Tri Yuliana Wijayanti, Tri Yuliana
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Profetika Vol. 17, No. 1, Juni 2016
Publisher : Muhammadiyah University Press

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This research aims to identify and explain matters related to academic problems,namely: first, understand the formulation of religious freedom in the Islamic religion and religiousfreedom in the formulation of the Christian religion. Second, understand the differenceand points alignment of religious freedom contained in Islam and Christianity. This study wasa qualitative research with religious knowledge as the scope of its research and literature as aplace of research (library research). The collected data is then presented descriptively by usingthe approach of sociology of religion. Sources of data in this study were classified into twogroups, namely primary data and secondary data. The data collected by using documentationand tested the validity of test data by applying confirmability (objectivity of research). Thecollected data were then analyzed with a comparative analysis and deductive models. Basedon the analysis, researchers concluded that Islam and Christianity have their own meaning ofreligious freedom. Freedom of religion in Islam and Christians when studied by the method ofcomparative religion, it will show the differences—on the basis of the law of religious freedom,the freedom of religion, and the norms of religious freedom—and side alignment in the sense—the freedom of each individual to embrace religion according to his individual—and embodiedthe goals of religious freedom is to realize the inter religious harmony.Keywords: freedom of religion; Islam; ChristianAbstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menjelaskan hal-hal yang terkaitdengan problem akademik, yaitu: pertama, memahami rumusan kebebasan beragama dalamagama Islam dan rumusan kebebasan beragama dalam agama Kristen. Kedua, memahami letakperbedaan dan poin kesejajaran kebebasan beragama yang terdapat dalam dalam Islam danKristen. Penelitian kualitatif ini dengan ilmu agama sebagai ruang lingkup penelitiannya dankepustakaan sebagai tempat penelitiannya (library research). Data yang didapat kemudiandisajikan secara diskriptif dengan menggunakan pendekatan ilmu sosiologi agama. Sumberdata dalam penelitian ini diklasifikasikan ke dalam dua golongan, yaitu data primer dan datasekunder. Data-data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan teknik dokumentasi dan diuji validitasdatanya dengan menerapkan uji confirmability (obyektivitas penelitian). Data dianalisisdengan komparatif dan deduktif. Kesimpulan, bahwa agama Islam dan Kristen memilikipemaknaan tersendiri tentang kebebasan beragama. Kebebasan beragama dalam Islam danKristen ketika dikaji dengan metode perbandingan agama, maka akan terlihat sisi perbedaan—yakni pada sisi dasar hukum kebebasan beragama, batas kebebasan beragama, dan norma kebebasanberagama—dan sisi-sisi kesejajaran yakni pada pengertian—kebebasan tiap individuuntuk memeluk agama sesuai dengan keyakinannya masing-masing—dan tujuan dari terwujudkankebebasan beragama yaitu mewujudkan kerukunan antar umat beragama.Kata Kunci: kebebasan beragama; agama Islam; agama Kristen
Profetika Jurnal Studi Islam Vol. 17, No. 1, Juni 2016
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/profetika.v17i01.2097


This research aims to identify and explain matters related to academic problems,namely: first, understand the formulation of religious freedom in the Islamic religion and religiousfreedom in the formulation of the Christian religion. Second, understand the differenceand points alignment of religious freedom contained in Islam and Christianity. This study wasa qualitative research with religious knowledge as the scope of its research and literature as aplace of research (library research). The collected data is then presented descriptively by usingthe approach of sociology of religion. Sources of data in this study were classified into twogroups, namely primary data and secondary data. The data collected by using documentationand tested the validity of test data by applying confirmability (objectivity of research). Thecollected data were then analyzed with a comparative analysis and deductive models. Basedon the analysis, researchers concluded that Islam and Christianity have their own meaning ofreligious freedom. Freedom of religion in Islam and Christians when studied by the method ofcomparative religion, it will show the differences—on the basis of the law of religious freedom,the freedom of religion, and the norms of religious freedom—and side alignment in the sense—the freedom of each individual to embrace religion according to his individual—and embodiedthe goals of religious freedom is to realize the inter religious harmony.Keywords: freedom of religion; Islam; ChristianAbstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menjelaskan hal-hal yang terkaitdengan problem akademik, yaitu: pertama, memahami rumusan kebebasan beragama dalamagama Islam dan rumusan kebebasan beragama dalam agama Kristen. Kedua, memahami letakperbedaan dan poin kesejajaran kebebasan beragama yang terdapat dalam dalam Islam danKristen. Penelitian kualitatif ini dengan ilmu agama sebagai ruang lingkup penelitiannya dankepustakaan sebagai tempat penelitiannya (library research). Data yang didapat kemudiandisajikan secara diskriptif dengan menggunakan pendekatan ilmu sosiologi agama. Sumberdata dalam penelitian ini diklasifikasikan ke dalam dua golongan, yaitu data primer dan datasekunder. Data-data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan teknik dokumentasi dan diuji validitasdatanya dengan menerapkan uji confirmability (obyektivitas penelitian). Data dianalisisdengan komparatif dan deduktif. Kesimpulan, bahwa agama Islam dan Kristen memilikipemaknaan tersendiri tentang kebebasan beragama. Kebebasan beragama dalam Islam danKristen ketika dikaji dengan metode perbandingan agama, maka akan terlihat sisi perbedaan—yakni pada sisi dasar hukum kebebasan beragama, batas kebebasan beragama, dan norma kebebasanberagama—dan sisi-sisi kesejajaran yakni pada pengertian—kebebasan tiap individuuntuk memeluk agama sesuai dengan keyakinannya masing-masing—dan tujuan dari terwujudkankebebasan beragama yaitu mewujudkan kerukunan antar umat beragama.Kata Kunci: kebebasan beragama; agama Islam; agama Kristen
Majalah Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Pemikiran Keagamaan Tajdid Vol 22, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Imam Bonjol Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15548/tajdid.v22i1.1084


