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Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Darul Falah

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Jurnal Al Burhan Vol 1 No 1 (2021)
Publisher : LPPM Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Darul Falah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (471.276 KB) | DOI: 10.58988/jab.v1i1.7


Sufism is one of the sciences that does not get attention among Muslim students, in it is the third element (Islam, Faith and Ihsan) which is very important in Islam, because Sufism is an elaboration of the value of "Ihsan". Judging from the perceptive needs and knowledge sufism remains important. In Islam, man consists of three elements, namely the body or body, reason and ruhani. So there are three types of human needs, namely the needs of bodies, the needs of reason and the needs of ruhani. The need for conscience is ?ikrullâh, and ?ikrullâh is the focus of sufism studies, so with Sufism man seeks to meet the needs of ruhaninya. Keyword: Tasawuf, Ihsân, Ruhani, ?ikrullâh
Jurnal Al Burhan Vol 1 No 2 (2021)
Publisher : LPPM Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Darul Falah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (637.061 KB) | DOI: 10.58988/jab.v1i2.43


ABSTRAK Tasawuf adalah jalan atau cara (??????) yang ditempuh oleh seseorang untuk mendekatkan diri pada Allah Swt., sedekat mungkin dengan membersihkan diri dari pelbagai dosa dan noda, juga membersihkan ruhani dari akhlak yang buruk, menghiasinya dengan akhlak yang terpuji, mengendalikan hawa nafsu, riyadah, berzikir, membaca tasbih dan mamperbanyak amaliah sunat lainnya. Dalam perkembangannya muncul nuansa pemahaman yang berbeda-beda. Sebab itu, muncul pelbagai jenis tasawuf, yaitu “Tasawuf Sunni”, “Tasawuf Falsafi”, “Tasawuf Amali ; Tarekat” dan “Tasawuf Salafi”. “Tasawuf Sunni” adalah Ilmu Tasawuf yang pengembangannya berdasarkan Alquran dan Hadis Nabi Saw. Diantara tokohnya adalah Imâm Junaidi al-Bagdâdi. Teori tasawuf nya diakui sebagai tasawuf yang beraliran Ahl al-Sunnah wa al-Jam’ah, yaitu (1) Konsistensi terhadap Alquran dan Hadis, (2) Konsistensi terhadap šariat, (3) Bersih dalam Aqidah, (4) Ajaran Tasawufnya moderat. Ajaran tasawufnya dirumuskan dalam bentuk personifikasi sufi sejati, yaitu “Dermawan dan Murah hati” seperti Nabi Ibrahim A.s. ; “Rida” seperti Nabi Isma’il A.s ; “Sabar” seperti Nabi Ya’qub A.s ; “Mampu berkomunikasi dengan isyarat” seperti Nabi Zakariyâ A.s ; “Uzlah” seperti Nabi Yahya A.s ; “Sederhana” ; “Pengembara” seperti Nabi Isâ A.s ; dan “Tawâdu” atau “Rendah Hati” seperti Nabi Muhammad Saw. Dan figur sufi sejati menurut Junaidi adalah sufi yang peri kehidupannya ibarat bumi, segala yang buruk dan menjijikan dilemparkan di atasnya, tapi bumi selalu mengeluarkan yang baik lagi indah bagi manusia. Kata Kunci : Tasawuf, Tasawuf Sunni, Tasawuf Ahl al-Sunnah wa al-Jamâ’ah, Personifikasi sufi sejati
Jurnal Al Burhan Vol 2 No 1 (2022)
Publisher : LPPM Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Darul Falah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (537.905 KB) | DOI: 10.58988/jab.v2i1.15


The teachings of Sufism are contradictory teachings until now because many say that it is the teachings of Sufism that push us towards jumud. This paper aims to describe the actual teachings of Sufism in the view of Imam Gazali. This study uses a konsep analisis method by reviewing and analyzing the sources of books, turats, and scientific journals on Sufism, which the researchers then provide an interpretation of the data that has been. This study concludes that there are three core teachings of Islam, namely Islam, Iman, and Ihsan. From "Islam" "Science of Fiqh" was developed (Islamic Law), from "Faith" was developed "Science of Kalam" or "Science of Tawheed", and from "Ihsan" was developed, "Science of Sufism" was born. Imam Gazali is an encyclopedic Sufism figure, in the sense that he mastered various kinds of knowledge, especially Fiqh (including politics), U?ul Fiqh, Kalam, and Philosophy (including logic), but it turns out that the sciences that he views are very important and can satisfy spiritually. that, it turns out to only produce confusion in the spiritual. Then he from all knowledge and all facilities and high honor began to study Sufism, and it turns out that in Sufism al-Gazali found spiritual satisfaction. The essence of al-Gazali's Sufism teachings is an effort without the main teachings of religion, namely Islam, Faith, and Ihsan in the sense of without the Science of Fiqh, Science of Kalam, and Science of Sufism, and the essence of these three statements is Muhâlafat al-Nafs (Controlling Lust). The strategy for al-Gazali in achieving worldly and hereafter happiness is Mu?âlafat al-Nafs. He wrote this thesis in the book Ihya 'Ul?m al-Din.