Kati Syamsudin Kadang Tola
Fakultas Pertanian Dan Teknologi Pertanian Universitas Negeri Papua Jl. Gunung Salju, Amban Manokwari Papua Barat, 98314

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Status Kesuburan Tanah Pada Lahan Pokem (Setaria italic L., Beauv) di Kampung Bawei Distrik Numfor Timur Nollince Novita Merani; Kati Syamsudin Kadang Tola; Siti Hadjar Kubangun
Agrotek Vol 4 No 7 (2015): April
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Papua

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (151.362 KB) | DOI: 10.30862/agrotek.v4i7.134


Pokem (Papuas’s wheat) is an endemic plant origin from Numfor island. Cultivation of pokem is traditionaly, small scale, and without the addition of fertilizer. This study aims to determine the status of soil fertility in the land of pokem in Bawey village at district of Eastern Numfor. Results from this study are expected to be the initial information for improving and developing crop production of pokem and other agricultural crops. The method used in this research is descriptive method, with the technique of field observation and laboratory analysis. The analysis showed that, the soil physical in location research dominated by sandy clay loam texture with subangular blocky structure. The chemical soil are neutral of pH, CEC and K classified as very low, N-total low to moderate, Ca ranged from low to very low, low Mg, Na very low to high and very high of KB. Based on the results of the analysis of soil properties and criteria for assessment of the Soil Research Center (1983) the status of soil fertility at study sites classified as very low.
Pemanfaatan Limbah Cair Biogas Sebagai Pupuk Organik Untuk Kangkung Darat (Ipomoea reptans Poir.) Di Daerah Transmigrasi Masni Kabupaten Manokwari Marselius O. Y. A. W. Mra-Mra; Djoko Sudjatno; Kati Syamsudin
Agrotek Vol 3 No 3 (2012): Juli
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Papua

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (222.856 KB) | DOI: 10.30862/agrotek.v3i3.184


The research aimed to see the usage of liquid biogass waste (LBW) as a fertilizer on the growth of pokcoy (Ipomoea reptans Poir.). In transmigration area, Masni Manokwari. It used experiment method with rondom plot design. There were six treatments, without LBW (A0), 50 cc of LBW (A1), 100 cc of LBW (A2), 150 cc of LBW (A3), 200 cc of LBW (A4), and 250 cc of LBW (A5). The result showed that LBW had significant effect on plant height (6 week after plantation), fresh weight per plant and per plot, dry weight per plant and water content per plant. These indicated that application on of LBW increased yield of pokcoy. The dose 250 cc of LBW was significantly enhanced the growth and yield of pokcoy.
Karakteristik sifat fisik dan pH tanah pada kebun percobaan Anggori Universitas Papua Paulince Yarangga; Samsul Bachri; Kati Syamsudin Kadang Tola; Rudolf Kristian Tukayo
Agrotek Vol 9 No 1 (2021): Juli
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Papua

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1073.063 KB) | DOI: 10.46549/agrotek.v9i1.191


This study aims to determine the characteristics of the physical properties and soil pH in the Anggori experimental garden belonging to the University of Papua. The Anggori experimental garden is one of the Unipa experimental gardens which has great potential as a means of supporting lecturers and students across faculties. Based on the results of the study, it was found that the color of the soil at the research site on the top and bottom layers tended to have the same color, which was dominated by dark brown and dark yellowish brown. The soil texture ranged from sandy loam, loamy loam, silty loam and clay loam, with soil structure which is granular, rounded lumps, and angular lumps, with medium to fine size, as well as moderate to weak stability. The consistency of the soil were rather sticky, loose, and weak. There were rocks on the surface and rock outcrops <25%, with good drainage. Effective depth of soil was >40 cm and soil acidity (pH) was classified as slightly acidic to neutral.
Konsentrasi beberapa ekstrak daun ketapang (Terminalia catappa L.) sebagai herbisida nabati pada pertumbuhan gulma rumput grinting (Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.) Desiana Linda Nurhalina; Derek Kornelis Erari; Kati Syamsudin Kadang Tola; Yohanis Amos Mustamu
Agrotek Vol 9 No 1 (2021): Juli
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Papua

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (412.34 KB) | DOI: 10.46549/agrotek.v9i1.193


The objectives of the study were to determine the inhibition of Terminalia catappa leaf extract on the growth of grinting grass weed (Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.) as well as determine at what concentration it could inhibit growth of grinting grass weed. The research method used in this study is an experimental method with observation techniques. The results of this study found that Terminalia catappa leaf extract can inhibit the growth of grinting grass weed (Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.). Furthermore, 20% of Terminalia catappa leaf extract was the most effective concentration in inhibiting grinting grass weed. Therefore, it can be used as an alternative to organic herbicides.
Respon pertumbuhan dan produksi ubijalar (Ipomoea batatas L.) terhadap pemberian beberapa jenis pupuk pada Inceptisol Amban Olin Ulunggi; Ishak Musaad; Kati Syamsudin Kadang Tola; Saraswati Prabawardhani
Agrotek Vol 8 No 2 (2020): Desember
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Papua