Kebebasan beragama merupakan hak yang melekat pada diri setiap manusia sejak ia lahir. setiap manusia bebas memilih agama sesuai dengan apa yang ia yakini tanpa ada hambatan maupun paksaan oleh pihak manapun. Penelitian ini akan mengupas tentang norma-norma dalam perwujudan kebebasan beragama dalam pandangan agama Islam dan Kristen. Adapun agama Kristen yang dimaksud dalam tulisan ini adalah agama Katolik dan Protestan. Religious freedom is a right inherent in every human being since he was born. Every human being is free to choose religion according to what he believes without any obstacles or coercion by any party. This research will explore the norms in the realization of religious freedom in the view of Islam and Christianity. The Christian religion referred to in this paper is Catholic and Protestan.
Suhuf Vol 32, No 1 (2020): MEI
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

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Dalam konteks budaya, Islam bukanlah agama yang hanya mencakup sistem credo (kepercayaan) dan ritus (ibadah) saja, melainkan juga menyangkut masalah kebuadayaan. Ketika Islam bertemu dengan budaya dimana Islam didakwahkan, maka kebudayaan Islam baru akan terbentuk dari hasil akulturasi antara budaya lokal dengan nilai-nilai Islam. Hal ini terjadi pula pada diantara etnis Tionghoa yang memeluk agama Islam. Muslim Tionghoa tetap melaksanakan perayaan imlek meski mereka telah memeluk agama Islam. Dengan demikian mereka tidak harus kehilangan identitas etnisnya, meski mereka telah memeluk agama Islam. Studi ini menarik ketika melihat adanya adaptasi budaya imlek dengan nilai-nilai Islam, terutama adanya simbol-simbol yang ada pada perayaan imlek dan dipandang dari sisi ajaran al-Quran dan Muslim Tionghoa.
JURNAL AL-AQIDAH Vol 11, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Imam Bonjol Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (608.015 KB) | DOI: 10.15548/ja.v11i1.908


Every human being is free to choose a religion according to his religious experience and in accordance with his personal beliefs. Freedom of religion also includes the situation conducive for people to choose religion (according to his) and to his religion without restriction and coercion from any party. The challenges of today's religious life in contrast to the issue of religious freedom and the fact of religious plurality. Religious pluralism urged all religions to think practically how to get along with other religious and theological interpret the meaning of the presence of religion and belief.
RESPON AL-QURAN TERHADAP KARAKTER ORANG FASIK Hafizullah, Hafizullah; Wijayanti, Tri yuliana; Juliarti, Rosiska
Majalah Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Pemikiran Keagamaan Tajdid Vol 23, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Imam Bonjol Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15548/tajdid.v23i1.1691


This research is based on the fact that many people who know the science of religion and claim to believe in Allah SWT and His Messenger, but not a few of them violate the rules of Allah SWT and commit ungodliness. The objectives of this study are: (1) to describe and analyze the character of the wicked according to the Koran, and (2) to explain and analyze how to deal with / overcome them. This type of research is library research (library research). The analytical method used in this study is the thematic interpretation method or Maudhu’i. The data collection technique that I use is to use al-Mu'jam al-Mufahras li Alfazh Alquran al-Karim. Data processing is done by classifying verses about the wicked, then processed and explored their interpretation by referring to the existing commentaries, and explain through effective sentences. The results of this study are that there are seven characteristics of the wicked, namely: 1) a person who is misled by God Almighty, 2) reneges on the verses of Allah, 3) turns away after promising to Allah, 4) the heinous and evil people, 5 ) their hearts are hard, 6) making up lies, 7) forgetting Allah Almighty. While there are three ways to deal with the wicked, namely: first examine the news brought by the wicked, and not receive a testimony from the wicked, and do not ask for forgiveness for the wicked.