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Rancang Bangun Sistem Monitoring Iklim Kerja Berbasis IoT Menggunakan Kalman Filter untuk Mengurangi Noise Sensor Muhammad Khoirul Hasin; Moh. Andy Wiranata; Aulia Nadia Rachmat
IJCIT (Indonesian Journal on Computer and Information Technology) Vol 7, No 2 (2022): November 2022
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31294/ijcit.v7i2.14386


Salah satu teknologi yang diperlukan untuk kepentingan kesehatan dan kinerja pekerja adalah sistem monitoring iklim kerja. Kondisi iklim kerja di tempat kerja dapat ditangani  dengan pengendalian yang ditentukan setelah melakukan pengukuran iklim kerja. Tujuan dari pengukuran iklim kerja adalah untuk mengetahui Indeks Suhu Bola Basah (ISBB) di tempat kerja telah sesuai atau belum dengan standar yang telah ditetapkan. Standar yang dipakai dalam pengukuran iklim kerja adalah Keputusan Menteri Tenaga Kerja No. 51/1999 tentang NAB Faktor Fisika di Tempat Kerja. Sistem ini dibuat menggunakan esp8266 sebagai mikroprosesor, sensor suhu serta kelembaban yang digunakan untuk mendeteksi suhu dan kelembaban pada ruang kerja, serta wind speed sensor untuk memonitor kecepatan angin yang berhembus pada ruang kerja dan nilai dari sensor disimpan di database dan dimonitoring di website. Penelitian ini juga menggunakan metode Kalman Filter untuk mengurangi noise pada output sensor sehingga didapatkan nilai keluaran yang lebih stabil. Dari penelitian ini pengukuran pada pembacaan sensor anemometer memiliki rata-rata error sebesar 1.9% karena kurang stabilnya angin yang disalurkan ke sensor dan perbedaan jarak antara alat ukur master dengan alat ukur yang di uji coba. Pembacaan sensor DS18B20 memiliki rata- rata error sebesar 1,3% karena sensor ini digunakan untuk mengukur suhu udara basah memiliki spesifikasi yang berbeda dengan sensor yang ada di alat ukur eksisting. Pembacaan sensor DHT22   memiliki rata-rata error sebesar 0,3% untuk suhu dan 0% untuk kelembapan. Tujuan akhir dari penelitian ini adalah alat ukur iklim kerja berbasis Internet of Things yang dapat digunakan di kampus PPNS untuk menunjang project dari SIMK3. The monitoring system of work climate is one of the technologies indispensable for the benefit of the performance and health of workers. The conditions of  work climate in the workplace can be handled with controlling determined after measuring the work climate. The purpose of measuring of the work climate is to determine whether the “Indeks Suhu Bola Basa”  (ISBB) in the workplace is in accordance with the standard rules. The standard used in measuring the work climate is “Keputusan Menteri Tenaga Kerja No. 51/1999” on NAB of Physical Factors in the Workplace. This system is made using esp8266 as a microprocessor, temperature and humidity sensors to detect temperature and humidity in the workspace, and ­­­wind speed sensors to monitor the wind speed that blows in the workspace and the sensor values are stored in the database and monitored on the website. This study also uses the Kalman Filter method to reduce noise at the sensor output so that output value is obtainedmore stable. From this study, measurements on the anemometer sensor readings have an average error of 1.9% due to the less stable wind that is channeled to the sensor and the difference in distance between the master measuring instrument and the measuring instrument being tested. The DS18B20 sensor reading has an average error of 1.3% because this sensor is used to measure the temperature of wet air and has different specifications from the sensors in the existing measuring instrument. The DHT22 sensor reading has an average error of 0.3% for temperature and 0% for humidity. The ultimate goal of this research is an Internet of Things-based work climate measurement tool that can be used on the PPNS campus to support the SIMK3 project
Analisis Nilai Pengukuran Penerangan pada Laboratorium Ergonomi sesuai Permenaker No 05 Tahun 2018 Aulia Nadia Rachmat; Mochamad Yusuf Santoso; Ricky Zakaria
G-Tech: Jurnal Teknologi Terapan Vol 7 No 2 (2023): G-Tech, Vol. 7 No. 2 April 2023
Publisher : Universitas Islam Raden Rahmat, Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (248.366 KB) | DOI: 10.33379/gtech.v7i2.1998