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (310.397 KB) | DOI: 10.46549/agrotek.v8i2.201


This study aims to determine the response of growth and yield of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) to the application of several types of fertilizers on Inceptisol soil in Amban. Fertilizer application with the following doses: P0 = No fertilizer (control), P1 = NPK fertilizer (standard dose) 300 kg/ha = 225 g/mound, P2 = KCl fertilizer, 50 kg/ha = 375 g/ mounds, P3 = Papua nutrient granular fertilizer 300 kg/ha = 225 g/mounds, P4 = Papuan nutrient liquid fertilizers 10 liters/ha = 7.5 ml/mounds. P1, P2 and P3 treatments were carried out at 2 week after plant (WAP), while the P4 treatment was carried out at the age of 2, 4 and 6 WAP. The results showed that the application of several types of fertilizers did not have a significant effect on tendril length, tuber weight, wet weight and dry weight of tendrils in all observations. The analysis results of the soil chemical properties found that the soil pH was 4.63 (acidic), C-organic was 0.89% (very low), N-soil was 0.14% (low), Pavailable was 4.17 ppm (very low), and base saturation was 32.92% (low). The soil CEC was 4.94 cmol(+)/kg with exchangeable cations of kalsium, magnesium, potassium and sodium were 1.19 cmol(+)/kg (low), 0.34 cmol(+)/kg (very low), 0.07 cmol(+)/kg (very low) and 0.03 cmol(+)/kg (very low), respectively. The highest tendril length produced by KCl fertilizer, but Papua Nutrient granule yielded the best of average fresh weight of tendril, average dry weight of tendril, and tuber weight of sweet potato.
Serapan hara dan hasil beberapa varietas kedelai (Glycine max L. Merril) akibat ameliorasi pada tanah inceptisol Prafi Elvira Olivia; Kati Syamsudin K. T; Purbokurniawan; Veronika L. Tuhumena
Agrotek Vol 8 No 1 (2020): Juli
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Papua

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (248.893 KB) | DOI: 10.46549/agrotek.v8i1.278


This study aimed to determine the interaction of ameliorant with various soybean varieties on nutrient uptake and soybean yield on Inceptisol soil in Wasegi Indah Village, Prafi District, Manokwari Regency. This study used a separate plot design consisting of ameliorant treatment as the main plot and varieties as sub-plots. The ameliorant treatments consisted of K0 (without treatment), A15 (rice husk ash 15 tons/ha), A30 (rice husk ash 30 tons/ha), P15 (goat manure 15 tons/ha), P30 (goat manure 30 tons/ha), PA15 (goat manure 7.5 tons/ha + rice husk ash 7.5 tons/ha), and PA30 (goat manure 15 tons/ha + Rice husk ash 15 tons/ha). The 3 soybean varieties consisted of V1 (Detam-I), V2 (Demas-I), and V3 (ena-I). The results showed that there was no interaction between ameliorant and variety in all plant variables. The highest N nutrient uptake was indicated by PA30 treatment of 0.467 g and V3 variety of 0.335 g. The highest P uptake at P30 was 0.063 g and the V1 variety was 0.051 g. The highest K uptake was shown in P15 at 0.523 g and V1 at 0.424 g. The results of the application of ameliorant to several soybean varieties resulted in good production in the ameliorant treatment of 30 tons/ha (P30) goat manure at 3,210 tons/Ha and Detam-1 (V1) varieties at at 2,880 tons/Ha.
Analisis Spasial Perubahan Penggunaan Lahan Untuk Mitigasi Bahaya Lahan Kritis di Kabupaten Manokwari Siti Hadjar Kubangun; Kati Syamsudin Kadang Tola; Samsul Bachri
Agrotek Vol 7 No 2 (2019): Desember
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Papua

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (547.103 KB) | DOI: 10.46549/agrotek.v7i2.283


Land degradation is the result of land use or utilization that exceeds the capacity of the land, which will cause critical land. The impacts that occur due to critical land include land degradation in the quality of soil properties, decreasing conservation and production functions, as well as affecting the social and economic life of the people who use the land. This study aimed to reduce the hazard of critical land, based on modeling changes in land cover/use using the Artificial Neural Network (ANN) method. The results of this study indicated that land classified as dangerous to become critical land includes sloping land with converted land cover/use. Reducing the risk of critical land hazard can be done by using land that is in accordance with the ability of the land, by following the rules of soil and water conservation, as well as the role of the government in conserving upstream areas that are oriented towards regional spatial patterns.
Pengembangan potensi unggulan Distrik Kwamki Narama Kabupaten Mimika Samsul Bachri; Ishak Suwardi; Kati Syamsudin K. Tola; Lukas Sonbait; Siti Kubangun
Agrotek Vol 10 No 2 (2022): Desember
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Papua

