher who later became brother-in-law, Kiai Bisri Mustof, kiai Asrori eventually transformed into one among prolific writers of pegon book in the twentieth century. The record demonstrated approximately 30 titles spread out in 50 books that have been born from the patience and perseverance of Kiai Asrori Ahmad. All of his works were hatched from three important motivations: religious motivation, educational motivation and economic motivation.
The Pattern of New Spiritual Movement in Indonesia Affaf Mujahidah; Jamaluddin Jamaluddin
Panangkaran: Jurnal Penelitian Agama dan Masyarakat Vol. 7 No. 1 (2023)
Publisher : LP2M UIN Sunan Kalijaga

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Indonesia legitimates six religions (Islam, Protestant, Catholic, Buddhism, Hinduism, and Confucianism) as official religions. Beside those official religions, Indonesia also overcrowded by other religions, which can be divided as indigenous and new movement of religious and spiritual. Both those branches face difficulties regarding the consideration as heretical movement. However, new spiritual movements in Indonesia still flourishing, Susila Budhi Darma (SUBUD), Anand Ashram, and Salamullah are some of examples. Even though spiritual movements in Indonesia are vary in their teaching, but certain patterns can be drawn. Spiritual movements usually combine others religion ethics as their teaching. Some of them are lead by leader claims themselves as savior (possesses messiah complex symptom). This article try to portray those patterns found in Susila Budhi Darma (SUBUD), Anand Ashram, and Salamullah by Lia Aminuddin. Grounding questions for this article are from which religions they extract their teaching? Do their leader posses messianic complex? Chapters will be divided into fours, first until third chapter will discuss each movement from their history and teaching, later continued by analysis of pattern of teaching and leader in last chapter. [Negara Indonesia melegalkan enam agama sebagai agama resmi yang dianut oleh warga negaranya yakni Islam, Kristen, Katolik, Buddha, Hindu, dan Konghucu. Meski demikian, berbagai keyakinan atau aliran di luar keenam agama resmi tersebut berkembang dengan pesat. Keyakinan atau aliran tersebut secara sederhana dapat dikategorikan sebagai kepercayaan (agama) leluhur dan gerakan keagamaan baru. Kedua kategori tersebut seringkali menghadapi problematika karena dianggap sebagai gerakan heretik. Namun, anggapaan tersebut tidak menyurutkan berbagai aliran di luar agama resmi untuk terus berkembang, tiga diantaranya adalah Susila Budi Dharma (SUBUD), Anand Ashram, dan Salamullah. Meski ajaran-ajaran aliran-aliran sangat berbeda, namun secara gerakan dapat digambarkan pola tertentu. Kebanyakan, keyakinan atau aliran tersebut mengkombinasikan berbagai ajaran agama sebagai ajaran utama mereka. Selain itu, pemimpin keyakinan atau aliran tersebut mengklaim bahwa dirinya sebagai juru selamat. Artikel ini mencoba untuk menguraikan pola tiga aliran yaitu Susila Budi Dharma (SUBUD), Anand Ashram, dan Salamullah. Rumusan masalah yang ingin ditemukan jawabannya adalah ajaran dari agama atau keyakinan apa yang memiliki pengaruh besar terhadap ketiganya, dan bagaimana para pemimpin gerakan ini memposisikan dirinya. Pembahasan dalam artikel ini dibagi menjadi empat sub bab yang terdiri dari pembahasan masing-masing keyakinan atau aliran pada sub bab satu hingga sub bab tiga, serta penjelasan tentang pola gerakan pada sub bab empat.]
Menelisik Jaringan Ulama Hadis di Nusantara: Kajian atas Manuskrip Alfiyyah al-‘Irāqī fī Muṣṭalāḥ al-Ḥadīṡ Jamaluddin Jamaluddin
Jurnal Tamaddun Vol 11, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24235/tamaddun.v11i1.14168


This article attempts to investigate the network of hadith scholars in the archipelago through the manuscript Alfiyyah al-'Irāqī fī Muṣṭalāḥ al-Ḥadīṡ (AIMH). This book is one of the hadith science libraries written in the early period of the codification of hadith science. The book studied in this article is a manuscript that is in the Laboratory of the Faculty of Ushuluddin, Adab and Humanities UIN KH. Prof. Saifuddin Zuhri Purwokerto and no one has studied it yet. Therefore, this article attempts to reveal the manuscript of this book through historical-codicological studies. The results of this study reveal that so far the hadith science literature in the archipelago at the turn of the century XIX and XX only refers to some works of local scholars. such as Sheikh Mahfudz al-Termasi, but still  little mentions the literature on hadith science composed by Middle Eastern scholars who are studied by Muslims in the archipelago, especially Java. With the discovery of this manuscript, it certainly reveals the fact that the true study of hadith in the archipelago in the early period of the XX century reached a high level, because the book Alfiyyah al-'Irāqī fī Muṣṭalāḥ al-Ḥadīṡ fī Muṣṭalāḥ al-Ḥadīṡ is is one of the hadi hadith science libraries after the period of codification of hadith. Therefore the contents of the book include various matters regarding the science of hadith which are collected in one book. Not only that, the Alfiyyah al-'Irāqī fī Muṣṭalāḥ al-Ḥadīṡ manuscript also emphasizes the position of teaching hadith science in the archipelago which is connected to the transmission of hadith scholarship in the Hijaz.