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Journal of Saintech Transfer Vol. 2 No. 2 (2019): Publication in Press
Publisher : Talenta Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (453.088 KB) | DOI: 10.32734/jst.v2i2.2738


PKM Program in Kajanglako Farming Group, Pudak Village in Kumpeh Ulu District is not only to produce farmers with independent character and entrepreneur spirit, but also to enable them in saving the environment as well as to increase their income. It has been known that beef cattle?s farming business system always been conducted in a traditional way without any kind of technology creation in waste utilization either in solid or liquid waste. Likewise, the farming business of food crops such as sweet corn (Zea Mays L. Saccarata) or the rice plant always been depending toward the subsidiary fertilizer which the availability of the product is not continuous, the cost has been increasing and affecting the production cost spent by the farmers. By the factors mentioned, it is affecting the business productivity carried by the farmers will not be optimum, greenhouse gases emission like N2O, CH4 dan CO2 are also increasing due to accumulation of beef cattle's solid and liquid waste and intensive use of chemical fertilizers. Therefore, there is a need to implement eco techno  farming system to increase the income and to reduce the greenhouse gases (GHG). Methods that has been used in this system implementation conducted in several activities, like (1) processed beef cattle?s solid and liquid waste into many formulas by adding various waste such as banana stem waste, forage feed leftover, and paddy straw (2) processed beef cattle?s liquid waste into liquid organic fertilizer and Biourine Empon-Empon Extract (3) processed food crop waste into Molasses Probiotic Silage which could be used as a supplement feed for cattle. All of these activities were carried out through outreach and direct application in the field. Various processed waste products such as solid waste and liquid waste beef cattle and crop waste could reduce production costs, and could be a business opportunity to increase revenue and reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHG).
Produksi susu sapi potong laktasi dengan teknologi Tabut E Sulistyowati; U Santoso; S Mujiharjo; S A Abutani
Media Peternakan Vol. 24 No. 2 (2001): Media Peternakan (Supplement Edition: Animal Production)
Publisher : Faculty of Animal Science, Bogor Agricultural University

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Produksi susu sapi potong laktasi dengan teknologi Tabut
Respon Pemberian “Blok Suplemen” Berbasis Bahan Lokal Terhadap Pertambahan Bobot Sapi Bali Sri Arnita Abutani; Syafrida Rahim; Noverma Noverma
Jurnal Sain Peternakan Indonesia Vol 5, No 1 (2010)
Publisher : Universitas Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31186/


ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat respon pemberian blok suplemen berbasis bahan local terhadap pertambahan bobot badan sapi Bali. Untuk itu dilakukan penelitian dengan menggunakan 3 ekor sapi Balijantan umur 1-1.5 tahun. Rancangan yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Bujur Sangkar Latin dengan 3 perlakuan dan 3 priode . Perlakuan yang diberikan hádala Ro (hijauan ad limitum ) yang akan dijadikan sebagai control, R1 ( hijauan ad libitum + Lam Blok), dan R2 ( hijauan ad limitum + SAM Blok ). Peubah yang diamati konsumsi bahan kering ransum, pertambahan bobot badan dan efisiensi penggunaan ransum. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa pemberian blok suplemen berupa LAM Blok dan SAM Blok dapat meningkatkan bobot badan, dan efisiensi penggunaan ransum tetapi tidak meningkatkan konsumsi ransum.Kata Kunci.; Blok Suplemen , Lumpur sawit dan Serat Sawit
Respon Pemberian “Blok Suplemen” Berbasis Bahan Lokal Terhadap Pertambahan Bobot Sapi Bali Sri Arnita Abutani; Syafrida Rahim; Noverma Noverma
Jurnal Sain Peternakan Indonesia Vol 5, No 1 (2010)
Publisher : Universitas Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31186/


ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat respon pemberian blok suplemen berbasis bahan local terhadap pertambahan bobot badan sapi Bali. Untuk itu dilakukan penelitian dengan menggunakan 3 ekor sapi Balijantan umur 1-1.5 tahun. Rancangan yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Bujur Sangkar Latin dengan 3 perlakuan dan 3 priode . Perlakuan yang diberikan hádala Ro (hijauan ad limitum ) yang akan dijadikan sebagai control, R1 ( hijauan ad libitum + Lam Blok), dan R2 ( hijauan ad limitum + SAM Blok ). Peubah yang diamati konsumsi bahan kering ransum, pertambahan bobot badan dan efisiensi penggunaan ransum. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa pemberian blok suplemen berupa LAM Blok dan SAM Blok dapat meningkatkan bobot badan, dan efisiensi penggunaan ransum tetapi tidak meningkatkan konsumsi ransum.Kata Kunci.; Blok Suplemen , Lumpur sawit dan Serat Sawit
Butternut Squash (Curcubita moschata) House Development through the Implementation of the Eco-Techno Farming System as a Solution to Increase Family Income During Covid 19 Pandemic in Pudak Village Kumpeh Ulu District Muaro Jambi Regency Sri Arnita Abu Tani
Journal of Saintech Transfer Vol. 5 No. 1 (2022): Journal of Saintech Transfer
Publisher : Talenta Publisher Universitas Sumatera Utara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32734/jst.v5i1.8096


