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Blood Lead Levels and Healthy Complaint in Printing Workers of Unipress Surabaya Mika Vernicia Humairo; Soedjajadi Keman
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/jkl.v9i1.2017.48-56


Lead is found in the printing ink, it gets into the human body through skin absorption and ingestion. Blood lead level > 10 μg/dL causes health disturbances. The purpose of this study was analyzed blood lead level and healthy complaints in printing worker of Unipress Surabaya. This research was observational analytic with cross sectional approach. The subject was printing production process employees and administration employees. Population of production process employees were 10 people and administration employees were 7 people. Whereas, sample of production process employees were 9 and administration employees were 6. The determination of the sampling used simple random sampling. Data analyzed with chi-square test and t-independent test. Blood lead level of production process employees have  ± SD = 6.16 ± 0.37 μg/dl, whereas the blood lead level of administration employees have ± SD = 6.0±0.18 μg/dl. Based on the results by t-independent test (p = 0.371) which indicated there was no difference blood lead level of production process employees and administration employees. Based on the test results by chi-square (p = 0.005) which indicated there was difference in central nervous system disturbances of study group and control group. It is concluded that blood lead level in printing worker of Unipress Surabaya are normal. Though it can suggested to use gloves while working, increase hygiene and sanitation behavior, reducing smoking habit, as well as routine health check up to see the blood lead leve
Pelatihan pengukuran antropometri balita pada kader dalam rangka pencegahan dini stunting di Posyandu Mawar Paramytha Magdalena Sukarno Putri; Mika Vernicia Humairo; Nohan Arum Romadlona; Dian Puspitaningtyas; Adelia Marsha Zarreta; Lorenza Arinda Saputri; Gimida Nisahika; Reza Pahlevi
PROMOTIF: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 2, No 2 (2022): PROMOTIF: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (554.642 KB) | DOI: 10.17977/um075v2i22022p136-148


Pos pelayanan terpadu (Posyandu) merupakan kegiatan yang melibatkan masyarakat melalui pemberdayaan sebagai wujud pelayanan kesehatan dengan menggerakkan Kader. Salah satu kegiatan yang berjalan di Posyandu Mawar di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Polowijen adalah posyandu balita. Pada tahun 2021, tercatat 12 anak kategori stunting yang mana setelah dilakukan pengecekan ulang hanya ada 3 balita yang termasuk dalam kategori stunting. Sehingga perlu dilakukan upaya peningkatan pengetahuan dan keterampilan bagi kader dalam pengukuran antropometri agar tidak ada salah pengukuran dan pencatatan. Metode pelaksanaan menggunakan metode strategi perencanaan dan evaluasi program berdasarkan pada akar penyebab masalah. Hasil pengabdian kepada masyarakat diperoleh adanya peningkatan pengetahuan kader sebelum dan setelah melakukan pengukuran antropometri sebesar 11,0 menjadi 11,3.  Dari kegiatan ini diharapkan adanya pemantauan berkala dan berkelanjutan terkait pengukuran antropometri pada kader dengan dalam rangka penncegahan dini stunting pada balita.
Implementation Of Health Belief Models In Efforts To Prevent Covid-19 Muhammad Ali Sodik; Hera Aviyuni; Mika Vernicia Humairo
Journal of Global Research in Public Health Vol. 6 No. 2 (2021): December
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat IIK Strada Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (348.684 KB) | DOI: 10.30994/jgrph.v6i2.327


