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Jurnal PKM Setiadharma Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021): Jurnal PkM Setiadharma
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Injili Arastamar (SETIA) Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (362.268 KB) | DOI: 10.47457/jps.v2i1.113


Poverty in Indonesia is still evident in areas with a large population of Christians. According to the data from the Central Bureau of Statistics in 2020, the provinces of Papua, Maluku and NTT are areas with a high percentage of population poverty rates. Even though in these areas the church has been serving the people for a long time. The existence of the church in the midst of society wherever it is is expected to be able to answer the problem of poverty that plagues church congregants and society in general. Churches that serve in poor community face challenges in playing an active role in increasing congregational income. The limited resources owned by the church and the limited financial support of congregational make the church unable to serve the congregation maximally in terms of supporting the increase in the income of the congregation who are still living in poverty. Unlike the case with churches that have good resources such as human resources and strong financial resources. Realizing the limited resources owned by the church, it is necessary to involve third parties from outside the church and the congregation to equip and provide support to the church in developing the economic potential of the congregation. Keeping Christ-centered Christian values ​​from being degraded, the church builds partnership with institutions that have the same service values ​​as the church and have the same goal of increasing the income of congregation. Cooporation can be carried out through partnerships to achieve common goals to increase income of congregation. Each party has rights and obligations that support each other in the partnership that is built.
PERTUMBUHAN IMAN KAUM TUNANETRA KEPADA KRISTUS DI MASA PANDEMI COVID-19 DI JAWA BARAT, JAKARTA DAN MEDAN Tjutjun Setiawan; Andreas Kurniawan; Ronald Rachmat; Linutama Setiyawan; Ferry Simanjuntak
Jurnal PKM Setiadharma Vol. 2 No. 3 (2021): Jurnal PkM Setiadharma
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Injili Arastamar (SETIA) Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1228.655 KB) | DOI: 10.47457/jps.v2i3.181


During the Covid-19 pandemic, the church was limited by government regulations not to hold on-site service but was replaced with online service via YouTube, Zoom Meetings or other media. Not everyone can use this technology, especially those who have limitations as experienced by the blind. As believers they still have to grow in faith. The problem in the research is how blind people continue to grow in faith in Christ even during the Covid-19 pandemic? This study uses a qualitative method with a literature study approach together with interviews with blind people about the need for their growth in faith. The growth in faith can be obtained through worship, Bible reading. By stopping the weekly service as usual, it is through reading the Bible that they gain faith growth. But they are constrained by funding problems to have a special Bible for them. The result of this research is that the blind need Braille Bible. The author lists the needs of the Braille Bible and distributes it for free as a form of community service. The author hopes that this research can raise the concern of Christians for the needs of the blind and those who need help.
Tinjauan Etika Praktis terhadap Perceraian Kristen Samuel Elia; Ferry Simanjuntak
DIEGESIS: Jurnal Teologi Kharismatika Vol 4, No 2: Desember 2021
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Real Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (652.564 KB) | DOI: 10.53547/diegesis.v4i2.84