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46549/agrotek.v10i2.267


Penelitian bertujuan untuk merekomendasikan potensi unggulan daerah di distrik Kwamki Narama, kabupaten Mimika sebagai salah satu langkah untuk mempercepat pertumbuhan dan perkembangan daerah tersebut, yang dalam jangka panjang dapat mendorong perkembangan Kawasan wilayah dan nasional. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif dengan teknik survey. Proses pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknik survey, mencakup data primer dan data sekunder. Teknik analisis dilakukan dengan 2 (dua) tahap. Tahap yang pertama menggunakan analisis kuantitatif, yakni dilakukan perhitungan yang sesuai untuk mencari persebaran komoditas unggulan di lokasi penelitian, juga dilakukan Teknik matching (pencocokan) antara kualitas lahan dengan syarat tumbuh tanaman, sesuai dengan buku Petunjuk Teknis Evaluasi Lahan (2011). Hasil penelitian direkomendasikan bahwa lokasi penelitian dapat diperuntukan untuk tanaman pangan yaitu jagung, ubi-ubian (keladi, ubi kayu, ubi jalar), dan pisang. Selanjutnya peruntukan komoditas unggulan, yakni sayuran dan buah-buahan yaitu cabai merah, cabai rawit, paprika, kubis, buncis, kacang panjang, bayam, mentimun, terung, petsai, pare, brokoli, asparagus, pepaya, tomat buah, tomat sayur, belimbing, semangka, blewah, melon, duku, cempedak, dan nenas, serta untuk perkebunan yaitu kelapa, pinang dan buah merah, dan peruntukan komoditas peternakan yaitu ternak babi
Study on Sustainable Agriculture in West Papua: in terms of the Aspects of Plant Productivity and Land Use Change Kati Syamsudin Kadang Tola; Samsul Bachri
Agrotek Vol 11 No 1 (2023): Juli
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Papua

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46549/agrotek.v11i1.340


Land availability and crop productivity are important in realizing sustainable agriculture in West Papua. This study aims to provide an overview of agricultural development in West Papua in terms of agricultural aspects and changes in land use. This research is descriptive-analytic in nature, using population data for the period 2003-2018, data on paddy rice, cassava, sweet potato, dry-field rice and corn. Land use data for the 1996-2019 period and potential agricultural land cover for 2021. The results obtained are an average population growth rate of 3.4 percent. The conditions of lowland rice, cassava and sweet potato crops for the 2004-2018 period are as follows: The average productivity of lowland rice is 3.72 tonnes/ha or 37.2 quintals/ha. Cassava production was very fluctuating, which was obtained that the average productivity of cassava was 12.03 tons/ha or 120 quintals/ha. Sweet potato crop productivity decreased in 2018 with an average sweet potato productivity of 11.11 tons/ha or 111.1 quintals/ha. The condition of dryland paddy and maize for the 2003-2017 period showed that the production and harvested area of upland paddy tended to decrease every year with an average dryland paddy productivity of 2.86 tons/ha or 28.6 quintals/ha while corn productivity continued to increase until 2017 with the average productivity is 1.78 tonnes/ha or 17.8 quintals/ha. Aspects of changes in land use in the agricultural sector for the period 1996-2019 obtained that dryland agriculture and mixed dryland agriculture tended to decrease.
Response of Walkwater Growth to Giving of Fishing Waste-Based POC to Inceptisol Amin Mbusango; Anne Nurbaity; Ratna Ningsi; Indra Permana; Kati Syamsudin Kadang Tola
Jurnal Biologi Tropis Vol. 23 No. 4 (2023): October - December
Publisher : Biology Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Mataram, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jbt.v23i4.5541


Agricultural land that has low nutrient status can inhibit plant growth, so it is necessary to add nutrients to the soil without causing enviromental damage.  The research was aimed to observed growth response of kangkong on combination NPK and level doses of POC fishery wasted on Inceptisol soil.The research was aimed to observed growth response of kangkong on combination NPK and level doses of POC fishery wasted on Inceptisol soil. This research used a split plot design, the main plot consists of: V0 (without used NPK) and V1 (used NPK).Data analysis using variance with the DSAASTAT application. If the variance shows a significant effect, then it is continued with Duncan’s multiple range test (UJBD) at the 95% level of confidence. The results showed  application of POC based on fishery wasted added with NPK can provide a good responses to the heigh of the kangkong plant, the number of kangkong leaves, the fresh weight of kangkong roots and leaves, the dry weight of kangkong roots and leaves and the increase in the number of AMF spores in the rhizosphere of kangkong plants. The best responsed influence of the growth of kangkong plants was combination of NPK and 75% POC doses based on fishery wasted. Utilization of processed fishery wasted as POC can be alternative as an enviromentally friendly organic fertilizer in increasing the yield of kangkong plants.