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Pengembangan Modul Berbasis Kearifan Lokal Sumatera Selatan Pembelajaran Tematik Subtema Pekerjaan Orang Tuaku Herlina, Meilisyah; Faisal; Tastin, Tastin; Syarifuddin, Ahmad
IBTIDA' Vol. 4 No. 02 (2023): IBTIDA' NOVEMBER 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37850/ibtida'.v4i02.567


This research aims to find out the process of developing modules based on local wisdom and producing modules based on local wisdom on valid material for theme 4, various jobs, subtheme 3, my parents' jobs, class IV, SD Negeri 09 Kisam Tinggi, South OKU Regency. This type of research is research (R&D) with a model developed by Borg and Gall, with the ADDIE approach method. This research data collection technique uses questionnaires and observation. The results of this research are: the results of the research process in development using processes namely product creation, product validation, revision, and field trials, the validity level of module development is 87%, validation from language experts is 82% and validation from material experts is 82%, thus development is included in the valid category, the level of validity of learning media is 87%, thus development is included in the valid category.
Pelatihan Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Menggunakan Aplikasi Canva di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Handayani, Tutut; Syarifudin, Ahmad; Tastin, Tastin; Nurlaili, Nurlaili; Bujur, Dian Andesta; Al-Ihwana, Al-Ihwana; Wahyudi, Khoiri; Saputra, Agra Dwi
TAAWUN Vol. 3 No. 01 (2023): TA'AWUN FEBRUARY 2023
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah Al-Fattah Siman Lamongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37850/taawun.v3i01.377


In the era of globalization, we are faced with erratic changes, like fishermen on the "high seas" who can mislead if they do not have a "compass" as a guide and act to sail it. This has resulted in a non-linear relationship between education and employment. Canva learning, at this stage, observations or observations will be carried out in the field regarding the obstacles experienced by the teacher when carrying out learning in class, especially when teaching the topic of procedure text material. Because what happens in the workforce is difficult for the world of education to follow, this activity method is carried out in community service activities for the Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Teacher Education Study Program (PGMI). They are namely conducting workshops on making learning media to support teaching and learning activities using the Canva application, which is carried out online. Offline at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah, the results of the activities can be concluded, and the teacher understands the development of using the Canva application. The results show that using digital-based media has never been done with several contributing factors—learning trends in the 21st-century demand learning resources that are unlimited in number. As the initial foundation for students to understand knowledge and technology, elementary schools need to instill the importance of using media in both the 2013 curriculum and the Merdeka Learning curriculum, whose aim is to increase interest and results. Learning of students at the Madrasah Ibtidaiyah level.
Layanan Home Visit Pada Era New Normal di Sekolah Dasar Rustariani, Erli; Tastin, Tastin; Syarifuddin, Ahmad
Limas PGMI Vol 4 No 2 (2023): Limas Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Fatah Palembang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19109/limas_pgmi.v4i2.21254


The objectives of this research are: 1) Describe the planning of home visit services in the new normal era in elementary schools, 2) Describe the implementation of home visits in the new normal era in elementary schools, 3) describe the evaluation of home visit services in the new normal era in elementary schools. This research uses qualitative research methods with phenomological research type. The data collection techniques used were interviews, observation and documentation. The data analysis technique uses source, method and time triangulation techniques. The results of this research show that 1) the learning process used by West Kikim 3 Elementary School in the new normal era uses a home visit service. 2) The planning stage for home visit services in elementary schools includes planning where at this stage the teacher divides groups based on the nearest place of residence, makes a visit schedule, contacts the students' parents to inform them that the home visit service will be implemented and creates a WhatsApp group. 3) Implementation Stage, namely the teacher visits the study group home according to a predetermined schedule. 4) The evaluation stage, seen from the process, can be seen through the attitude and enthusiasm of the students and seen from the results, it can be assessed whether the home visit service has an effect on the students or not. 5) The obstacles experienced during the learning process using the home visit service were that there were several parents of students who suddenly changed the meeting schedule, limited teaching aids and vehicle access to the students' homes.
Analisis Implementasi Nilai Pendidikan Multikultural Dalam Pembelajaran Tematik Tema 7 Indahnya Keragaman di SD Negeri Palembang Nurlaeli, Nurlaeli; Kurnia, Puput; Tastin, Tastin; Syarifuddin, Ahmad
BADA'A: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Dasar Vol. 4 No. 2 (2022)
Publisher : Fakultas Tarbiah Institut Agama Islam (IAI) Hamzanwadi Pancor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37216/badaa.v4i2.810


