Wildhan Ichzha Maulana
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

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“Osob Kiwalan Ngalaman”: Mengulik penggunaan bahasa slang sebagai identitas lokal masyarakat Malang, Jawa Timur Wildhan Ichzha Maulana; Farida Dwitya Aninda; Sudrajat Sudrajat; Amirul Syafiq
LITERA Vol 22, No 1: LITERA (MARCH 2023)
Publisher : Faculty of Languages, Arts, and Culture Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/ltr.v22i1.56310


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sisi historis, pemetaan, serta penetapan osob kiwalan ngalaman sebagai identitas lokal masyarakat Malang. Adapun metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif deskriptif dengan model etnolinguistik. Mengenai pengumpulan data seputar osob kiwalan ngalaman dilakukan dengan menyimak dan mencatat percakapan sehari-hari antar anggota masyarakat Malang, menggali berbagai contoh dialog percakapan pada platform digital online, serta berbagai literatur yang relevan dengan topik penelitian. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa (1) osob kiwalan ngalaman awalnya merupakan strategi kode sandi yang dicetuskan tokoh GRK Suyudi Raharno saat terjadi agresi militer Belanda I II di Malang. (2) Terdapat 8 pemetaan osob kiwalan ngalaman meliputi pembalikan fonem langsung, pembalikan fonem yang disertai pelepasan, pembalikan fonem tanpa disertai perubahan posisi dua konsonan bergandengan, pembalikan yang disertai penambahan fonem, pembalikan fonem disertai modifikasi purposif, pembalikan fonem disertai perubahan bunyi, pemendekan kata, serta adopsi kata asing. (3) Slang osob kiwalan ngalaman menjadi identitas lokal masyarakat Malang yang ditandai dengan penggunaannya sebagai identitas diri, bahasa dalam media massa, serta simbol pemersatu masyarakat.Kata kunci: Osob Kiwalan Ngalaman, slang, identitas lokal, Malang “Osob Kiwalan Ngalaman”: Unraveling the use of slang as the local identityof the Malang community, East Java AbstractThis research study aims to determine the historical side, mapping, and determination of osob kiwalan ngalaman as the local identity of the people of Malang. The research method used is descriptive qualitative with an ethnolinguistic model. Data collection around osob kiwalan ngalaman was carried out by listening to and recording daily conversations between members of the Malang community, exploring various examples of conversational dialogue on online digital platforms, as well as various literature relevant to the research topic. While the results of this study indicate that (1) experienced person initially was a coding strategy initiated by GRK figure Suyudi Raharno during the Dutch military aggression I II in Malang. (2) There are 8 mappings osob kiwalan ngalaman including direct phoneme reversal, phoneme reversal accompanied by release, phoneme reversal without a change in the position of two consonant pairs, reversal accompanied by the addition of a phoneme, phoneme reversal accompanied by purposive modification, phoneme reversal accompanied by sound changes, shortening of words, and adoption of foreign words. (3) Slang osob kiwalan ngalaman become the local identity of the people of Malang which is marked by its use as self-identity, language in the mass media, as well as a unifying symbol of society.Keywords: Osob Kiwalan Ngalaman, slang, local identity, Malang
Polemik Salakanagara: Meninjau Kebenaran Bukti Historis Salakanagara dalam Pentas Sejarah Kuno di Indonesia Wildhan Ichzha Maulana
Diakronika Vol 23 No 1 (2023): DIAKRONIKA
Publisher : FIS Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/diakronika/vol23-iss1/334


This study aims to analyze historical evidence and the views of the Banten people towards the existence of the Salakanagara Hindu kingdom. The research method used is a historical method covering 4 stages, namely heuristics, verification, interpretation, and historiography which is supported by a correspondence theory framework to explore the historical truth of Salakanagara based on the support of objective facts in the form of written sources and archaeological remains. The results of this study indicate that (1) the historical facts of Salakanagara are not supported by strong primary historical sources such as findings of inscriptions, archaeological remains, literary works, and contemporary foreign chronicles. (2) The historical facts of the new Salakanagara are based on the Wangsakerta manuscript whose validity is still widely doubted, then myths and legends, in which the three incidentally are secondary historical sources. (3) The majority of Bantenese people believe that Salakanagara was once founded, but this view arises from attribution to historical sources which are less valid and relevant. Therefore, Salakanagara's studies are still limited to historical hypotheses, because they are only supported by the truth from secondary historical sources. However, it also does not rule out the possibility that stronger primary historical sources are found in its development so that the historical facts of Salakanagara can be legally recognized.
Mengulik Tradisi Tegal Deso Di Dusun Sukci Sebagai Simbol Perayaan Berdirinya Kabupaten Pasuruan Wildhan Ichzha Maulana; Farida Dwitya Aninda; Sudrajat Sudrajat
Jurnal Antropologi: Isu-Isu Sosial Budaya Vol 25, No 1 (2023): (June)
Publisher : Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/jantro.v25.n1.p57-66.2023


Tradition Tegal Deso is carried out every year on September 18 as well as a commemoration of the birth of Pasuruan Regency which is attended by all local people, coconut villages and their tools, humanists, spiritualists, and academics. The purpose of this research study is to find out the objectives, procedures for implementation, functions, and developments along with their setting as a symbol of the celebration of the founding of Pasuruan Regency. This study uses a qualitative approach and an ethnographic model supported by Niels Mulder's theory of the moral basis of Javanese society, while data analysis uses a triangulation pattern. The results of this study indicate that (1) the Tegal Deso in Dusun Sukci is a representation of the community's expression of gratitude. (2) The implementation of this tradition lasts for 3 days. (3) This tradition includes religious, socio-cultural, economic, and educational functions. (4) This tradition has developed, especially regarding the implementation time which is always undergoing adjustments, up to the most recent through Regional Regulation No. 8 of 2007 stipulated that September 18 is the time for the implementation of the Tegal Deso as well as a historical commemoration of the birth of Pasuruan Regency.