There has been so much discussion about Divorce among Christians with various theological backgrounds, but for the lay congregation, there is still confusion about the attitude of the Church in general. Of course, this has a less than the optimal effect on the spiritual formation of the church. This may happen because of the lack of understanding Christians about how Christian ethical values can be applied in divorce cases. Moreover, it was added with the uncertainty of some church parties in taking their stand. This paper tries to explain in a simple way about Divorce with all its details, causes, and consequences. This paper also discusses why the church needs to take a stand and show it clearly to the congregation to avoid congregational confusion. This research was made using descriptive qualitative research methods through literature studies. Conclusions are generally drawn based on the inductive method. AbstrakSudah begitu banyak pembahasan mengenai Perceraian di kalangan Kristen dengan berbagai latar Teologi, namun bagi kalangan jemaat awam masih terasa adanya kebingungan mengenai sikap Gereja pada umumya. Tentu saja hal ini memberikan pengaruh kurang optimal dalam pembinaan rohani jemaat. Hal ini mungkin terjadi karena begitu minimnya pemahaman orang-orang Kristen mengenai bagaimana nilai-nilai Etika Kristen dapat diterapkan dalam kasus perceraian. Apalagi ditambah dengan kegamangan beberapa pihak gereja dalam mengambil sikap. Tulisan ini mencoba mengulas secara sederhana mengenai Perceraian dengan segala seluk beluknya, penyebab dan akibat yang ditimbulkan. Tulisan ini juga menbahas mengenai mengapa gereja perlu mengambil sikap dan menunjukkannya secara jelas kepada jemaat agar menghindarkan kebingungan jemaat. Penelitian ini dibuat menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif desktriptif melalui studi literatur. Kesimpulan secara umum diambil berdasarkan metode induktif.
Tantangan Postmodernisme bagi Wacana Teologi Kristen Kontemporer Ferry Simanjuntak; Yosep Belay; Joko Prihanto
KENOSIS: Jurnal Kajian Teologi Vol 8, No 1 (2022): KENOSIS: JURNAL KAJIAN TEOLOGI
Publisher : IAKN Ambon

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37196/kenosis.v8i1.348


This article analyzes the postmodern philosophical ideas of three main thinkers, namely Friederich Nietzsche, Jacques Derrida, and Michel Foucault through which several serious consequences are faced for the study of Christian theology today. Postmodernism's critique and attack on the absolute truth claims of modernism also have an impact on the concept of Christian theology. These impacts result in the dismantling of the authority of God's word, confusion, lack of purpose and meaning in contemporary human life. This research uses a literature study with a descriptive qualitative method. Data analysis uses philosophical hermeneutics which includes interpretation, descriptive and comparative studies. The results of this study indicate that the idea of postmodernism has resulted in: The rejection of the monopoly of truth claims that have an impact on cultural superiority, the emergence of pluralism and relativism, the absence of absolute meaning in the biblical text, and the free play of interpretation of biblical texts. A number of these consequences are challenges that need to be addressed immediately.AbstrakArtkel ini menganalisis gagasan-gagasan filsafat postmodern dari tiga pemikir utamanya yaitu Friederich Nietzsche, Jacques Derrida dan Michel Foucault yang melaluinya sejumlah konsekuensi serius diperhadapkan bagi kajian teologi Kristen masa kini. Kritik dan serangan postmodernisme terhadap klaim kebenaran absolut dari modernisme juga berdampak pada konsep teologi Kristen. Dampak tersebut mengakibatkan terjadinya pembongkaran terhadap otoritas firman Allah, kebingungan, ketiadaan tujuan serta makna hidup manusia kontemporer. Penelitian ini menggunakan studi kepustakaan dengan metode kualitatif deskriptif. Analisis data menggunakan hermeneutika filosofis yang mencakup kajian interpretasi, deskriptif dan komparasi. Adapun hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa gagasan postmodernisme telah menghasilkan: Penolakan terhadap monopoli klaim kebenaran yang berdampak pada superioritas kultural, munculnya pluralisme dan relativisme, ketiadaan makna absolut pada teks Alkitab, dan permainan bebas interpretasi teks-teks Alkitab. Sejumlah konsekuensi ini merupakan tantangan yang perlu dan segera direspons.
Sudut Pandang Etika Kristen Terhadap Pembunuhan Normando Justine Aulia; Ferry Simanjuntak; Lemuel Anugerah Cristian; Kenny Gracia Howardy
Kharisma: Jurnal Ilmiah Teologi Vol 3, No 2 (2022): DESEMBER
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Kharisma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Murder is an act that is rife, both in Indonesia and in all parts of the world, and occurs due to various factors. In the Bible itself there is a clear command from God to “thou shalt not kill,” but are there exceptions for certain types of killing? This work was written to look at the act of murder from the perspective of Christian ethics as well as to find universal guidelines that apply to all types of murder. The conclusion obtained is that there are various factors causing the murder. By law, murder is an act deserving of severe punishment, with the exception of certain types of murder. Christian ethics defines murder as a violation of God's authority. Pembunuhan merupakan tindakan yang marak terjadi, baik di Indonesia maupun di seluruh belahan dunia, dan terjadi oleh karena berbagai faktor. Di dalam Alkitab sendiri terdapat perintah yang jelas dari Allah untuk “jangan membunuh”, namun apakah terdapat pengecualian bagi jenis-jenis pembunuhan tertentu? Karya ini ditulis untuk melihat tindakan pembunuhan dari sudut pandang etika Kristen sekaligus untuk mendapati pedoman universal yang berlaku bagi semua jenis pembunuhan dasar teori dan pembahasan disusun berdasarkan metode Deskriptif Kualitatif sedangkan pengumpulan data menggunakan metode Studi Pustaka. Kesimpulan yang didapatkan ialah terdapat beragam faktor penyebab pembunuhan. Secara hukum, pembunuhan merupakan tindakan yang patut diberi hukuman berat, dengan pengecualian jenis pembunuhan tertentu. Etika Kristen menyatakan pembunuhan sebagai pelanggaran terhadap otoritas Tuhan.
Yesus Kristus dan Hukum Taurat di Era Anugerah Ferry Simanjuntak; Markus Suwandi
Formosa Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Vol. 1 No. 4 (2022): August 2022

