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Anyelir Waste Bank Program at Medan City on the Aplication in Circular Economy Techniques Restu Auliani; Agnes Aldani Situmorang; Risnawati Tanjung; Mustar Rusli
SITEKIN: Jurnal Sains, Teknologi dan Industri Vol 20, No 2 (2023): June 2023
Publisher : Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24014/sitekin.v20i2.21817


The circular economy approach has begun to be applied as a model for waste management in Indonesia. This approach is expected to improve environmental quality and increase economic value. The Anyelir Medan waste bank has implemented the application of circular economics in waste management with the concept of saving waste to gold. This study aims to analyze the operational activities of the carnation waste bank in realizing the circular economic model of waste management. The research method is descriptive research with observational research design. Data is processed using mass balance analysis. Through the Anyelir waste bank, savings can be collected into gold savings under the guidance of PT Pegadaian Persero. Waste managed at the Anyelir waste bank is 1640.94 kg per month with an average of 828.42 kg (50.48%) of plastic waste, 704.58 kg of paper (42.94%) and 107.92 metals (6.58%) . The results of the mass balance analysis show that the total reduction efficiency is 97.2% of the total waste that goes into bank waste. As much as 1450.97 kg (88.42%) of the waste was sold to recycling factories, 41 kg (2.5%) were used as recycled crafts and 103 kg (6.28%) were stored in stock. The rest goes to TPA as much as 45.95 kg (2.8%). The Anyelir waste bank does not only focus on economic value, but also tries to increase awareness of the environment, through education to improve the social life of the community and strengthen the economic pillars. The circular economy movement carried out by the Anyelir waste bank has produced processed waste into compost, recycled creations and raw materials for paper and plastic factories.
Peran Perencanaan Kota Berkelanjutan dalam Mengatasi Krisis Air Perkotaan: Integrasi Infrastruktur Hijau, Teknologi Pemantauan, dan Kebijakan Publik Ramdan Yusuf; Restu Auliani; Syamsu Rijal
Jurnal Multidisiplin West Science Vol 2 No 09 (2023): Jurnal Multidisiplin West Science
Publisher : Westscience Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58812/jmws.v2i09.628


Krisis air perkotaan merupakan masalah yang semakin mengkhawatirkan di Kota Bandung, Indonesia, seiring dengan pesatnya urbanisasi dan pertumbuhan penduduk yang membebani sumber daya dan infrastruktur air yang ada. Penelitian ini mengeksplorasi peran penting perencanaan kota yang berkelanjutan dalam memitigasi krisis air perkotaan dan mengusulkan pendekatan terpadu yang melibatkan infrastruktur hijau, teknologi pemantauan, dan kebijakan publik. Data survei dari berbagai kelompok penduduk Kota Bandung menunjukkan tingkat kesadaran yang cukup tinggi tentang isu-isu pengelolaan air perkotaan (skor kesadaran rata-rata: 3,8) dan kesepakatan yang kuat tentang pentingnya praktik-praktik air yang berkelanjutan (skor sikap rata-rata: 4,2). Temuan ini memberikan landasan untuk meningkatkan strategi pengelolaan air perkotaan. Kota Bandung dapat memanfaatkan sikap positif warganya dan menargetkan kampanye kesadaran untuk menumbuhkan masyarakat yang lebih sadar air. Selain itu, sangat penting bagi para pembuat kebijakan untuk mengintegrasikan infrastruktur hijau dan teknologi pemantauan ke dalam proses perencanaan kota, selaras dengan kebijakan yang mendukung. Dengan menerapkan rekomendasi-rekomendasi tersebut, Kota Bandung dapat mengatasi krisis air perkotaan secara efektif, memastikan masa depan air yang berkelanjutan dan tangguh bagi para penghuninya.
Peran Kesehatan Lingkungan dalam Pencegahan Penyakit Menular pada Remaja di Jakarta: Integrasi Ilmu Lingkungan, Epidemiologi, dan Kebijakan Kesehatan Nelson Tanjung; Restu Auliani; Mustar Rusli; Ice Ratnalela Siregar; M. Taher
Jurnal Multidisiplin West Science Vol 2 No 09 (2023): Jurnal Multidisiplin West Science
Publisher : Westscience Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58812/jmws.v2i09.629


