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PENGENALAN INTERNET SEHAT PADA SMAN I TIGAPANAH, KABUPATEN KARO, SUMATERA UTARA Fati Gratianus Nafiri Larosa; Humuntal Rumapea; Indra M. Sarkis S.; Yolanda Yulianti Pratiwi Rumapea; Edward Rajagukguk; Darwis Robinson Manalu; Doli Hasibuan; Jhoni Maslan; Surianto Sitepu; Arina Prima Silalahi; Posma Lumbanraja; Nettina Samosir; Gresa Simarmata; Putra Palipi
Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat METHABDI Vol 1 No 1 (2021): Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat METHABDI
Publisher : Universitas Methodist Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (561.92 KB) | DOI: 10.46880/methabdi.Vol1No1.pp41-44


A healthy Internet is one of the basic needs of the use of digital technology in various fields, especially in the world of education. Since SMAN I is one of the service partners and is also very close to the center of agriculture and tourism, Community is carried out by the Information System Study Program, Universitas Methodist Indonesia as a form of implementing the Tri Dharma of Higher Education. Its purpose and benefits are to share and contribute ideas and transfer knowledge and technology. This service activity was carried out for a day, with the material including explanations about Internet Sehat (Healthy Internet) and Internet Cakap. This topic is very much needed in the education community to be able to use the internet intelligently, creatively, and productively.
PENGABDIAN KEPADA MASYARAKAT MEMBANGUN MOTIVASI DAN KREATIVITAS BERBISNIS DI DESA LUMBAN PEA TIMUR KABUPATEN TOBA Anton Atno Parluhutan Sinaga; Robinhot Gultom; Sondang N. B. Marbun; Elperida J. Sinurat; Kristanty M. N. Nadapdap; Benget Rumahorbo; Nettina Samosir; Henri Saragih; Samuel V. B. H. Manurung; Maludin Panjaitan; Sahat P. Remus Silalahi; Toman Panggabean
Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat METHABDI Vol 2 No 1 (2022): Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat METHABDI
Publisher : Universitas Methodist Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (809.406 KB) | DOI: 10.46880/methabdi.Vol2No1.pp64-69


Community Service aims to provide motivation and creativity and do business in Lumban Pea Timur Village, Toba Regency. In this case, the method used is the lecture, discussion, and question and answer method. Through this, many inputs were obtained, regarding the motives of the business being carried out, whether the business or business being carried out was the first attempt to be carried out, whether it had failed in carrying out the business and had been given training to open the business. Finally, through a question and answer session that the community is willing to do business, the motivation is high, but it is necessary to provide training to the community and assistance as well as working capital assistance to the local community.
Majalah Ilmiah METHODA Vol. 13 No. 1 (2023): Majalah Ilmiah METHODA
Publisher : Universitas Methodist Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46880/methoda.Vol13No1.pp22-26


This study aims to find out about the attitude of the Methodist Church in involving children to receive the elements of the communion. The Holy Communion is one of the two sacraments recognized by Protestant Christian churches. This Holy Communion is a direct command from the Lord Jesus to be carried out by His churches on this earth. This can be seen from the words of Jesus who stated "Do this in remembrance of me". According to John Wesley, communion is a suggestion of grace that God has given to every human being. That gift was given by God to everyone by God's will, everyone can receive it because that gift is God's love for humans through Jesus Christ who sacrificed himself as a way of salvation for mankind. According to John Wesley communion is a universal means of grace, therefore children may participate in the communion.
PENYULUHAN TEKNOLOGI INFORMASI DAN KOMUNIKASI BAGI SISWA-SISWI PADA SMA GKPI PADANG BULAN MEDAN Fati Gratianus Nafiri Larosa; Humuntal Rumapea; Darwis Robinson Manalu; Jhoni Maslan; Sri Agustina Rumapea; Indra M. Sarkis; Doli Hasibuan; Yolanda Y. P. Rumapea; Edward Rajagukguk; Asaziduhu Gea; Arina Prima Silalahi; Nettina Samosir; Mendarissan Aritonang; Posma Lumbanraja; Mufria J. Purba
Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat METHABDI Vol 3 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat METHABDI
Publisher : Universitas Methodist Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46880/methabdi.Vol3No1.pp66-70


Information technology plays a very important role in the world of education, especially when blended learning is carried out, where there is a combination of face-to-face and virtual meetings. In addition, Blended Learning is a part or element of social interaction that grows and develops among students. Face-to-face meetings prioritize direct interaction both gestures or body language, voice intonation and eye gaze. There is strong information technology support that bridges interpersonal interactions, so this also influences the interactions between teachers/educators and students. Practical, eye-catching and easy to carry around, making Laptops or Smartphones a very popular Information and Communication Technology product, Blended Learning is no exception. The applications used are also very easy to install and some are even free, for example Kahoot!, Quizizz, Padlet and Canva.
Dialog Lintas Agama dan Kunjungan Lapangan Sebagai Upaya Menjalin Relasi dan Membangun Toleransi Apriani Magdalena Sibarani; Antoni Manurung; Nettina Samosir
Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Nusantara Vol. 4 No. 4 (2023): Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Nusantara (JPkMN)
Publisher : Sistem Informasi dan Teknologi (Sisfokomtek)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Berkenaan dengan ini, dialog antar agama menjadi penting supaya orang-orang yang berasal dari beragam latar belakang agama atau kepercayaan dapat hidup bersama dalam semangat persatuan dan juga perdamaian. Dalam uraiannya, Hans Kung pernah menegaskan,” tidak ada perdamaian diantara bangsa-bangsa tanpa perdamaian antar agama-agama.