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/fjmr.v1i4.868


Yesus dalam misi Ilahi Nya telah dinubuatkan sejak kejatuhan manusia pertama. Pembahasan Pribadi ini menarik dan berkelanjutan sampai masa anugerah. Ketidakmengertian teks Matius 5:17-20 berimplikasi pada pemikiran skeptis dan kritis tentang Taurat, masihkah berlaku di masa anugerah?. Sehingga mengerti dan memahami frasa Yesus datang menggenapi Taurat dalam perspektif yang benar. Menemukan makna kedatangan Yesus sesuai Alkitab. Hasil pembahasan jelas bahwa Taurat sudah tergenapi namun berlanjut sampai masa anugerah hingga penggenapan kedatangan Nya kedua kali yang ultimate.
Jurnal Lektur Keagamaan Vol 20 No 2 (2022): Bahasa Inggris
Publisher : Center for Research and Development of Religious Literature and Heritage, Agency for Research and Development and Training, Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1492.158 KB) | DOI: 10.31291/jlka.v20i2.1082


ABSTRACT This article aims to apply intertextual reading in the science of herme­neutical exegesis, especially in the New Testament (NT) which are narrative in nature. The messages of the Bible are often misunderstood becau­se readers only rely on translations that are inadequate and lack the depth of meaning of the original text. Hebrew is one of three languages along with Aramaic, and Koine Greek in which God chose to communicate His Word. Reading the New Testament in its original text will reveal a deeper meaning than the translated version. This paper uses a descriptive qualitative method approach with literature study as the main method. The original text analyzed is the canonical text of the Byzantine NT. Through a hermeneutic approach, this text is read to understand and comprehend theological mes­sages in a comprehend­sive perspective. The results of this study conclude that reading the original text of the New Testament provides a more contextual and applicable theolo­gical understanding and understand­ding related to Christian doctrine. Keywords: Bizantine Text, Canon, Koine Greek, Manuscript, New Testament. ABSTRAK Tujuan artikel ini menerapkan pembacaan intertektualitas dalam ilmu eksegese hermeneutika, khususnya pada genre teks di Perjanjian Baru (PB) yang bersifat naratif. Pesan-pesan Alkitab seringkali disalahpahami karena pembaca hanya mengandalkan terjemahan yang kurang mencukupi dan memiliki kedalaman makna dari teks aslinya. Bahasa Ibrani adalah salah satu dari tiga bahasa bersama Aram, dan Yunani Koine di mana Allah memilih untuk mengkomunikasikan Firman-Nya. Pembacaan Kitab PB dalam teks originalnya akan mengungkapkan makna mendalam yang Allah ungkapkan pada pembaca dalam konteks saat ini. Tulisan ini menggunakan pendekatan metode kualitatif deskriptif dengan studi literatur sebagai basis datanya. Teks original yang dianalisa adalah teks Byzantine PB yang kanon. Melalui pendekatan hermeneutic, teks ini dibaca untuk mengerti dan memahami pesan-pesan teologis dalam perspektif yang benar. Hasil peneli­tian ini menyim­pulkan bahwa pembacaan teks original PB menghasilkan pengertian, dan pemahaman teologis yang lebih kontekstual serta aplikatif terkait dengan doktrin Kristen.  Kata Kunci: Kanon, Manuskrip, Perjanjian Baru, Teks Byzantium, Yunani Koine,
Meninjau Ulang Eksistensi Mukjizat Kesembuhan Di Masa Pandemik Covid-19 Perspektif Teologi Pentakosta-Kharismatik Yosep Belay; Ferry Simanjuntak; Yanto Paulus Hermanto
HARVESTER: Jurnal Teologi dan Kepemimpinan Kristen Vol 6, No 2 (2021): Teologi dan Kepemimpinan Kristen - Desember 2021
Publisher : STTI Harvest Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (410.584 KB) | DOI: 10.52104/harvester.v6i2.63


