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Jurnal Nawala Politika Vol 1 No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Jurnal Nawala Politika

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ABSTRACT This study was conducted to determine how Ngalap Berkah Ritual  affect the ruling elite in finding and maintaining power. Ngalap Berkah Ritual is a ritual performed by kejawen Kemukus Mountains and surrounding communities. Pilgrims perform the ritual on Friday evenings and Friday Pon. Rituals performed in the tomb of Prince Samudro, pilgrims perform the ritual with the aim to seek blessings. This study uses qualitative research with the primary data source, the data obtained from the experts, in this study is the caretaker of the tomb of Prince Samudro. The technique of collecting data through observation, depth interviews and documentation. Then the data were analyzed descriptively qualitative. Using the theory of myth revealed by Barthes and is supported by the theory of Foucault's theory of hegemony and Theory Simotika. This study resulted in the following findings, namely the influence Ngalap Berkah Ritual of the ruling elite in finding and maintaining power. Caretaker searches hegemonic power by using symbols in doing Ngalap Berkah Ritual. Caretaker in control in Ngalap Berkah Ritual  ruling leads to successful candidates. Most perpetrators of rituals that come to Mount Kemukus successful, it can be seen from the celebration of the success of power-seekers who come to Mount Kemukus. Authors analyzed that the influence of hegemony Caretaker Mount Kemukus greatly influences the success of search power of the ruling elite. Keywords : Ritual, Ngalap Berkah Politics, Power
Hegemoni Gaya Hidup Dan Musik Slank Dalam Membangun Loyalitas “Slankers” Shafira, Dara; Bandiyah, Bandiyah; Ali Azhar, Muhammad
Jurnal Nawala Politika Vol 1 No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Jurnal Nawala Politika

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ABSTRACT Slank is a band or musician who has a huge influence on his fans in Indonesia. Not many bands have as much fan base as Slank. The research entitled "Music Hegemony and Slank Lifestyle in Building Slankers' Loyalty" aims to provide an explanation of how the practice of hegemony can occur between Slank and Slankers, so that loyalty is created. This study uses descriptive qualitative research methods with in-depth interviews. The theoretical foundation used in this study is Antonio Gramsci's theory of hegemony and Michel Foucault's theory of discourse power. Based on the analysis of the data obtained the first findings, Slank managed to hegemony the Slankers through music by entering the things they want to convey through the lyrics of Slank songs and hegemony through lifestyle by convincing Slankers that Slank has the same interests as Slankers. Second, Slank has also created a power of discourse by disseminating Slank's ideology so that the Slankers will normatively justify anything that is justified by Slank. Keywords: Hegemony, Discourse Power, Loyalty, Slank
DAYA TAHAN PARTAI GOLKAR PROVINSI BALI (STUDI KEPENGURUSAN GANDA TAHUN 2014-2015) Indrawati, Ni Putu Ayu; Ali Azhar, Muhammad; Bandiyah, Bandiyah
Jurnal Nawala Politika Vol 1 No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Jurnal Nawala Politika

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ABSTRACTU TheP success of Golkar in overcoming multiple management conflicts in 2014-2015 had an impact on the management of the Bali Province. This makes Golkar seen as a strong political party in the institutional system, infrastructure, and internal party mechanisms. This strength is the main attraction of the writer to analyze it with the theory of Talcott Parson Functionalism with the concept of the scheme A-G-I-LP (Adaptation,pGoal Attainment, eIntegration, land pLatency). This study uses a qualitativei descriptiveo approachi. Thep resultsi of thei studyp indicate that Golkar's success in defending itself from the shocks of party internal conflicts stemmed from the Party's strength. According to the theory used the results of the study showi thati first, thei adaptation scheme, used by Golkar as a form of the main force in maintaining existential and determining the direction of the Golkar party in the new political era. Second, the goal attainment scheme shows that Golkar's strength is based on an ideological foundation, intellectual strength, and work-oriented orientation. Butu on thei otherp handi, the strong leadership in the Golkar party plays a very important role as a driver of cadre consolidation in maintaining the existence of the party in the community. Third, Golkar in maintaining party resistance also prioritizes the consistency of cadres in framing a good party platform as its Integrity. And fourth, Golkar in identifying itself as an open, moderate and democratic party, so in the framework of safeguarding this, the Golkar Party continues to maintain the Pancasila ideology as the latency that underlies each of its actions and maintains its old brand, which is Golkar. Keyword: Golkar, Scheme (A-G-I-L) Golkar Party and Double Management.
Perilaku Memilih Masyarakat Kelurahan Kendran pada Pilkada Kabupaten Buleleng Tahun 2017 (Studi Analisa Kekalahan PasanganxDewaxNyomanxSukrawan & I GedexDharmaxWijaya) Raka Wibawa, I Gusti Bagus Agung; Ali Azhar, Muhammad; Bandiyah, Bandiyah
Jurnal Nawala Politika Vol 1 No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Jurnal Nawala Politika

