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Educational Building: Jurnal Pendidikan Teknik Bangunan dan Sipil Vol 8, No 2 DES (2022): EDUCATIONAL BUILDING
Publisher : Jurusan Pendidikan Teknik Bangunan Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24114/ebjptbs.v8i2 DES.42119


Kemajuan dalam bidang industri terutama dalam industri konstruksi di Indonesia saat ini menunjukkan pertumbuhan yang signifikan, sehingga diperlukan material bangunan dengan jumlah besar untuk mendukung kemajuan industri konstruksi di Indonesia salah satunya adalah beton sehingga tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan arang kulit buah durian dan abu fly ash sawit terhadap kuat tekan beton K 300 dengan variasi arang kulit buah durian dan abu fly ash sawit yaitu (3:9 ; 6:6 ; 9:3 ) % dan mutu beton yang direncanakan 24 MPa dengan estimasi umur 28 hari. Penelitian ini menggunakan benda uji berbentuk silinder dengan ukuran (15x30) cm, dan benda uji yang dibuat pada penelitian kali ini sebanyak 4 buah benda uji dimana setiap variasi terdiri dari 3 sampel beton. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa hasil pengujian kuat tekan beton dengan penambahan kombinasi dari abu fly ash sawit 3% + limbah kulit durian 9% didapat sebesar 19,39 MPa, abu fly ash sawit 6% + limbah kulit durian 6% didapat sebesar 18,24 MPa, abu fly ash sawit 9% + limbah kulit durian 3% didapat sebesar 18,50 MPa. Dapat dilihat dari hasil dari pengujian diatas bahwa kedua bahan tersebut jika dicampurkan, tidak dapat memenuhi target kuat tekan yang direncanakan. Hal tersebut dikategorikan bahwa bahan tersebut tidak bisa dijadikan sebagai bahan tambah dalam pengurangan semen. Kata Kunci: Abu Fly Ash Sawit, Beton, Kulit Durian ABSTRACTThe highway is the basic infrastructure for connecting traffic from one place to another. Around Willem Progress in the industrial sector, especially in industrial construction in Indonesia is currently showing significant growth, so that the material needed in large quantities to support the progress of industrial construction in Indonesia is concrete, so the purpose of this research is to determine the development of durian fruit and its development. palm fly ash on the compressive strength of K 300 concrete with variations of durian fruit peel charcoal and palm fly ash (3:9 ; 6:6 ; 9:3 ) % and the planned concrete quality is 24 MPa with an estimated age of 28 days. This study used a cylindrical specimen with a size of (15x30) cm, and the specimens made in this study were 4 specimens where each variation consisted of 3 samples of concrete. And the test results show that the results of the compressive strength test of concrete with the addition of a combination of 3% palm fly ash + 9% durian peel waste obtained 19.39 MPa, 6% palm fly ash + 6% durian peel waste obtained 18.24 MPa, 9% palm fly ash + 3% durian peel waste obtained 18.50 MPa. It can be seen from the results of the above test that the two materials, if mixed, cannot meet the planned strong target. And classifying these materials cannot be used as additives in reducing cement Keywords: Concrete, Durian Peel, Palm Fly Ash
Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol 14, No 1 (2023): April
Publisher : Universitas Bandar Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36448/jts.v14i1.3063