The condition of the Covid-19 pandemic that has never subsided, raises various questions for Pentecostal-Charismatics regarding the concept of God's power and specifically regarding the existence of miraculous gifts of healing. In the context of Christianity, the view of the existence of miracles of healing is divided into two views which are pro and contra. This paper departs from the controversial side especially during this pandemic situation and seeks to present a comprehensive Pentecostal-Charismatic theological perspective. The methodological approach used is descriptive qualitative. The literature study approach is used to analyze the variety of literature related to miracles of healing, as well as brief hermeneutic studies on relevant biblical texts. The results of this study indicate the difference in conceptual framework between Pentecostal-Charismatic theology regarding miracles of healing, where the difference is not only centered on the conceptual side but also backwards on the study of hermeneutics resulting in different responses in practical theological praxis in the life of the congregation today.AbstrakKondisi pandemic covid-19 yang tak kunjung mereda, menghantarkan beragam pertanyaan bagi kalangan Pentakosta-Kharismatik perihal konsep kuasa Allah dan secara khusus mengenai eksistensi karunia mukjizat kesembuhan. Dalam konteks kekristenan, padangan mengenai eksistensi mukjizat kesembuhan terbagi dalam dua pandangan yang pro dan kontra. Tulisan ini bertolak dari sisi kontroversial terutama ditengah situasi pandemic ini serta berusaha untuk menyajikan kerangka pandangan teologi Pentakosta-Kharismatik yang komprehensif. Pendekatan metodologi yang digunakna adalah kualitiatif deskriptif. Pendekatan studi kepustakaan digunakan untuk menganalisa ragam literatur yang berkaitan dengan mukjizat kesembuhan, serta kajian hermeneutik singkat pada teks-teks Alkitab yang relevan. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan perbedaan kerangka konseptual antara teologi Pentakosta-Kharismatik mengenai mukjizat kesembuhan, dimana perbedaan tersebut bukan hanya berpusat pada sisi konseptualnya namun juga mundur ke belakang pada kajian hermeneutikanya sehingga menghasilkan respons yang berbeda dalam praksis teologi praktika dalam kehidupan jemaat saat ini.
Percaya Pada Tuhan Dalam Situasi Pandemi Covid-19: Sebuah Model Pengajaran Kristologi Dalam Penyelengaraan Pendidikan Kristen Bagi Warga Gereja Junihot M. Simanjuntak; Ferry Simanjuntak
EDUKASI: Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Agama dan Keagamaan Vol. 20 No. 3 (2022): EDUKASI: Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Agama dan Keagamaan
Publisher : Badan Litbang dan Diklat Kementerian Agama RI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32729/edukasi.v20i3.1249