Background: WHO Designated COVID-19 as a health problem with a global emergency status with the highest level of alertness. Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that cause disease in humans and animals. At the start of the pandemic The total number of COVID-19 cases in Indonesia was 248,852 confirmed. Therefore, the number infected with COVID-19 will continue to grow. Aim: Adherence to preventive health standards and behaviors in the community is very important to better control disease and be able to know preventive health behaviors from COVID-19 based on the Health Belief Model component in the community. Method: This research design uses observational analytic with cross sectional approach. The study was conducted online due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Respondents were collected by accidental sampling by distributing questionnaires in the Kediri community. Multivariariate analysis using the Ordinal Regression Test. Result: This research found that there is an effort of COVID-19 prevention with the Perceived Saverity value =0,00, the Perceived Benefits value =0,004 and the Cues To Action value = 0,000 where as those that have no effect in efforts to prevent COVID-19 are the Perceived Susceptibility value = 0,268, the Perceived Barries value =0,606 and the perception of Self Efficacy value = 0.0684. Conclusion: Can concluded that there an effect of the theory health belief model on efforts to prevent COVID-19. From the results, there are 3 components that influence, Perceived Saverity, Perceived Benefits,Cues To Action. Meanwhile there are 3 components have no effect, Perceived Susceptibility,Perceived Barries, Self Efficacy
Evaluation Of The Use Of SIMRS In Medical Record Using The PIC Method In The Simpang Lima Gumul Regional Hospital, Kediri Eriskha Ayu Wardani; Mika Vernicia Humairo
Indonesian Journal of Nutritional Epidemiology and Reproductive Vol. 5 No. 1 (2022): January
Publisher : IIK Strada Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (247.129 KB) | DOI: 10.30994/ijner.v5i1.287


Hospital management information system or commonly called SIMRS is a form of application of information technology that serves to improve health service efforts in hospitals. The purpose of this study was to explore the evaluation of the use of SIMRS in the medical record section with the PIC method at SLG Kediri Hospital. The design of this study is a qualitative research with a phenomenological approach with the focus of the research directed at exploring the evaluation of the use of SIMRS in the medical record section with the PIC method at the SLG Kediri Hospital by triangulation. In addition, with a qualitative approach, it is hoped that the situation and problems encountered in these activities can be disclosed. The current performance of the hospital management information system is quite good, but the output produced is not in accordance with the wishes of the officers who use it. The information produced by the hospital management information system is not yet accurate and needs to be evaluated so that it has high accuracy and the resulting data is of high quality. In addition, there is a need for bridging so that the resulting data can be valid. The control aspect is quite good because there are data backups and authorization for SIMRS which not everyone can have an account to access. It is hoped that there will be confirmation in the form of regular monitoring for officers in completing patient data so that the information needed is appropriate and also the addition of computers so that services using SIMRS can be maximized and can minimize paper costs
Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Digital Berbasis Masalah Kesehatan Lingkungan pada Matakuliah Praktikum Pengendalian Vektor dan Rodent dengan Memanfaatkan Sistem Pengelolaan Pembelajaran (SIPEJAR) Muhammad Al-Irsyad; Mika Vernicia Humairo; Aditya Yudha Pratama; Erica Ardhana Fathimah Azzahra; Naufal Faizul Rafi; Febrianty Quratul Aini; Hani Constantia; Rosiana Fadilatul Aini
Publisher : Pusat Publikasi Ilmiah, STKIP Taman Siswa Bima

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37630/jpm.v13i4.1264


Keterbatasan bahan ajar yang diintegrasikan dengan SIPEJAR sebagai Learning Management System (LMS) pada matakuliah Praktikum Pengendalian Vektor dan Rodent di Departemen Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat, Fakultas, Universitas Negeri Malang dinilai masih kurang menunjang perkuliahan praktikum selama ini yang hanya digunakan sebagai pengumpulan laporan praktikum dan pelaksanaan ujian. Keterbatasan tersebut dinilai belum secara optimal menunjang proses pembelajaran mahasiswa dan kurang mempresentasikan digitalisasi serta kemajuan teknologi informasi saat ini. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan bahan ajar digital yang berbasis pada masalah kesehatan lingkungan dengan memanfaatkan SIPEJAR berupa e-modul, video penjelasan, motion grafis, infografis, audio, assessment tools serta slide presentasi. Penelitian ini diharapkan menghasilkan bahan ajar digital yang diintegrasikan di SIPEJAR untuk memudahkan dan meningkatkan hasil belajar mahasiswa pada mata kuliah Praktikum Pengendalian Vektor dan Rodent. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian (Research and Development). Teknik analisis data menggunakan presentase kelayakan bahan ajar dilihat dari validitas yang dilakukan oleh ahli media dan pembelajaran. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bahan ajar dikategorikan “sangat layak dan baik” berdasarkan presentase penilaian ahli media sebesar 80,3% (layak dan baik) dan penilaian ahli pembelajaran sebesar 82,1% (sangat layak dan baik).