The Covid-19 pandemic has greatly affected people's lives, especially women farmer from the Sibermas Mandiri Women's Farmer Group, Pudak Village, Kumpeh Ulu District, Muarojambi Regency. This pandemic has resulted in a decline in household income. Therefore, it is necessary to find a solution to increase their household income through the cultivation of Butternut Squash (Curcubita moschata) which currently has a large enough opportunity and market potential to become a business. In an effort to achieve this target, the Butternut Squash cultivation innovation can be implemented through the "Learning by Doing" model, which is a cultivation implementation model that is directly carried out by the Women Farmers group on the land. The result of these activities show that the average butternut squash production reaches ± 150 kg. With the selling price of butternut squash Rp.8.000/kg, the average omzet obtained is ± Rp. 1.200.000,-. It shows that the cultivation of butternut squash can increase household income and encourage the women farmer group to continue the cultivation of butternut squash independently.
Diversifikasi Olahan Susu Segar Menjadi Produk Ice Cream Dengan Berbagai Cita Rasa Buah Zulva Elymaizar; Sri Arnita Abu Tani
Jurnal Karya Abdi Masyarakat Vol. 4 No. 1 (2020): Volume 4, Nomor 1, Juni 2020
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (260.87 KB) | DOI: 10.22437/jkam.v4i1.9836


Tujuan dari program ini adalah untuk menciptakan kemandirian ibu-ibu perdesaan agar berinovasi dan berkreativitas dalam melakukan usahanya, sehingga dapat dihasilkan berbagai produk untuk dapat dipasarkan, sehingga dapat menambah pendapatan rumah tangga. Untuk mencapai hal ini, maka perlu dilakukan transfer teknologi kepada ibu-ibu perdesaan melalui pembuatan es krim melalui pengolahan susu segar menjadi produk ice cream dengan menambah jamur tiran dan buah-buahan sebagai penambah cita rasa. Metode yang dilakukan dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan ini antara lain: (1) Sosialisasi tentang cara pengolahan susu segar beserta manfaatnya sebagai minum sehat, (2) action langsung kepada ibu-ibu tentang cara membuat es krim dengan menafaatkan jamur tiram dan berbagai buah-buahan sebagai penambah cita rasa, (3) memberikan teknik pemasaran dengan melatih cara pengemasan produk dan berbagai strategi pemasaran, dan (4) melatih ibu-ibu dalam melakukan analisa usaha agar mengetahui cara menentukan harga saat dipasarkan. Dari kegiatan ini terlihat inovasi dari ibu-ibu perdesaan (KWT Sibermas Mandiri) cukup tinggi ini dilihat dari kemauan untuk melanjutkan kegiatan dengan mulai memasarkan produk es krim yang telah diproduksi.
The Effect of Using Secang (Caesalpinia secang Linn) Infusion on the Organoleptic Quality of Chicken Sausage Ani Way Ratna; Metha Monica; Sri Arnita Abu Tani
Jurnal Sain Peternakan Indonesia Vol 17 No 4 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31186/


This study aims to determine the effect of using Secang infusion (Caesalpinia secang Linn) on the organoleptic quality of chicken sausages and determine the optimal level of adding Secang infusion on the organoleptic quality of chicken sausages. This research was carried out in 30 days at the Laboratory of the Faculty of Animal Husbandry, University of Jambi. This study used a randomized block design (RBD) which consisted of 4 treatments and 30 replications (panelists). The concentration of Secang infusion used was 0%, 5%, 10%, and 15%. The variables observed in this study were the value of organoleptic quality, which included color, aroma, taste, texture, and elasticity. The data obtained were analyzed by analysis of variance (ANOVA). If it had a significant effect, it continued with Duncan's test. The results showed that the use of Secang infusion on chicken sausage had a very significant effect (P<0.01) on color but had no effect (P>0.05) on aroma, taste, texture, and elasticity. The higher the concentration of  Secang infusion, the more preferred the sausage color will be. It can be concluded that the processing of chicken sausage with the addition of Secang infusion at 10% and 15% level produced the preferred color of the panelist's preference level compared to the 0% and 5% levels. Still, the addition of Secang in the processing of chicken sausage did not make a difference to the level of preference for aroma, taste, texture, and suppleness.
Silkworm (Tubifer sp) Business Development Through a Combination Model of Flowing Water Circulation and Vegetables Asyar Rayandra; Endri Musnandar; Sri Arnita Abu Tani
Journal of Saintech Transfer Vol. 5 No. 2 (2022): Journal of Saintech Transfer
Publisher : Talenta Publisher Universitas Sumatera Utara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32734/jst.v5i2.10374