Penyakit menular terus menjadi tantangan kesehatan global yang berat, dengan remaja sebagai segmen populasi yang sangat rentan. Penelitian ini menyelidiki interaksi yang rumit antara kesehatan lingkungan, epidemiologi, dan kebijakan kesehatan dalam konteks pencegahan penyakit menular di kalangan remaja di Jakarta, Indonesia. Dengan pendekatan penelitian metode campuran, yang menggabungkan survei kuantitatif dan wawancara kualitatif, penelitian ini menyelidiki berbagai dinamika yang membentuk lanskap kesehatan remaja di Jakarta. Temuan ini menggarisbawahi peran penting faktor lingkungan dalam penularan penyakit menular. Polusi udara, kurangnya akses terhadap air bersih, dan sanitasi yang buruk muncul sebagai faktor risiko lingkungan yang signifikan, yang mempengaruhi prevalensi penyakit. Analisis epidemiologi menunjukkan pola yang berbeda, dengan demam berdarah menjadi perhatian utama, terutama selama musim hujan. Kajian terhadap kebijakan kesehatan menunjukkan adanya tantangan dalam pelaksanaannya, yang disebabkan oleh keterbatasan sumber daya dan kesenjangan kesadaran. Studi ini mengadvokasi pendekatan terpadu yang mengakui keterkaitan antara ilmu lingkungan, epidemiologi, dan kebijakan kesehatan. Rekomendasi yang diberikan mencakup peningkatan perencanaan kota, peraturan kualitas udara, infrastruktur kesehatan yang lebih baik, dan pelibatan masyarakat untuk mengoptimalkan efektivitas kebijakan. Dengan mendorong kolaborasi interdisipliner dan penyesuaian kebijakan berbasis bukti, Jakarta dapat mengambil langkah substantif untuk melindungi kesehatan dan kesejahteraan populasi remaja dalam menghadapi penyakit menular. Temuan ini berkontribusi pada wacana yang lebih luas tentang intervensi kesehatan masyarakat yang komprehensif, yang menekankan pentingnya strategi holistik untuk mengatasi tantangan kesehatan yang rumit. Penelitian lebih lanjut dan tindakan kebijakan diperlukan untuk membangun wawasan ini dan meningkatkan hasil kesehatan remaja Jakarta.
The Relationship of Knowledge, Attitude, and Behavior With Housewives' Participation in the Diski Mandiri Deli Serdang Waste Bank Restu Auliani; Julietta Br Girsang; Desy Ari Apsari
Syntax Idea Vol 5 No 12 (2023): Syntax Idea
Publisher : Ridwan Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46799/syntax-idea.v5i12.2636


Community-based waste management innovation can be done through a waste bank which is the development of the 3R concept (reuse, reduce, recycle). Community participation, especially housewives, being customers of the waste bank is highly expected in supporting waste management towards a healthy, clean life while at the same time increasing economic value. This study aims to determine the relationship between knowledge, attitudes, and actions of housewives with participation in the waste bank. It is important to know and conduct an in-depth discussion so that the results obtained can be used as the basis for developing waste banks, as well as evaluating existing waste banks in the community. The type of research used is observational analytic with a case control research design with a sample size of 76 respondents (38 respondents are waste bank customers, and 38 respondents are non-waste bank customers). Data analysis using chi square test with 95% confidence level.. The results showed that there was a relationship between knowledge (p value 0.004) and the participation of housewives in the waste bank. There is a relationship between attitudes (p value 0.000) with the participation of housewives in the waste bank. There is an action relationship (p value 0.001) with the participation of housewives in the waste bank. Knowledge, attitudes and actions of waste bank customers are better than those of housewives who are not waste bank customers. Increased knowledge of attitudes and actions can be carried out in the form of socialization, counseling and community empowerment, as well as improving facilities and infrastructure in waste management can increase the participation of housewives in the waste bank. Waste banks are expected to have an impact on housewives in increasing economic value, while maintaining environmental sustainability and cleanliness.
Analysis of the Effect of Variations in Organic Waste Composition on Body Weight Growth of Black Soldier Fly Larvae (Hermetia Illucens) Restu Auliani; Desy Ari Apsari; Mustar Rusli
Indonesian Journal of Global Health Research Vol 6 No 5 (2024): Indonesian Journal of Global Health Research

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37287/ijghr.v6i5.3324


The increasing amount of organic waste requires special attention in its management. Efforts to conserve and manage organic waste in bioenergy are one of the current intensive efforts through the cultivation of BSF maggots. This study aims to see the effect of variations in waste composition on body weight growth in maggot growth, analyze fat, protein, and water content based on variations in waste composition decomposed by maggot, and determine the Waste Reduction Index (WRI). This research is a quasi-experiment with the pre-and-post Group Design method, using 5 variations of a waste composition consisting of catering waste, vegetable and fruit waste with washing or chopping treatment. The growth of magot larvae body weight was best in the variation of catering waste with slurry treatment, with the final weight of magot reaching 3025 grams from the initial weight of larvae weighing 50 grams. Proximate analysis was carried out on a maggot that was 21 days old, namely water content ranging from 60.73% to 65.42%, and fat content from 47.29% - 51.24%. The protein content is 19.11% - 42.76%. The results of one-way Anova analysis obtained Sig value. (0.000) < α then H0 is rejected, it can be concluded that the five variations of waste composition in maggot feed have a different average weight gain of maggot, and have different weight gain. The WRI value obtained is 2.4 - 2.99.