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AVERROUS: Jurnal Kedokteran dan Kesehatan Malikussaleh Averrous, Vol. 2: No. 2 (November, 2016)
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Malikussaleh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (257.441 KB) | DOI: 10.29103/averrous.v2i2.405


Irene?s Donuts merupakan program interaktif dalam bentuk program komputer/ versi manual yangmemberikan pemahaman tentang faktor risiko karies sejak dini sehingga pencegahan lebih awal penting  dilakukan melalui peran serta orang tua. Penelitian ini  bertujuan untuk melaksanakan penerapan metode Irene?s Donuts (UKGS Inovatif) dalam menurunkan skor risiko karies pada anak Kelas I SDN 3 Kota Banda Aceh. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode kuantitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Subjek penelitian  yaitu murid Kelas I di SDN 3 Kota Banda Aceh yang berjumlah 30 anak dan ibunya sebagai responden. Analisis data menggunakan analisis univariat. Intervensi yang diberikan berupa penyuluhan berbasis masalah, mengukur skor risiko karies anak dan demontrasi cara menyikat gigi. Instrumen penelitian ini berupa kuesioner dan instrumen simulator risiko karies.Hasil  penelitian menunjukkan ada peningkatan pengetahuan, sikap dan praktik ibu dalam pemeliharaan kesehatan gigi dan mulut, dan ada penurunan skor risiko karies anak dengan penerapan  metode Irene?s Donuts. Direkomendasikan kepada puskesmas sebagai pelaksana program UKGS Inovatif untuk menggunakan teknik penyuluhan dengan metode  Irene?s Donutssebagai alternatif dalam upaya program promosi kesehatan gigi di sekolah Kata kunci: Irene?s Donuts, skor; risiko; karies; anak Jurusan Keperawatan Gigi Politeknik KesehatanKementrian Kesehatan AcehJl. Soekarno Hatta Desa Lagang Kecamatan Darul Imarah Kabupaten Aceh BesarCorresponding author :
AVERROUS: Jurnal Kedokteran dan Kesehatan Malikussaleh Averrous, Vol. 4: No. 2 (November, 2018)
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Malikussaleh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (176.764 KB) | DOI: 10.29103/averrous.v4i2.1036


Karies gigi merupakan penyakit yang sering dialami sebagian besar anak yang diakibatkan factor kurangnya mengonsumsi buah-buahan yang berserat dan juga sayuran.Selain itu kebiasaan mengonsumsi makanan manis dan lengket (kariogenik) merupakan faktor paling besar pengaruhnya terhadap karies. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui hubungan jenis makanan jajanan dengan status karies gigi pada murid SDN Lampeunerut Aceh Besar. Penelitian ini bersifat analitik dengan desain cross sectional, dilaksanakan pada bulan Mei 2017 dengan melakukan pemeriksaan gigi dengan menggunakan alat diagnosa set dan KSP untuk mengetahui status karies serta menggunakan kuesioner untuk mengetahui jenis makanan jajanan.Sampel dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 71muridkelas III, IV dan V SDN Lampeunerut Aceh Besar.Pengambilan sampel dengan menggunakan teknik Random sampling.Hasil penelitian di uji secara statistik menggunakan program SPSS dengan uji chi square. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa responden mengonsumsi makanan kariogenik lebih banyak yaitu sebanyak 55 orang (77,5%) dan status karies gigi berada dalam kategori tinggi yaitu sebanyak 38 orang (43,8%). Setelah dilakukan uji statistik dengan menggunakan  uji chi squere didapatkan ada hubungan jenis makanan jajanan dengan status karies gigi, dengan p= 0,001. Direkomendasikan kepada murid SDN Lampeunerut Aceh Besar agar dapat menjaga kesehatan gigi dan mulut dengan cara membersihkan gigi dengan menyikat gigi secara teratur, dan membersihkan mulut dengan berkumur-kumur ataupun menyikat gigi setelah memakan jajanan manis dan lengket agar terhindar dari penyakit karies gigi yang dapat mengganggu kegiatan belajar dalam sehari-hari.
Pelaksanaan Dental Health Education (DHE) dalam meningkatkan status kebersihan gigi dan mulut pada murid SDN 33 Kota Banda Aceh Reca Reca; Ainun Mardhiah; Cut Aja Nuraskin
Jurnal SAGO Gizi dan Kesehatan Vol 1, No 2 (2020): Januari - Juni
Publisher : Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Aceh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30867/gikes.v1i2.404