Beton merupakan bahan yang banyak digunakan dan menjadi unsur utama pada bangunan. Waktu normal yang diperlukan beton untuk mencapai 100% kekuatan maksimumnya adalah 28 hari, sedangkan pembebanan dimulai pada umur beton minimal 7 hari dan 14 Hari. Dengan demikian pada penelitian ini di pilih serat dari daun nanas sebagai bahan tambah dalam campuran beton. Tujuannya adalah untuk megetahui pengaruh kekuatan tarik dari pemakaian serat daun nanas terhadap campuran beton. Variasi penambahan serat daun nanas pada campuran beton adalah kuat tekan 0% beton normal dan kuat tarik 0% (beton normal), 0,6%, 0,9% dan 1,2% dari berat Total keseluruhan Campuran beton dengan ukuran 1,5 cm. Hasil percobaan dalam 14 hari menunjukkan bahwa variasi 0% mendapatkan nilai tekan 12,4575 Mpa, nilai tersebut sudah mendekati standarisasi SNI 14 hari yang di konversikan senilai 12,496 Mpa sedangkan 28 hari maksimalnya adalah 14,1225 Mpa dan sudah mendekati Standart SNI yaitu 14,2 Mpa. Hasil percobaan untuk kuat tarik belah dalam 14 hari menunjukkan bahwa variasi 0% mendapatkan nilai kuat tarik belah yang di konversikan rata-rata senilai 1.535 Mpa, , 0.6% sebesar 1,65 Mpa, 0,9% Sebesar 1,75 Mpa dan 1,2% sebesar 1,985 Mpa. Kenaikan kuat uji tarik belah dari normal ke kuat tarik belah maximum adalah 29,32 % . Sedangkan Hasil percobaan untuk kuat tarik belah dalam 28 hari menunjukkan bahwa variasi 0% mendapatkan nilai kuat tarik belah yang di konversikan rata-rata senilai 2,44 Mpa, , 0.6% sebesar 2,665 Mpa, 0,9% Sebesar 2,7 Mpa dan 1,2% sebesar 3,01 Mpa. Kenaikan kuat uji tarik belah dari normal ke kuat tarik belah maximum adalah 23,36 %. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian yang tertera dia atas baik pada umur 14 hari maupun 28 hari disini menunjukan bahwa semakin besar penambahan serat serat daun nenas maka semakin meningkat kuat tarik belah yang di hasilkan
Selodang Mayang: Jurnal Ilmiah Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir Vol 9 No 2 (2023): JURNAL SELODANG MAYANG
Publisher : Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47521/selodangmayang.v9i2.306


One of the important structures in a bridge construction is foundation. Many things need to be considered when building a foundation, from choosing the type of foundation to calculating the foundation load. The purpose of this thesis is to analyze the strength of the pile foundation in the construction project of the Medan-Kualanamu-Tebing Tinggi highway bridge. Calculation of the pile foundation strength is carried out by calculating the carrying capacity of single piles and the carrying capacity of group piles in one abutment. The bearing capacity of the pile foundation is calculated based on the soil investigation test results, namely sondir, Standard Penetration Test (SPT) and Pile Driving Analyzer (PDA) using the Meyerhoff method. Based on the calculation of single pile, the bearing capacity of pile groups can be calculated using the Converse-Labarre method. The dimensions of the piles used are circular with a diameter of 60cm and a length of 22m. From the calculations using the Meyerhoff method, based on sondir data, the carrying capacity of a single pile is 200.45 tons. Based on the Standard Penetration Test (SPT) data, the single pile carrying capacity is 260.10 tons. The results from the PDA test data is 299.99 tons. Struktur penting pada suatu pembangunan jembatan salah satunya adalah pondasi. Banyak hal yang perlu dipertimbangkan pada saat akan membangun pondasi, mulai dari pemilihan jenis pondasi sampai pada perhitungan beban pondasi tersebut. Maksud dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisa kekuatan pondasi tiang pancang pada proyek pembangunan jembatan jalan jalan bebas hambatan Medan-Kualanamu-Tebing Tinggi. Perhitungan kekuatan pondasi tiang pancang dilakukan dengan menghitung besar daya dukung tiang tunggal dan daya dukung tiang kelompok pada satu abutmen. Daya dukung pondasi tiang pancang dihitung berdasarkan data hasil uji penyelidikan tanah yaitu sondir, Standart Penetration Test (SPT) dan Pile Driving Analyzer (PDA) dengan menggunakan metode Meyerhoff. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan tiang tunggal, daya dukung kelompok tiang dapat dihitung dengan menggunakan metode Converse-Labarre. Dimensi tiang pancang yang digunakan berbentuk lingkaran dengan diameter 60cm dan panjang tiang 22m. Dari perhitungan yang telah dilakukan dengan metode Meyerhoff, berdasarkan data sondir diperoleh nilai daya dukung tiang tunggal sebesar 200,45 ton. Berdasarkan data Standart Penetration Test (SPT) diperoleh nilai daya dukung tiang tunggal sebesar 260,10 ton. Hasil daya dukung yang diperoleh dari data PDA test adalah 299,99 ton.
Analisis Kehilangan Gaya Prategang Girder Pada Jembatan Proyek Pembangunan Jalan Tol Tebing Tinggi – Inderapura Nur Purnama Sari; Irwan Irwan; Hermansyah Hermansyah
Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Sipil dan Arsitektur (JITAS) Vol 1, No 2 (2022): Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Sipil dan Arsitektur (JITAS)
Publisher : Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Sipil dan Arsitektur (JITAS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31289/jitas.v1i2.1456