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui implementasi nilai pendidikan multikultural dalam pembelajaran tematik tema 7 serta untuk mengetahui faktor pendukung dan faktor penghambat implementasi nilai pendidikan multikultural dalam pembelajaran tematik tema 7. Metode penelitian yang digunakan ialah kualitatif studi kasus. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini berasal dari peserta didik, pendidik.Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi dengan komponen teknik analisis data reduksi data, penyajian data dan kesimpulan. Uji keabsahan data yang digunakan ialah triangulasi sumber, triangulasi data dengan waktu penelitian di pagi hari. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwasannya di dalam pembelajaran tematik tema 7 sub tema 1 “keragaman Suku Bangsa dan agama di Negeriku” 1). Belajar mengenai keragaman suku bangsa yang ada di Indonesia 2). Bermain peran dan menyanyikan lagu daerah serta menghafalkan lagu “Satu Nusa Satu Bangsa”, 3). Mengenalkan ragam bahasa daerah di Indonesia 4). Mengenalkan keragaman agama yang ada di Indonesia, 5). Kunjunngan ke Museum Balaputra Dewa. Faktor pendukungnya ialah letak sekolah yang strategis yang mana sekolah dekat dengan masjid dan vihara serta peserta didik yang berasal dari suku bangsa yang berbeda- beda, kondisi kelas yang nyaman. Faktor penghambat di sekolah tidak terdapat tempat untuk beribadah, di pembelajaran yang masih sebagian daring masih terdapat tiga peserta didik yang tidak memiliki handphone sehingga mengharuskan ketiga peserta didik itu datang ke sekolah untuk belajar secara langsung dengan pendidik, masih terdapat beberapa peserta didik yang kurang mampu menanamkan nilai keadilan dan toleransi
Strategi Guru Dalam Mengajar Membaca Permulaan Berbantuan Media Gambar Bagi Siswa Kelas I Sekolah Dasar di Sirah Pulau Padang syarifuddin, ahmad; Cantika, Wini; Faisal, Faisal; Tastin, Tastin
BADA'A: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Dasar Vol. 5 No. 1 (2023)
Publisher : Fakultas Tarbiah Institut Agama Islam (IAI) Hamzanwadi Pancor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37216/badaa.v5i1.968


penelitian strategi guru dalam mengajar membaca permulaan bertujuan mengetahui strategi pembelajaran yang digunakan, hasil serta faktor pendukung dan penghambat dalam pelaksanaanya jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah jenis penelitian kualitatif dengan medote deskriptif, alat pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi, analisis data menggunakan model miles dan herman yaitu pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyanjiaan data dan menarik kesimpulan.Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahawa : (1) strategi pembelajaran eksopitori dengan metode pengenalan suku kata pada pembalajaran membaca permulaan berbantuan media gambar sudah bagus, guru melaksanakanya pembelajaran sesuai dengan Rencana Pelaksanaan Pemebalajaran yang dibuatnya (2) setelah penerapan strategi pembelajaran membaca permulaan, hasil membaca siswa kelas 1 sudah bagus 80% siswa yang lancar membaca dan 20% siswa yang dalam tahap pengejaan dalam (3) adapun yang menjadi factor pendukung dan penghambatnya baik Spserti media gambar,semangat belajar anak, guru yang kreatif ini menjadi fkator pendukung dan yang menjadi.factor penghambat dalam penerapan strategi pembelajaran membaca permulaan ini yaitu alokasi waktu dan siswa yang pasif atau kurang aktif.
Al-Bidayah : Jurnal Pendidikan Dasar Islam Vol. 15 No. 1 (2023): Al-Bidayah : jurnal pendidikan dasar Islam
Publisher : UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/albidayah.v15i1.1031


This research aimed to evaluate the implementation of the School Literacy Movement (SLM) program, identifying the supporting and hindering factors to enhance the reading interest of students in some Elementary Schools (ES) such as ES of Yayasan IBA in Palembang, Elementary Schools of  01 Indralaya in Ogan Ilir Regency, and Elementary Schools of 3 Kayu Agung in Ogan Komering Ilir Regency. The analysis used a qualitative method with a descriptive and multi-site approach using interview guidelines, questionnaires, and observation sheets as instruments. The results showed that the implementation of the SLM program in ES of 01 Indralaya and ES of 3 Kayu Agung, effectively fostered the reading interest of fourth-grade students according to the indicators published by the Ministry of Education and Culture, including the stages of habituation, development, and learning. The supporting factors of the program that were identified included Libraries, Reading Corners, Bulletin Boards, Reading Gardens and School Literacy Carts, Identity Boards Literacy Trees, Media Utilization, School Gardens, Public Engagement, SLM Team, School Gardens, Training and Study Tours, Reading Materials, and Reading Campaign Posters. Furthermore, the hindering factors were reluctance to study, a lack of reading habits, inability to read proficiently, and insufficient support for library management by qualified librarians.