Background: Dental and oral health is one part that can not be separated from overall body health. Dental and oral care as a whole begins with dental and oral hygiene for each individual. Teaching methods of brushing teeth for children need to be given examples of a good model and with the simplest technique possible.Objectives: The research aims to increase the knowledge of SDN 33 Banda Aceh City students in maintaining dental and oral health and improve the dental and oral hygiene status of SDN 33 Banda Aceh City students.Method:  The research using a quantitative method with a descriptive approach, with the target of Class V students of SDN 33 Banda Aceh City Banda Aceh City totaling 30 children. Data analysis uses univariate analysis. The interventions provided were in the form of Dental Health Education (DHE).Results: The results of these community service activities show there is an increase in students' knowledge in the maintenance of dental and oral hygiene in SDN 33 Banda Aceh City students, with an increase before the intervention (pre-test) is in the sufficient category (56.7%) and after the intervention (post test) in the good category (96.7%). There was an increase in the status of dental and oral hygiene of students, with an increase before the intervention (pre-test) was in the bad category (100%) and after the intervention (post test) was in the good category (100%).Conclusion: It is recommended that schools provide regular counseling to students about the importance of maintaining oral health and holding joint toothbrushes to improve oral and dental hygiene.
TINGKAT KECEMASAN ANAK DALAM PENCABUTAN GIGI DI PUSKESMAS MUTIARA Teuku Salfiyadi; Reca Reca; Citra F Putri; Teuku Salfiyadi; Cut Aja Nuraskin; Ainun Mardiah
Jurnal Online Keperawatan Indonesia Vol 3 No 1 (2020): JURNAL ONLINE KEPERAWATAN INDONESIA

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Children’s anxiety in dental care may lead to uncooperative attitudes. It will reduce the efficiency and effectiveness of dental health service. Based on preliminary survey which conducted at Public Health Center Mutiara, Pidie, Aceh, Indonesia, found that from around 10 children who had tooth extraction, 7 of them was overanxious which 2 children was failed to treat. But, there is still no clear data about the level of children’s anxiety in Public Health Center Mutiara. The purpose this study was to determine the level of children’s anxiety in tooth extraction in Public Health Center Mutiara, Pidie, Aceh, Indonesia. This descriptive research carried out from 10 June to 10 July 2019, by observing using a checklist sheet. The sample was carried out by accidental sampling method. Thirty children with aged 6-12 years old who had tooth extraction was selected in this study. The results showed that majority children (40%) was in severe anxiety, 10% children was no anxiety, 20% children was mild anxiety, and 30% was moderate anxiety. It show that the tooth extraction teratment may not be success because the high level of children’s anxiety, so that the parents and health workers can motivate children to take care of their teeth and can anticipate anxiety that occurs in children.
Hubungan Perilaku Pemeliharaan Kesehatan Gigi dengan Karies Molar Satu Permanen pada Murid Umur 6-12 Tahun SDN 26 Lamteumen Timur Kota Banda Aceh Reca Reca
Jurnal Bahana Kesehatan Masyarakat (Bahana of Journal Public Health) Vol 1 No 1 (2017): Jurnal Bahana Kesehatan Masyarakat (Bahana of Journal Public Health)
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (410.512 KB)


Abstrak Latar Belakang: Masa sekolah merupakan masa penting dalam pembentukan perilaku, kurangnya pengetahuan anak mengenai pemeliharaan gigi membuat anak mengabaikan kesehatan gigi. Molar satu permanen merupakan gigi pertama erupsi dengan bentuk pit dan fissure dalam sehingga memudahkan sisa makanan melekat pada permukaan tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui hubungan perilaku pemeliharaan kesehatan gigi terhadap karies molar satu permanen pada murid umur 6-12 tahun SDN 26 Lamteumen Timur.Metode: Penelitian ini bersifat analitik dengan pendekatan cross Sectional, dengan teknik simple random sampling. Subyek penelitian dilakukan pada murid umur 6-12 tahun di SDN 26 Lamteumen Timur dengan populasi 150 murid dan jumlah sampel 60 murid. Hasil penelitian di uji secara statistik menggunakan program SPSS dengan uji chi square. Hasil penelitian: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada hubungan pengetahuan (p=0,058), tidak ada hubungan sikap (p=0,097), dan ada hubungan tindakan (p=0,001) dengan karies molar satu permanen. Kesimpulan: tidak ada hubungan pengetahuan dan sikap terhadap karies molar satu permanen, serta ada hubungan tindakan terhadap karies molar satu permanen. Abstrack Dental Health Behavior Relationship With The Maintenance Of Permanent Molar Caries Student Age 6-12 Years SDN 26 Lamteumen East Banda Aceh City Background : The school year is an important period in the formation of behavior, lack of knowledge of children about caring for the teeth to make child neglect your teeth. One permanent molar eruption is the first tooth with a form of pit and fissure in making it easier for the rest of the food is attached to the surface. This study aims to determine the relationship of dental health maintenance behavior towards one permanent molar caries among students ages 6-12 Lamteumen SDN 26 East.Methode ; This research is an analytic with cross sectional approach, with simple random sampling technique. The subject of research conducted on students ages 6-12 in SDN 26 Lamteumen East with a population of 150 students and the sample size of 60 students. Research results from the test are statistically using SPSS with chi square test. The results showed that there was no correlation between knowledge (p = 0.058), there was no relationship attitude (p = 0.097), and there is a relationship of action (p = 0.001) with one permanent molar caries. Conclusion : It can be concluded that there is no correlation between knowledge and attitude towards one permanent molar caries, and there is a relationship of action against one permanent molar caries. Need to do outreach and dissemination to the school and parents about the importance of maintaining oral health from an early age.
Jurnal Bahana Kesehatan Masyarakat (Bahana of Journal Public Health) Vol 3 No 1 (2019): Jurnal Bahana Kesehatan Masyarakat (Bahana of Journal Public Health)
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (355.869 KB) | DOI: 10.35910/jbkm.v3i1.183


