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University Partnership Sebagai Akselerator Transformasi Digital Usaha Mikro Perempuan Ghaling Achmad Abdul Ghonisyah; Irly Artiara Irawan
JMK (Jurnal Manajemen dan Kewirausahaan) Vol 8 No 1 (2023): January
Publisher : Universitas Islam Kadiri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32503/jmk.v8i1.3224


The partnership built by the university is one of the drivers of efforts to accelerate the digital transformation of women's micro-enterprises. The resources owned by the university can function as social capital to help micro-enterprises owned by women who experience gaps in access to opportunities for transformation, one of which will be the focus of this research is inequality in gaining entry to digital literacy. In this context, research on the role of university partnerships is compelling as an accelerator for inclusively advancing digital literacy for women micro-entrepreneurs in Indonesia, especially in the Tasikmalaya area. We used a qualitative approach conducting In-Depth Interviews with six informants who split up into 4 (four) clusters, specifically 1) University Cluster, 2) The Expert Cluster, 3) Micro-Entrepreneur Cluster, and 4) The Business Incubator Cluster. Our contribution shows that adopting an integrated learning initiative can accelerate the mastery and use of digital skills among female micro-entrepreneurs. This study contributes to understanding how the university partnership model is implemented according to the capacity and business model of women's microenterprises.
Pengembangan Kewirausahaan Digital: Pendekatan Optimasi Bisnis Lokal Ghaling Achmad Abdul Ghonisyah; Barin Barlian
Journal of Empowerment Community Vol. 5 No. 1 (2023): Maret 2022
Publisher : Universitas Perjuangan Tasikmalaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36423/jec.v5i1.1201


Indonesia is optimistic about becoming a developed country with a projected national entrepreneurship ratio of 3.9% in 2024. The government's strategic steps in encouraging institutions concerned with human development to work more progressively make it happen. The roles of higher education institutions in efforts to accelerate the achievement of the national entrepreneurship ratio through its tri dharma is also a responsibility that must be carried out sustainably. In community service, higher education creates entrepreneurial human resources relevant to science and technology development and can answer market problems or needs through the Digital Entrepreneurship Development Program. The science and technology that will be used in implementing the Digital Entrepreneurship Development Program is through the Local Business Optimization technology application platform. The method used in implementing the program is adapting the integrated learning initiatives approach, which includes masterclasses, action learning, peer-to-peer learning, and experiential workshops. After the participants took part in the integrated learning series, the program participants were able to determine a business model that suits their resources, whether to focus on the B2B scheme or the B2C scheme. However, this program will have more impact if its implementation receives support from partners who have the same program. Kata kunci: Kewirausahaan Digital, Transformasi Digital, Wirausaha Baru.
Digital Entrepreneurship Development Program: Scaling Up Through Digital Integration Ghaling Achmad Abdul Ghonisyah; Arif Arif; Depy Muhamad Pauzy; Andri Kusmayadi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62411/ja.v7i2.2040


Belajar dari pengalaman usaha yang dirintis oleh para mahasiswa tersebut, maka kami menyusun blueprint program pengabdian masyarakat Digital Entrepreneurship Development Program: Scaling Up Through Digital Integration ini untuk mendorong peningkatan performa bisnis para wirausaha mahasiswa dan masyarakat umum dalam aktifitas usahanya, sehingga setelahnya menguasai skillset digital integration diharapkan mampu bersaing secara kompetitif serta dapat menjangkau market seluas-luasnya. Adapun IPTEK yang akan digunakan dalam mengimplementasikan Konsep Scaling Up dalam Digital Entrepreneurship Development Programini adalah melalui pendekatan model Digital Integration Setelah dilakukannya serangkaian kegiatan workshop dan pendampingan terhadap peserta program, entitas bisnis yang adaptif mengadopsi digital integration yang sederhana, mampu mendapatkan data base customer-nya secara tertarget dan penjualan pun dapat dipastikan berkelanjutan. Hal ini dapat dilihat sebagai contoh pencapaian unit usaha yang dijalani oleh mahasiswi prodi manajemen, yaitu bidang fashion (kerudung) Brand Rvna Hijab yang baru saja dimulai sejak awal September 2023. Dalam satu bulan berhasil mencatatkan penjualan sebanyak 3.556 pcs kerudung dengan total data base pelanggan 1.418 pembeli dengan total kunjungan atau traffic yang masuk sebanyak 26.561 oarang. Hasil ini baru menggunakan satu platform saja, yaitu Live Stream Commerce, Tiktok. Namun demikian, tantangan muncul pada saat dorongan dari pemilik usaha untuk melakukan scaling up membuka channel distribusi platform e-commerce secara bersamaan sementara aspek digital talent belum siap, maka hasilnya menjadi kurang efektif.