Single Parent women in Pudak Village high, namely around 200 people.Being a Single Parent Woman is of course required to be independent so that they can make their children successful and have a better life. One solution that can be done is to empower single parent women to become strong women so they can prosper in their families, through cultivation activities for the development of silkworm (Tubifer sp) cultivation as freshwater fish seed feed, because currently there are quite large marketing opportunities, and there are still unable to meet market demand. To achieve the objective of the activity, technology transfer was carried out, through the implementation of the silkworm cultivation model using a running water system with vegetable feed ingredients such as carrots, mustard greens, tomatoes, and carrots which are market waste that is no longer utilized. The form of technology transfer that is applied through the Learning by doing model. The results obtained show that single-parent women can cultivate silkwormsand understand the use of market waste in the form of waste vegetables (mustard), and fruits (tomatoes, papayas, oranges, banana peels).
Aplikasi Kombinasi Pupuk Anorganik Dan Trichokompos Terhadap Produktifitas Dan Limbah Jagung Manis (Zea mays L. Saccharata) Hermansyah Hermansyah; Sri Arnita Abu Tani; Endri Musnandar
Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu-Ilmu Peternakan Vol. 25 No. 2 (2022): November 2022
Publisher : Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (304.48 KB) | DOI: 10.22437/jiiip.v25i2.20285


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian berbagai level pupuk anorganik dan trichokompos berbasis feses sapi potong dan limbah jerami padi (FJP) terhadap produksi dan limbah jagung manis (Zea mays L.Sacchrata). Penelitian ini menggunakan lahan ± 0,07 Ha, benih jagung manis varietas Bonanza F1 sebanyak 2450 biji, FJP sebanyak 151,51 kg dan pupuk anorganik yang terdiri dari Urea 14,2 kg, SP-36 9,46 kg dan KCL 4,73 kg. Rancangan yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK), 7 perlakuan 5 kelompok. Perlakuan yang diberikan antara lain: P0 (0 N-P-K + 0 Organik), P1 (1N-P-K), P2 (¾ N-P-K ), P3 (¾ N-P-K+½ Organik), P4 (¾ N-P-K+1 Organik), P5 (¾ N-P-K+1 ½ Organik) dan P6 (1 N-P-K+1 Organik). Peubah yang diamati daya tumbuh (%), bobot jagung berklobot (g), produksi jagung manis (ton/ha) dan limbah jagung manis (ton/ha). Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan analisis sidik ragam. Jika berpengaruh nyata (P<0,05) dilanjutkan dengan uji jarak Duncan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penambahan pupuk (Trichokompos FJP) berpengaruh nyata (P<0,05) terhadap daya tumbuh, bobot tongkol, produksi dan limbah jagung, lebih lanjut terlihat bahwa penambahan Trichokompos (FJP) pada P4menunjukkan hasil yang terbaik dibandingkan P0, P1, P2, P3, P4 dan P6. Hasil terbaik dicapai pada P5 yaitu aplikasi ¾ NPK (Urea, SP-36 dan KCL) + 1 ½ organik dengan hasil daya tumbuh 87,20 (%), bobot tongkol 580,96 (g), produksi jagung manis 15,34 (ton/ha), produksi limbah jagung manis 13,15 (ton/ha). Berdasarkan hasil ini dapat disimpulkan(1) Penambahan pupuk organik (Trichokompos FJP) yang dikombinasikan dengan pupuk anorganik mampu meningkatkan daya tumbuh, bobot tongkol, produksi jagung dan limbah jagung manis. (2) Pemanfaatan pupuk organik (Trichokompos FJP) dengan pemberian ¾ pupuk anorganik+ 1½ organik menunjukkan hasil yang optimal dibandingkan pola aplikasi yang lainnya