Tooth staining (stain) is the color that sticks to the surface of the tooth usually occurs because of the attachment of the color of food, drinks or nicotine content. Community behavior is one of the factors that can affect dental and oral hygiene standards, one of which is staining. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between knowledge and attitudes of the community with staining in the Peuniti village of Banda Aceh city. This research is analytical with cross sectional approach. The population in this study is that the entire community in Peuniti village and the sample amounted to 30 people and were taken based on purposive sampling technique. Data obtained by interviews using questionnaires. The results showed that there was a relationship between knowledge and attitudes of the community with staining in the Peuniti village of Banda Aceh city (p <0.05). It can be concluded that there is a relationship between people's knowledge and attitudes with staining and it is recommended that all people reduce smoking, coffee and tea and reduce bad habits that can affect stain.
The Effect of Gargling with Lemon Water (Citrus limon I) on Debris Index and Saliva pH in Students of SDN 12 Banda Aceh City, Indonesia Reca RECA; Citra Feriana PUTRI
Journal of Syiah Kuala Dentistry Society Vol 6, No 2 (2021): December 2021
Publisher : Dentistry Faculty

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24815/jds.v6i2.24186


ABSTRACT Control of debris or plaque is an effort to prevent plaque buildup. These efforts can be mademechanically or chemically. Getting rid of dental plaque and neutralizing the pH of saliva from the tooth surface isdone by brushing your teeth and gargling. Herbal mouthwash that can be used is lemon juice, a bright yellow fruitknown to have an acidic taste. This study aims to determine the effect of rinsing lemon water (Citrus Limon L) onthe debris index and salivary pH in fifth-grade students of SDN 12 Banda Aceh City. This type of research is quasiexperimental.The subjects in this study were all Class V students of SDN 12 in Banda Aceh City, totaling 60children, then divided into two groups, the intervention group consisted of 30 children given intervention (garglingwith lemon juice), and the control group consisted of 30 children who were not given intervention (gargling withwater). Analysis of data results (quantitative) in this study using; using the non-parametric (Wilcoxon) and MannWhitney. The results of the study show. There was no difference in the mean value of acidity of saliva (salivary pH),and index debris means statistically significant values (p 0.05) in the control group (rinsing with water before andafter the intervention. There was a mean difference in the value of acidity of water saliva (salivary pH), and indexdebris means were statistically significant (p 0.05) in the treatment group (rinsing with lemon juice) before andafter the intervention. There was no significant difference between the treatment and control groups in pH Salivaand index debris before intervention ( pre-test). It was shown p statistically 0.05. There was a significant differencein the Saliva pH and index debris after the treatment (post-test) between the treatment and control groups. p 0.05,which means that gargling with lemon juice containing 10% citric acid can cause changes in the pH of the saliva andthe debris index. San lemon can be used as an alternative mouthwash to overcome dental and oral health problems. KEYWORDS: Lemon Water Gargle, Debris Index, Saliva pH
AVERROUS: Jurnal Kedokteran dan Kesehatan Malikussaleh Averrous, Vol. 2: No. 2 (November, 2016)
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Malikussaleh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29103/averrous.v2i2.405