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ABSTRACT Dewa Nyoman Sukrawan and I Gede Dharma Wijaya failed to win the Buleleng Local Election in 2017. They didn’t gain enough voters to defeat Putu Agus Suradnyana and I Nyoman Sutjidra, including in the Kendran Village which was the origin area of Dewa Nyoman Sukrawan and I Gede Dharma Wijaya. As the theoretical basis, this research uses votting behavior theory. This researchalso used the descriptive qualitative method. Data found in the field show that votting behavior in Kendran Village in Buleleng Local Election in 2017 is influenced by several voting behavior approaches. First, the sociological approach, the behavior of choosing the community is influenced by ethnic, religious, social class, and area of origin. Second, the psychological approach, the behavior of choosing the community is influenced by ties to candidates and ties to political parties. Third, the rational choice approach, where the behavior of choosing people is influenced by identification based on consideration of profit and loss. Based on these findings, it was concluded that the psychological approach and the rational choice approach were the dominant factor of kendran’s votting behavior. Keywords : Votting Behavioral, Kendran’s Society, Candidate, Buleleng Local Election 2017
Jurnal Nawala Politika Vol 1 No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Jurnal Nawala Politika

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ABSTRACT Bondres artist I Kadek Arimbawa took the opportunity to become a member of the 2014 DPD RI through the media of Bondres, which is a mask performing art featuring funny characters who gave message, ethics, morals and information. This study discusses Bondres artists who have the popularity of art until their choice to become members of the 2014 DPD RI. The theory in this study is the theory of political communication and discourse analysis theory in which I Kadek Arimbawa's message to the public when ngayah activities with the Bali Art Foundation with performing arts media Bondres and its effect are the electability as a member of the 2014 DPD RI. Then in the discourse analysis the language used is a language that is able to influence the public in communication and I Kadek Arimbawa as a communicator can control the community through the discourse in ngayah I Kadek Arimbawa. The research method used is a descriptive qualitative design method and provides an overview of political communication with Bondres performing arts media and analyzed by collecting data, reducing, presented and drawing conclusions. The results of this study indicate: First, political communication I Kadek Arimbawa uses Bondres media with its social activities namely ngayah in pakraman village in Bali and successfully selected to be a member of the DPD RI. Second, the political communication of I Kadek Arimbawa as an Bondres artist, which takes place during penyanggra or before the Bondres performance and evaluation of the buffer during the performance. Through political communication and direct social interaction with the community, people sympathize to elect I Kadek Arimbawa in the 2014 Legislative Election. Keywords: Bondres, I Kadek Arimbawa, Political Communication, DPD RI
Analisis Wacana Kebijakan Maritim: Studi Kasus Nelayan Pantai Kedonganan Kabupaten Badung Provinsi Bali Diwyo, Adwitya Aksomo; Noak, Piers Andreas; Ali Azhar, Muhammad
Jurnal Nawala Politika Vol 1 No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Jurnal Nawala Politika