Currently, the construction of toll roads in several regions of Indonesia is being carried out. One of them is the construction of the Tebing Tinggi-Inderapura Toll Road. In this project there are several bridge constructions as a link between roads or as a pedestrian bridge. This bridge uses prestressed beams in which there are steel wires. The steel wire is tensioned by pulling it using a hydraulic jack. When stress is applied, the beam loses its prestressing force. The purpose of this study was to determine the percentage loss of prestressing forces that occurred in the bridge beam. Loss of prestressing force must not exceed the maximum that has been determined. There is some loss of prestressing force which is taken into account. Short-term prestress losses include elastic shortening of the concrete, friction along the tendons and anchor slippage. Furthermore, the loss of long-term prestressing forces is creep in steel, shrinkage in concrete and relaxation of steel. After all the loss of prestressing force is calculated, the total loss of prestressing force is 21.62%. To find out the maximum percentage of loss of prestressing force using calculations from the book Design of Prestressed Concrete Structures by T. Y. Lin H. Burns with the formula Pe/Ac and the value is 8.98 MPa. Where 8.98 MPa is 25%, so 21.62% is smaller than 25%, so it is still safe. In addition, an implementation method for installing girders on bridges is introduced..
Evaluasi Penggunaan Moda Transportasi Bus Trans Metro Deli Rute Lapangan Merdeka – Pinang Baris Di Kota Medan Hermansyah Hermansyah; Amsuardiman Amsuardiman; Muammar Nawawi
Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Sipil dan Arsitektur (JITAS) Vol 1, No 2 (2022): Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Sipil dan Arsitektur (JITAS)
Publisher : Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Sipil dan Arsitektur (JITAS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31289/jitas.v1i2.1452


Transportation has a very significant role in various aspects such as social, economic, environmental, and others. Therefore, the problems faced by almost all big cities in Indonesia are congestion, air pollution and traffic congestion. This mode of transportation consists of land, water and air transportation modes. For the land transportation mode itself, it is subdivided into road and rail modes. Public Transportation is passenger transportation using public transportation and is carried out with a Rent or Pay system. This study is to measure the level of passenger service with the Customer Saticfaction Index method. With the aim of knowing how much interest the people of Medan are in using the Trans Metro Deli Corridor of Pinang Baris Terminal – Medan Merdeka Square. the calculation of the questionnaire data was carried out using the Customer Saticfaction Index (CSI) method to calculate the service quality of Trans Metro Deli Medan, that the level of service obtained was satisfactory with a passenger satisfaction level of 73%. The factors that do not satisfy passengers are in terms of the condition of the bus stop and service information
Analisis Tingkat Kepuasan Penumpang Terhadap Pelayanan Bus Trans Metro Deli Rute Medan Tuntungan – Lapangan Merdeka Kamilia Azhaari Ginting; Hermansyah Hermansyah; Suranto Suranto
Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Sipil dan Arsitektur (JITAS) Vol 1, No 2 (2022): Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Sipil dan Arsitektur (JITAS)
Publisher : Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Sipil dan Arsitektur (JITAS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31289/jitas.v1i2.1453


The development of technology requires humans to fulfill their daily needs to be more complex. Therefore, Kementrian Republik Indonesia provides Trans Metro Deli Transportation services with the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) implementation program which has a mission to provide the best service which includes aspects of security, accuracy, regularity, convenience, speed, comfort and satisfaction for its users. The purpose of this study was to find out how the services provided were based on passenger ratings. This research was conducted by distributing questionnaires to 100 respondents. The questionnaire contains the five dimensions of Service Quality (tangible, reliability, responsiveness, empathy and assurance) using a Likert Scale technique. The method used to get the value of the gap between performance and expectations is gap analysis and to measure the level of passenger satisfaction is the analysis of the Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI). From the calculation results of the gap analysis, it shows that the service quality of the Trans Metro Deli Bus is all negative indicator variables starting from -0.10 on the B1 attribute to -0.77 on the A5 attribute, which means that all services provided to passengers are still below passenger expectations. However, based on the satisfaction index, the CSI value is in the range of 80% - 84%, namely 82.61%, which means that the overall quality of performance is still in the satisfied criteria. The conclusion of this study is that the company must continue to improve the quality of service in order to increase the level of passenger satisfaction.