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Jurnal Tata Rias Vol 8, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Tata Rias

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


AbstrakSalah satu jenis shampo anti ketombe tradisional dapat dibuat dari buah lerak sebagai bahan dasar yang ditambah dengan lidah buaya sebagai anti ketombe. Lerak mengandung senyawa saponin yang bersifat sebagai surfaktan alami serta sebagai anti jamur dan anti mikroba sedangkan gel lidah buaya mengandung saponin, vitamin A,B, Asam amino dan Zn. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan lidah buaya terhadap sifat fisik shampo anti ketombe berbahan dasar lerak. Jenis penelitian ini adalah eksperimen, variabel bebas adalah jumlah lidah buaya dengan 9 variasi yaitu : X1(1ml), X2(2ml), X3(3ml), X4(4ml), X5(5ml), X6(6ml), X7(7ml), X8(8ml), X9(9ml). Variabel terikat berupa sifat fisik shampo anti ketombe yang meliputi aroma, warna, daya buih, kesukaan panelis, viskositas dan pH. Variabel kontrol yaitu ekstrak lerak 5 ml dan minyak kulit jeruk purut 0,2 ml pada setiap sampel. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan metode observasi yang dilakukan oleh 30 panelis. Analisis data menggunakan SPSS anava tunggal dan uji Duncan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada pengaruh penambahan lidah buaya terhadap seluruh sifat fisik shampo anti ketombe. Berdasarkan hasil uji anava tunggal terhadap aroma diperoleh nilai signifikan 0.000 sig<0,05, warna nilai signifikan 0.000 sig<0,05, daya buih shampo nilai signifikan 0.000 sig<0,05, tingkat kesukaan nilai signifikan 0.000 sig<0,05, pH shampo diperoleh nilai signifikan 0.000 sig<0,05. Adapun pengaruhnya pada produk X9 denga jumlah lidah buaya 9 ml merupakan produk shampo yang paling disukai panelis dengan kriteria shampo: tidak beraroma lerak dan lidah buaya, berwarna coklat muda, sangat berbuih, viskositas 2,21cp dengan nilai pH 5,01. Shampo Anti ketombe berbahan dasar lerak dengan kombinasi lidah buaya dapat diformulasikan sebagai sedian shampo yang telah memenui persyaratan uji sifat fisik dan sesuai dengan nilai pH shampo pada SNI yaitu pada rentang 5-9. Kata Kunci:Shampo Anti ketombe, Lerak, Lidah buaya, Sifat fisik shampo.AbstractOne type of traditional anti-dandruff shampoo can be made from sapindus rarak as a basic ingredient plus aloe vera for anti-dandruff. Sapindus rarak contains saponin compounds which are natural surfactants as well as anti-fungal and anti-microbial and aloe vera gel contains saponins, vitamins A, B, Amino acids and Zn. This research is experimental, the independent variables in this research are the sum of aloe vera with nine variations such as: X1 (1ml), X2 (2ml), X3 (3ml), X4 (4ml), X5 (5ml), X6 (6ml), X7 (7ml), X8 (8ml), X9 (9ml). The dependent variable is physical charakter of anti-dandruff shampoo which includes aroma, color, froth power, panelist fondnees, viscosity and pH. Control variables are 5 ml sapindus rarak extract and 0.2 ml kaffir lime oil in each sample. Data collection was carried by observation methods conducted by 30 panelists. Anayzing data use SPSS one way Anova and Duncan test. The results of research show that there was an effect of adding aloe vera to all the physical properties of anti-dandruff shampoo. Based on the results of one way Anova test on aroma obtained a significant ??of 0.000 sig <0.05, the color a significant of 0.000 sig <0.05, the shampoo froth power a significant of 0.000 sig <0.05, on the level of significant panelist preference of 0.000 sig <0.05, for the pH shampoo a significant of 0.000 sig <0.05. The effect on the X9 product with the amount of 9 ml of aloe vera is the most favorite product shampoo which panelists with the criteria: not flavorful of aloe vera and sapindus rarak, light brown colored, very foamy, viscosity 2.21cp with a pH of 5,01. Anti-dandruff shampoo made from sapindus rarak based with a combination of aloe vera can be formulated as a shampoos that have accepted the requirements for testing physical properties and in accordance with the pH value of shampoo on SNI, which is in the range 5-9.keyword: Anti-dundruff shampoo, Sapindus rarak, Aloe vera, Physical properties shampoo.
Leadership attribute profile of the coaches from Realmadrid Foundation Yogyakarta football school Sulistiyono, Sulistiyono; Nugroho, Sigit; Prastyawan, Rifky Riyandi; Rahayu, Sundari Putri; Mahira, Rina; Rahmawati, Yuliana
Jorpres (Jurnal Olahraga Prestasi) Vol 20, No 1 (2024)
Publisher : Departement of Sports Coaching, Faculty of Sports Sciences, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/jorpres.v20i1.70654


The objective of this study is to identify the leadership characteristics exhibited by the coaches of RealMadrid Foundation Yogyakarta Football School. Research methodology employed was by descriptive quantitative study utilizing survey methods. The sampling technique used was exhaustive sampling, specifically included all five head coaches of the RealMadrid Foundation football school. Data collection technique used questionnaire by Google form completed by all 128 players. The data was examined by using descriptive statistics elaborated in percentages. The results’ findings indicate that the technical skills category achieved the highest average score, with mean score 5.23 and  corresponding percentage 87.16%. Ability of player’s mental readiness demonstrates high level with mean score 5.18 and percentage of 86.34%. Bad attitude behavior is in score 5.12 and percentage of 85.28%. They possess medium ability to manage strategy for games scoring for 5.09 with percentage of 84.90%. Their goal-setting ability is below average with score 4.94 with 82.32% percentage. Lastly, their proficiency in managing physical training is relatively low, scoring 4.80 with a percentage of 80.08%. Coaches of RealMadrid Foundation Yogyakarta football school need to enhance their leadership skills in physical training and personality development. Leadership training offers an alternate approach to enhance the leadership skills of football coaches.