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ABSTRACT Maritime sector policy runs into a tidal condition until President Joko Widodo attempted to exploit one of the power sources of Indonesia through maritime policy discourse, aiming Indonesia as the world's maritime axis. Factually, the implementation of maritime policy discourse encounter obstacles and seems going nowhere caused by the focus of government in national infrastructure development and facing unoptimized condition. This research using Foucault's discourse analysis. Data found that the media contributes to deploy the maritime policy discourse and the realization of maritime policies to Kedonganan fishermen yet unoptimized as discovered that the policies been less prosperous in generally. Those policies formed into sailing operational aid and fishermen insurance facing an unoptimized target. Based on those results, the conclusions drawn into the actualization of maritime policies particularly for coastal fishermen tend to be less effective in a regulation side and less prosperous for the Kedonganan fishermen in general because of an unoptimized target. Keywords: Discourse, Maritime Policy, Media, Kedonganan Fishermen.
GERAKAN SOSIAL FORBALI DALAM MENGHENTIKAN REKLAMASI TELUK BENOA TAHUN 2014-2018 Lestari, Tatik Dwi; Ali Azhar, Muhammad; Jayanthi Mertha, A.A. Sagung Mirah Mahaswari
Jurnal Nawala Politika Vol 1 No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Jurnal Nawala Politika

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ABSTRACT Reclamation of Benoa Bay is a serious problem faced by the Balinese people. ForBALI has succeeded in becoming a large organization in which there are customs, artists, young people and environmental activists. The method used in this study is a qualitative descriptive research method. In this study the theory used is the Theory of New Social Movements and Resource Mobilization Theory. The successful mobilization of resources for the social movement carried out for years by ForBALI was finally able to stop the reclamation plan of Benoa Bay. The social movement carried out by ForBALI runs dynamically and is not standard as long as it fits the agreed strategy. ForBALI Strategy uses collective agreement and needs for the situation. A consistent movement for approximately four years and the role of the actors who are members of ForBALI are the key to the social movement carried out by ForBALI. Keywords: Reclamation, New Social Movement, Resource Mobilization
Jurnal Nawala Politika Vol 1 No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Jurnal Nawala Politika

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ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship that occurs between Baladika Bali with Giri Prasta as a candidate for the head of Badung area 2015. The study used qualitative methodology with qualitative descriptive. Primary data were collected by purposive sampling interview technique, and secondary data were obtained from news articles and other matters related to the research. This study uses the theory of power relations proposed by Foucault. The findings obtained in this study are most of the victory of Giri Prasta due to the relationship that occurred between Giri Prasta Baladika Bali organization. Many advantages obtained Baladika Bali, the first Gus Bota who get a position in the PDIP party as deputy chairman of DPC Badung. Both brothers from Gus Bota, Gus Ari get the position as chairman of the PDI-P wing organization. Keywords:Relation, Community Organization, Prospective Head of Region
E-Monev Dalam Bingkai Reformasi Birokrasi Ali Azhar, Muhammad
JUSS (Jurnal Sosial Soedirman) Vol 2 No 2 (2018): LOCAL AUTONOMY AND COMMUNITY EMPOWERMENT
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial and Ilmu Politik Universitas Jenderal Soedirman

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (362.441 KB) | DOI: 10.20884/juss.v2i2.1452


Rumit dan berbelit-belit, lamban, mahal, dan melelahkan. Itulah kesan pertama yang terungkap ketika menyaksikan sistem pelaporan keuangan yang dilakukan oleh organisasi pemerintahan daerah (OPD) di Kabupaten Karangasem. Dari yang seharusnya dilakukan satu hari bisa dilakukan menjadi berhari-hari bahkan berbulan-bulan. Untuk memperlancar proses pelaporan/pemantauan tersebut, maka dilakukan upaya Reformasi Birokrasi (RB) dengan mengembangkan sistem dan aplikasi berbasis online yang disebut dengan e-Monev. Tujuan dari penelitian ini pertama, ingin melihat apakah pelaksanaan e-monev keuangan Kabupaten Karangasem provinsi Bali sesuai dengan semangat Reformasi Birokrasi (RB) Kedua, sejauhmana pelaksanaan e-monev keuangan Kabupaten Karangasem memberi dampak positif pada reformasi birokrasi pada setiap OPD Kabupaten Karangasem. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data wawancara terstruktur yang dilakukan dengan beberapa key informan dari sejumlah OPD Kabupaten Karangasem serta menggunakan pengamatan dokumen dan observasi data di lapangan. Temuan penelitian menyatakan, bahwa e-monev keuangan Karangasem memberikan perubahan yang sangat signifikan terhadap kinerja birokrasi. E-monev memberikan kemudahkan bagi Pemerintah Kabupaten (Baplitbangda) untuk mengendalikan program dan kegiatan baik fisik maupun keuangan. E-monev mempermudah untuk memantau pelaksanaan program dan kegiatan pembangunan. Dari yang dulu dilakukan secara manual dengan e-monev menjadi lebih cepat dilaksanakan dan hasilnya bisa kelihatan langsung secara real time.
Jurnal Nawala Politika Vol 1 No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Jurnal Nawala Politika

