Naufa Muna, Naufa
Program Studi Pemanfaatan Sumberdaya Perikanan, Jurusan Perikanan, Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan, Universitas Diponegoro

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Journal of Fisheries Resources Utilization Management and Technology Vol 5, No 2: April, 2016
Publisher : Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan, Universitas Diponegoro

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Jaring insang lingkar (koncong) menjadi alat tangkap dominan ke dua di PPI Pulolampes Brebes, keberadaanya semakin ditinggalkan karena kalah saing  jumlah hasil target tangkapan yang sama dengan pukat cincin mini yang menjadi andalan masyarakat setempat. Pukat cincin mini memiliki tingkat selektifitas yang rendah dibandingkan jaring koncong, sedangkan penelitian terdahulu menunjukkan terjadi kecenderungan overfishing di perairan Brebes. Untuk meningkatkan hasil tangkapan jaring insang lingkar secara tepat dibutuhkan penelitian lebih lanjut tentang faktor faktor yang mempengaruhi produksi, serta menentukan model hubungan faktor produksi dengan pendekatan fungsi Cobb-Douglass. Penelitian dilaksanakan di PPI Pulolampes, Bulakamba Brebes pada bulan November 2015 – Januari 2016. Faktor yang diduga berpengaruh ialah panjang alat tangkap, lebar alat tangkap, ukuran perahu, kekuatan mesin, lama trip, jumlah BBM, jumlah ABK, dan pengalaman nelayan. Hasil analisis dengan menggunakan uji t menunjukkan bahwa faktor produksi yang berpengaruh dengan taraf nyata 95% ialah panjang alat tangkap, lama trip, jumlah BBM, jumlah ABK dan umur kerja. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tidak semua faktor berpengaruh positif terhadap hasil tangkapan, disimpulkan panjang alat tangkap memiliki pengaruh negatif terhadap hasil produksi. Sedangkan faktor yang paling dominan terhadap peningkatan hasil produksi ialah jumlah BBM. Dari hasil analisis statstika tersebut dapat disimpulkan, peningkatan produksi dicapai jika jarak fishing ground, jumlah ABK dan pengalaman kerja nelayan ditingkatkan. Tetapi panjang alat tangkap diberi ketentuan maksimum. Encircling Gill Net become one of two dominant fishing gear in Coastal Fishing Port Pulolampes Brebes, its existence being abandoned because of less competitive hauling number than the fishing gear mainstay of a local community, which is Mini purse sein. Unfortunately, Mini Purse Sein has a low standard of selectivity compared to Encircling Gill Net, whereas previous studies showed a trend towards overfishing in the waters of Brebes. To increase optimality of gill net hauling number, this research aims to analysis factors that affecting production, as well as determining production factors relationship model with Cobb-Douglass function approach. Research located at the Coastal Fishing Port Pulolampes, Bulakamba in November 2015 - January 2016. There's eight factors thought to affect fishing gear, such as Gill Net length, Gill Net-wide, vessel dimension, engine power, a length of trip, amount of fuel, the number of crews, and fisherman work experience. The results of analysis using the t test showed that the production of factors affect  95% of the production are Gill Net length, amount of fuel, the number of crew and fisherman work experience. The results showed that not all factors positively affects the catch, the length of fishing gear have a negative effect on production. While the most dominant factor whose increasing the production is the amount of fuel. From the statistic analysis, it can be concluded, to increasing the production is achieved if the distance fishing ground, the number of crew and the fishing improved work experience. But Gill Net length ought to give  maximum provision.
Buletin Ilmiah Litbang Perdagangan Vol 16 No 1 (2022): BILP
Publisher : Trade Analysis and Development Agency, Ministry of Trade of Republic of Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30908/bilp.v16i1.692


Abstrak Pakistan merupakan negara nontradisional mitra dagang strategis Indonesia. Pakistan mengimpor Crude Palm Oil (CPO) Indonesia untuk memenuhi kebutuhan minyak makan. Industri minyak makan di Pakistan memiliki karakter sangat kompetitif, hambatan masuk (barrier to entry) yang rendah, dan cenderung sensitif terhadap perubahan harga. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu: (1) Menganalisis kinerja ekspor minyak sawit dan produk turunannya di Pakistan; (2) Menganalisis tingkat pengetahuan dan faktor yang memengaruhi konsumen rumatangga Pakistan terhadap minyak sawit dan produk turunannya asal Indonesia; (3) Menganalisis tingkat loyalitas konsumen rumah tangga di Pakistan terhadap produk cooking oil. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis deskriptif kualitatif, analisis regresi logistik, dan analisis loyalitas konsumen. Hasil analisis menyajikan kinerja ekspor minyak sawit Indonesia ke Pakistan mengalami trend peningkatan sejak tahun 2012 dan salah satunya disebabkan penandatangan Preferential Trade Agreement (PTA). Konsumen rumahtangga di Pakistan sebagian besar tidak mengenal CPO atau produk hasil turunannya serta tidak memahami isu lingkungan terkait industri kelapa sawit. Terdapat empat variable yang memengaruhi peluang responden mengetahui CPO dan produk turunannya yaitu lokasi tempat tinggal, dummy frekuensi konsumsi cooking oil, dummy frekuensi konsumsi margarine, dan dummy frekuensi es krim. Konsumen di Pakistan merupakan konsumen yang tergolong dalam kelompok liking the brand dengan tidak sepenuhnya switcher buyer. Kata Kunci: Crude Palm Oil, Pakistan, Regresi Logistik, Analisis Loyalitas Konsumen, Cooking Oil Abstract Pakistan is a non-traditional trading partner country that is a strategic r for Indonesia. Pakistan imports Crude Palm Oil (CPO) to meet the needs for edible oil. Pakistan’s cooking oil industry is highly competitive with low barriers to entry, also moderately sensitive to price changes. The aims of this research are to (1) analyze the export performance of palm oil and its derivative products; (2) analyze the level of knowledge and the factors that influence Pakistani consumers; (3) analyze the level of loyalty of household consumers to cooking oil. The research used descriptive qualitative analysis, logistic regression analysis, and analysis of brand loyalty. The results of the analysis showed that Indonesian palm oil exports to Pakisthavehas had an increasing trend since 2012, caused by the implementation of the Preferential Trade Agreement (PTA). Most consumers in Pakistan were not familiar with CPO or its derivative products and did not understand the environmental issues related to the palm oil industry. There are four variables that affect the probability of respondents knowing CPO and derivative products, namely, location of residence, dummy frequency of cooking oil consumption, dummy frequency of margarine consumption, and dummy frequency of ice cream. Generally, Pakistan consumers are a group of consumers that liking the brand group. Keywords: Crude Palm Oil, Pakistan, Logistic Regression, Analysis of Brand Loyalty, Cooking Oil JEL Classification: C25, D12, F14, Q17