Abstract This study explains the urgency and neutrality of Christology teaching in fostering the congregation's faith during the Covid-19 pandemic by developing teaching materials in supporting modules. This study used the qualitative method. The results of this study: 1) 69.8% of the congregation needed Christology teaching during the Covid-19 pandemic; 2) The Christology teaching module is acceptable in terms of content validity and readability and shows that all sub-modules have an average percentage of 86.9% in the easy category; 3) The response of the congregation after the teaching of Christology obtained an average percentage of 93.3% in the very strong category. As an implication, in carrying out the task of coaching in the Church during the Covid-19 pandemic, so that coaching is carried out effectively and answers the congregation's needs, the Church should start with a review of the introduction of God introduced through Christology in the Bible. Abstrak Kajian ini menjelaskan tentang urgensi dan netralitas pengajaran Kristologi dalam pembinaan iman jemaat di masa pandemi Covid-19 melalui pengembangan bahan ajar berupa modul pendukung. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini: 1) 69,8% jemaat membutuhkan pengajaran Kristologi di masa pandemi Covid-19; 2) Modul ajar Kristologi dapat diterima dari segi validitas isi dan keterbacaan, dan menunjukkan bahwa semua sub modul memiliki persentase rata-rata 86,9% dalam kategori mudah; 3) Respon jemaat setelah pengajaran Kristologi diperoleh persentase rata-rata 93,3% dalam kategori sangat kuat. Sebagai implikasinya, dalam menjalankan tugas pembinaan di Gereja masa pandemic Covid-19, agar pembinaan terlaksana secara efektif dan menjawab kebutuhan jemaat, sebaiknya Gereja perlu memulai dengan ulasan tentang pengenalan tentang Allah yang diperkenalkan melalui Kristologi dalam Alkitab.
FENOMENA GAYA HIDUP CHILDFREE DALAM PANDANGAN ETIKA KRISTEN David Maysusanto Pilipus; Yanto Paulus Hermanto; Ferry Simanjuntak
Voice of Wesley: Jurnal Ilmiah Musik dan Agama Vol 6, No 1 (2022): J.VoW Vol 6. No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologia Wesley Methodist Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36972/jvow.v6i1.161


The child-free lifestyle, namely those who get married but decide not to have children, seems to be increasingly prevalent in Indonesia. And there are various reasons behind it. This paper intends to formulate the problem of how to view childfree from the point of view of Christian ethics. Is the childfree lifestyle acceptable based on biblical truth? This is interesting because there is very little research on childfree from a Christian point of view in Indonesia. So it can be said that research on this is something new. The method used to answer these questions is to collect journals, books, and Bible verses related to the formulation of the problem to get answers to the questions above. It is interesting to be able to listen to the results of this study because it will reveal many reasons why people are childfree. And after doing the research, it can be concluded that child freedom can still be justified according to the Bible for the right reasons, namely for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. The author hopes that this work can be used as a reference for those who are considering childfree or those who care about childfree.Gaya hidup childfree yaitu mereka yang menikah namun memutuskan untuk tidak ingin memiliki keturunan rupanya semakin marak di Indonesia. Dan ada berbagai alasan yang melatarbelakanginya. Tulisan ini hendak merumuskan masalah tersebut menjadi bagaimana memandang childfree dari sudut pandang etika Kristiani. Apakah gaya hidup childfree dapat diterima berdasarkan kebenaran Alkitab. Hal ini menjadi menarik karena sedikitnya penelitian mengenai childfree dari sudut pandang Kristiani di Indonesia. Sehingga dapat dikatakan penelitian mengenai ini adalah sesuatu yang baru. Metode yang digunakan untuk menjawab pertanyaan tersebut adalah dengan mengumpulkan jurnal, buku, ayat-ayat Alkitab yang berkaitan dengan rumusan masalah tersebut untuk mendapatkan jawaban atas pertanyaan di atas. Menarik untuk dapat menyimak hasil penelitian ini, karena akan mengungkap banyak alasan orang untuk childfree. Dan setelah dilakukan penelitian, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa childfree masih dapat dibenarkan menurut alkitab dengan alasan yang tepat yaitu dilakukan untuk kepentingan kerajaan sorga. Besar harapan penulis, bahwa karya ini dapat dijadikan referensi bagi mereka yang sedang mempertimbangkan untuk childfree atau mereka yang peduli dengan childfree.