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ABSTRACT This study aims to determine the recruitment patterns of the three parties in the city of Denpasar who participated in the 2019 elections, namely PSI, PDIP and NasDem using the rational theory of Barbara Geddes: partisanship, meritocratic, survival and compartmentalization. The three parties also have differences in determining the recruitment of legislative candidates for the Denpasar City DPRD. This study uses qualitative methods with comparative characteristics, theory of Barbara Geddes, is that PDIP Recruitment is more directed towards partisanship, The NasDem Party leads to meritocratic, while PSI leads to survival, the goal is that cadres or legislative candidates from PSI are completely new or ways think it is not contaminated with the previous party. Keywords: political parties, recruitment, candidates
Co-Authors Aditya, I Gede Restu Ahmad Al Amin, Ahmad Al Alit Astikayana, Ida Bagus Aprigiyana, I Komang Ari Brahmanta, Ida Bagus Ananta Arimurti, Ursula Bandiah Bandiah, Bandiah Bandiyah -, Bandiyah Bandiyah Bandiyah Bawa Partika, Kadek Alit Dwi Bryan Anderson, Bryan Cadek Teguh Aryawangsa, Cadek Teguh Christiano Singarimbun, Hagai Zefanya Dana Prawira, Komang Bagus Diwyo, Adwitya Aksomo Efatha Filomeno Borromeu Duarte, Efatha Filomeno Borromeu Eggy Segel, I Kadek Gede Indra Pramana Geraldine, Abraham Guna Wintara, I Gusti Ngurah Hamidah, Siti Basrah Hermanus, Rainhard Rolando Hestixia, Retfi I Gst. Pt. Bagus Suka Arjawa I Ketut Putra Erawan I.A Gede Indrialistika Dewi, I.A Gede Indrialistika Idha Ratnawati, Nency Puput Indah Ambar Sari, Indah Ambar Indrawati, Ni Putu Ayu Indriani, Ida Ayu Diah Jaya Prawira, I Nyoman Adi Jayanthi Mertha, Anak Agung Sagung Mirah Mahaswari Kadek Dwita Apriani Kharisma, Sonia Lestari, Tatik Dwi Lingga, Andreas Robin Mamoh, Theo Philips J G D K Mastini, Komang Nazrina Zuryani Ning, Raqhuel Dominique Novita Antari, Ni Kadek Pangesti, Ajeng Widjaya Piers Andreas Noak Pradhananta, Ilham Azhimi Prasetyo, Dhony Eko Prasta Bisana, Gusti Agung Putu Mahendra, Ida Bagus Radha, Ni Putu Whraspati Rai Dwipayana, I Gusti Ngurah Raka Wibawa, I Gusti Bagus Agung Ramadhan, Mhd Fhitra Rhayi Permata Juang, Rhayi Permata Romambo Plaituka, Irene Ria Shafira, Dara Sibagariang, Dede Sirait, Maydi Zefanya Supriyanti, Ni Made Inten Suryadana, Putu Tania Harefa, Nia Rinda Tedi Erviantono Tedi Irviantono Tri Lazuardi, I Nyoman Fizal Wahyuni, Ni Made Asri Yatim, Muhammad Nurul Yerianto Tarima, Yerianto Yulima Permatasari Suwardi, Yulima Permatasari Zacharias, Andrew Ermico