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Optimalisasi Self Efficacy Pasien Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) melalui Edukasi Pembatasan Cairan Akbar Asfar Akbar; sudarman; Wan Sulastri Emin; Brajakson Siokal; Wa Ode Sri Asnaniar; Yusrah Taqyiah; Fatma Jama; Suhermi; Samsualam
Window of Community Dedication Journal Vol. 3 No. 2 (Desember, 2022)
Publisher : Pusat Kajian dan Pengelola Jurnal FKM UMI

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Chronic kidney disease is a clinical condition characterized by a progressive and irreversible decline in kidney function, requiring appropriate renal replacement therapy in the form of kidney transplantation or dialysis. The prevalence of chronic kidney disease (CKD) is increasing, as is the case with chronic kidney failure patients undergoing hemodialysis therapy. Self-efficacy is a belief that determines how a person thinks, motivates himself and decides to perform a behavior to achieve the desired goal. Self efficacy affects the quality of life of CKD patients undergoing hemodialysis. Regulation of fluid intake is very important and can affect the increase in Interdialytic Waight Gain (IDWG). Weight gain is a major problem in patients undergoing hemodialysis therapy of more than 4 kg. During interviews with patients undergoing therapy, it turned out that there were still many who had not done fluid restriction as recommended. The method used in community service activities is by lectures/counseling, discussion and question and answer. The results of the dedication showed that the education participants listened well and understood the importance of fluid restriction in patients with CKD. The results of this activity increase the patient's understanding or self-efficacy based on the results of pre-test and post-test evaluations regarding fluid restriction. Keywords: Chronic Kidney Disease, Hemodialysis, Self Efficacy
Optimalisasi Self Care pada Penderita Hipertensi melalui Edukasi Latihan Relaksasi Otot Progresif Wa Ode Sri Asnaniar; Nur Wahyuni Munir; Akbar Asfar; Safruddin; Wan Sulastri Emin; Jabal Nur Djafar
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Saga Komunitas Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022): Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Saga Komunitas
Publisher : Sagamedia Indo Press

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Hypertension is one of the causes of premature death because it is associated with the risk of cardiovascular disease. Management of hypertensive patients can be in the form of self care management carried out by hypertensive patients. One of the non-pharmacological therapies that can be done independently by people with hypertension is progressive muscle relaxation. This community service activity aims to improve self-care for people with hypertension through progressive muscle relaxation training education. The methods of devotion are lectures, demonstrations, and using Leaflet media. From carrying out community service activities in the form of education to increase self-care management of hypertension by doing progressive muscle relaxation exercises, the knowledge and skills of the community are obtained after the provision of education increases. People become relaxed and comfortable after doing progressive muscle relaxation. Progressive muscle relaxation can be done independently anywhere and anytime by people with hypertension.
TERAPI RELAKSASI GENGGAM JARI UNTUK MENURUNKAN NYERI POST OPERASI Wa Ode Sri Asnaniar; Wan Sulastri Emin; Akbar Asfar; Samsualam Samsualam; Sudarman Sudarman; Yusrah Taqiyah; Novitri Cahyani Marinda; Muslimah Kurniawati; Tisna HS Sianu; Armelia Sri Diah Safitri
Martabe : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 6, No 8 (2023): Martabe : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Tapanuli Selatan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31604/jpm.v6i8.2816-2822


Rasa nyeri pasca operasi paling sering dialami oleh sebagian besar pasien yang menjalani prosedur pembedahan. Kontrol nyeri pasca operasi memainkan peran penting dalam memfasilitasi pemulihan pasien ke fungsi normal dan mengurangi kejadian efek fisiologis dan psikologis yang merugikan terkait dengan nyeri akut yang tidak terkontrol. Manajemen nyeri yang tidak ditangani dengan baik dapat meningkatkan risiko menjadi nyeri lanjut atau nyeri kronis. Penatalaksanaan nyeri meliputi dua metode yaitu secara farmakologis dan nonfarmakologis. Salah satu terapi non farmakologis yaitu Teknik relaksasi genggam jari atau finger hold dimana merupakan salah satu terapi non farmakologis yaitu relaksasi dengan menggenggam jari. Target utama dari pemberian Pendidikan Kesehatan ini berupa pasien di ruang bedah anyelir RS TK II Pelamonia Makassar terdapat banyak pasien pre op maupun pasien post op, yang tentunya harus dilakukan tindakan maupun edukasi mengenai nyeri pasca operasi dimana pada tahap ini Perawat memiliki peran penting dalam pengelolaan pasien yang menghadapi nyeri pasca operasi. Berdasarkan ini kami melakukan salah satu kegiatan Pendidikan Kesehatan berupa penyuluhan tentang terapi relaksasi genggam jari untuk meredakan nyeri post op. Hasil pelaksanaan tersampaikannya tujuan dari penyuluhan, Tersampaikan materi dengan baik dan sesuai dengan perencanaan, sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa kegiatan ini berhasil dilaksanakan.
Husband's Support for the Childbirth Process: Concept Analysis Wan Sulastri Emin; Yusrah Taqiyah; Waode Sri Asnaniar
An Idea Nursing Journal Vol. 2 No. 02 (2023): August-Desember
Publisher : PT.Mantaya Idea Batara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53690/inj.v2i02.189


It is hoped that the husband's support will make the mother feel calm so that the mother can face the delivery process smoothly. Lack of social support from the husband is a significant determinant of depression in childbirth. The purpose of conducting a conceptual analysis of a husband's help, in the beginning, is to find out how much the benefits or effects of a husband's support during childbirth are. The method used in this concept analysis refers to the technique developed by Walker & Avant using the PubMed and Scopus databases both domestically and abroad. The process of conceptual analysis goes through the stages of choosing a concept, determining goals, identifying the use of the idea, determining attributes, creating a case model, making borderline and contrary cases, identifying antecedents and consequences and determining empirical references. Husband's physical and psychological support, as well as support in undergoing childbirth, has a positive impact in reducing anxiety and labour pain to complications of labour and postpart