The ergonomics laboratory is one of the facilities of vocational education at the diploma level. The ergonomics laboratory is used for various practical activities, including anthropometric data measurement, work sampling, and biomechanics. This activity is required in accordance with the standards. So, this study will discuss the measurement and analysis of lighting in the room in agreement with SNI 7062: 2019 and Permenaker No. 05 of 2018. The ergonomics laboratory is divided into 3 rooms, namely the technician room, the lecturer room, and the main laboratory. The results of the measurement of the average lighting intensity in the ergonomics laboratory are 101.23, 136.63 lux, and 161.58 lux. The three rooms do not meet the lighting standards. Several factors that influence this condition include the presence of a square window in this room which is covered by building components so that it blocks sunlight as natural lighting from entering room.
Study of HAZOPs in the Screening Unit of the Industrial Gas Wastewater Treatment Plant Nora Amalia Novitrie; Mey Rohma Dhani; Aulia Nadia Rachmat; Yessica Novrita Devi
Fluida Vol 16 No 1 (2023): FLUIDA
Publisher : Department of Chemical Engineering, Politeknik Negeri Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35313/fluida.v16i1.4499


The filtration is the final stage of industrial gas wastewater treatment for clean water generation. Filtration is an operation of separating solid and liquid materials by filter medium. In filtration process the driving force such as pressure difference by gravitation or rotary power cause the feed to flow. The process parameters in the filtration process need to be monitored and controlled because deviation or abnormality of the process parameters will cause operating failures. This condition requires a more in-depth identification so that the risks of operating failures can be minimized. HAZOPs is a method to identify hazard that caused by deviation of parameters using guide words. Steps of the research consisted of early survey, literature study, and filling the HAZOPs worksheet such as determine study node, deviation, parameter, guideword, risk evaluation, and risk control. The results of the study show that there were four potential deviations from three parameters which were flow, pressure, and temperature. Risk values analysed were medium and low. Recommendation of the system are adding alarm, valve, changing filter regularly, and scheduling the routine maintenance.
Failure Tree Analysis of CNC Plasma Cutting Machine for Occupational Safety on Shipyard Mochamad Yusuf Santoso; Aulia Nadia Rachmat; Amalia Rahma Fauzia
International Journal of Marine Engineering Innovation and Research Vol 9, No 2 (2024)
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12962/j25481479.v9i2.20261


The advancement of ship production technology in Indonesia involves the implementation of modern techniques integrating computer-based design and production facilities, such as Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM) for operating production machines utilizing Computer Numerical Control (CNC). One specific type of CNC machine utilized in ship production is the plasma cutting CNC machine. Despite being crucial to production, these machines frequently encounter failures that impede the production process. Through prior failure analyses conducted by the company, it has been identified that the dust collector air hose component exhibits the highest failure rate with six distinct failure modes. This article conducts qualitative and quantitative analyses of the causes of failure in the air hose dust collector of CNC plasma cutting machines using the Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) method. FTA is employed as a method to ascertain the fundamental causes of the event. The analysis results are utilized to provide recommendations for controlling objectives related to occupational safety. Six failure trees are generated, comprising a total of 28 basic causes. The most frequently occurring types of basic causes are associated with workers, methods, and materials. The probability of occurrence for the minimal cut set of each failure tree has been successfully computed. These calculations reveal that all top events possess probability values exceeding 76%. Specifically, the event of the dust collector air gap breaking has the highest probability value, reaching 99.88%, which is a composite of 15 basic causes. Control recommendations are provided in the form of substitution, engineering solutions, and administrative controls.
Optimizing Small Excavator Maintenance Activity Planning Using the Reliability-Centered Maintenance (RCM) Method II Imah Luluk Kusminah; Aulia Nadia Rachmat; Diah Ayu Nurjanah
International Journal of Marine Engineering Innovation and Research Vol 9, No 1 (2024)
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12962/j25481479.v9i1.19844


Construction activities include the stages of construction, operation, maintenance, demolition, and rebuilding of a building. One of the construction activities in Indonesia is the construction of double-track railways. In the double-track railway construction project, there is a small excavator A which often fails. The excavator is used for excavation, land stripping, and embankment work. Failures that occur can disrupt construction implementation and can result in the company experiencing losses. Maintenance activities in the construction company that is the research location have a maintenance schedule, namely every 3 months and every 6 months based on the manual book, without adjusting the condition of the equipment. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze excavator components so that appropriate maintenance is known. RCM II is a maintenance evaluation method so that system components run well and according to the expected function by determining a maintenance action that must be carried out based on the characteristics of machine use so that maintenance activities run optimally. This research uses the RCM II method to determine the maintenance schedule, as well as the FMEA method. The FMEA results show 43 failure modes. RCM II decision worksheet analysis showed that 8 components had scheduled discard task maintenance, 3 components had scheduled restoration task maintenance, and 1 component had scheduled on-condition task maintenance.