Irene’s Donuts merupakan program interaktif dalam bentuk program komputer/ versi manual yangmemberikan pemahaman tentang faktor risiko karies sejak dini sehingga pencegahan lebih awal penting  dilakukan melalui peran serta orang tua. Penelitian ini  bertujuan untuk melaksanakan penerapan metode Irene’s Donuts (UKGS Inovatif) dalam menurunkan skor risiko karies pada anak Kelas I SDN 3 Kota Banda Aceh. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode kuantitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Subjek penelitian  yaitu murid Kelas I di SDN 3 Kota Banda Aceh yang berjumlah 30 anak dan ibunya sebagai responden. Analisis data menggunakan analisis univariat. Intervensi yang diberikan berupa penyuluhan berbasis masalah, mengukur skor risiko karies anak dan demontrasi cara menyikat gigi. Instrumen penelitian ini berupa kuesioner dan instrumen simulator risiko karies.Hasil  penelitian menunjukkan ada peningkatan pengetahuan, sikap dan praktik ibu dalam pemeliharaan kesehatan gigi dan mulut, dan ada penurunan skor risiko karies anak dengan penerapan  metode Irene’s Donuts. Direkomendasikan kepada puskesmas sebagai pelaksana program UKGS Inovatif untuk menggunakan teknik penyuluhan dengan metode  Irene’s Donutssebagai alternatif dalam upaya program promosi kesehatan gigi di sekolah Kata kunci: Irene’s Donuts, skor; risiko; karies; anak Jurusan Keperawatan Gigi Politeknik KesehatanKementrian Kesehatan AcehJl. Soekarno Hatta Desa Lagang Kecamatan Darul Imarah Kabupaten Aceh BesarCorresponding author :
AVERROUS: Jurnal Kedokteran dan Kesehatan Malikussaleh Averrous, Vol. 4: No. 2 (November, 2018)
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Malikussaleh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29103/averrous.v4i2.1036


Karies gigi merupakan penyakit yang sering dialami sebagian besar anak yang diakibatkan factor kurangnya mengonsumsi buah-buahan yang berserat dan juga sayuran.Selain itu kebiasaan mengonsumsi makanan manis dan lengket (kariogenik) merupakan faktor paling besar pengaruhnya terhadap karies. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui hubungan jenis makanan jajanan dengan status karies gigi pada murid SDN Lampeunerut Aceh Besar. Penelitian ini bersifat analitik dengan desain cross sectional, dilaksanakan pada bulan Mei 2017 dengan melakukan pemeriksaan gigi dengan menggunakan alat diagnosa set dan KSP untuk mengetahui status karies serta menggunakan kuesioner untuk mengetahui jenis makanan jajanan.Sampel dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 71muridkelas III, IV dan V SDN Lampeunerut Aceh Besar.Pengambilan sampel dengan menggunakan teknik Random sampling.Hasil penelitian di uji secara statistik menggunakan program SPSS dengan uji chi square. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa responden mengonsumsi makanan kariogenik lebih banyak yaitu sebanyak 55 orang (77,5%) dan status karies gigi berada dalam kategori tinggi yaitu sebanyak 38 orang (43,8%). Setelah dilakukan uji statistik dengan menggunakan  uji chi squere didapatkan ada hubungan jenis makanan jajanan dengan status karies gigi, dengan p= 0,001. Direkomendasikan kepada murid SDN Lampeunerut Aceh Besar agar dapat menjaga kesehatan gigi dan mulut dengan cara membersihkan gigi dengan menyikat gigi secara teratur, dan membersihkan mulut dengan berkumur-kumur ataupun menyikat gigi setelah memakan jajanan manis dan lengket agar terhindar dari penyakit karies gigi yang dapat mengganggu kegiatan belajar dalam sehari-hari.
Knowledge and Attitude of the Mother in Maintenance of Dental Cleaning in Qurratul Ayyun Early Childhood Education at Banda Aceh City Eka Sri Rahayu; Reca Reca
Science Midwifery Vol 10 No 2 (2022): April: Science Midwifery
Publisher : Institute of Computer Science (IOCS)

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Caries are the most common dental problem found in children. Dental caries is an infectious disease that is a progressive demineralization process in the hard tissues of the crown and root surfaces of the teeth that can be prevented. Based on the results of dental examinations on 35 children aged 3-5 years at Qurratul Ayyun early childhood education, it was found that 60% of children suffered from dental caries, and the average dental and oral hygiene of children in the kindergarten was the poor category with a score of 37, the data is still far from expectations. Because it is not following the government's stipulation that the dental and oral hygiene status score (PHP-M) is < 15, the role of the mother is very much needed in maintaining the child's dental and oral hygiene. This study aimed to determine the mother's knowledge and attitudes in maintaining oral and dental hygiene in terms of caries status in Qurratul Ayyun early childhood education, Banda Aceh City. The design of this research is descriptive quantitative research. The sample in this study is the total population of 35 student respondents. The study results showed that the mother's knowledge of the maintenance of dental and oral hygiene of Qurratul Ayyun early childhood education students in Banda Aceh City was poor, with 18 respondents (51.4%). Mother's attitude toward maintaining dental and oral hygiene of Qurratul Ayyun early childhood education students in Banda Aceh City was in the poor category with 18 respondents (51.4 %).